  • 出生年月:1988年8月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:tao.li@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 36991 次
更新日期 2024年8月17日
  • 主学科0803 光学工程【硕士生导师】
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  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
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2014年博士毕业于北京师范大学光学专业。先后在清华大学龙桂鲁教授课题组、理化学研究所 Franco Nori 教授课题组从事博士后研究工作。研究兴趣包括量子通信网络、测量设备无关的量子通信、固态量子信息处理、量子精密测量、非厄米物理以及手性量子光学等。


1. 中国通信学会量子通信专业委员会委员;

2. 中国计算机学会(CCF)量子计算专业组执行委员;

3. Frontiers in Physics (SCI 3区) Associate Editor;

4. PRL、SCPMA、PRA、PRApplied、OL、NJP 等二十余个期刊审稿人,并获评2021年度SCPMA优秀审稿人。




1. Yachuan Feng(本科生), Yimin Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Enhanced sensing and broadened absorption with higher-order scattering zeros, Optics Express in press

2. Jialun Li(本科生), Zhihao Xie, Yachen Li, Yansen Liang, Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Heralded entanglement between error-protected logical qubits for fault-tolerant distributed quantum computing, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 67, 220311 (2024). 【编辑部highlight并撰文点评

3. Zhihao Xie, Yimin Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Enhanced rotation sensing with high-order exceptional points in a multi-mode coupled-ring gyroscope, Optics Letters 49(13), 3810-3813 (2024).

4. Zehui Guo, Zhihao Xie, Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Reconfigurable high-order exceptional points in coupled optical parametric oscillators for enhanced sensing, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 57, 255103 (2024).

5. Wanhua Su, Wei Qin, Adam Miranowicz, Tao Li(*), and Franco Nori, Heralded quantum entangling gate for distributed quantum computation in a decoherence-free subspace, arXiv: 2305.00642 (2023).

6. Zehui Guo, Zhihao Xie, Yimin Wang(*), Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Heralded and robust W-state generation for distant superconducting qubits with practical microwave pulse scattering, Applied Physics Letters 123(26), 264002 (2023). 【AIPP学术推广

7. Zhihao Xie, Guangyu Wang(*), Zehui Guo, Zhenhua Li, and Tao Li(*), Heralded quantum multiplexing entanglement between stationary qubits via distribution of high-dimensional optical entanglement, Optics Express, 31, 37802 (2023).

8. Lan Jiang, Zhenhua Li, Tao Li(*), Nonlocal generalized quantum measurement of product observables with mixed entanglement, Optics Express 31, 12508 (2023).

9. Hui Zhou, Tao Li(*), and Keyu Xia, Parallel and heralded multiqubit entanglement generation for quantum networks, Physical Review A 107, 022428 (2023).

10. Yuyan Wei(本科生), Siying Wang, Yajing Zhu, and Tao Li(*), Sender-controlled measurement-device-independent multiparty quantum communication, Frontiers of Physics 17,21503 (2022).

11. 危语嫣(本科生), 高子凯, 王思颖, 朱雅静,李涛(*), 基于单光子双量子态的确定性安全量子通信, 物理学报 71, 050302 (2022).

12. Zhihao Xie, Yijie Liu, Xiang Mo, Tao Li(*), and Zhenhua Li,Quantum entanglement creation for distant quantum memories via time-bin multiplexing, Physical Review A 104, 062409 (2021).

13. Tao Li, Zikai Gao, and Keyu Xia(*), Nonlinear-dissipation-induced nonreciprocal exceptional points, Optics Express 29, 17613 (2021).

14. Zikai Gao, Tao Li(*), and Zhenhua Li(*), Deterministic measurement-device-independent quantum secret sharing, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 63, 120311 (2020).

15. Tao Li(*) and Gui-Lu Long(*), Quantum secure direct communication based on single-photon Bell-state measurement, New J. Phys. 22, 063017 (2020). 【2022年度“IOP中国高被引论文奖”】

16. Tao Li(*), Zhenkai Wang, and Keyu Xia(*), Multipartite quantum entanglement creation for distant stationary systems, Optics Express 28, 1316 (2020).

17. Tao Li(*), Zikai Gao, and Zhenhua Li(*), Measurement-device-independent quantum secure direct communication: direct quantum communication with imperfect measurement device and untrusted operator, EPL 131, 60001 (2020)【特邀Perspective综述论文,入选EPL 2020 highlights】

18. Tao Li, Adam Miranowicz, Keyu Xia, and Franco Nori, Resource-efficient analyzer of Bell and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states of multiphoton systems, Physical Review A 100, 052302 (2019).

19. Zikai Gao, Tao Li(*), and Zhenhua Li(*), Long-distance measurement-device–independent quantum secure direct communication, EPL 125, 40004 (2019). 【ESI高被引论文,入选EPL 2019 highlights,2021年度“IOP中国高被引论文奖”】



1. 李涛,高子凯,李振华,确定的与测量设备无关的多方量子通信方法,系统及计算机设备, CN202010052273.6,发明专利(已授权)

2. 李涛,周辉,一种量子网络中非局域的多体纠缠态的并行制备方法,202210198799.4,发明专利 (已授权)

3. 李涛,蒋岚,基于离子阱系统的强度可变的两体非局域量子测量方法,2023102019872, 发明专利(已授权)

4. 李涛,苏万华,基于腔原子耦合系统的分布式量子计算系统、方法及介质,2023102004006,发明专利(已授权)

5. 梁焱森, 李亚宸, 李佳仑, 解志浩, 李涛,一种容错逻辑量子比特非局域量子纠缠态制备方法,2023106677734 发明专利(已受理)




