  • 出生年月:1991年8月
  • 籍贯:安徽宣城市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:zhengjiesun@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 26161 次
更新日期 2023年6月14日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向



2018.12-2020.12 香港浸会大学 数学系  香江学者博士后


2013.9-2018.6  复旦大学 数学科学学院  应用数学  直博







主持国家自然科学基金1项, 江苏省自然科学基金1项


1. Zhengjie Sun, Shengliang Zhang, A radial basis function approximation method for conservative Allen-Cahn equations on surfaces, Applied Mathematics Letters, 143, 108634, 2023.

2. Zhengjie Sun, Yuyan Gao, High order multiquadric trigonometric quasi-interpolation method for solving time-dependent partial differential equations, Numerical Algorithms, doi.org/10.1007/s11075-
022-01486-6, 2023.

3. Zhengjie Sun, Yuyan Gao, A meshless quasi-interpolation method for solving hyperbolic conservation laws based on the essentially non-oscillatory reconstruction, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 100(6), 1303-1320, 2023.

4. Shengliang Zhang, Zhengjie Sun, Alpesh Kumar, Meshless symplectic and multi-symplectic scheme for the coupled nonlinear Schr ?odinger system based on local RBF approximation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 134:16-32, 2023.


5. Zhengjie Sun, Leevan Ling, A kernel-based meshless conservative Galerkin method for solving Hamiltonian wave equations, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , 44(4):A2789-2807,2022.

6. Zhengjie Sun, Wenwu Gao, Ran Yang, A convergent iterated quasi-interpolation for periodic domain and its applications to surface PDEs, Journal of Scientific Computing , 93(2):37, 2022, 20pp.

7. Zhengjie Sun, A conservative scheme for two-dimensional Schr ?odinger equation based on multi-quadric trigonometric quasi-interpolation approach, Applied Mathematics and Computation,423, 2022, 12pp.

8. Yuyan Gao, Zhengjie Sun, Multi-symplectic quasi-interpolation method for the KdV equation,Computational and Applied Mathematics, 41(3):112, 2022, 17pp.

9. Zhengjie Sun, Zongmin Wu, Wenwu Gao, An iterated quasi-interpolation approach for derivative approximation, Numerical Algorithms, 85:255-276, 2020.

10. Wenwu Gao, Zhengjie Sun, High-order numerical solution of time-dependent differential equations with quasi-interpolation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 146:276-290, 2019.

11. Zhengjie Sun, Multi-symplectic Quasi-interpolation Method for Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 395:125-143, 2019.

12. Zhengjie Sun, A Meshless Symplectic Method for Two-dimensional Nonlinear Schr ?odinger Equations Based on Radial Basis Function Approximation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 104:1-7, 2019.

13. Zhengjie Sun, Conservative or dissipative quasi-interpolation method for evolutionary partial differential equations, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 96:78-83, 2018.

14. Zhengjie Sun and Zongmin Wu, Meshless conservative schemes for multivariate Hamiltonian partial differential equations, Journal of Scientific Computing , 76:1168-1187, 2018.

15. Zhengjie Sun and Wenwu Gao, A energy-momentum conserving scheme for Hamiltonian wave equation based on multiquadric trigonometric quasi-interpolation, Applied Mathematical Modelling , 57:179-191, 2018.

16. Zhengjie Sun and Wenwu Gao, A meshless scheme for Hamiltonian partial differential equations with conservation properties, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 119:115-125, 2017.

17. Zhengjie Sun and Ling Zhu, Simple proofs of the Cusa-Huygens-type and Becker-Stark- Type inequalities, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 7(4):563-567, 2013.

18. Zhengjie Sun and Ling Zhu, Some refinements of inequalities for circular functions, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 9 pages, 2011.

19. Zhengjie Sun and Ling Zhu, On new Wilker-type inequalities. ISRN Mathematical Analysis, 7 pages, 2011.