  • 出生年月:1964年2月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:Gang.sha@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 37562 次
更新日期 2023年5月17日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科080502|材料学
  • 研究方向


    2. 利用先进微观表征技术研究能源材料辐照损伤机理和老化机制

    3. 半导体,催化剂,生物材料和矿物材料的三维空间微观组织结构和成分特征研究

    4. 高韧性和热稳定性纳米晶材料的元素空间分布行为、规律及调控

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向











1997/10 – 2002/06,牛津大学,材料系,博士,导师:Brian Cantor

1985/09 – 1988/01,东北大学,金属压力加工系,硕士,导师:白光润

1981/09 – 1985/07,东北大学,金属压力加工系,学士,导师:于淑娴





The International Field Emission Society, International Steering Committee Member (国际场发射学会国际指导委员会委员)

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), member.





Nature Materials

Nature Communications

Materials Research Letters

Acta Materialia

Scripta Materialia 

Materials Science and Engineering A

Materials Science and Engineering B

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 

Journal of Applied Physics


Materials and Design

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

Journal of Materials Science

Journal of Materials Research

 Journal of Nuclear Materials



2013-2019年发表的代表性论文包括:Science.(1)、Nature materials.(1)、Nature Commun.(3)、Adv. Mater.(1)、Acta Mater. (24)、Scripta Mater.(7)。

