  • 出生年月:1986年1月
  • 籍贯:江苏南京市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:ran@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 38091 次
更新日期 2024年4月11日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1. 面向超级电容器优化设计的电极-电解质界面间力和微观结构研究

    2. 吸附:气体吸附

    3. 传感器:痕量分子检测

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向


  • 2015/10-至今, 南京理工大学,讲师/副教授,材料科学与工程学院/格莱特研究院
  • 2018/12-2019/12, 德国明斯特大学,访问学者,纳米技术研究中心,Harald Fuchs院士研究组
  • 2016/10-2016/12, 瑞典吕勒奥理工大学,博士后,化学系,Oleg N. Antzutkin教授研究组
  • 2013/12-2015/10, 美国北卡州立大学,博士后,化学与生物工程系,Keith E. Gubbins院士研究组



2008/09 - 2013/06,南京工业大学,化学化工学院化学工程专业,获博士学位,导师:陆小华教授

  • 2020年获江苏省高校微课教学比赛一等奖
  • 2022年获全国首届模拟国际学术会议英语演讲大赛决赛优秀指导教师奖
  • 2023年获“双良杯”第三届江苏省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖指导老师
  • 2023年获第一届南京理工大学节能低碳创新实践大赛二等奖指导老师
  • 2021年获南京理工大学本科优秀毕业设计指导教师
  • 2021年获南京理工大学优秀共产党员称号
  • 2018年获南京理工大学教学竞赛英文组二等奖




Ø ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces;Progress in Organic Coatings;Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces; Biofouling;Surface and Coatings Technolog期刊审稿人

Ø Frontiers in Chemistry期刊客座编辑


  • 承担项目 

    • 2019/07-2022/06 :江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,‘面向固体界面处离子液体纳米摩擦机制的原位AFM-IR研究’
    • 2017/01-2019/12 :国家自然科学基金青年项目,‘基于原子力显微镜对典型蛋白分子与载体间作用的普遍化描述’
    • 2018/01-2019/12 :中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-南京理工大学自主科研专项计划项目-国际科技合作专项,‘受限离子液体纳米摩擦行为的定量化描述’
    • 2016/01-2017/12 :中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-南京理工大学自主科研专项计划项目-自由探索专项,‘聚合物薄膜在纳微结构复杂表面的纳米摩擦性能’


    • 2020/01-2023/12:国家自然科学基金面上项目,‘高效催化合成醋酸纤维素的固体酸反应界面及其可控构建’
    • 2019/01-2023/12 :国家自然科学基金重点项目,‘纳微界面传递的分子热力学机制’
    • 2017/01-2020/12 :国家自然科学基金面上项目,‘基于流体-固体表面粗粒化模型的离子液体吸收CO2分子模拟研究’
    • 2017/04-2019/04:国家自然科学基金委员会与英国皇家学会合作交流项目,‘Photosystem II 光合水氧化机理与性能:基于纳米尺度原子力显微镜和宏观光电化学’ 




1. Rong An*, Nanhua Wu, Qingwei Gao, Yihui Dong, Aatto Laaksonen*, Faiz Ullah Shah, Xiaoyan Ji* and Harald Fuchs*. Integrative studies of ionic liquid interface layers: bridging experiments, theoretical models and simulations. Nanoscale Horizons, 2024, 9, 506-535

2. Rong An, Cody K. Addington, Yun Long, Konrad Rotnicki, Ma?gorzata ?liwinska-Bartkowiak,* Matthias Thommes,* Keith E. Gubbins*, The Nanoscale Wetting Parameter and its Role in Interfacial Phenomena: Phase Transitions in Nano-Pores, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 51, 18730–18745

3. Xin Wang, Mengjie Zhang, Licheng Li, Faiz Ullah Shah, Rong An*. Supported fluorine-free ionic liquids with highly sensitive gas-sensing performance, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 390, 123122

4. Yiqun Su, Tiantian Wang, Fan Zhang, Junsen Huang, Zhehang Zhu, Faiz Ullah Shah, Feng Xu*, and Rong An*, Effect of Electrode Surface Chemistry on Ion Structuring of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 24, 8463–8474

