  • 出生年月:1989年1月
  • 籍贯:江苏徐州市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 哲学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:ywang@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 38400 次
更新日期 2024年9月17日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1. 低维半导体材料(胶体半导体量子点等)的制备和光电表征;

    2. 半导体材料发光物理研究(激子发光、非线性吸收和发射);

    3. 超快激光光谱(瞬态吸收、时间分辨荧光光谱);



  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向

2015年-2018年 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后

2018年-至今 南京理工大学,教授,博导

2024年-至今 南京理工大学, 紫金特聘教授, 博导


2011年-2015年 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士

2007年-2011年 四川大学 本科



2018年 国家中组部“海外高层次人才”计划


2020年 江苏省“双创人才”

2016年 新加坡优秀博士论文

2015年 优秀留学生奖

2011年 四川省优秀毕业生 (四川省教育厅)

2008年 国家奖学金



担任多家光学和材料方面国际期刊审稿人,包括:Nature Nanotechlnology, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Advanced Optical Materials, Laser&Photonics Review等


2018年启动, 青年千人项目,400-600万, 主持

2023年,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 60万, 主持






共发表SCI论文100篇,其中第一、通讯作者论文60篇(影响因子10以上28篇),引用8000余次,单篇最高引用1200余次,主要包括Advanced Materials 5篇、Nano Letters 5篇、Progress in Quantum Electronics 1篇、Advanced Functional Materials 2篇、Laser & Photonics Reviews 5篇、ACS Photonics 5篇等



1.An All‐Colloidal and Eco‐Friendly Quantum‐Dot Laser,Y Wu, W Cai, Z Huang, Y Ren, Y Wu, Y Wang, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2301167, 2024

2.Superior optical gain in zinc selenide colloidal nanocrystals induced by Coulomb-correlated electron–hole plasma,Z Huang, H Shen, Y Wu, Y Wu, W Xu, X Zhang, Y Wang, Applied Physics Reviews 11 (2), 2024

3.Broadband tunable optical gain from ecofriendly semiconductor quantum dots with near-half-exciton threshold,Z Huang, Q Sun, S Wang, H Shen, W Cai, Y Wang, Nano Letters 23 (9), 4032-4038, 2023

4.A New Generation of Liquid Lasers from Engineered Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Giant Optical Gain,Y Wu, Z Huang, Q Sun, VD Ta, S Wang, Y Wang, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2200703, 2023

5.Elucidating the Unique Hot Carrier Cooling in Two-Dimensional Inorganic Halide Perovskites: The Role of Out-of-Plane Carrier–Phonon Coupling, Qi Sun, Jialong Gong, Xianchang Yan,Yuting Wu,Rongrong Cui,Wenming Tian,Shengye Jin,  Y Wang*,Nano Letters 2022

6.Wu B, Zhao S, Zhang M, et al. Excited-state regulation in eco-friendly ZnSeTe-based quantum dots by cooling engineering[J]. Science China Materials. 2022 (65): 1569-1576

7.Ren Y, Miao C, Feng L, et al. Mass production of self-passivated perovskite microlaser particles by solution-phase processing for gas sensors[J]. APL Photonics. 2022 (7):

8. Li F, Wu Y, Chen P, et al. High-Quality Wave-Chaotic Microlasers from Deformed Halide Perovskite Cavities[J]. ACS Photonics. 2022 (9): 2431-2437

9.Feng L, Wang Z, Wang W, et al. Constructing Urbach-Tail-Free and Low-Threshold Perovskite Heteronanowire Lasers toward All-Optical Switching[J]. ACS Photonics. 2022 (9): 459-465

10.Wang Z, Huang Z, Liu G, et al. In‐Situ and Reversible Enhancement of Photoluminescence from CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets by Electrical Bias[J]. Advanced Optical Materials. 2021 (9): 

11.Huang Z, Sun Q, Zhao S, et al. Deciphering Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of Eco-Friendly ZnSeTe-Based Quantum Dots: Toward High-Quality Blue-Green Emitters[J]. J Phys Chem Lett. 2021 (12): 11931-11938

12.Harnessing hot phonon bottleneck in metal-halide perovskite nanocrystals via interfacial electron-phonon coupling,Z Nie, X Gao, Y Ren, S Xia, Y Wang, Y Shi, J Zhao, Y Wang*, Nano Letters,2020, 20, 6, 4610–4617

13. Deciphering the excited-state dynamics and multicarrier interactions in perovskite core–shell type hetero-nanocrystals,Y Ren, Z Nie, F Deng, Z Wang, S Xia, Y Wang*, Nanoscale, 2021,13, 292-299

14. Transferable High-Quality Inorganic Perovskites for Optoelectronic Devices by Weak Interaction Heteroepitaxy,Z Wang, B Cai, Y Ren, W Wang, L Feng, S Zhang, Y Wang* , ACS Applied Materials & Interfacies, 2020, 12 (17), 19674-19681.

15. Perovskite quantum dot lasers,J Chen, W Du, J Shi, M Li,Y Wang*, Q Zhang*, X Liu*, InfoMat , 2020, 2, 170-183


1.All‐Inorganic Colloidal Perovskite Quantum Dots: A New Class of Lasing Materials with Favorable Characteristics, Y Wang, X Li, J Song, L Xiao, H Zeng, H Sun, Advanced materials 27 (44), 7101-7108

2.Nonlinear absorption and low-threshold multiphoton pumped stimulated emission from all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals, Y Wang, X Li, X Zhao, L Xiao, H Zeng, H Sun, Nano letters 16 (1), 448-453

3.Stimulated emission and lasing from CdSe/CdS/ZnS core‐multi‐shell quantum dots by simultaneous three‐photon absorption, Y Wang, VD Ta, Y Gao, TC He, R Chen, E Mutlugun, HV Demir, HD Sun, Advanced Materials 26 (18), 2954-2961

4.Blue liquid lasers from solution of CdZnS/ZnS ternary alloy quantum dots with quasi‐continuous pumping, Y Wang, KS Leck, VD Ta, R Chen, V Nalla, Y Gao, T He, HV Demir, H Sun, Advanced Materials 27 (1), 169-175

5.Robust Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microbubble Lasers from Colloidal Quantum Dots, Y Wang, VD Ta, KS Leck, BHI Tan, Z Wang, T He, CD Ohl, HV Demir, H Sun, Nano letters 17 (4), 2640-2646

6.Photon Driven Transformation of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites from Few‐Monolayer Nanoplatelets to Bulk Phase, Y Wang, X Li, S Sreejith, F Cao, Z Wang, MC Stuparu, H Zeng, H Sun, Advanced Materials 28 (48), 10637-10643



出版英文书籍章节一部,Perovskite quantum dots-synthesis, properties and applications 第11章 Perovskite quantum dots based lasing-advances and prospects








