  • 出生年月:1984年2月
  • 籍贯:湖南汨罗市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博、硕导
  • 邮箱:lansi@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 37526 次
更新日期 2023年9月19日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向

2014年10月-至今,南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院/格莱特纳米研究所 格莱特非晶与纳米晶研究组;

2012年11月-2014年10月,香港城市大学物理与材料科学系 博士后研究员、研究员;



2009年8月-2012年10月,香港中文大学物理系 材料科学与工程系 博士;

2007年9月-2009年6月,武汉大学动力与机械学院 材料加工工程专业 硕士;

  1. 2021年中国十大新锐科技人物
  2. 2021年江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果三等奖(排名第一)
  3. 2022年教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第二)
  4. 2023年江苏省机械工程学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第五)
  5. 2022年南京理工大学教学成果奖一等奖和二等奖各一项。
  6. 2021年担任《金属学报》杂志首届青年编委
  7. 2021年担任《Rare Metals》、《稀有金属》杂志编委
  8. 中国科协2022年度优秀审稿人奖
  9. Acta Mater 2021年度优秀审稿人奖
  10. 2020年获“江苏省杰出青年基金”资助
  11. 2018年江苏省六大人才高峰C类项目资助
  12. 2018年江苏省“333”高层次人才(第三层次)培养工程
  13. 2018年结构材料国际会议优秀报告奖
  14. 2017年8月,担任Gordon Research Seminars (GRS) of Neutron Scattering(高登研讨会中子散射分会)主席
  15. 2017年7月,中国材料大会-“杰出青年科学家”(EON科技、非晶与高熵合金)
  16. 2017年7月,南京理工大学“卓越计划”青年拔尖人才计划
  17. 2015年9月,江苏省“双创博士”人才计划
  18. 2013年9月,牛津大学与卢瑟福实验室散裂中子源ISIS合办的中子散射学校研究提议大赛冠军
  19. 2012年6月,香港中文大学杨振宁奖学金

MRS,TMS和香港物理协会会员;江苏物理协会会员;中国金属学会非晶合金分会委员,中国散裂中子源科技委、用户委员会委员;Nature子刊, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Materials & Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Scientific Report,Intermetallics等杂志审稿人;《金属学报》杂志首届青年编委;《Rare Metals》、《稀有金属》杂志编委。

  1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,主持
  2. 科技部重点青年项目(熵调控非晶合金多尺度微纳结构设计),主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金联合科研资助基金合作研究项目,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
  5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持
  6. 江苏省杰出青年基金,主持
  7. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,主持
  8. 粤港澳中子散射科学技术联合实验室重点课题,主持
  9. 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)应急专项,主持
  10. 校自主科研专项国际合作专项,主持
  11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与
  12. 国际合作重大专项,骨干参与成员
  13. 科技部“大科学装置前沿研究”重点专项“中子散射样品环境及相关实验技术”,骨干成员


  1. S. Lan*#, L. Zhu#, Z.D. Wu#, L. Gu#, Q.H. Zhang, H.H. Kong, J.Z. Liu, R.Y. Song, S.N. Liu, G. Sha, Y.G. Wang, Q. Liu, W. Liu, P.Y. Wang, C.-T. Liu, Y. Ren*, X.-L. Wang*, A medium-range structure motif linking amorphous and crystalline states[J]. Nature Materials. 2021, 20, 1347-1352. (基金委首页要闻报道,Science Daliy、EurekAlert等学术媒体报道)
  2.  S. Lan, Y. Ren, X.Y. Wei, B. Wang, E.P. Gilbert, T. Shibayama, S. Watanabe, M. Ohnuma, X.L. Wang*. Hidden amorphous phase and reentrant supercooled liquid in Pd-Ni-P metallic glasses[J]. Nat Commun, 2017, 8: 14679. (基金委首页要闻报道、媒体报道“解决学科领域四十余年难题”)
  3. Gao F Y#, Liu S N#, Ge J C#, Zhang X L#, Zhu L#, Zheng Y R, Duan Y, Qin S, Dong W, Yu X, Bao R C, Yang P P, Niu Z Z, Ding Z G, Liu W, Lan S*(共同通讯作者), Gao M R*, Yan Y, Yu S H. Nickel–molybdenum–niobium metallic glass for efficient hydrogen oxidation in hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells [J]. Nature Catalysis, 2022, 5(11): 993-1005.
