《Machine Learning》课程内容简介
课程编码 S106C006 课程类别 选修课
课程名称 Machine Learning
英文名称 Machine Learning
开课院系 计算机科学与工程学院
开课季节 秋学期 授课方式 面授讲课
考核方式 考查 课件地址
考试方式 闭卷 成绩计算方法 期末100%
课程总学时 32 课程学分 2
实验学时 适用对象
课程类型 理论课 课程属性 必修
任 课 教 师
夏睿 计算机科学与工程学院 教授 43


1.  Introduction
1.1 What is machine learning
1.2 The History of machine learning
1.3 Real-world applications of machine learning
2.  Basic concepts in machine Learning
2.1 Supervised machine learning
2.2 Semi-supervised, unsupervised machine learning
2.3 Cost function and model learning
2.4 Evaluation and model selection
2.5 Over-fitting and Regularization
3.  Linear regression
3.1 Regression and classification
3.2 Least mean square criterion
3.3 Maximum likelihood estimation
3.4 Application of linear regression
4.  Logistic regression
4.1 Model assumptions
4.2 Model learning
4.3 Gradient descent, Newton’s method, and Quasi-Newton
4.4 Softmaxregresson
5.  Perceptron& Neural Networks
5.1 The perceptron criterion
5.2 Parameter learning
5.3 Stochastic gradient descent
5.4 Neural Networks
5.5Back-propagation algorithm
5.6 Recent advances in deep learning
6.  Support vector machines
6.1 Maximum margin criterion
6.2 Dualoptimzation
6.3 Soft-margin SVM
6.4 Kernel functions
6.5 How to use the LIBLINEAR toolkit
7. Na?ve Bayes
7.1 Generative model vs. Discriminative model
7.2 Multinomial event model
7.3 Parameter learning based on MLE
7.4 Bayes decision rule
7.5 Applications of Na?ve Bayes
8. Machine learning practice
8.1 Implementation of supervised machine learning algorithms
8.2 Design of a text classification system

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1.Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997
2.Bishop C. M. Pattern recognition and machine learning. New York: springer, 2006.
3.Stanford online course: http://cs229.stanford.edu/