    1. Liu X, Sha G, Wu QL, Liang YJ, Huang JT, Jin K, Xue YF*,Wang BP, Wang LJ, Wang L, Wang FC, Fan QB, Xia ZH, “Phase stability of an high-entropy Al-Cr-Fe-Ni-V alloy with exceptional mechanical properties: First-principles and APT investigations”, Computational Materials Science, 2019, 170:109161.
    2. Zhao Y. S., Zhang J., Luo Y. S., Zhang B., Sha G, Li LF, Tang DZ, Feng Q., “Improvement of grain boundary tolerance by minor additions of Hf and B in a second generation single crystal superalloy”, Acta Mater, 2019, 176:109-122.
    3. Liu H, Wu X, Hu R, Sha G, Li Q, Xu B, Liu W, Shu G, “The microstructural characterization of NiSi-Rich sub-precipitates within cementite in isothermally aged reactor pressure vessel steel”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 2019, 50 (9):3992-3999
    4. Guo XH, Zhang YD, Jin SB*, Hu R, Liu ZW, Zhang RQ, Sha G*, “Segregation and precipitation at grain boundaries of weathering steels without/with Sb addition”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 236:121783
    5. Li JH*, An ZH, Hage FS, Wang H, Xie P, Jin S, Ramasse QM, Sha G*, “Solute clustering and precipitation in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag–Si model alloy” , Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 760:366-376
    6. Wang D. W., Zhou Y. H., Shen J., Liu Y., Li DF, Zhou Q, Sha G, Xu P, Ebel T, Yan M. , “Selective laser melting under the reactive atmosphere: A convenient and efficient approach to fabricate ultrahigh strength commercially pure titanium without sacrificing ductility”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019,762: 138078
    7. Xue J, Jin S*, An X, Liao X, Li J, Sha G*, “Understanding formation of Mg-depletion zones in Al-Mg alloys under high pressure torsion” , Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019,35 (5):858-864
    8. Zhang Y, Jin S*, Trimby P, Liao X, Murashkin MY, Valiev RZ, Sha G*, “Strengthening mechanisms in an ultrafine-grained AlZnMgCu alloy processed by high pressure torsion at different temperatures”, Materials Science and Engineering: A 2019, 752: 223-232
    9. Tang S, Xin T, Xu W, Miskovic D, Sha G, Quadir Z, Ringer S, Nomoto K, Birbilis N, Ferry M, “Precipitation strengthening in an ultralight magnesium alloy”, Nature communications 2019,10 (1):1003
    10. Guo M. X., Li G. J., Zhang Y. D., Sha G., Zhang J. S., Zhuang L. Z., Lavernia E. J., “Influence of Zn on the distribution and composition of heterogeneous solute-rich features in peak aged Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys”,  Scripta Materialia, 2019, 159: 5-8
    11. Zhang Y, Jin S, Trimby P W, Liao X. Z, Murashkin M. Y, Valiev R. Z, Liu J, Cairney J. M., Ringer S. P, Sha G*, ‘Dynamic precipitation, segregation and strengthening of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy (AA7075) processed by high-pressure torsion’ Acta Mater 2019, 162:19-32.
    12. Guo M.X*., Zhang Y.D., Li G.J., Jin S.B, Sha G.*, Zhang J.S. , Zhuang L.Z., Lavernia E.J.*, ‘Solute clustering in Al-Mg-Si-Cu-(Zn) alloys during aging’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,774:347-363.
    13. Guo MX, Zhang YD, Yuan B, Sha G, Zhang JS, Zhuang LZ, Lavernia EJ, “Influence of aging pathways on the evolution of heterogeneous solute-rich features in peak-aged Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy with a high Mg/Si ratio”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 2019, 99 (2): 49-56
    14. Lv Y, Ding Z, Sun X, Li L, Sha G, Liu R, Wang L, “Gradient Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V/Zn Composite Prepared by Friction Stir Processing”, Materials 2019, 12 (17): 2795
