硕士报考志愿采集    更新日期:2023年5月3日
姓 名 肖枫 性 别
出生年月 1988年7月 籍贯
民 族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 哲学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师
行政职务 Email xiaofeng@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 土木工程系 邮政编码 210094
通讯地址 江苏省南京市孝陵卫街200号
个人主页 https://teacher.njust.edu.cn/lxy/xf/list.htm
学科专业(主) 0814|土木工程 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 物理学院







担任国际期刊《International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks》客座主编,以及《Engineering Structures》、《Structural Health Monitoring》等8个SCI期刊审稿人。


[1] Xiao, F., Hulsey, J. L., Balasubramanian, R., (2017), Fiber Optic Health Monitoring and Temperature Behavior of Bridge in Cold Region, Structural Control and Health Monitoring.


[2] Xiao, F., Chen, G. S., Hulsey, J. L. (2017), Monitoring Bridge Dynamic Responses Using Fiber Bragg Grating Tiltmeters, Sensors. 


[3] Xiao, F., Chen, G. S., Hulsey, J. L., Davis, D., Yang, Z., (2018), Characterization of the Viscoelastic Effects of Thawing Frozen Soil on Pile by Measurement of Free Response, Cold Regions Science and Technology.


[4] Xiao, F., Hulsey, J. L., Chen, G. S., Xiang, Y., (2017), Optimal Static Strain Sensor Placement for Truss Bridge, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network.


[5] Xiao, F., Zhu, W., Meng, X., Chen, G. S., (2022), Parameter Identification of Structures with Different Connections Using Static Responses, Applied Sciences.


[6] Xiao F., Meng, D., Yu, Y., Yong, D., Zhang, L., Chen, G. S., Zatar, W., Hulsey, J. L., (2019), Estimation of Vehicle-Induced Bridge Dynamic Responses Using Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Gages, Science Progress.


[7] Xiao, F., Chen, G. S., Zatar, W., Hulsey, J. L., (2019), Signature Extraction from Dynamic Response of a Bridge Subjected to a Moving Vehicle Using Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control.


[8] Xiao, F., Chen, G. S., Hulsey, J. L., Dolan, J. D., and Dong, Y., (2016), Ambient loading and modal parameters for the Chulitna River Bridge, Advances in Structural Engineering.


[9] Xiao, F., Chen, G. S., Hulsey, J. L., Zatar, W., (2017), Characterization of Non-Stationarity of Vehicle-Bridge Response for Structural Health Monitoring, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.


[10] Xiao, F., Fan J., Cheng, G. S., Hulsey, J. L., (2019), Bridge Health Monitoring and Damage Identification of Truss Bridge using Strain Measurements, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.