  4. Sinan Liu#(博士研究生), Lifeng Wang#, Jiacheng Ge, Zhenduo Wu, Qiang Ke, Yubin, Li, Baoan Sun, Tao Feng, Yuan Wu, Jing Tao Wang, Horst Hahn, Jonathan D. Almer, Xun-Li Wang, Si Lan*(通讯作者). Deformation-Enhanced Hierarchical Multiscale Structure Heterogeneity in a Pd-Si Bulk Metallic Glass[J]. Acta Materialia, 2020, 200, 42-55.
  5. J. Ge(博士研究生), H. He, J. Zhou, C. Lu, W. Dong, S. Liu, S. Lan*(共同通讯作者), Z. Wu, A. Wang, L. Wang, C. Yu, B. Shen*, X.-L. Wang*. In-situ scattering study of a liquid-liquid phase transition in Fe-B-Nb-Y supercooled liquids and its correlation with glass-forming ability[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 787: 831-839.
  6. Ying H Q(博士研究生), Liu S N, Wu Z D*, Dong W X, Ge J C, Hahn H, Provenzano V, Wang X L,  Lan S*(共同通讯作者). Phase selection rule of high-entropy metallic glasses with different short-to-medium-range orders [J]. Rare Metals, 2022, 41(6): 2021-2027.
  7. Meng Y H#, Zhang S Y#, Zhou W H, Yao J H*, Liu S N, Lan S*(共同通讯作者), Li Y*. Rejuvenation by enthalpy relaxation in metallic glasses [J]. Acta Materialia, 2022, 241: 118376.
  8. S. Lan, Z. Wu, X. Wei, J. Zhou, Z. Lu, J. Neuefeind, X.-L. Wang*. Structure origin of a transition of classic-to-avalanche nucleation in Zr-Cu-Al bulk metallic glasses[J]. Acta Materialia, 2018, 149: 108-118.
  9. S. Lan, C. Guo, W. Zhou, Y. Ren, J. Almer, C. Pei, H. Hahn, C.-T. Liu, T. Feng*, X.-L. Wang*, H. Gleiter. Engineering medium-range order and polyamorphism in a nanostructured amorphous alloy[J]. Communications Physics, 2019, 2(1): 1-9.
  10. Fu S#, Liu S#, Ge J, Wang J, Ying H, Wu S, Yan M, Zhu L, Ke Y, Luan J, Ren Y, Zuo X, Wu Z, Peng Z, Liu C T, Wang X L*, Feng T*, Lan S*(通讯作者). In situ study on medium-range order evolution during the polyamorphous phase transition in a Pd-Ni-P nanostructured glass [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 125: 145-156.
  11. S. Lan, M. Blodgett, K.F. Kelton, J.L. Ma, J. Fan, X.L. Wang*. Structural crossover in a supercooled metallic liquid and the link to a liquid-to-liquid phase transition[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108(21): 211907.
  12. X.Y. Li#, H.P. Zhang#, S. Lan#(共同一作), D. Abernathy, T. Otomo, F.W. Wang, Y. Ren, M.Z. Li*, X.L. Wang*. Observation of high-frequency transverse phonons in metallic glasses[J]. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 124, 22.
  13. Dong W X, Wu Z D*, Ge J C, Liu S N, Lan S*(通讯作者), Elliot P G, Yang R, Dong M, Wang X L. In situ neutron scattering studies of a liquid–liquid phase transition in the supercooled liquid of a Zr-Cu-Al-Ag glass-forming alloy[J], Appl. Phys. Lett, 2021, 118, 191901.
  14. Liu S, Ge J, Ying H, Lu C, Ma D, Wang X-L, Zuo X, Ren Y, Feng T, Shen J, Hahn H, Lan S*(通讯作者). In Situ Scattering Studies of Crystallization Kinetics in a Phase-Separated Zr-Cu-Fe-Al Bulk Metallic Glass [J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2022, 35(1): 103-114.
  15. S.N. Liu, W.X. Dong, C.Y. Lu, Z.W. Lu, J.C. Ge, C.C. Yuan, B.A. Sun, T. Feng, X.L. Wang, S. Lan*(通讯作者). Effects of casting current on structure and properties of a nanostructured Zr–Cu–Fe–Al bulk metallic glass[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2018, 25(6): 630-636.