    15. Yang PJ, Li QJ, Tsuru T, Ogata S, Zhang JW, Sheng HW, Shan ZW, Sha G, Han WZ, Li J, Ma E, “Mechanism of hardening and damage initiation in oxygen embrittlement of body-centred-cubic niobium”, Acta Mater, 2019, 168:331-342.
    16. Du C., Jin S., Fang Y., Li J., Hu S., Yang T, Zhang Y., Huang J., Sha G.*, Wang Y., Shang Z., Zhang X., Sun B., Xin S., and Shen T*.,“Ultrastrong nanocrystalline steel with exceptional thermal stability and radiation tolerance”Nature Communications, 2018, 9:5389. //doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07712-x.  
    17. Yang Z., Gu H., Sha G., Wang K.,  Lu W-J, Yu W., Zhang W. Fu Y.F., Wang L.,“TC4/Ag Metal Matrix Nanocomposites Modified by Friction Stirring Processing: Surface Characterization, Antibacterial Property and Cytotoxicity in Vitro” , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018-11-17. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b16343.
    18. Zhou D, Quadir Z., Kong C., Pan H., Liu Z., Sha G*, Munroe P, Zhang D.*, ‘ Understanding Structural Evolution of Nanostructured Cu-Al2O3 Composite Powders during Thermomechanical Processing’ Materialia, 2018,4:268-275.
    19. Liang Y-J, Wang L, Wen Y, Cheng B, Wu Q, Cao T, Xiao Q, Xue Y, Sha G., Wang Y, Ren Y, Li X, Wang L, Wang F, and Cai H., ‘High-content ductile coherent nanoprecipitates achieve ultrastrong high-entropy alloys’, Nature Communications, 2018,9:4063.  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06600-8.
    20. Qian F, Jin S, Sha G, Li Y, ‘Enhanced dispersoid precipitation and dispersion strengthening in an Al alloy by microalloying with Cd’, Acta Materialia, 2018,157:114-125.
    21. Zhang N, Jin S.B., Sha G, Yu JK, Cai XC, Du CC, Shen TD, ‘Segregation induced hardening in annealed nanocrystalline Ni-Fe alloy’ Mater. Sci. & Eng. A, 2018,735:354-360.
    22. Lv Y, Ding Z, Xue J, Sha G, Lu E, Wang L, Lu W, Su C, Zhang LC, ‘Deformation mechanisms in surface nano-crystallization of low elstic modulus Ti6Al4V/Zn composite during severe plastic deformation’, Scripta Mater. 2018,157:142-147.
    23. Li T, Kent D, Sha G., Liu H., Fries G S., Ceguerra V A, Dargusch M. S, Cairney J M, ‘Nucleation driving force for ω-assisted formation of α and associated ω morphology in β-Ti alloys’, Scripta Materialia 2018, 155: 149-154.
    24. Liu S, Li K, Lu J, Sha G, Wang J, Yang M, Ji G, Song M, Wang J, Du Y, ‘On the atomic model of Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018,745:644-650.
    25. Zhou D., Geng H., Zeng W., Zheng D., Pan H., Kong C., Munroe P., Sha G, Suryanarayana C, Zhang D., ‘High temperature stabilization of a nanostructured Cu-Y2O3 composite through microalloying with Ti’ Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 712:80-87.
    26. Zhou D., Geng H., Zeng W., Sha G., Kong C., Quadir Z., Munroe P., Torrens R., Trimby P., Zhang D., ‘Effect of extrusion temperature on microstructure and properties of an ultrafine-grained Cu matrix nanocomposite fabricated by powder compact extrusion’, Journal of Materials Science, 2018,53:5389-5401.
    27. Yang T, Xia S, Guo W, Hu R, Poplawsky J D, Sha G, Fang Y, Yan Z, Wang C, Li C, Zhang Y, Zinkle S J, Wang Y, ‘Effect of temperature on the irradiation responses of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy ’, Scripta Mater. 2018, 144:31-35.
    28. Luo H, Yu Q., Dong C., Sha G., Liu Z., Liang J., Wang L., Han G., Li X. ‘Influence of the aging time on the microstructure and electrochemical behaviour of a 15-5PH ultra-high strength stainless steel’, Corrosion Science, 2018,139:185-196.
    29. Sun M, Rauf Abdur, Zhang Y, Sha G*, Peng G, Yu Z, Guo C, Fang Y, Lan S, Feng T*, Hanh H, Gleiter H, ‘Enhanced interface-diffusion of immiscible elements F/Cu at the interface of FeZr/CuZr amorphous multilayers’ Mater. Res. Lett., 2018, 6:55-60.