5.  Rong An, Hangbing Zheng, Yihui Dong, Chang Liu, Luyu Zou, Tao Feng,* Xiaoyan Ji,* Aatto Laaksonen*, Ti–Si–Zr–Zn Nanometallic Glass Substrate with a Tunable Zinc Composition for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Cytochrome c, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 21, 25275–25284

6. Na Ma, Xin Wang, Mengjie Zhang, Shenjie Lu, Zelin Hua, Zhenyu Wu, Rong An*, Licheng Li*, Programmable Interactions of Cellulose Acetate with Octadecyltrichlorosilane Functionalized SiO2 Nanoparticles, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 17, 5956–5969.

7. Rong An,* Aatto Laaksonen, Muqiu Wu, Yudan Zhu, Faiz Ullah Shah, Xiaohua Lu, Xiaoyan Ji*. Atomic force microscopy probing interactions and microstructures of ionic liquids at solid interfaces, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 11098-11128.

8.  Yihui Dong, Mian Gong, Faiz Ullah Shah, Aatto Laaksonen, Rong An*, Xiaoyan Ji*. Phosphonium-based ionic liquid significantly enhances SERS of Cytochrome c on TiO2 nanotube arrays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 27456-27465.

9. Rong An*, Yudi Wei, Xiuhua Qiu, Zhongyang Dai,* Muqiu Wu, Enrico Gnecco, Faiz Ullah Shah, Wenling Zhang, Ionic Liquids on Uncharged and Charged Surfaces: In Situ Microstructures and Nanofriction, Friction, 2022, 10, 1893–1912.

10.  Xiuhua Qiu, Linghong Lu, Zhenyu Qu, Jiongtao Liao, Qi Fan, Faiz Ullah Shah, Wenling Zhang, Rong An*, Probing the nanofriction of non-halogenated phosphonium-based ionic liquid additives in glycol ether oil on titanium surface, Friction, 2022, 10, 268–281.

11. Tiantian Wang, Licheng Li, Fan Zhang, Zhongyang Dai, Faiz Ullah Shah, Wen Wang, Feng Xu*, Rong An*. Microstructural probing of phosphonium-based ionic liquids on gold electrode using colloid probe AFM, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24, 25411–25419.

12.  Mengjie Zhang, Na Ma, Zhongyang Dai, Xiufeng Song, Qingmin Ji, Licheng Li*, Rong An*. Immobilizing ionic liquids onto functionalized surfaces for sensing volatile organic compounds, Langmuir, 2022, 38, 14550–14562.

13. Yudi Wei, Zhongyang Dai, Yihui Dong, Andrei Filippov, Xiaoyan Ji, Aatto Laaksonen, Faiz Ullah Shah, Rong An*, Harald Fuchs. Molecular interactions of ionic liquids with SiO2 surfaces determined from colloid probe atomic force microscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24, 12808-12815.

14. Yudi Wei, Yihui Dong, Xiaoyan Ji, Faiz Ullah Shah, Aatto Laaksonen, Rong An*, Kristina Riehemann, Detailing molecular interactions of ionic liquids with charged SiO2 surfaces: A systematic AFM study, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 350, 118506

15. Yihui Dong, Aatto Laaksonen, Mian Gong, Rong An*, Xiaoyan Ji*, Selective Separation of Highly Similar Proteins on Ionic Liquid-Loaded Mesoporous TiO2, Langmuir, 2022, 38(10), 3202–3211

16.  Rong An*, Xiuhua Qiu, Faiz Ullah Shah, Kristina Riehemann, Harald Fuchs*, Controlling the nanoscale friction by layered ionic liquid films, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 14941-14952

17. Pengpeng Fan, Xiuhua Qiu, Faiz Ullah Shah, Qingmin Ji, Rong An*, The effect of nanoscale friction of mesoporous carbon supported ionic liquids on the mass transfer of CO2 adsorption, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 1097-1106 (2020 PCCP Hot Article)

