  • 出生年月:1988年6月
  • 籍贯:湖北大冶市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 讲师
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:leijiazhi@126.com
访问次数 25356 次
更新日期 2023年4月8日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
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  • 二级学科
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2014.8~ 2015.8   国网冀北电力有限公司秦皇岛供电公司       工程师

2019.8~ 2020.8    University of Denver(美国丹佛大学)            访问学者


2007.9 ~ 2011.6    中国矿业大学   电气工程与自动化    本科

2011.9 ~ 2014.4    华中科技大学   电气工程       工学硕士

2015.9 ~ 2018.6    武汉大学       电气工程          工学博士


IEEE Member,IEEE PES智能电网与新技术委员会 能源信息社会系统分委会 常务理事,IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy, IEEE Transactions on smart grid, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems等多个杂志审稿专家




国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:62173181,基于双层通信网络的多簇博弈求解方法, 2022/01-2025/12,58.0万元,在研,参与



中国电科院横向课题,项目编号:HD97090,综合能源微网半实物仿真建模, 2021/05-2022/01,20.0万元,结题,主持

安徽电网横向课题,项目编号:52120019007Z,基于状态全景智能感知的特高压直流保护系统故障预警与智能决策关键技术研究与应用,2020.1-2021.12 ,250.0万元,结题,参与



Lei Jiazhi*. Strategy optimization of distributed battery energy storage systems for improving dynamic performances of VRB in active distribution networks[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, 46 (15): 28812-28825.

Sun Qifeng, Lei Jiazhi*, Liu Zhao. Optimal Allocation of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems in Active Distribution Networks Considering Multiple Operation Strategies[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, 46 (13): 18225-18238.

Lei Jiazhi*, David wenzhong Gao, Jinhong Liu. Operational strategy optimisation of VRB energy storage systems considering the dynamic characteristics of VRB in active distribution networks[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2021, 15(5): 1058-1068.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu, David wenzhong Gao, et al. Operation risk assessment of active distribution networks considering probabilistic uncertainties of distributed generators-loads and power management of VRB ESSs[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020, 14(10): 1764-1771.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu, Liu Jinhong, et al. Optimal allocation of a VRB Energy Storage System for Wind Power Applications considering the dynamic efficiency and life of VRB in active distribution networks[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2019, 13(4): 563-571.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu. Comprehensive prediction method for failure rate of Transmission Line based on Multidimensional Cloud Model[J]. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2019. 13(9): 1672-1678.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu. Optimal allocation of a hybrid energy storage system considering its dynamic operation characteristics for wind power applications in active distribution networks[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42(13): 4184-4196.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu. Operating strategy and optimal allocation of large-scale VRB energy storage system in active distribution networks for solar/wind power applications[J]. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(9): 2403-2411.

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong Qingwu. Design of an Energy storage system based on vanadium redox flow battery considering a simplified model of VRB [J]. COMPEL-The International Journal For Computation And Mathematics In Electrical And Electronic Engineering, 2017, 36(1): 153-167.

Gong Qingwu, Lei Jiazhi, Ye Jun. Optimal Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generators in Distribution Systems Considering Cost of Operation Risk [J]. Energies, 2016, 9(1).

Lei Jiazhi*, Gong, Qingwu. Design of a Bidirectional Energy Storage System for a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery in a Microgrid with SOC Estimation [J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(3).

雷加智, 龚庆武. 基于改进点估计法的输电线路的过负荷风险评估[J]. 电力自动化设备, 2017, 37(4):67-72.

Gong Qingwu, Lei Jiazhi*, Zhang H, et al. Research on Power Short-term Prediction of the Photovoltaic System Based on Grey Relational Analysis and Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization[C]// International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering. 2015:79-84.

龚庆武,张静,雷加智. 基于原子分解法的中性点不接地系统铁磁谐振检测[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(5):1114-1124.


雷加智*,刘钊,董玮,等. 基于Typhoon的综合能源微网并网孤岛半实物仿真方法及系统,2022-11-4,中国,202211040132.8.