    30. Liu R., Chen H, Zhao K., Qin Y., Jiang B., Zhang T., Sha G, Shi X, Uher C, Zhang W, Chen L, ‘Entropy as a Gene-Like Performance Indicator Promoting Thermoelectric Materials’, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(38):1702712.
    31. Shao D, Zhang P, Zhang JY, Liu G, Wang RH, Liu WQ, Sha G, Sun J, ‘Effect of Pre-strain on the Solute Clustering Mechanical Properties and Work-hardening of a Naturally Aged Al-Cu-Mg Alloy’, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2017 48(9):4121-4134.
    32. Hu X, Jin S, Zhou H, Yin Z, Yang J, Gong Y, Zhu YT, Sha G, Zhu XK, ‘Bauschinger effect and back stress in gradient Cu-Ge alloy’, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2017, 48(9):3943-3950.
    33. Hu R, Zheng X, Du W., Sha G, ‘Sensitivity analysis of laser effect on Mg-Gd-Er alloy’, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017, 23:714-715
    34. Gao X, Lu Y, Zhang B, Liang N, Wu G, Sha G, Liu J, Zhao Y, ‘Microstructural origins of high strength and high ductility in an AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy’, Acta Mater, 2017,141:59-66.
    35. Zhang B, Xue F, Li SL, Wang XT, Liang N, Zhao YH, Sha G*, ‘Non-uniform phase separation in ferrite of a duplex stainless steel’, Acta Mater., 2017, 140:388-97.
    36. Hu J, Shi Y N, Sauvage X, Sha G, Lu K, ‘Grain Boundary Stability Governs Hardening and Softening in Extremely Fine Nanograined Metals’, Science, 2017, 355(6331):1292-1296.
    37. Saller B. D., Sha G, Yang L. M., Liu F, Ringer S. P., Schoenung J M., ‘Iron in Solution with Aluminum Matrix after Non-Equilibrium Processing: An Atom Probe Tomography Study’, Phil. Mag Letters, 2017,97:118-124
    38. Langelier B., Sha G., Korinek A., Donnadieu P., Ringer S.P., Esmaeili S., ‘The effects of microalloying on the precipitate microstructure at grain boundary regions in an Mg-Zn-based alloy’ , Materials and Design, 2017,119:290-296.
    39. Li C, Sha G*, Xia J. , Liu Y., Ringer S P., ‘Si-induced precipitation modification and related age-hardening response of an Al-4Mg-1Cu-0.5Si alloy’, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 193:421-426.
    40. Li D, Li C, Fang T, Zhang Y, Sha G, Lewandowski J.J, Liaw P, Zhang Y, ‘High-entropy Al0.3CoCrFeNi alloy fibers with high tensile strength and ductility at ambient and cryogenic temperatures’ Acta Mater. 2017,123:285-294.
    41. Zhang B, Xue F, Li SL, Wang XT, Liang NN, Zhao YH, Sha G*, ‘Effect of thermal aging on microstructural evolution in ferrite of duplex stainless steel in nuclear power plant applications’, Materials Science Forum 2017, 898:818-825.
    42. Li K, Idrissi H, Sha G, Song M, Lu J, Shi H, Wang W, Ringer S.P., Du Y, Schryvers D, ' Quantitative measurement for the microstructural parameters of nano-precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys', Materials Characterization 2016,118:352-362.
    43. Yuan H, Tsai M-H, Sha G, Liu F, Horita Z, Zhu YT, Wang J. T. ' Atomic-scale homogenization in an fcc-based high-entropy alloy via severe plastic deformation', Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016,686:15-23.
    44. Li T, Kent D., Sha G, Cairney J. M., Dargusch M. S., 'Conditions for ω assist α formation in near β -Ti alloys', Scripta Mater. 2016, 117:92-95.
    45. Chen Y., Gao N., Sha G., Ringer S. P., Starink M. J., ' Microstructural evolution, strengthening and thermal stability of an ultrafine-grained Al-Cu-Mg alloy ', Acta Mater. 2016,109:202-212.
    46. An X.H., Lin Q.Y., Sha G., Huang M.X., Ringer S.P., Zhu Y.T., Liao X.Z. ,' Microstructural evolution and phase transformation in twinning-induced plasticity steel induced by high-pressure torsion', Acta Mater, 2016,109:300-313.
    47. Li J.H., Barrirero J., Sha G, Aboulfadl H., Mücklich F., Schumacher P. ' Precipitation hardening of an Mg-5Zn-2Gd-0.4Zr (wt. %) alloy 'Acta Mater, 2016, 108:207-218
