硕士报考志愿采集    更新日期:2023年3月31日
姓 名 姚哲毅 性 别
出生年月 1990年4月 籍贯 河南巩义市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位
技术职称 讲师 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师
行政职务 Email zheyi@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 电光学院光电技术系 邮政编码 210094
通讯地址 江苏省南京市玄武区孝陵卫200号南京理工大学
单位电话 19848382516
学科专业(主) 0803|光学工程 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 电子工程与光电技术学院

2020.12.18-至今 南京理工大学 讲师


2010.09-2014.06 南京理工大学 电子科学与技术 工学学士

2014.09-2017.04 南京理工大学 光学工程 工学硕士

2017.05-2020.12 美国罗德岛大学 电子工程 哲学博士


(1) Yao, Zheyi, Thomas Mauldin, Zhenyu Xu, Gerald Hefferman and Tao Wei. “Breaking limitations of fiber identification in traditional OFDR systems via compensation of initial optical frequency instability.” Optics letters 45 21 (2020): 6086-6089 .

(2) Zheyi, Yao; Thomas, Mauldin; Zhenyu, Xu; Gerald, Hefferman; Tao, Wei ; An integrated OFDR system using combined swept-laser linearization and phase error compensation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70(7): 0-7000208 

(3) Zheyi, Yao; Zhenyu, Xu; Thomas, Mauldin; Gerald, Hefferman; Tao, Wei ; A Reconfigurable Architecture for Continuous Double-Sided Swept-Laser Linearization, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2020, 38(18): 5170-5176

(4) Zheyi, Yao; Thomas, Mauldin; Gerald, Hefferman; Zheyu, Xu; Ming, Liu; Tao, Wei ; Low-cost optical fiber physical unclonable function reader based on a digitally integrated semiconductor LiDAR, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(23): 0-6211

(5) Zheyi, Yao; Thomas, Mauldin; Gerald, Hefferman; Tao, Wei ; Digitally Integrated Self-Trained Predistortion Curve Finder for Passive Sweep Linearization of Semiconductor Lasers, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019, 25(6): 1-5 

(6) Hua, Yu; Zheyi, Yao; Xiubao, Sui; Guohua, Gu; and Qian, Chen. “Focusing through disturbed multimode optical fiber based on self-adaptive genetic algorithm.” Optik (2022): n. pag.

(7) Xu, Zhenyu; Thomas Mauldin; Zheyi Yao; Shuyi Pei; Tao Wei; and Qing Yang. “A Bus Authentication and Anti-Probing Architecture Extending Hardware Trusted Computing Base Off CPU Chips and Beyond.” 2020 ACM/IEEE 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) (2020): 749-761.

(8) Zhang, Chuncheng, Zheyi Yao, Zhengyu Qin, Guohua Gu, Qian Chen, Zhihua Xie, Guodon Liu and Xiubao Sui. “Fast optical refocusing through multimode fiber bend using Cake-Cutting Hadamard encoding algorithm to improve robustness.” (2022).

(9) Yao, Zheyi, Zhewen Yuan, Guohua Gu, Qian Chen and Xiubao Sui. “A Universal Phase Error Analysis for Optical Frequency Tuning Lasers Utilized in Fiber Sensing with OFDR.” Photonics (2022): n. pag.

(10) Yao, Zheyi, Thomas Mauldin, Zhenyu Xu, Gerald Hefferman and Tao Wei. “Compact multifunction digital OFDR system without using an auxiliary interferometer.” Applied optics 60 25 (2021): 7523-7529 .

(11) Zhu, Chen, Hongkun Zheng, Lingmei Ma, Zheyi Yao, Bo Liu, Jie Huang and Yunjiang Rao. “Advances in Fiber-Optic Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric Physical and Mechanical Sensors: A Review.” IEEE Sensors Journal (2023): n. pag.




