  • 出生年月:1986年5月
  • 籍贯:陕西宝鸡
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博、硕导
  • 邮箱:wzhang@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 70675 次
更新日期 2024年9月9日
  • 主学科0826 兵器科学与技术【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向


序号 时间 单位 备注
1 2015.4-今 南京理工大学化工学院 教师  
2 2018.9-2019.10. 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC) 访问学者,合作教授:Dana Dlott教授
3 2015.11 白俄罗斯戈梅利国立大学 访问学者


序号 时间 学校 专业 学位
1 2009.9-2015.1 南京理工大学 兵器科学与技术 博士
2 2005.9-2009.6 南京理工大学 特种能源与烟火技术 学士


序号 年份 奖项
1 2021 工信部科技进步二等奖
2 2023 南京理工大学五四青年奖章
3 2023 南京理工大学科技新锐
4 2021 南京理工大学优秀共产党员
5 2021 第三届推进技术奖励基金奖(全国仅6项)
6 2022,2023 外事工作先进个人
7 2022,2023,2024 招生工作先进个人
8 2023 优秀班导师
9 2022 优秀研究生导师团队
10 2022 优秀研究生导学团队





《含能材料》、《推进技术》、《兵器装备工程学报》、《Propulsion and Power》和《FirePhysChem》青年编委,《Energetic Materials Frontiers》科学编辑。


担任《Chemical Reviews》、《Combustion and Flame》、《Proceedings of the Combustion Institute》、《Fuel》、《Defense Technology》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Langmuir》、《Composites Science and Technology 》、《Small》、《Sensors》、《Aerospace》、《Propulsion and Power Research》、《Journal of Applied Physics》、《Optics and Laser Technology》、《RSC Advance》、《Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids》、《Laser and Particle Beams》、《Molecules》、《Energetic Materials Frontiers》、《Corrosion Reviews》、《Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management》、《International Journal of Energy Research 》、《推进技术》、《兵工学报》、《含能材料》、《中国激光》、《化学学报》、《火炸药学报》、《激光与光电子学进展》、《南京理工大学学报》、《兵器装备工程学报》等重要SCI期刊或EI期刊的审稿人。



序号 项目来源 起始年限 经费(万元) 排名
1 国家专项 2021-2025 1720 1
2 航天基金 2023-2024 78  
3 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2021-2024 74 1
4 项目 2020-2022 20 1
5 重点实验室基金项目 2020-2022 30 1
6 航天基金 2020-2022 25 1
7 航天基金 2019-2021 19.5 1
8 创新基金 2019-2020 20 1
9 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 2017-2020 26.4 1
10 项目 2016-2020 960 2
11 项目 2016-2020 105 2
12 项目 2017-2018 80 2


84. Anran Shi, Han Zheng, Zhiyi Chen, Wei Zhang*, Xiang Zhou, Carole Rossi, Ruiqi Shen*, Yinghua Ye. Exploring the Interfacial Reaction of Nano Al/CuO Energetic Films through Thermal Analysis and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation [J]. Molecules, 2022, 27(11).(通讯作者)
83. 史安然, 鲍立荣, 张伟*, 陈芷怡, 沈瑞琪*, 叶迎华. 纳米Al/CuO含能复合薄膜的反应性研究进展 %J 含能材料 [J]. 2022, 30(03): 262-275.(通讯作者)
82. Xing Lu, Cao Xiumian, Dou Zhenguo, Wang Shenghan, Zhang Wei, Sun Chenglin, Men Zhiwei. Solvent polarizability modulated the electronic state of conjugated long-chain polyene molecules by DFT [J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 356.
81. Mu Yunfei, Zhang Wei*, Shen Ruiqi*, Ye Yinghua. Observations on Detonation Growth of Lead Azide at Microscale [J]. Micromachines, 2022, 13(3).(通讯作者)
80. He Nian-Bai, Shen Rui-Qi, Deluca Luigi T., Wu Li-Zhi, Zhang Wei, Ye Ying-Hua, Wang Yue-Ting. Burning surface formation mechanism of laser-controlled 5-aminotetrazole propellant [J]. Defence Technology, 2022.
