硕士报考志愿采集    更新日期:2021年11月12日
姓 名 祖雅菲 性 别
出生年月 1990年6月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 管理学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师
行政职务 Email yafeizu [AT] 126 [DOT] com
工作单位 经济管理学院 邮政编码
个人主页 https://sem.njust.edu.cn/40/83/c13365a213123/page.htm
学科专业(主) 1202|工商管理 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 经济管理学院











担任Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Engineering and Management Journal、Chinese Management Studies、Environmental Science and Pollution Research等SSCI/SCI期刊的匿名审稿人








[1]Yafei Zu*. Inter-organizational contract control of advertising strategies in the supply chain. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2021, forthcoming. (SCI/SSCI)

[2]Yafei Zu*, Deqiang Deng, Lianghua Chen. Optimal control of carbon emission reduction strategies in supply chain with wholesale price and consignment contract. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, forthcoming. (SCI/SSCI)

[3]Yinfei Xu, Yafei Zu*, Hui Zhang*. Optimal inter-organization control of collaborative advertising with myopic and far-Sighted behaviors. Entropy, 2021, 23(9): 1144. (SCI)

[4]Yafei Zu*, Xiangfei Zeng. Research on energy efficiency improvement in a supply chain with discontinuous market demand. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(13): 15537-15551. (SCI/SSCI)

[5]Yafei Zu*, Lianghua Chen, Shuai He. Inter-organizational control of low-carbon production in a supply chain. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 170322-170332. (SCI)

[6]Yafei Zu*, Lianghua Chen*, Yi Fan. Research on low-carbon strategies in supply chain with environmental regulations based on differential game. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 177:527-546. (SCI/SSCI)

[7]Yafei Zu*, Lianghua Chen. Myopic versus far-sighted behaviors in dynamic supply chain coordination through advertising with reference price effect. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017, 9759561. (SCI/SSCI)

[8]陈良华, 迟颖颖, 祖雅菲. 供应链成本分配动态稳定性研究. 会计研究, 2020(04): 25-36. (CSSCI)

[9]吴凡, 陈良华, 祖雅菲. 内部资本市场对企业现金持有与研发投入持续性的影响——基于集团下科技企业样本的经验证据. 中国软科学, 2019(07): 111-124. (CSSCI)

[10]曾祥飞, 陈良华, 祖雅菲. 管理会计能力观下我国企业预算管理的业绩效应研究——来自长三角地区高科技企业的问卷调查. 会计研究, 2019(02): 79-86. (CSSCI)

[11]曾祥飞, 陈良华, 祖雅菲. 生命周期视角下管理会计正式控制与非正式控制的匹配关系研究——来自沪深上市公司的经验证据. 南开管理评论, 2018(5): 105-116. (CSSCI)

[12]陈良华, 祖雅菲, 韩静. 供应链成本分配的权变结构研究. 会计研究, 2016(10): 50-55. (CSSCI)

[13]祖雅菲, 陈良华, 韩静. 行业差异下高管团队特征对企业绩效影响关系研究——基于HLM模型的实证研究. 学海, 2016(5): 150-157. (CSSCI)


[1]Ruidi Shang*, Zhichao Wang, Yafei Zu. Manager narcissism, hometown ties and target level. American Accounting Association (AAA) 2019 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting.

[2]Yafei Zu, Lianghua Chen*, Xiangfei Zeng. Research on dynamic supply chain coordination through advertising with reference price effect. IEEE 2019 5th International Conference on Information Management. (EI)

[3]Yafei Zu*, Lianghua Chen. Analysis of coopetition mechanism in heterogeneous supply chain alliance based on Lotka-Volterra model. IEEE 2017 3rd International Conference on Information Management. (EI)

