硕士报考志愿采集    更新日期:2024年2月25日
姓 名 高冠宇 性 别
出生年月 1985年10月 籍贯
民 族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师
行政职务 Email gygao@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 计算机科学与技术学院 邮政编码
学科专业(主) 0812|计算机科学与技术 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 计算机科学与工程学院
2019.09- 南京理工大学 教授
2018.01-2019.08 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后研究员
2015.11-2016.05 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 访问学者
2013.08-2018.01 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士
2009.09-2012.07 中国科学技术大学 硕士
2005.09-2009.07 电子科技大学 学士
2016 IEEE INFOCOM Workshops最佳论文奖
2018 IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee最佳论文奖


IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IEEE TNSE) Associate Editor (AE)
IEEE MMTC Communications–Frontiers Co-Director
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021 Area Chair


[J1] L. Zhang (研究生), G.Y. Gao*, H. Zhang, "Spatial-Temporal Federated Learning for Lifelong Person Re-identification on Distributed Edges", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2024. 
[J2] G.Y. Gao, Y.Q. Dong (研究生), R. Wang, X. Zhou, Z.S. Yan, "EdgeVision: Towards Collaborative Video Analytics on Distributed Edges for Performance Maximization", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2024. 
[J3] R. Wang, T.L. Xu, H. Xu, G.Y. Gao*, Y. Zhang, K. Zhu, "Robust Multi-Objective Load Dispatch in Microgrid involving Unstable Renewable Generation", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023.
[J4] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, D.C. Tao, "Distributed Energy Trading and Scheduling among Microgrids via Multiagent Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2023.
[J5] G.Y. Gao, C.R. Song, A. Bandara, M. Shen, F. Yang, W. Posdorfer, D.C. Tao, Y.G. Wen, FogChain: a Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Solar Power Trading System Powered by Fog AI,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoTJ). 2022.
[J6] J. Li, W. Zhang, G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, G.Y. Jin, G. Christopoulos, “Towards Intelligent Multi-Zone Thermal Control with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Internet Things Journal (IEEE IoTJ). 8(14): 11150-11162 (2021).
[J7] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, "Video Transcoding for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming over Edge-Cloud Continuum", Digital Communications and Networks, 2021.
[J8] H.Z. Zhang, L.S. Dong, G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, K.C. Guan, “DeepQoE: A Novel Representation Learning Framework for Predicting Video QoE,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM). 22(12): 3210-3223 (2020).
[J9] G.Y. Gao, J. Li, Y.G. Wen, “DeepComfort: Energy-Efficient Thermal Comfort Control in Buildings via Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoTJ). 7(9): 8472-8484 (2020).
[J10] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, C. Westphal, “Dynamic Priority-based Resource Provi- sioning for Video Transcoding with Heterogeneous QoS,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT). 29(5): 1515-1529 (2019).
[J11] X.H. Wu, F.D. Pellegrini, G.Y. Gao, Giuliano Casale, “A Framework for Allocating Server Time to Spot and On-demand Services in Cloud Computing,”, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ACM TOMPECS). 4(4): 20:1-20:31 (2019).
[J12] G.Y. Gao, H.Z. Zhang, H. Hu, Y.G. Wen and J.F. Cai, “Optimizing Quality of Experience for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming via Viewer Interest Inference,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) 20(12): 3399-3413 (2018).