  16. Hu X, Ge J C, Liu S N, Fu S, Wu Z D, Feng T, Liu D, Wang X L, Lan S*(通讯作者). Combustion Mechanism of Fe-Nb-B-Y Amorphous Alloys with an Anomalous Exothermic Phenomenon [J]. Acta Metall. Sin. 2020, 57: 542-552.\
  17. Chen S#*, Li M, Ji Q, Feng T, Lan S*(共同通讯作者), Yao K. Effect of the chloride ion on advanced oxidation processes catalyzed by Fe-based metallic glass for wastewater treatment [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 117: 49-58.
  18. J. Wang, S. Wu, S. Fu, S. Liu, M. Yan, Q. Lai, S. Lan*(共同通讯作者), H. Hahn, T. Feng*. Ultrahigh hardness with exceptional thermal stability of a nanocrystalline CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy prepared by inert gas condensation[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2020, 187,335-339.
  19. J. Wang, S. Wu, S. Fu, S. Liu, Z. Ren, M. Yan, S. Chen, S. Lan*(共同通讯作者), H. Hahn, T. Feng*, Nanocrystalline CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy with tunable ferromagnetic properties, Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2021, 77, 126–130.
  20. K.-H. Li, J.-C. Ge, S.-N. Liu, S. Fu, Z.-X. Yin, W.-T. Zhang, G.-X. Chen, S.-C. Wei, H. Ji, T. Feng, Q. Liu, X.-L. Wang, X.-B. Zuo, Y. Ren, H. Hahn,S. Lan*(通讯作者). In situ scattering study of multiscale structural evolution during liquid–liquid phase transition in Mg-based metallic glasses[J]. Rare Metals, 2021, 40(11): 3107–3116.
  21. F. Hayat, J. Yin, A. Tabassum, H. Hou, S. Lan, T. Feng. Effects of cooling rate and sub-Tg annealing on Ni80P20 metallic glass: A molecular dynamic (MD) study[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 179, 109681.
  22. Pei C, Chen S*, Zhao T, Li M, Cui Z, Sun B*, Hu S, Lan S, Hahn H, Feng T*. Nanostructured Metallic Glass in a Highly Upgraded Energy State Contributing to Efficient Catalytic Performance [J]. Adv Mater, 2022, 34(26): e2200850.
  23. C. Pei, R. Zhao, Y. Fang, S. Wu, Z. Cui, B. Sun, S. Lan, P. Luo, W. Wang, T. Feng. The structural and dynamic heterogeneities of Ni-P nanoglass characterized by stress-relaxation[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 836: 155506.
  24. Tang S, Xin T*, Luo T, Ji F, Li C*, Feng T, Lan S. Grain boundary decohesion in body-centered cubic Mg-Li-Al alloys [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 902: 163732.
  25. Wu S#, Kou Z#, Lai Q*, Lan S, Katnagallu S S, Hahn H, Taheriniya S, Wilde G, Gleiter H, Feng T*. Dislocation exhaustion and ultra-hardening of nanograined metals by phase transformation at grain boundaries [J]. Nat Commun, 2022, 13(1): 5468.
  26. J. Ren, Y. Huang, H. Zhu, B. Zhang, H. Zhu, S. Shen, G. Tan, F. Wu, H. He, S. Lan, X. Xia, Q. Liu. Recent progress on MOF‐derived carbon materials for energy storage[J]. Carbon Energy, 2020, doi.org/10.1002/cey2.44.
  27. M. Naeem, H. He, F. Zhang, H. Huang, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, B. Wang, S. Lan, Z. Wu, F. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, Z. Zhang, C.T. Liu, X.-L. Wang. Cooperative deformation in high-entropy alloys at ultralow temperatures[J]. Science Advances, 2020, 6, 1-8.
  28. W.Y. Chen, H.W. Chen, W.P. Li, J.C. Huang, H.S. Yu, J.G. Duh, S. Lan, T. Feng. Compositionally modulated microstructure in nano-layered Ni-P metallic glass composite coating prepared by electrodeposition[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 125636.
  29. F. Cao, D. Yu, W. Ma, X. Xu, B. Cai, Y. Yang, S. Liu, L. He, Y. Ke, S. Lan, K. Choy, H. Zeng. Shining Emitter in Stable Host: Design Halide Perovskite Scintillators for X-Ray Imaging from Commercial Concept[J]. ACS nano, 2019,doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.9b06114.
  30. J. Li, J. Chen, L. Xu, S. Liu, S. Lan, X. Li, J. Song. Zinc non-halide dopant strategy enables efficient perovskite CsPbI3 quantum dot-based light-emitting diodes[J]. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 4, 1444-1453.
