  • 出生年月:1975年6月
  • 籍贯:江西抚州市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:yshzou75@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 37592 次
更新日期 2018年6月5日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科080502|材料学
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向


2011/03 – 2012/03,英国布里斯托大学,化学系,国家公派访问学者

2009/06 – 2009/09,香港城市大学,物理与材料科学系,研究员

2008/01 –至今,南京理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授,教授

2005/06 – 2008/06,香港城市大学,物理与材料科学系,博士后


 2001/08 – 2005/06,中国科学院金属研究所,博士

1998/09 – 2001/03,东北大学,材料与冶金学院,硕士

1994/09 – 1998/07,东北大学,材料与冶金学院,学士


















目前已在Adv. Funct.Mater.,Nano Energy, ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesAppl. Phys. Lett.等高影响因子期刊上发表论文80余篇,SCI他引800余次。主要论文如下:

  1. Yuhang Dong,+ Shalong Wang,+ Yousheng Zou,* Shuting Liu, Zhengfeng Zhu, Jvbing Li, Dan Ju, Jun Chen, Kan Zhang, Xuhai Liu, Haibo Zeng*,Zinc Stannate Nanocrystal Based Ultra-rapid-response UV Photodetectors, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2018, 1800085
  2. Kang Dou, Wenwen Zhu, Yousheng Zou*, Yu Gu, Jubin Li, Shengli Zhang, Zhuang Liu* and Haibo Zeng*, Metallic oxide nanocrystals with near-infrared plasmon resonance for efficient, stable and biocompatible photothermal cancer therapy, J Mater Chem B, 2017, 5, 7393-7402
  3. Zhengfeng Zhu,+ Yu Gu,+ Shalong Wang, Yousheng Zou,* Haibo Zeng*, Improving Wearable Photodetector Textile via Precise Energy Level Alignment and Plasmonic Effect, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2017, 1700281, 1-9
  4. Zhengfeng Zhu,+ Dan Ju,+ Yousheng Zou,* Yuhui Dong, DanShan, Linbao Luo, Tengfei Zhang, Haibo Zeng*, Boosting Fiber-Shaped Photodetectors via “Soft” Interfaces , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2017, 9, 12092-12099
  5. Shalong Wang+, Kang Dou+, Yousheng Zou*, Yuhang Dong, Jubin Li, Dan Ju, Haibo Zeng*, Assembling tungsten oxide hydrate nanocrystal colloids formed by laser ablation in liquid into fast-response electrochromic films, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 489, 85-91
  6. Jie Xue+, Yu Gu+, Qingsong Shan+, Yousheng Zou+, Jizhong Song*, Leimeng Xu, Yuhui Dong, Jianhai Li, and Haibo Zeng*, Constructing “Mie” porous, interface-fused perovskite films to synergistically boost light harvesting and carrier tansport via freeze-drying recrystallization, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56(19), 5232-5236
  7. Yuhui Dong#, Yousheng Zou#, Jizhong Song*, Jianhai Li, Boning Han, Qingsong Shan, Leimeng Xu, Jie Xue, Haibo Zeng*, All-inkjet-printed flexible UV photodetector, Nanoscale 2017, 9, 8580–8585
  8. Yuhui Dong, Yousheng Zou, Jizhong Song, Xiufeng Song, Haibo Zeng, Recent progress of metal halide perovskite photodetectors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 11369-11394
  9. Qingsong Shan, Jizhong Song*, Yousheng Zou, Jianhai Li, Leimeng Xu, Jie Xue, Yuhui Dong, Boning Han, Jiawei Chen, and Haibo Zeng*, High Performance Metal Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode:from Material Design to Device Optimization, Small, 2017, 1701770 (1-25)
  10. Yuhui Dong#, Yousheng Zou#, Jizhong Song*, Zhengfeng Zhu, Jianhai Li, and Haibo Zeng*, Self-Powered Fiber-shaped Wearable Omnidirectional Photodetectors, Nano Energy, 2016 (30) 173-179
  11. Yuhui Dong#, Yu Gu#, Yousheng Zou#, Jizhong Song,* Leimeng Xu, Jianhai Li, Jie Xue, and Prof. Haibo Zeng*, Improving All-Inorganic Perovskite Photodetectors by Preferred Orientation and Plasmonic Effect, Small, 2016 12(40) 5622-5632
  12. Meiqiu Xie, Shengli Zhang, Bo Cai, Yong Huang, Yousheng Zou, Bin Guo, Yu Gu, Haibo Zeng*, A Promising Two-dimensional Solar Cell Donor: Black Arsenic–phosphorus Monolayer with 1.54 eV Direct Bandgap and Mobility Exceeding 14,000 cm2V-1s-1, Nano Energy, 2016, 28, 433-439
  13. Meiqiu Xie+, Shengli Zhang+, Bo Cai, Yousheng Zou, Haibo Zeng*, N- and p-type doping of antimonene, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 14620-14625