[J13] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, J.F. Cai, “vCache: Supporting Cost-Efficient Adaptive Bitrate Streaming,” IEEE Multimedia, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 19-27, 2017.
[J14] G.Y. Gao, H. Hu, Y.G. Wen, C. Westphal, “Resource Provisioning and Profit Maximization for Transcoding in Clouds: A Two-Timescale Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 836-848, 2017.
[J15] G.Y. Gao, W.W. Zhang, Y.G. Wen, Z. Wang, W.W. Zhu, “Towards Cost-Efficient Video Transcoding in Media Cloud: Insights Learned from User Viewing Patterns,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1286-1296, 2015.
[C1] H.Y. Chen, P.Y. Sun, Q.Y. Song, W.Y. Wang, W.W. Wu, W.C. Zhang, G.Y. Gao, Y. Lyu, "i-Rebalance Personalized Vehicle Repositioning for Supply Demand Balance", AAAI' 24.
[C2] S.G. Zhang, Z. Wang, G.Y. Gao, J. Li, J. Zhang, Z.Y. Yin, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for UAV-Assisted Spectrum Sharing Under Partial Observability", IEEE VTC' 23.
[C3] K.K. Li (研究生), G.Y. Gao*, Z. Wang, X.H. Wu, "Edge-Assisted Joint Rate Adaptation and Quality Enhancement for 360-Degree Video Streaming", IEEE MMSP' 23.
[C4] L. Zhang (研究生), G.Y. Gao*, H. Zhang, "Towards Data-efficient Continuous Learning for Edge Video Analytics via Smart Caching", CML-IOT@ACM SenSys' 22. 
[C5] X.Z. Wang (研究生), G.Y. Gao*, X.H. Wu, Y. Lyu, W.W. Wu, "Dynamic DNN Model Selection and Inference Offloading for Video Analytics with Edge-Cloud Collaboration", ACM NOSSDAV' 22. 
[C6] X.Z. Wang (研究生), G.Y. Gao*, “SmartEye: An Open Source Framework for Real-Time Video Analytics with Edge-Cloud Collaboration,” ACM MM’21.
[C7] Y.Z. Yao, X.S. Hua, G.Y. Gao, Z.R. Sun, Z.B. Li, J. Zhang, “Bridging the Web Data and Fine-Grained Visual Recognition via Alleviating Label Noise and Domain Mismatch,” ACM MM’20.
[C8] G.Y. Gao, L.S. Dong, H.Z. Zhang, Y.G. Wen, W.J. Zeng, “Content-Aware Person- alised Rate Adaptation for Adaptive Streaming via Deep Video Analysis,” IEEE ICC’19.
[C9] H.Z. Zhang, H. Hu, G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen and K. Guan, “DeepQoE: A Unified Framework for Learning to Predict Video QoE,” IEEE ICME’18. [IEEE MMTC 2018 Best Conference Paper Award]
[C10] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen and H. Hu,  “QDLCoding: QoS-Differentiated Low-Cost Video Encoding Scheme for Online Video Service,” IEEE INFOCOM’17. [Travel Grant Award]
[C11] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen and C. Westphal, “Dynamic Resource Provisioning with QoS Guarantee for Video Transcoding in Online Video Sharing Services,” ACM MM’16. [Travel Grant Award]
[C12] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, “Morph: A Fast and Scalable Cloud Transcoding System,” ACM MM’16.
[C13] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen and C. Westphal, “Resource Provisioning and Profit Maximization for Transcoding in Information Centric Networking,” IEEE INFOCOM WORKSHOPS’16. [Best Paper Award]
[C14] G.Y. Gao, Y.G. Wen, W.W. Zhang and H. Hu, “Cost-Efficient and QoS-aware Content Management in Media Cloud: Implementation and Evaluation,” IEEE ICC’15.
[C15] G.Y. Gao, W.W. Zhang, Y.G. Wen, Z. Wang, W.W. Zhu and Y.P. Tan, “Cost-Optimal Video Transcoding in Media Cloud: Insights from User Viewing Pattern,” IEEE ICME’14.


1. 张磊,高冠宇,基于主动连续学习的边缘视频分析方法,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1300774.7

2. 高冠宇,王学智,一种基于边云协同的实时视频分析与处理方法,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0229980.7



ActVideo: Active Continuous Learning for Video Analytics
SmartEye: An Open Source Framework for Real-Time Video Analytics with Edge-Cloud Collaboration
Morph: A Fast and Scalable Cloud Transcoding System





2022年秋季 《操作系统》

2022年秋季 《大学计算机》