  31. L. Zhu, S.N. Liu, S. Lan, Y.M. Xu, C. Li, H. Zheng, S.S. Jiang, J.R. Men, X.L. Wang, F.M. Pan, Y.G. Wang*. Structural rearrangement at medium-range and its effects on the magnetic properties and crystallization behaviors of a Fe-based amorphous alloy[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823.
  32. H. Zheng, L. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, Y.G. Wang*, S.N. Liu, S. Lan, F.G. Chen. Role of Ni and Co in tailoring magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe84Si2B13P1 metallic glass[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 816.
  33. Y. Ke*, H.-H. Wu, S. Lan, H. Jiang, Y. Ren, S. Liu, C. Jiang**. Tuning magnetostriction of Fe–Ga alloys via stress engineering[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 822.
  34. W. Dong, J. Ge, Y. Ke, H. Ying, L. Zhu, H. He, S. Liu, C. Lu, S. Lan*(共同通讯作者), J. Almer, Y. Ren, X.-L. Wang**. In-situ observation of an unusual phase transformation pathway with Guinier-Preston zone-like precipitates in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 819.
  35. J.H. Li, J. Chen, L. Xu, S.N. Liu, S. Lan, J.Z. Song*, Zinc non-halide dopant strategy enables efficient perovskite CsPbL3 quantum dot-based light-emitting diodes[J]. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 1-9.
  36. M. Naeem, H. He, F. Zhang, H. Huang, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, B. Wang, S Lan, Z.D. Wu, F. Wang, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, Z. Zhang, C.T. Liu, X.-L. Wang. Cooperative deformation in high-entropy alloys at ultralow temperatures[J]. Science Advances, 2020.
  37. L. Zhu, Y. Meng, X.B. Zhai, Y.G. Wang*, S. Lan. Structure origin of abnormal magnetic behavior of Fe-P-C amorphous alloys[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 472: 49-52.
  38. H. Zhu, Y. Huang, H. Zhu, L. Wang, S. Lan, X. Xia, Q. Liu*. In Situ Probing Multiple-Scale Structures of Energy Materials for Li-Ion Batteries[J]. Small Methods, 2019, 1900223.
  39. Y. Zhao, X. Tong, X.H. Wei, S.S. Xu, S. Lan, X.L. Wang, Z.W. Zhang*. Effects of microstructure on crack resistance and low-temperature toughness of ultra-low carbon high strength steel[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 116, 203-215.
  40. C.C. Yuan*, Z.W. Lu, C.M. Pang, X.L. Wu, S. Lan, C.Y. Lu, L.G. Wang, H.B. Yu, J.H. Luan, W.W. Zhu, G.L. Zhang, Q. Liu, X.-L. Wang, B.L. Shen**. Atomic-scale heterogeneity in large-plasticity Cu-doped metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 798: 571-522.
  41. X. Wu, S. Lan, X. Wei, J. Zhou, Z. Lu, J.D. Almer, X.-L. Wang*. Elucidating the nature of crystallization kinetics in Zr46Cu46Al8 metallic glass through simultaneous WAXS/SAXS measurements[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114(21), 2110903.
  42. X. Wei, S. Lan, Z. Wu, M. Ohnuma, T. Shibayama, S. Watanabe, J. Zhou, Z. Lu, Y. Ren, X.-L. Wang*. In-situ visualizing atomic structural evolution during crystallization in ternary Zr Cu Al bulk metallic glasses[J]. Intermetallics, 2019, 105: 173-178.
  43. L.F. Wang, J.H. Shao, Y.H. Liu, S. Lan, T. Feng, J. Hu, B.A. Sun*. Tailoring Evolution of Configuration Entropy Change during Plastic Flow of Metallic Glasses[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019, 126, 235102 .
  44. S. Lan, Z. Wu, X. Wei, J. Zhou, Z. Lu, J. Neuefeind, X.-L. Wang*. Reply to comments on “Structure origin of a transition of classic-to-avalanche nucleation in Zr-Cu-Al bulk metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, 149, 108 (2018)”[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2019, 163: 168-169.
  45. L.Y. Guo, X. Wang, K.C. Shen, K.B. Kim, S. Lan, X.L. Wang, W.M. Wang*. Structure modification and recovery of amorphous Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 magnetic ribbons after autoclave treatment: SAXS and thermodynamic analysis[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(1): 118-126.