79. Mu Yunfei, Zhang Wei*, Shen Ruiqi*, Ye Yinghua. A chemical reaction insight of shock initiation criterion [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(6).(Top期刊,通讯作者)
78. Zheng Chen, Li Jiaxing, Zhao Haiying, Zhang Wei, Men Zhiwei, Fang Wenhui. Effect of temperature on Electron-Phonon coupling of carotenoids by Two-Dimensional correlation resonance Raman spectroscopy [J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 365.
77. Li Huihui, Xing Lu, Dou Zhenguo, Zhang Wei, Fang Wenhui, Sun Chenglin, Men Zhiwei. Generation of dual-supercontinuum coherent radiation in acetone mixed with carbon disulfide by stimulated Raman scattering [J]. Optics Letters, 2022, 47(18): 4700-4703.
76.  He Nianbai, Shen Ruiqi, Deluca Luigi T., Wu Lizhi, Zhang Wei, Ye Yinghua. Thermal analysis of laser-controlled 5-aminotetrazole propellant [J]. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2021, 98(12): 100242.
75.  He Nianbai, Shen Ruiqi, Deluca Luigi T., Wu Lizhi, Zhang Wei, Ye Yinghua. Burning rate analysis of laser controlled 5-aminotetrazole propellant [J]. Defence Technology, 2021: 1-18.
74. Yu Hongsheng, Yu Xiaodong, Chen Suhang, Zhang Wei, Deluca Luigi T., Shen Ruiqi. The catalysis effects of acetylacetone complexes on polymer matrix of HTPB-based fuels [J]. FirePhysChem, 2021, 1(4): 205-211.
73. Bao Lirong, Wang Hui, Wang Zhiwen, Xie Haiming, Xiang Shujie, Zhang Xiaojun, Zhang Wei*, Huang Yinsheng, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. Controllable ignition, combustion and extinguishment characteristics of HAN-based solid propellant stimulated by electric energy [J]. Combustion and Flame. 2022, 236: 111804.(Top期刊,SCI一区,通讯作者)
72.  Yu Hongsheng, Chen Suhang, Yu Xiaodong, Zhang Wei*, Paravan Christian, DeLuca Luigi T., Shen Ruiqi*. Nickel acetylacetonate as decomposition catalyst for HTPB-based fuels: Regression rate enhancement effects[J]. Fuel, 2021, 305: 121539. (Top期刊,SCI一区,通讯作者)
71.  Shi Anran, Zhang Wei, Shen Ruiqi. Self-propagating combustion simulation of sputter-deposited nano-energetic multilayer films[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1721.
