  • 出生年月:1966年3月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:wensheng.zhang@ia.ac.cn
访问次数 84703 次
更新日期 2018年6月5日
  • 主学科0812 计算机科学与技术【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科081203|计算机应用技术
  • 研究方向1、模式识别与机器学习 2、数字内容理解 3、精密感知与智能控制 4、人机交互与数字样机
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向
1. 2012-2015,国家自然科学基金重点项目“跨媒体协同处理与服务的理论与应用研究”。 2. 2010-2012,国家基金委重大研究计划项目“基于情景演变的非常规突发事件应急决策的关键支撑技术研究”。 3. 2011-2015,基础研究“十二五” 规划项目(课题)“红外成像气动光学效应校正、目标识别方法研究”。 4. 2011-2013,中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目“面向束靶耦合的数字物理仿真技术研究”。
[1] Yuan Xie, Yanyun Qu, Cuihua Li, Wensheng Zhang*. Online multiple instance gradient feature selection for robust visual tracking, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012. (SCI IF: 1.235) [2] Hu wang, Yanshuang Ren, Wensheng Zhang*. Morphometry based on effective and Accurate correspondences of localized patterns(MEACOLP). [J] PLos ONE, 2012. (SCI IF:4.4) [3] Hu Wang, Wensheng Zhang*, and Jin Liu. Description for 3d images with histogram of gradient based on maximum directional derivative, Journal of digital content technology and its applications. Vol.6, No.4, 2012. ( EI) [4] H.Ding, W.Zhang*, Multi-target tracking with occlusions via skeleton points assignment, Neurocomputing. Vol. 85, pp.165-175. (SCI IF: 1.442) [5] Jin Liu,Bo Li, Wensheng Zhang*. Feature extraction using maximum variance sparse mapping. Neural Computing and Applications, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-010-0519-9. (SCI IF: 0.563) [6] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang*, Fuxin Li, Yanwu Yang, Ranking with decision tree. Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 381-385. (SCI IF: 2.008) [7] Yuanyuan Feng, Lijun Bai, Wensheng Zhang*, Jie Tian*. Investigation of acupoint specificity by multivariate granger causality analysis from fMRI data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.34, pp.31-42, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.77). [8] Yuanyuan Feng, Yanshuang Ren, Hu Wang, Zhenyu Liu, Wensheng Zhang*, Jie Tian*. Investigation of the large-scale functional brain networks modulated by acupuncture, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 29, No.7, pp. 958-965, 2011. (SCI IF: 2.042). [9] Bo Zhao, Wensheng Zhang, Jin Liu, Huan Ding. High-order MRF Prior based bayesian deblurring. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2011, Vol. 5, No 12, pp. 383-392. (EI) [10] Mingyu Yang, Jin Liu, Wensheng Zhang. Region-based active contour with neighborhood information for image segmentation. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 322-329, 2011. (EI) [11] H.Ding, W.Zhang. A multi-target tracking approach combined with occlusion segmentation. Proceeding of the Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence (IWACI2011). (EI) [12] Bo Zhao, Wensheng Zhang. A novel image deblurring method based on high-order MRF Prior. Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence (IWACI 2011). ( EI) [13] Kangshun Li, Ting Wang, Ping Huang, Wensheng Zhang. A new intelligent algorithm for designing digital filter. Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC2009). Vol. 4: pp103-107, 2009. (EI) [14] 丁欢, 张文生. 融合SPA遮挡分割的多目标跟踪方法. 中国图象图形学报. 17(1): 90-98, 2012. [15] 张水发,丁欢,杨柳,王虎,张文生. 双模型背景建模与目标检测研究. 计算机研究与发展. 48(11): 1983-1990, 2011. [16] 杨名宇, 丁欢, 赵博, 张文生. 结合邻域信息的Chan-Vese模型图像分割. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 23(3): 413-418, 2011. [17] 张水发,张文生,丁欢,杨柳. 融合光流速度与背景建模的目标检测方法. 中国图象图形学报. 16(2):236-243, 2011 [18] 刘琰琼,张文生,李益群,杨柳. 基于电阻网络的异构数据协同聚类算法. 计算机工程. 37(5): 207-209, 2011. [19] 李益群,张文生,杨柳,刘琰琼. 基于标签的强化学习推荐算法研究与应用. 计算机应用研究, 27(8), 2845-2852, 2011. [20] 张文生,王珏,戴国忠. 支持向量机中引入后验概率的理论和方法研究. 计算机研究与发展, 2002, 39 (04): 392-397。 [21] 张文生. 小批量生产过程中产品质量控制的研究. 系统工程理论与实践,2002。 [22] 张文生,丁辉、王珏. 基于邻域原理计算海量数据支持向量的研究. 软件学报,2001。 [23] 张文生,王珏.利用支持向量机技术实现函数型连接网络的研究. 计算机科学,2001。 [24] 何源, 张文生, 葛铭, 叶晨洲 . 基于时序聚类的吹灰预测模型. 计算机工程, 2008。 [25] 任帅杰, 张文生, 何源, 王颖. 基于图像分析的纤维直径和曲率的测量方法. 中国图象图形学报, 2008。 [26] 刘华富,张文生. 基于海量样本的模糊分类系统的设计. 计算机工程, 2007。 [27] Zhang Wensheng, Dai Guozhong. Using SVM to Solve Structural Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions. The Proceeding of the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction,Nov.2002. [28] Liu Yang, Wensheng Zhang, A Study of the Dependencies in Expert Finding. WKDD 2010: 355-358. [29] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang, Jue Wang. A Closed-Form Reduction of Multi-class Cost-Sensitive Learning to Weighted Multi-class Learning. Pattern Recognition, 2008. [30] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang, Ranking with decision tree. Knowledge and Information Systems. 17(3): 381-395 (2008). [31] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang. Ordinal Regression as Multiclass Classification. Int. Journal of Intelligent Control System, Vol. 12, Num. 3, Sep 2007. [32] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang, Wang Jue. An Effective Tree-Based Algorithm for Ordinal Regression. The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin. 2006-Dec, Vol.7 No.1. [33] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang, Hang Li. Listwise approach to learning to rank: theory and algorithm. ICML 2008: 1192-1199. [34] Ge Bao-shan, Zhang Wensheng, Li Bo. Study on Message Zero-Copy Communication and Protocol among Multi-DSPs. International Conference on Automation and Logistics. 2007. [35] Fen Xia, Wensheng Zhang. Recursive Feature Extraction for Ordinal Regression. IJCNN 2007: 78-83. [36] Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan, Wensheng Zhang, Zhangxin Chen. Automatic modeling of a novel gene expression programming based on statistical analysisand critical velocity. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 641-647.