  14. S. Hui, J.H. Gao, X.Z. Wu, Z.G. Li, Y.S. Zou, * Y.L. Song,* and H.T. Cao*, Template-free Fabrication of Ag Nanowire Arrays/Al2O3 Assembly with Flexible Collective Longitudinal-mode Resonance and Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49 (2016) 25LT02
  15. Zhengfeng Zhu+Yousheng Zou+, Weida Hu+, Yuebin Li+, Yu Gu+, Bingqiang Cao+, Nan Guo, Lin Wang, Jizhong Song, Shengli Zhang, Haoshuang Gu, Haibo Zeng*, Near-Infrared Plasmonic 2D Semimetals for Applications in Communication and Biology, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 1793–1802
  16. Yousheng Zou*, Dong Lou, Kang Dou, Linlin He, Yuhang Dong, Shalong Wang, Amperometric tyrosinase biosensor based on boron doped nanocrystalline diamond film electrode for the detection of phenolic compounds, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 20 (2016) 47-54
  17. Shengli Zhang, Shangguo Liu, Shiping Huang, Bo Cai, Meiqiu Xie, Lihua Qu, Yousheng Zou, Ziyu Hu,* Xuechao Yu, Haibo Zeng,*, Structural and electronic properties of atomically thin germanium selenide polymorphs, Science China Materials 58 (2015) 929-935
  18. Bo Cai, Shengli Zhang,  Ziyu Hu,  Yonghong Hu,Yousheng Zou, Haibo Zeng*, Tinene: a two-dimensional Dirac material with a 72 meV band gap, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17 (2015) 12634-12638
  19. Y.S. Zou*, S. L. Wang, H. Yang, K. Wang, S. Hui, Effect of substrate temperature on the microstructure and optical properties of Ga doped ZnO films deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Surface Engineering, 31 (4) (2015) 302-307
  20. Kai Zhou, Peiling Ke, Xiaowei Li, Yousheng Zou*, Aiying Wang*, Microstructure and electrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped DLC films deposited by PECVD technique, Applied Surface Science, 329 (2015) 281-286
  21. Lei Gu, Peiling Ke*, Yousheng Zou*, Xiaowei Li, Aiying Wang, Amorphous self-lubricant MoS2-C sputtered coating with high hardness, Applied Surface Science, 331 (2015) 66-71
  22. C.J. Tu, J.H. Gao, S. Hui, D. Lou, H.L. Zhang, L.Y. Liang, A P. Jin, Y.S. Zou*, H.T. Cao*, Alloyed nanoparticle-embedded Alumina nanocermet film: a new attempt to improve the thermotolerance, Applied Surface Science, 331 (2015) 285-291
  23. Yousheng Zou*, Linlin He, Kang Dou, Shalong Wang, Peiling Ke, Aiying Wang*, Amperometric glucose sensor based on boron doped microcrystalline diamond film electrode with different boron doping level RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 58349–58356
  24. 邹友生,汪海鹏,张亦弛,嘉蓉,PLD制备CuAlO2薄膜的结构与性能研究,真空科学与技术学报,34(9) (2014) 1-6
  25. 周凯,柯培玲,汪爱英,邹友生,PECVD制备掺氮类金刚石薄膜的电化学特性,材料研究学报,28 (3) (2014) 161-165
  26. Y.S. Zou*, H.P. Wang, S.L. Zhang, D. Lou, Y.H. Dong, X.F. Song, H.B. Zeng*, Structural, electrical and optical properties of Mg-doped CuAlO2 films by pulsed laser deposition, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 41294-41300
  27. Y.S. Zou, Y.C. Zhang, D. Lou, H.P. Wang, L. Gu, Y.H. Dong, K. Dou, X.F. Song, H.B. Zeng, Structural and optical properties of WO3 films deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 583 (2014) 465-470
  28. Y.S. Zou, L.L. He, Y.C. Zhang, Z.X. Li, H.P. Wang, L. Gu, C.J. Tu, H.B. Zeng, Construction and surface enhanced Raman scattering activity of gold nanoparticles array on boron doped diamond film, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 141 (2013) 851-821
  29. Y.S. Zou, L.L. He , Y.C. Zhang, X.Q. Shi, Z.X. Li, Y.L. Zhou, C.J. Tu, L. Gu, H.B. Zeng, The microstructure and electrochemical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond film electrodes and their application in nonenzymatic glucose detection, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 43 (2013) 911-917
  30. Y. S. Zou, H. Yang, H. P. Wang, D. Lou, C. J. Tu, Y. C. Zhang, Microstructure, optical and photoluminescence properties of Ga-doped ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Physica B, 414 (2013) 7-11