70.  鲍立荣, 汪辉, 王志文, 谢海明, 向书杰, 张伟*, 张晓军, 黄寅生, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. HAN基电控固体推进剂电热耦合特性及燃烧特性实验研究[J]. 推进技术,42(6):1410-1417.(通讯作者)
69.  陈永义, 鲍立荣, 汪辉, 宁政, 钟贤东, 曹金乐, 沈瑞琪, 张伟*. 激光液相烧蚀法制备纳米粒子研究进展[J]. 中国激光, 2021, 48(6): 1-26.(通讯作者,封面文章)
68. Bao Lirong, Zhang Wei*, Zhang Xiaojun, Chen Yongyi, Chen Suhang, Wu Lizhi, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. Impact of MWCNT/Al on the combustion behavior of hydroxyl ammonium nitrate (HAN)-based electrically controlled solid propellant[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 218: 218-228. (Top期刊,SCI一区,通讯作者)
67. Chen Suhang, Yu Hongsheng, Zhang Wei*, Shen Ruiqi*, Guo Wei, DeLuca Luigi T., Wang Haiyang, Ye Yinghua. Sponge-like Al/PVDF films with laser sensitivity and high combustion performance prepared by rapid phase inversion[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396: 124962. (Top期刊,SCI一区,通讯作者)
66. Bao Lirong, Wang Hui, Zheng Tingting, Chen Suhang, Zhang Wei*, Zhang Xiaojun, Huang Yinsheng*, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. Exploring the influences of conductive graphite on hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN)-based electrically controlled solid propellant[J]. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020, 45(11): 1790-1798. (通讯作者)
65. 鲍立荣, 汪辉, 陈永义, 张伟*, 张晓军, 黄寅生*, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. 硝酸羟胺基绿色推进剂研究进展[J]. 含能材料,28(12):1200-1210. (通讯作者)
64.  Wei Zhang, Lawrence Salvati, Meysam Akhtar , Dana D. Dlott.  Shock initiation and hot spots in plastic-bonded 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB). Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116(12): 124102.(Top期刊)
63.  Ji Dai, Chengai Wang, Yueting Wang, Wei Xu, Jianbing Xu, Yun Shen, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye and Ruiqi Shen. From nanoparticles to on-chip 3D nanothermite: electrospray deposition of reactive Al/CuO@NC onto semiconductor bridge and its application for rapid ignition. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31(19): 195712.
62. Ruiqi Shen, Fei Ji, Shouxu Wang, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye. Reactivity and combustion of porous silicon energetic chips. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 2020, 19(2):113-124.
61. 鲍立荣, 陈永义, 陈苏杭, 张伟*, 吴立志, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. 可控固体推进技术研究进展. 推进技术, 2020, 41(5): 1-13.(通讯作者)
60. Wei Zhang, Meysam Akhtar, Lawrence Salvati, Dana D. Dlott, Ruiqi Shen. Shock Initiation of PETN/FOX-7 Booster-Like Charges. 13th International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 2019.
59Wei Zhang, Dana D. Dlott, Ruiqi Shen. Watching the Shock-Driven Ultrafast Dynamic Process of CL-20 Under a Tabletop Microscope. International Forum on Frontiers of Energetic Materials, 2019.
58.Yu Hongsheng, Shen Ruiqi, Tan Yue, Chen Suhang, Deluca Luigi T., Zhang Wei, Ye Yinghua. The Verifications and Demonstrations of Self-disintegration Fuel Concept for Hybrid Propulsion. 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS). 2019.
57.Zhang Haonan, Wu Lizhi, Hu Peng, Guo Wei, Zhang Wei, Ye Yinghua, Shen Ruiqi. Launch and impact characteristics of typical multi-layered flyers driven by ns-pulsed laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 2019, 120: 105709
56.高旭恒, 郭宁, 吴立志, 张伟, 沈瑞琪. 内燃机激光多点点火技术研究进展. 激光技术, 2019, 43(4): 517.
55.鲍立荣, 张伟, 陈永义, 陈苏杭, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. HAN 基电控固体推进剂的热分解和电导率特性. 含能材料, 2019, (通讯作者)
54. Dlott Dana D., Akhtar Meysam, Bassett Will P., Bhowmick Mithun, Johnson Belinda P., Matveev Sergey, Nissen Erin, Iii Lawrence Salvati, Stekovic Svjetlana, Zhang Wei, Zhou Xuan. Shock compression microscopy: shocked materials with high time and space resolution. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2019.
53. Zhang Wei; Bassett Will; Akhtar Meysam; Salvati Lawrence; Dlott Dana, Shock Compression Dynamics of Double-layer Explosive Charges. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2019.
52. Chen Suhang, Tang Yue, Zhang Wei*, Shen Ruiqi, Yu Hongsheng, Ye Yinghua, DeLuca Luigi T.  Innovative Methods to Enhance the Combustion Properties of Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket  Propulsion. Aerospace, 2019, 6(4):1-21. (通讯作者)
51. Chen Suhang, Tang Yue, Yu Hongsheng, Bao Lirong, Zhang Wei*, Deluca Luigi T., Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. The rapid H2 release from AlH3 dehydrogenation forming porous layer in AlH3/hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) fuels during combustion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 371:53-61. (通讯作者)
50. Guo Wei, Wu Lizhi, Meng Ningxi, Chen Yiru, Ma Zhipeng, Zhou Xiang, Zhang Wei, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. Optimisation of modulation period of TiO2/Al reactive multilayer films for laser-driven flyer plates. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360:1071-1081. 
