硕士报考志愿采集    更新日期:2017年5月5日
姓 名 刘会会 性 别
出生年月 1985年2月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师
行政职务 Email hhliu@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 南京理工大学 邮政编码
通讯地址 南京市玄武区孝陵卫200号
单位电话 13601401351
学科专业(主) 083002|环境工程 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 环境与生物工程学院

1. 新型被动采样技术的研发应用

2. 环境中微塑料的环境行为与毒理学研究

3. 有机污染物生态毒理效应的计算模拟研究


1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:有机污染物在微塑料上的粒径分布特征及其对内分泌干扰效应的影响(No.41671489),2017.1-2020.12,项目负责人。

2. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:构建以环糊精为基体的超分子识别膜用于水体被动采样技术的研究(No.21507061), 2016.1-2018.12,项目负责人。

3. 江苏省自然科学基金-青年项目:新型被动采样技术用于典型抗生素的原位检测及生态风险评估(No.BK20150771), 2015.7-2018.6,项目负责人。


1. Liu H. H., Wei M. B., Yang X. H., He X. Development of TLSER and QSAR model for predicting partition coefficients of hydrophobic organic chemicals between low density polyethylene film and water. Science of The Total Environment. 2017, 574 (1 January): 1371-1378.

2. Liu H. H., Yang X. H., Yin C., Wei M. B., He X. Development of predicting models for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to fish sex hormone-binding globulin. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2017, 136(February): 46-54.

3. Liu H. H., Yang X. H., Lu R. Development of classification model and QSAR model for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals tohuman sex hormone-binding globulin. Chemosphere. 2016, 156(August): 1-7.

4. Liu H. H., Hu Y. J., Luo P., Bao L. J., Qiu J. W., Leung K. M. Y., Zeng E. Y.Occurrence of halogenated flame retardants in sediment off an urbanized coastal zone: association with urbanization and industrialization. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(15): 8465-8473.

5. Liu H. H., Bao L. J. Zeng E. Y. Recent advances in field measurment of sediment-water diffusion flux of hydrophobic organic chemicals. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2014, 54(2): 56-64.

6. Liu H. H., Wang  C. S., Zeng E. Y.  Recognizing the limitations of performance reference compound (PRC)-calibration technique in passive water sampling. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(18): 10104-10105.

7. Liu H. H., Bao L. J., Zhang K., Xu S. P., Wu F. C., Zeng E. Y. Novel passive sampling device for measuring sediment-water diffusion fluxes of hydrophobic organic chemicals. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(17): 9866-9873.

8. Liu H. H., Bao L. J., Feng W. H., Xu S. P., Wu F. C., Zeng E. Y. A multi-section passive sampler for measuring sediment porewater profile of dichlorodiphenytrichloroethane and its metabolites. Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85(15): 7117-7124.

9. Liu H.H., Cai X. Y., Chen J. W. Mathematical model for cyclodextrin alteration of bioavailability of organic pollutants. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(11): 5835-5842.

10. Liu H. H., Cai X. Y., Wang Y. Chen J. W. Adsorption mechansim-based screening of cyclodextrin polymers for adsorption and separation of pesticides from water. Water Research. 2011, 45(11): 3499-3511.