  • 出生年月:1979年8月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国国民党革命委员会会员
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:zhaozhao@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 36166 次
更新日期 2024年6月24日
  • 主学科0810 信息与通信工程【硕士生导师】
  • 二级学科081001|通信与信息系统
  • 研究方向

    1.麦克风阵列信号处理;2.智能信号处理; 3.大气被动声探测系统设计与实现。

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向


















[1] Z. Zhao*, Z. Y. Wang and Z. Y. Xu, "A geometric solution to microphone array position calibration and its confidence interval analysis", Applied Acoustics,  Volume 224, 2024, 110108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2024.110108.

[2] Zhang P., Wen H. Y., Zhao Z., Xu Z. Y. Time-difference reassigned transform with application to time difference of arrival for impulsive signal. Digital Siganl Processing, vol. 148, 2024, Art no. 104451. doi: 10.1016/j.dsp.2024.104451.

[3] Z. Zhao*, Z. Y. Wang and Z. Y. Xu, "Microphone channel frequency response calibration using circular shifting and spatio-temporal prediction", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-12, 2023, Art no. 1010012, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3318705.

[4] Z. Zhao*, L. Yang, R. R. Ju, L. Chen, Z. Y. Xu, "Acoustic bird species classification under low SNR and small-scale dataset conditions", Applied Acoustics, Volume 214, 2023, 109670. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109670.

[5] Zhi-yong Xu, Lei Chen, Bryan C. Pijanowski, Zhao Zhao*, "A frequency-dependent acoustic diversity index: A revision to a classic acoustic index for soundscape ecological research", Ecological Indicators, Volume 155, 2023, 110940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110940.

[6] Z. Zhao*, H. Kan, J. Lin and Z. Xu, "DOA Estimation for Multiple Speech Sources Based on Flexible Single-Source Zones and Concentration Weighting", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 10683-10693, 15 May15, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3263861.

[7] Z. Y. Wang, Z. Zhao* and Z. Y. Xu, "A Novel Method for Microphone Channel Frequency Response Calibration Based on Newton Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-13, 2023, Art no. 1001013, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3225907.

[8] Chen L., Xu Z. Y. and Zhao Z.*,  "Biotic sound SNR influence analysis on acoustic indices", Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3:1079223, 2023. doi: 10.3389/frsen.2022.1079223.

[9] Zhang, P., Wen, H. Y., Xu, Z. Y., Zhao, Z. Improving the Robustness of Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on the Energy Center of Gravity Rearrangement. Sensors, vol. 23, 2023, Art no. 9720. doi: 10.3390/s23249720.

[10] Zhang, Y., Zhao, Z., Xu, H. J., He, C., Peng, H., Gao, Z., Xu, Z. Y., Vibration pattern recognition using a compressed histogram of oriented gradients for snoring source analysis. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 143-155, 2020. doi: 10.3233/BME-201086.

[11] Benjamin L. Gottesman,  Dante Francomano,  Zhao Zhao,  Kristen Bellisario,  Maryam Ghadiri,  Taylor Broadhead,  Amandine Gasc,  Bryan C. Pijanowski. Acoustic monitoring reveals diversity and surprising dynamics in tropical freshwater soundscapes. Freshwater Biology. 2020; 65: 117– 132. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13096

[12] Zhao Zhao*, Zhi-yong Xu, Kristen Bellisario, Rui-wen Zeng, Ning Li, Wen-yang Zhou, Bryan C. Pijanowski. How well do acoustic indices measure biodiversity? Computational experiments to determine effect of sound unit shape, vocalization intensity, and frequency of vocalization occurrence on performance of acoustic indices. Ecological Indicators, Volume 107, 2019, 105588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105588.

[13] Kristen M. Bellisario, Jack VanSchaik, Zhao Zhao, Amandine Gasc, Hichem Omrani, Bryan C. Pijanowski. Contributions of MIR to Soundscape Ecology. Part 2: Spectral timbral analysis for discriminating soundscape components, Ecological Informatics, Volume 51, 2019, Pages 1-4. ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.01.008.

[14] Kristen M. Bellisario, Taylor Broadhead, David Savage, Zhao Zhao, Hichem Omrani, Saihua Zhang, John Springer, Bryan C. Pijanowski. Contributions of MIR to soundscape ecology. Part 3: Tagging and classifying audio features using a multi-labeling k-nearest neighbor approach. Ecological Informatics, Volume 51, 2019, Pages 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.02.010.

[15] 赵兆*, 王旭, 许志勇. 嵌入式平面麦克风阵列TDOA校正方法[J]. 电子学报, 2019, 47(10): 2235-2240. doi:CNKI:SUN:DZXU.0.2019-10-027.

[16] 王旭, 赵兆, 许志勇. 低秩及几何约束的嵌入式阵列膛口波测向方法[J]. 兵工学报, 2019(3): 555-560. doi:CNKI:SUN:BIGO.0.2019-03-014.

[17] S. H. Zhang, Z. Zhao*, Z. Y. Xu, K. Bellisario and B. C. Pijanowski, "Automatic Bird Vocalization Identification Based on Fusion of Spectral Pattern and Texture Features," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, AB, Canada, 2018, pp. 271-275, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8462156.

[18] 谢萌蕤, 赵兆, 李阳, 许志勇. 基于多尺度子带能量集特征的膛口波识别方法[J]. 兵工学报, 2018, 39(10): 1951-1957. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2018.10.010.

[19] Zhao Zhao*, Sai-hua Zhang, Zhi-yong Xu, Kristen Bellisario, Nian-hua Dai, Hichem Omrani, Bryan C. Pijanowski. Automated bird acoustic event detection and robust species classification. Ecological Informatics, Volume 39, 2017, Pages 99-108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.04.003.

[20] 许志勇, 赵兆. 平面阵声源方位角估计扰动敏感性分析[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2017, 44(4): 105-110. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2017.04.017.

[21] 房玉琢, 许志勇, 赵兆. 基于近似核密度估计的近场多声源定位算法[J]. 通信学报, 2017(1): 106-116. doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017013.