49. Xu Cong, Zhu Peng, Zhang Wei, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. A Plasma Switch Induced by Electroexplosion of pn Junction for Mini Exploding Foil Initiator. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2019, 47(5), 2710-2716.
48. Chen Suhang, Tang Yue, Yu Hongsheng, Guan Xinyan, Deluca Luigi T., Zhang Wei*, Shen Ruiqi, Ye Yinghua. Combustion enhancement of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene by doping multiwall carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 2019, 144: 472-480. (通讯作者)
47. 孟宁喜, 郭伟, 吴立志, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华, 张伟. 激光诱导阳极氧化铝等离子体特性研究. 中国激光, 2019, 46(2): 0211003.
46. Tang Yue, Zhang Wei*, Chen Suhang, Yu Hongsheng, Shen Ruiqi, Deluca Luigi T, Ye Yinghua. A Novel Polyethylene Particles/Paraffin-based Self-disintegration Fuel for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 2018, 17(3): 205–16. (通讯作者)
45. Shen Ruiqi, Wu Lizhi, Chen Shaojie, Zhang Wei, Ye Yinghua, Zhang Haonan. Ablation and Drive of Typical Multi-layer Flyers by High Power Laser Beam. Uzbek Journal of Physics, 2018, 20(4): 203-8.
44. Wei Zhang*, Lirong Bao, Kexin Jiang, Anran Shi, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye. Identification and Formation Mechanism of the Transient Ion Fragments Produced in Laserinduced Dissociation of 1, 1-Diamino-2,2-Dinitroethylene. Laser and Particle Beams. 2018, 36 (3): 1-5 
43. Wei Zhang*, Yue Tang, Anran Shi, Lirong Bao, Yun Shen, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye. Recent Developments in Spectroscopic Techniques for the Detection of Explosives. Materials. 2018, 11 (8): 1364-1-1364-24
42. Ji Dai, Fei Wang, Chengbo Ru, Jianbing Xu, Chengai Wang, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye, Ruiqi Shen. Ammonium Perchlorate as an Effective Additive for Enhancing the Combustion and Propulsion Performance of Al/CuO Nanothermites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018, 122 (18): 10240-10247
41. Yu Tai, Jianbing Xu, Fei Wang, Ji Dai, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye, Ruiqi Shen. Experimental and Modeling Investigation on the Self-Propagating Combustion Behavior of Al-Moo3 Reactive Multilayer Films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2018, 123 (23): 235302
40. Wei Guo, Lizhi Wu, Nianbai He, Shaojie Chen, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye. Efficiency Relationship between Initiation of HNS-IV and Nanosecond Pulsed Laser-Driven Flyer Plates of Layered Structure. Laser and Particle Beams. 2018, 36 (1):29-40.
39. 陈苏杭, 唐乐, 许志伟, 张伟, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. 含铝HTPB固液混合推进燃料燃烧性能研究. 推进技术. 2018, 39(6):1412-1419.
38. 许志伟, 唐乐, 陈苏杭, 张伟, 沈瑞琪, 叶迎华. 镁粉含量对HTPB燃料热解及退移速率影响研究. 推进技术. 2018, 39(4): 920-927.