18. Rong An*, Muqiu Wu, Jing Li, Xiuhua Qiu, Faiz Ullah Shah, Jianliang Li, On the Ionic Liquid Films ‘Pinned’ by Core-Shell Structured Fe3O4@Carbon Nanoparticles and Their Tribological Properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 26387-26398 (2019 PCCP Hot Article)

19. Rong An*, Peng Peng Fan, Ming Jun Zhou, Yue Wang, Goel Sunkulp, Xue Feng Zhou*, Wei Li, Jing Tao Wang*, Nanolamellar Tantalum Interfaces in the Osteoblast Adhesion, Langmuir (封面), 2019, 35, 2480−2489

20. Muqiu Wu, Rong An,* Sudheer Kumar Yadav,* Xiaohong Jiang, Graphene tailored by Fe3O4 nanoparticles: low-adhesive and durable superhydrophobic coatings, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 16235-16245.

21. Rong An*, Guobing Zhou, Yudan Zhu, Wei Zhu, Liangliang Huang*, Faiz Ullah Shah, Friction of Ionic Liquid-Glycol Ether Mixtures at Titanium Interfaces: Negative Load Dependence, Advanced Materials Interfaces (封面). 2018, 5, 1800263

22. Rong An*, Pengpeng Fan, Nina Yan, Qingmin Ji, Goel Sunkulp, Yong Wang*. Nanofriction of Graphene/Ionic Liquid-Infused Block Copolymer Homoporous Membranes, Langmuir, 2017, 33, 11590-11602  

23. Rong An*, Yihui Dong, Jiahua Zhu, Chao Rao. Adhesion and Friction Forces in Biofouling Attachments to Nanotube- and PEG- Patterned TiO2 Surfaces, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 159, 108–117  

24. Rong An, Liangliang Huang, Kenneth P. Mineart, Yihui Dong, Richard J. Spontak, and Keith E. Gubbins*. Adhesion and Friction in Polymer Films on Solid Substrates: Conformal Sites Analysis and Corresponding Surface Measurements, Soft Matter (背封), 2017, 13, 3492-3505

25. Rong An, Liangliang Huang, Yun Long, Berc Kalanyan, Xiaohua Lu, Keith E Gubbins*, Liquid-Solid Nanofriction and Interfacial Wetting, Langmuir, 2016, 32(3): 743-750

26. Rong An, Wei Zhuang, Zhuhong Yang, Xiaohua Lu*, Jiahua Zhu, Yanfang Wang, Yihui Dong, Nanhua Wu. Protein Adsorptive Behavior on Mesoporous Titanium Dioxide Determined by Geometrical Topography. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 117, 146-155

27.  Rong An, Yudan Zhu, Nanhua Wu, Wenlong Xie, Jiawei Lu, Xin Feng, Xiaohua Lu*. Wetting Behavior of Ionic Liquid on Mesoporous Titanium Dioxide Surface by Atomic Force Microscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 2692-2698

28. Rong An, Qiuming Yu, Luzheng Zhang, Yudan Zhu, Xiaojing Guo, Shuangqin Fu, Licheng Li, Changsong Wang, Ximing Wu, Chang Liu, Xiaohua Lu*. Simple Physical Approach to Reducing Frictional and Adhesive Forces on a TiO2 Surface via Creating Heterogeneous Nanopores. Langmuir, 2012, 28, 15270-15277 




安蓉*,邱秀华,吴沐秋,通过Fe3O4@C核壳纳米钉固定离子液体润滑膜的方法,2019.07.08,中国, 申请号:ZL201910649992.3,已授权




  • 《Chemistry for Nanoscience》(英文,2学分,32学时)
  • 《Image of Materials》(英文,2学分,32学时)
  • 《Advanced Characterization Techniques for Materials》(英文,2学分,32学时)
  • 《材料科学与工程导论》(1学分,16学时)
  • 《无机与分析化学》(2学分,32学时)


  • 目前指导在读博士生2名,在读硕士生3名,已毕业硕士生6名,本科生若干




所在的团队为自组装纳米功能材料团队,团队的Group Leader为德国科学院院士Harald Fuchs教授。http://www.hgi-fsos.com/index.html