  46. S.-Q. Chen, K.-Z. Hui, L.-Z. Dong, Z. Li, Q.-H. Zhang, L. Gu, W. Zhao, S. Lan, Y. Ke, Y. Shao*, H. Hahn, K.-F. Yao*. Excellent long-term reactivity of inhomogeneous nanoscale Fe-based metallic glass in wastewater purification[J]. Science China Materials, 2019, .1-14.
  47. F. Cao, D. Yu, W. Ma, X. Xu*, B. Cai, Y.M. Yang, S. Liu, L. He, Y. Ke, S. Lan, K.L. Choy, H. Zeng*. Shining Emitter in a Stable Host: Design of Halide Perovskite Scintillators for X-ray Imaging from Commercial Concept[J]. ACS Nano, 2019.
  48. L. Zhu, Y.G. Wang*, S. Lan, X.L. Wang, C.Y. Lu, X.B. Zhai, Y. Meng. Structural relaxation in a Fe-based metallic glass: Changes in local structure and role of heterogeneity[J]. Intermetallics, 2018, 103: 72-77.
  49. L. Zhang, J. Li, H. You*, C. Ma, S. Lan*(共同通讯作者), Z. Wu, J. Zeng*, F. Tian, J. Fang*. In Situ Probing of the Particle-Mediated Mechanism of WO3 -Networked Structures Grown inside Confined Mesoporous Channels[J]. Small, 2018, 14(4), 1702565.
  50. H. Xia*, X. Zhu, J. Liu, Q. Liu, S. Lan, Q. Zhang, X. Liu, J.K. Seo, T. Chen, L. Gu*, Y.S. Meng*. A monoclinic polymorph of sodium birnessite for ultrafast and ultrastable sodium ion storage[J]. Nat Commun, 2018, 9(1): 5100.
  51. Z. Wu, S. Lan, X. Wei, D. Olds, K. Page, B. Shen, X.-L. Wang*. Heterogeneous nucleation in Zr-Cu-Al-Ag metallic glasses triggered by quenched-in metastable crystals - A time-resolved neutron diffraction study[J]. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2018, 551: 60-63.
  52. B. Wang, H. He, M. Naeem, S. Lan, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, Y. Nie, H.W. Kui, T. Ungár, D. Ma, A.D. Stoica, Q. Li, Y. Ke, C.T. Liu, X.-L. Wang*. Deformation of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy at large strain[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 155: 54-57.
  53. M. Naeem, S. Lan, B. Wang, X.Y. Wei, J. Zhou, Y. Ren, Z.P. Lu, D. Ma, A.D. Stoica, X.L. Wang*. Suppression of crystallization in a Ca-based bulk metallic glass by compression[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 765: 595-600.
  54. W.H. Liu, B.A. Sun, H. Gleiter, S. Lan, Y. Tong, X.L. Wang, H. Hahn, Y. Yang, J.J. Kai, C.T. Liu*. Nanoscale Structural Evolution and Anomalous Mechanical Response of Nanoglasses by Cryogenic Thermal Cycling[J]. Nano Lett, 2018, 18(7): 4188-4194.
  55. L.Y. Guo, S.N. Geng, J. Pang, Y.H. Hu, S. Lan, C.M. Wang, W.M. Wang*. Structural transformation and property improvement of Fe78Si9B13 amorphous ribbon by pulsed laser processing[J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 160: 538-548.
  56. X. Wu, S. Lan, Z. Wu, X. Wei, Y. Ren, H.Y. Tsang, X. Wang*. Multiscale structures of Zr-based binary metallic glasses and the correlation with glass forming ability[J]. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2017, 27(4): 482-486.
  57. M. Sun, A. Rauf, Y. Zhang, G. Sha*, G. Peng, Z. Yu, C. Guo, Y. Fang, S. Lan, T. Feng*, H. Hahn*, H. Gleiter*. Enhanced inter-diffusion of immiscible elements Fe/Cu at the interface of FeZr/CuZr amorphous multilayers[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2017, 6(1): 55-60.
  58. W. Liao*, S. Lan, L. Gao, H. Zhang, S. Xu, J. Song, X. Wang, Y. Lu*. Nanocrystalline high-entropy alloy (CoCrFeNiAl0.3) thin-film coating by magnetron sputtering[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2017, 638: 383-388.
  59. S. Lan, Z. Wu, X.-L. Wang*. Multiscale structures and phase transitions in metallic glasses: A scattering perspective[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(1): 017104.