  31. K. Cang, L.Y. Liang, Z.M. Liu, L. Wu, H. Luo, H.T. Cao*, Y.S. Zou*, Influence of the substrate bias voltage on the physical properties of dc reactive sputtered Ta2O5 films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 550 (2013) 258-262
  32. Y. Zou, Paul W. May, Sara M.C. Viera, Neil A. Fox, Field emission from diamond-coated multiwalled carbon nanotube ‘teepee’ structures, Journal of Applied Physics112 (2012) 044903
  33. Y. S. Zou, K. Zhou, Y. F. Wu, H. Yang, K. Cang, G. H. Song, Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of diamond like carbon films on aluminum alloy by arc ion plating, Vacuum, 86 (2012) 1141-1146
  34. Y. S. Zou, Y. F. Wu, H. Yang, K. Cang, G. H. Song, Z. X. Li, K. Zhou, The microstructure, mechanical and friction properties of protective diamond like carbon films on magnesium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 258(4) (2011) 1624-1629
  35. Y. S. Zou, Y. Yang, Y. L. Zhou, Z. X. Li, H. Yang, B. He, I. Bello, W. J. Zhang, Surface nanostructuring of boron-doped diamond films and their electrochemical performance, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,11 (2011) 7914-7919
  36. Y. S. Zou, Z. X. Li, H. Yang, The microstructure and field electron emission properties of boron doped diamond films, Surface Engineering,27(4) (2011) 294-299
  37. Y.S. Zou, Z.X. Li, H. Yang,The microstructure and enhanced field electron emission properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition, Advanced Materials Research,152-153 (2011) 413-417
  38. Y.S. Zou, Z.X. Li, Y.F. Wu,Deposition and characterization of smooth ultra-nanocrystalline diamond film in CH4/H2/Ar by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition, Vacuum, 84 (2010) 1347-1352
  39. Y.S. Zou, Y.F. Wu, R.F. Huang, C. Sun, L.S. Wen, Mechanical properties and thermal stability of nitrogen incorporated diamond-like carbon films, Vacuum,83 (2009) 1406-1410
  40. Y.S. Zou, Y.M. Chong, A. L. Ji, Y. Yang, Q. Ye, B. He, W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, The fabrication of cubic boron nitride nanocone and nanopillar arrays via reactive ion etching, Nanotechnology, 20 (2009) 155305
  41. Y.S. Zou, Y. Yang, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Chong, B. He, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, Fabrication of diamond nanopillars and their arrays, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 053105
  42. Y.S. Zou, Y. Yang, Y.M. Chong, Q.Ye, B. He, Z.Q. Yao, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, Y. Cai, H. S. Chu, Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond Films on Patterned GaN Substrates via a Thin Silicon Nitride Protective Layer, Crystal Growth & Design, 8 (2008) 1770-1773
  43. Y.S. Zou, K.L. Ma, W.J. Zhang, Q.Ye, Z.Q. Yao, Y.M. Chong, S.T. Lee, Fabrication of diamond nanocones and nanowhiskers by bias-assisted plasma etching, Diamond and Related Materials, 16 (2007) 1208-1212
  44. Y.S. Zou, J.D. Zheng, J. Gong, C. Sun, R.F. Huang, L.S. Wen, Structure, mechanical properties and thermal stability of diamond-like carbon films prepared by arc ion plaiting, Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Version), 18 (2005) 331-338
  45. Y.S. Zou, Q.M. Wang, H. Du, G.H. Song, J. Gong, C. Sun, L.S. Wen, Structural characterization of nitrogen doped diamond-like carbon films deposited by arc ion plating, Applied Surface Science, 241 (2005) 295-302
  46. Y.S. Zou, W. Wang, G.H. Song, H. Du, J. Gong, R.F. Huang, L.S. Wen, Influence of the gas atmosphere on the microstructure and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films by arc ion plating, Materials Letters, 58 (2004) 3271-3275
  47. Y. S. Zou, W. Wang, J. D. Zheng, C. Sun, R. F. Huang, L. S. Wen, The influence of bias voltage on diamond-like carbon film by arc ion plating, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 40 (2004) 537-540. (in Chinese)
  48. Y. S. Zou, W. Wang, G. H. Song, A. Y. Wang, C. Sun, R. F. Huang, L. S. Wen, Influence of the Gas Atmosphere on the Diamond-like Carbon Films by Arc Ion Plating, J. Synthetic Crystals, 32 (2003) 613-617. (in Chinese)