    48. Li T, Kent D, Sha G, Stephenson L. T., Ceguerra A. V., Ringer S. P., Dargusch M. S., Cairney J. M. ' New insights into the transformation mechanisms of isothermal ω and ω-assisted α formation in near β-Ti alloys ', Acta Mater, 2016, 106:353-366.
    49. Xu W., Birbilis N., Sha G., Wang Y., Daniels J.E. , Xiao Y., Ferry M. ' A high-speci?c-strength and corrosion-resistant magnesium alloy ', Nature Materials, 2015,14: 1229–1235.
    50. Li T, Ahmed M, Sha G, Shi R.P., Casillas G, Yen H.W., Wang YZ, Pereloma E.V., Cairney J.M. ' The influence of partitioning on the growth of intragranular α in near-β Ti alloys ', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 643:212-222.
    51. Guo M.X., Sha G*., Cao L.Y., Liu W.Q., Zhang J.S., Zhuang L.Z. 'Enhanced bake-hardening response of an Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy with Zn addition' , Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 162:15-19.
    52. Gupta R.K, Li C., Xia J., Zhou X., Sha G., Gun B., Riner S.P., Birbilis N, 'Corrosion Behaviour of Al-4Mg-1Cu (wt%) Microalloyed with Si and Ag' Adv. Eng. Mater. 2015,17: 1670-1674.
    53. Li T, Kent D., Sha G, Dargusch M.S., Cairney J.M., ' The mechanism of <omega>-assisted <alpha> phase formation in near <beta>-Ti alloys ' Scripta Mater. 2015, 104: 75-78.
    54. Wang X., Sha G*, Shen Qin, Liu W. ' Age-hardening effect and formation of nanoscale composite precipitates in a NiAlMnCu-containing steel', Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2015,627:340-347.
    55. Chen Y, Gao N, Sha G, Ringer S.P., Starink M.J, ' Strengthening of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy processed by high-pressure torsion due to clusters, defects and defect-cluster complexes', Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2015, 627:10-20.
    56. Zhu S.Q, Yan H.G, Liao X.Z, Moody S.J, Sha G, Wu Y.Z., Ringer S.P. 'Mechanisms for enhanced plasticity in magnesium alloys' Acta Mater, 2015,82:344-55.
    57. Guine M. J-F, Brodusch N., Sha G, Shandiz M. A., Demers H., Trudeau M., Ringer S. P. Gauvin R. ‘Microscopy and Microanalysis of Complex Nanosized Strengthening Precipitates in New Generation Commercial Al-Cu-Li Alloys’, J of Microscopy, 2014,255:128-37.
    58. Li T, Kent D, Sha G, Dargusch M.S., Cairney J.M., ‘Precipitation of the alpha-phase in an ultrafine grained beta-titanium alloy processed by severe plastic deformation’ Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 605:144-50.
    59. Li C., Sha G.*, Xia J.H., Gun B., Li L., Cui J.Z., Liu X.F., Ringer S. P., ‘Effect of solution treatment on precipitation and age-hardening response of an Al-4Mg-1Cu-0.5Si-0.4Ag (wt%) alloy’, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 599:64-8.
    60.  Li K, Be?che?b A, Song M, Sha G*, Lu X, Zhang K, Du Y, Ringer S P, Schryvers D ‘Atomistic structure of Cu-containing β" precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy’ Scripta Mater, 2014,75:86-89.
    61. Sha G*, Tugu K, X.Z. Liao, Trimby P, Murashkin M.Y., Valiev R.Z., and Ringer S.P., “Strength, Grain Refinement and Solute Nanostructures of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy (AA6060) Processed by High-Pressure Torsion”, Acta Mater, 2014, 63:169-179.
    62. Wang F.L., Jiang Y.J., Wen X. M., Xia J.H., Sha G., Amala R, “Ensembles of Au-Pd Confined in Mesoporous TiO2 Spheres for Photocatalytic Oxidation of Acetaldehyde”, ChemCatChem, 2013, 5: 3557-61.
    63. Chen Z.G., Zhang J., Su J., Sha G., Xia JH, Wang S., Ringer S.P., “Effects of Si addition on the microstructure evolution of Al-Cu-Mg alloys in the a+S+T phase-field”, Phil. Mag. Letters, 2013, 93:648-54.