  60. S. Lan*(通讯作者), W. Dong, X. Wang*. 金属玻璃异常放热现象与隐藏非晶相变研究进展[J]. 自然杂志, 2017, 39(5): 327-339.
  61. C. Guo, Y. Fang, B. Wu, S. Lan, G. Peng, X.-L. Wang, H. Hahn, H. Gleiter*, T. Feng*. Ni-P nanoglass prepared by multi-phase pulsed electrodeposition[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2016, 5(5): 293-299.
  62. Z.D. Wu, W.Z. Zhou, Y.F. Lo, S. Lan, H.W. Kui*. On the short-range orders in spinodal Pd–Ni–P bulk metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 410: 51-57.
  63. A. Pramanick*, M.R. Jorgensen, S.O. Diallo, A.D. Christianson, J.A. Fernandez-Baca, C. Hoffmann, X. Wang, S. Lan, X.L. Wang. Nanoscale atomic displacements ordering for enhanced piezoelectric properties in lead-free ABO3 ferroelectrics[J]. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27(29): 4330-4335.
  64. W. Jiao, X.L. Wang*, S. Lan, S.P. Pan, Z.P. Lu. Propensity of bond exchange as a window into the mechanical properties of metallic glasses[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(6): 061910.
  65. S. Lan, X. Wei, J. Zhou, Z. Lu, X. Wu, M. Feygenson, J. Neuefeind, X.-L. Wang*. In-situ study of crystallization kinetics in ternary bulk metallic glass alloys with different glass forming abilities[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105(20): 201906.
  66. Y. Huang, W.K. Kin, S. Lan, J.P. Embs, D. Qing, Z. Lu, X.-L. Wang, S.M. Chathoth*. Observation of distinct atomic relaxation process in a phase-separated metallic glass-forming melt[J]. Europhysics Letters, 2014, 108(4): 46001.
  67. Z.D. Wu, S. Lan, H.W. Kui*. Crystallization of phase-separated Pd41.25Ni41.25P17.5 BMGs[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2013, 45(5): 2399-2404.
  68. S. Lan, Z.D. Wu, M.T. Lau, H.W. Kui*. Crystallization in homogeneous and phase-separated Pd41.25Ni41.25P17.5 bulk metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, 373-374: 5-12.
  69. S. Lan, M.T. Lau, H.W. Kui*. The time constant of the spinodal decomposition in Pd41.75Ni41.75P17.5 bulk metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, 361: 1-8.
  70. T.T Fan, W.K. Xiao*, L. Li, S. Lan, X.T. Li. Research of Cr1-xMxN's (M=Al,V,Ti,etc.,x=0.5) Coating Valence Electron Structure Calculation and Wear-Resisting Performance[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 706, 238-243.
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  1. 具有热压稳定性的钙镁铜非晶合金及其制备方法(已授权);
  2. 具有磁熵变平台的近室温非晶磁制冷材料及其制备方法(已授权);
  3. 一种用于在织物表面进行超细纳米金属粉末沉积的方法(已授权)
  4. 一种多相脉冲电沉积制备镍磷纳米结构非晶合金的方法(已授权);
  5. 一种纳米多孔钯基非晶合金的制备方法(已授权);
  6. 一种用于中子散射的便携式原位多场耦合加载装置(已授权);
  7. 一种调控纳米非晶颗粒尺寸的方法;
  8. 一种纳米双相块体锆基非晶合金及其制备方法;
  9. 一种赋予超材料应变强化性能的结构设计方法;
  10. 一种纳米析出强化钢的焊接方法;
  11. 一种高熵合金/光固化树脂复合微纳晶格及其制备方法;
  12. 一种超低温约束塑性变形制备锆基大块纳米非晶合金的方法;
  13. 一种含纳米晶/非晶复合铜锆银粉的复合导电银浆;
  14. 一种具有异常放热现象的铁基非晶合金引线;
  15. 一种纳米双相块体锆基非晶合金及其制备方法;
  16. 具有网络状双相结构的铁镍钴铬硼系大块共晶高熵合金;
  17. 一种具有弥散分布硼化物析出相的高熵合金及其制备方法;
  18.  电化学葡萄糖检测用微米/纳米复合多孔非晶合金电极及其制备方法;
  19. 一种高灵敏度应力阻抗效应复合材料及其制备方法;
  20. 一种可用于葡萄糖检测的纳米多孔镍钼基非晶合金