  49. Y.B. Zhou, Y. Yang, W.M. Liu, Q. Ye,  B. He, Y.S. Zou, P.F. Wang, X.J. Pan, W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, and S.T. Lee, “Preparation of superhydrophobic nanodiamond and cubic boron nitride films” Appl. Phys. Lett.97 (2010) 133110
  50. X. P. Zhang, Y. S. Zou, F. M. Wu, Z. P. Zhao, L. You, C. F. Gu, Y. Z. Liao, Wear Resistance of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy With and Without Microarc Oxidation Coating and Ti6Al4V Alloy in Artificial Saliva, Surface Review and Letters, 16(6) (2009) 821-830
  51. W. M. Liu, W. W. Zhao, H. Y. Zhang, P. F. Wang, Y. M. Chong, Q. Ye, Y. S. Zou, W. J. Zhang, J. A. Zapien, I. Bello, S. T. Lee, A cubic boron nitride film-based fluorescent sensor for detecting Hg2+, Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009) 183105
  52. Yan-Li Zhou, Jin-Fang Zhi, Peng-Fei Wang, Yat-Ming Chong, You-Sheng Zou, Wen-Jun Zhang and Shuit-Tong Lee, Surface functionalization of cubic boron nitride films for biological sensing applications, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 163105-1
  53. B. He, W. J. Zhang, Y. S. Zou, Y. M. Chong, Q. Ye, A. L. Ji, Y. Yang, I. Bello, S. T. Lee, G. H. Chen, Electrical properties of Be-implanted polycrystalline cubic boron nitride films, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 102108-1
  54. Yanli Zhou, Jinfang Zhi, Yousheng Zou, Wenjun Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Direct Electrochemistry and electrocatalytic activity of Cytochrome c Covalently Immobilized on a Boron-doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Electrode, Analytical Chemistry,80 (2008) 4141-4146
  55. A. Soltani, H.A. Barkad, M. Mattalah, B. Benbakhti, J.-C. De Jaeger, Y. M. Chong, Y. S. Zou, W. J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, A. BenMoussa, B. Giordanengo, J.-F. Hochedez, 193 nm deep-ultraviolet solar-blind cBN photodiodes using a new IDTs design, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 053501
  56. Z.Q. Yao, Y.S. Zou, Y. Yang, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, Y. Z. Zhang, Z. Z. Ye, Epitaxial growth and structural analysis of AlN/GaN heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters. 91 (2007) 221912
  57. H.Q. Li, K.M. Leung, Q. Ye, K.L. Ma, Y.M. Chong, Y.S. Zou, W.J. Zhang, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, Nanocubic boron nitride/nanodiamond multilayer structure, Applied Physics Letters. 91 (2007) 201918
  58. K.L. Ma, J.X. Tang, Y.S. Zou, Q.Ye, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, Photoemission spectroscopic study of nitrogen incorporated nanocrystalline diamond, Applied Physics Letters. 90 (2007) 092105
  59. Z.Q. Yao, Y.Q. Li, Q. Ye, Y.S. Zou, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee, Microstructure analysis of c-axis oriented aluminum nitride thin films by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, Applied Physics Letters. 90 (2007) 121907
  60. K.M. Leung, H.Q. Li, Y.S. Zou, K.L. Ma, Y.M. Chong, Q. Ye, W.J. Zhang, S.T. Lee and I. Bello, Structural analysis of cubic boron nitride films by UV Raman spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters. 88 (2006) 241922
  61. K.L. Ma, W.J. Zhang, Y.S. Zou, Y.M. Chong, K.M. Leung, I. Bello, S.T. Lee, Electrical properties of nitrogen incorporated nanocrystalline diamond films, Diamond and Related Materials. 15 (2006) 626-630
  62. Hao Du, Jin Quan Xiao, You Sheng Zou, Tie Gang Wang, Jun Gong, Chao Sun, Li Shi Wen, Optical Properties of Ultrathin Aluminum Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering in Visible Band, Optical materials. 28 (2006) 944-949













9, 邹友生,董宇航,曾海波,王沙龙,窦康,一种三氧化钨纳米片自组装成微纳米花球的制备方法,ZL201510642840.2(已授权)

10, 邹友生,窦康,曾海波,王沙龙,董宇航,一种纳米氧化钨电致变色薄膜的制备方法,ZL201510881964.6(已授权)

11,楼冬,邹友生,董宇航,一种三氧化钨纳米带自组装成微纳米星的制备方法, ZL201610365424.7(已授权)

12, 邹友生,董宇航,曾海波,刘佳欣,王沙龙,宋秀峰,一种高纯三元金属氧化物Zn2SnO4纳米晶的制备方法, ZL201610817715.5(已授权)

13, 邹友生,董宇航,曾海波,王沙龙,刘佳欣,宋秀峰,一种亚微米羟基锡酸盐ZnSn(OH)6立方块的制备方法, ZL201610819145.3(已授权)