    64. Marceau R.K.W., de Vaucorbeil A., Sha G., Ringer S.P., Poole W., “Analysis of strengthening in AA6111 during the early stages of aging: Atom Probe Tomography and Yield Stress Modelling”, Acta Mater, 2013, 61:7285-03
    65. Gasnier V., Gault B., Nako H., Aruga Y., Sha G., Ringer S.P., “Influence of experimental parameters on the composition of precipitates in metallic alloys” Ultramicroscopy, 2013,132:199-204.
    66. Gusieva K., Sato T., Sha G., Ringer S.P. and Birbilis N. “Influence of low level Ag additions on Mg-alloy AZ91”, Adv. Eng. Mater., 2013, 15:485-90.
    67. Zheng Z.Q., Liu W.Q, Liao Z.Q., Ringer S.P., Sha G.*, “Solute clustering and solute nanostructures in an Al-3.5Cu-0.4Mg-0.2Ge alloy”, Acta Mater, 2013, 61:3724-34.
    68. Li C., Sha G.*, Gun B., Xia J.H., Liu X.F., Wu Y.Y., Birbilis N., Ringer S. P., “Enhanced age-hardening response of Al–4Mg–1Cu (wt. %) microalloyed with Ag and Si”, Script Mater, 2013, 68:857-60.
    69. Xia J.H., Sha G.*, Chen Z.G., Liao X.Z., Liu H.W., Ringer S.P. , “Precipitation of quasicrystal approximant phases in an Al-Mg-Cu-Ge alloy”, Phil. Mag. Letters, 2013, 93:77-84.
    70. Sha G*, Zhu H.M., Liu J.W., Luo, C.P., Liu, Z.W., Ringer S.P., “Hydrogen-induced decomposition of Zr-rich cores in an Mg-6Zn-0.6Zr-0.5Cu alloy”, Acta Mater., 2012, 60:5615-25.
    71. Tugcu K., Sha G*., Liao X.Z., Trimby P, Xia J.H., Murashkin M.Y., Xie Y., Valiev R.Z., and Ringer S.P., “Enhanced grain refinement of an Al-Mg-Si alloy by high-pressure torsion processing at 100°C”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 552:415-18.
    72. Zhu H.M., Sha G., Liu J.W., Liu H.W., Wu C.L., Luo C.P., Liu Z.W., Zheng R.K, Ringer S.P., “Heterogeneous nucleation of β-type precipitates on nanoscale Zr-rich particles in a Mg-6Zn-0.5Cu-0.6Zr alloy”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012, 7:300.
    73. Moy C.K.S., Weiss M., Xia J.H, Sha G., Ringer S. P., Ranzi G., “Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure, texture and formability of 2024 aluminium alloy”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 522:48-60.
    74. Sun Y.Y., Song M., Liao X.Z., Sha G., He Y.H., “Effects of isothermal annealing on the microstructures and mechanical properties of a FeCuSiBAl amorphous alloy”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 543:145-51.
    75. Li J.H. Sha G.*, Jie W.Q., Ringer S.P., “Precipitation microstructure and their strengthening effects of an Mg-2.8Nd-0.6Zn-0.4Zr alloy with a 0.2 wt. % Y addition”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 538:272-80.
    76. Felfer P. J., Gault B., Sha G., Stephenson L., Ringer S. P., Cairney J. M., “A new approach to the determination of concentration profiles in atom probe tomography”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2012, 18:359-364.
    77. Li J. H., Sha G.*, Wang T. Y., Jie W. Q, Ringer S. P., “Precipitation microstructure and age-hardening response of an Mg-Gd-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 534:1-6.
    78. Sha G.*, Möller H., Stumpf, W.E. Xia J.H., Govender G., Ringer S.P., “Solute-nanostructures and their strengthening effects in Al-7Si-0.6Mg alloy F357”, Acta Mater., 2012, 60:692-701.
    79. Stanford N., Sha G., Xia J. H., Ringer S. P., Barnett M. R., “Solute segregation and texture modification in an extruded magnesium alloy containing gadolinium”, Scripta Mater., 2011,65:919-22.
    80. Sha G.*, Marceau R.K.W., Gao X., Muddle B. C., Ringer S. P., ‘Nanostructure of aluminium alloy 2024: Segregation, clustering and precipitation process’ Acta Mater. 2011,59:1659-70.
    81. Zhu H.M., Sha G., Liu J.W., Wu C.L., Luo C.P., Liu Z. W., Zheng R.K., Ringer S.P., ‘Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–6Zn–xCu–0.6Zr (wt.%) alloys’ Journal of Alloy and Compound, 2011,509:3526-31.