37. Yun Shen, Jianbing Xu, Na Li, Ji Dai, Chengbo Ru, Yinghua Ye*, Ruiqi Shen, Wei Zhang*. A Micro-Initiator Realized by in-Situ Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Porous Copper Azide and Its Ignition Performance. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 326: 1116-1124.(通讯作者)
36. Yue Tang, Suhang Chen, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Luigi T DeLuca, Yinghua Ye. Flame Visualization and Combustion Performance of Composite Energetic Particle Paraffin-Based Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion. 2017, 16 (1): 49-59
35. Suhang Chen, Yue Tang, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Luigi T. DeLuca, Yinghua Ye. Effect of Azodicarbonamide Particles on the Regression Rate of HTPB-Based Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion. 2017, 16 (2): 103-114.
34. Nianbei He, Yiru Chen, Lizhi Wu, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye, Ruiqi Shen. Combustion Characteristics of 5-Aminotetrazole-Based Propellant for Laser Hybrid Propulsion. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion. 2017, 16(3): 207-218.
33. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye, Lizhi Wu, Peng Zhu, Yan Hu. Distribution and Formation of Particles Produced by Laser Ablation of Cyclotetramethylene Tetranitramine. Laser and Particle Beams. 35(3): 2017: 1-6.
32. Yue Tang, Suhang Chen, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, T. Luigi DeLuca, Yinghua Ye. Mechanical Modifications of Paraffin-Based Fuels and the Effects on Combustion Performance. Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics. 2017, 42 (11): 1268-1277.(通讯作者)
31. Wei Zhang, Shaojie Chen, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye. Fragments of PETN Produced by 532nm Pulsed Laser Irradiation. Presented at the 48th International Annual Conference of the Fraunhofer ICT, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2017.
30. Wei Zhang; Fang Wang; Ruiqi Shen and Yinghua Ye.Time of flight mass spectroscopy of 2,2′,4,4′,6,6′-hexanitrostilbene under 1064nm excitation ". Proc. SPIE 10173, Fourth International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter, 1017315, 2017.
29. Ruiqi Shen, Lizhi Wu, Wei Zhang, Haonan Zhang. Laser Ablation of Energetic Materials. In: Laser Ablation - from Fundamentals to Applications: InTech, 2017
28. Yue Tang, Suhang Chen, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Luigi T. DeLuca, Yinghua Ye. The Effects of Mechanical Modification Additives on the Regression Rate of Paraffin-Based Fuels for Hybrid Rocket. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Milan, Italy, 2017.
27. Suhang Chen, Yue Tang , Wei Zhang , Ruiqi Shen , Luigi T. DeLuca, and Yinghua Ye. Characterization of Htpb-Based Fuel Containing Multi-Wall Carbon Nanoturbes (MWCNTs) for Hybrid Propellant. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Milan, Italy, 2017.
26. Ruiqi Shen, Yue Tang, Suhang Chen, Zhao Qing, Wei Zhang, Yinghua Ye, Luigi T. DeLuca. Self-Disintegration Effects on the Regression Rate of Composite Polymer Particle Paraffin Fuel (CM3PF). 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences(EUCASS), Milan, Italy, 2017.
25. 唐乐,陈苏杭,许志伟,张伟,沈瑞琪,叶迎华.石蜡燃料的燃烧性能与其化学组成的关系.含能材料,2017,25(8):633-638.
24. 唐乐,许志伟,陈苏杭,张伟,沈瑞琪,叶迎华.固液混合推进石蜡燃料的性质及燃烧性能研究. 推进技术,2017,28(9):2138-2145.
23. 马小霞,胡艳,张伟,叶迎华,沈瑞琪. 电泳沉积法制备纳米 Al/Bi2O3 铝热剂薄膜的研究. 爆破器材,2017,46(3): 1-5.
22. ZHANG Wei, SHEN Rui-qi, YE Ying-hua, WU Li-zhi, HU Yan, ZHU Peng. Ion fragments of TNT produced by 1064 nm laser dissociation. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 2016,25(1):103-106.
21. Xuezhi Li, Yu Zheng, Wei Zhang*, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye. Laser-induced decomposition behaviors of HNS. 47th International ICT-Conference, Karlsruhe, June 28 – July 1, 2016.