    82. Sha G.*, Yao L., Liao X. Z., Ringer S. P., Duan Z. C., Langdon T. G., ‘Segregation of solute elements at grain boundaries in an ultrafine grained Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy’ Ultramicroscopy, 2011,111:500-5.
    83. Hyde J.M., Sha G., Marquis E A, Morley A, Wilford K B, Williams T J, ‘A comparison of the structure of solute clusters formed during thermal ageing and irradiation’ Ultramicroscopy 2011, 111:664-71.
    84. Li H., Jiang F., Ni S., Li L, Sha G., Liao X.Z., Ringer S.P., Choo H., Liaw P.K., Misra A., ‘Mechanical behaviors of as-deposited and annealed nanostructured Ni-Fe alloys’ Scripta Mater. 2011, 65:1-4.
    85. Ni S., Sha G.*, Wang Y.B., Liao X.Z, Alhajeri S. N., Li H.Q., Zhu Y.T., Langdon T.G., Ringer S.P., ‘Elemental redistribution in a nanocrystalline Ni–Fe alloy induced by high-pressure torsion’ Mater. Sci. & Eng. A. 2011, 528:7500-5.
    86. Marceau R.K.W., Sha G., Ferragut R., Dupasquier A., Ringer S.P. ‘Solute clustering in Al-Cu-Mg alloys during the early stages of elevated temperature ageing’ Acta Mater. 2010, 58:4923-39.
    87. Sha G.*, Li J.H., Xu W., Xia K., Jie W.Q., Ringer S. P., ‘Hardening and microstructural reactions in high-temperature equal-channel angular pressed Mg–Nd–Gd–Zn–Zr alloy’ Mater. Sci. & Eng. A. 2010, A527:5092-99.
    88. Sha G*, Wang Y.B., Liao X.Z., Duan Z.C., Ringer S.P., Langdon T.G., ‘The microstructural evolution of Fe-rich particles in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy during equal-channel angular pressing’ Mater Sci & Eng A. 2010, A527:4742-49.
    89. Marceau RKW, Sha G, Lumley RN, Ringer SP. “Evolution of solute clustering in Al-Cu-Mg alloys during secondary ageing”, Acta Mater, 2010, 58:1795.
    90. Stanford N., Sabirov I, Sha G., La Fontaine A., Barnett M.R., Ringer S.P., “Effect of Al and Gd solutes on the strain rate sensitivity of magnesium alloys”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2010, 41:734.
    91. Sha G.*, Ringer S.P., Duan ZC, Langdon T.G., “An atom probe characterisation of grain boundaries in an aluminium alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing”, Int. J. Mat. Res., 2009, 100:1674.
    92. Stanford N., Sha G., La Fontaine A., Barnett M.R., Ringer S.P., “Atom probe tomography of solute distributions in mg-based alloys” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009, 40: 2480.  
    93. Sha G*, Wang Y.B., Liao X.Z., Duan Z.C., Ringer S.P., Langdon T.G., “Influence of equal-channel angular pressing on precipitation in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy’ Acta Mater. 2009, 57:3123.
    94. Sha G.*, Ringer S.P., ‘Effect of Laser pulsing on the composition measurement of an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy using three dimensional atom probe’, Ultramicroscopy 2009, 109: 580.
    95. Morley A., Sha G., Hirosawa S., Cerezo A., Smith G.D.W., ‘Determining the composition of small features in atom probe: bcc Cu-rich precipitates in an Fe-rich matrix’ Ultramicroscopy 2009, 109:535.
    96. Sha G*, Cerezo A and Smith G D W, ‘Field evaporation behaviour during irradiation with picosecond laser pulses’ Applied Physics Letter, 2008, 92(4): 043503.
    97. Cerezo A, Clifton P H, Lozano-Perez S, Panayi P, Sha G and Smith G D W, ‘Overview: recent progress in 3-dimensional atom probe instruments and applications’ Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2007, 13: 408.
    98. Cerezo A, Clifton P.H., Galtrey M.J, Humphreys C.J, Kelly T F, Larson D.J, Lozano-Perez S, Marquis E. A, Oliver R.A, Sha G., Thompson K, Zandbergen M. and Alvis R. L., ‘Atom Probe Tomography Today’ Materials Today, 2007, 10: 36.
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