20. 姚艺龙,王晶,吴立志, 成波,沈瑞琪,叶迎华, 胡艳,朱朋,张伟. CL-20 含能墨水喷射速度仿真. 爆破器材. 201, 45(4):14-17.
19. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen*, Yinghua Ye, Lizhi Wu, Yan Hu, Peng Zhu. Photodissociation of 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene with a Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm, Proceedings of SPIE, 2015, 95431A. 
18. Wei Zhang, Xianjie Ma, Ruiqi Shen, et.al. Progress on laser-induced decomposition of explosives investigated by spectroscopic methods. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,2014, 49(7): 550-563. 
17. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye, et.al. Dissociation of cyclotrimethylenetrini -tramine under 1064nm laser irradiation investigated by time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Spectroscopy Letters, 2014, 47(8): 611-615.
16. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye, et. al. Theoretical investigation of laser-induced decomposition of RDX, 40th International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Colorado Springs, 2014.
15. 刘建, 吴立志, 张伟, 等. 激光波长对含能材料起爆阈值的影响. 红外与激光工程,2014, 43(10): 3309-3312.
14. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Lizhi Wu, et.al. The formation mechanism of clusters produced by laser ablation of solid sodium azide. Laser Physics Letters, 2013,10(2): 26002. 
13. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Yinghua Ye, et.al. Experimental studies on plasma emission spectroscopy of laser ablation of hexahydro-l,3,5-trinitro-l,3,5-triazine, Proceedings of SPIE, 2013, 87961A. 
12. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Lizhi Wu, et.al. Decomposition of RDX by 1064nm laser irradiation: a mass spectrometric investigation, 39th International Pyrotechnics Seminar, 2013.
11. Huie Wang, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, et. al. Research of the reactivity photoacoμstic characteristics of PETN and HNS induced by laser. ICAMMM 2013.
10. 王惠娥,沈瑞琪,张伟,等. 碳纳米管和碳黑掺杂RDX和HMX的反应性光声谱 .火炸药学报,2013,36(1):34-37.
9. 张  伟,沈瑞琪,吴立志,等. 532nm激光作用下RDX的解离.火炸药学报,2012,35(1):39-42.
8. 张  伟,沈瑞琪,叶迎华,等. 落球碰撞试验模拟火工品过载特性研究.火工品, 2012,(3):5-8.
7. 张  伟,沈瑞琪,吴立志.激光解离RDX的机理的密度泛函理论计算. 2012全国兵器科学与技术博士论坛.2012.
6. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, et.al. Reaction mechanism of B/KNO3 under laser irradiation. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 554-556: 457-460. (EI,收录号:20124115555070.
5. Zhao Qin Ruiqi Shen, Wei Zhang, et. al. Combustion controllability of AP/HTPB(70/30) in air and nitrogen, The 2nd International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter (LIMIS 2012), Xi’an, 2012. 
4. 王惠娥,沈瑞琪,张伟,等. 基于光声技术研究硝酸钾/ 石墨的反应性光声谱,激光技术,2012, 33(6):16-17.
3. Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Lizhi Wu, et.al. al. Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Study of Laser-induced Dissociation of Hexahydro-l,3,5 -trinitro-l,3,5-triazine. Proceedings of 2011 International Autumn Seminar of Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 2011: 982-987.
2. Zhao Qin, Ruiqi Shen, Wei Zhang, et. al. Combμstion Characteristics of Solid Propellant Under Laser Irradiation. 2011 International Autumn Seminar of Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 2011, 731-735. 
1. 张文超,张伟,徐振相,等. 半导体桥的研究进展与发展趋势. 爆破器材, 2009, (2):21-24. 



Ruiqi Shen, Lizhi Wu, Wei Zhang, Haonan Zhang. Laser Ablation of Energetic Materials. In: Laser Ablation - from Fundamentals to Applications: InTech, 2017











研究生课程(硕、博):《Theory and Application of Propulsion Technology》和《Fundamentals of Combustion Modelling of Energetic Materials》





