  • 出生年月:1980年11月
  • 籍贯:甘肃榆中县
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 无党派人士
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 哲学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:cjin@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 61741 次
更新日期 2024年4月2日
  • 主学科0803 光学工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向




  • 跨学科0702 物理学【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向



1. 2015/9-至今,南京理工大学,物理学院,教授;
2. 2012/6-2015/8,美国堪萨斯州立大学,物理系,Research Associate;
3. 2006/8-2012/5,美国堪萨斯州立大学,物理系,Research Assistant


1. 2006/8–2012/5, 美国堪萨斯州立大学, 物理学, 博士;
2. 2003/9–2006/6, 西北师范大学, 原子与分子物理, 硕士;
3. 1999/9–2003/6, 西北师范大学, 物理学, 学士






1、《量子电子学报》、《Ultrafast Science》青年编委;

2、2019年,Chinese Physics B优秀审稿人奖;

3、Physical Review LettersPhysical Review A、Physical Review B、Optics Letters、Optics ExpressNew Journal of PhysicsJournal of Physics BJournal of Optics、Chemical Physics、Chinese Journal of PhysicsChinese Physics Letters和 Chinese Physics BSCI期刊审稿人。


1、“高次谐波和驱动激光传播效应的研究”,自主科研专项计划--“杰青/优青”培育专项, 2016/01-2018/12,负责人,30.0万元;



4、“波导管内X射线高次谐波和阿秒光源的产生”,瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室开放基金,2017/12-2019/12, 负责人,5.0万元;





(*indicating corresponding author)

93. Kan Wang, Yong Fu, Baochang Li, Xiangyu Tang, Zhong Guan, Bincheng Wang, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Characterization of a shaped isolated attosecond pulse and retrieval of infrared-laser-related information using high-order-harmonic-generation streaking spectra, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023117 (2024).

92. Xiaoyong Li, Jiaxin Han, Liwei Liu, Xiangli Wang, Guoli Wang, and Cheng Jin*, Shaping extreme-ultraviolet attosecond pulses by tuning the minimum in high-order harmonic generation with two gas jets, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023103 (2024).

91. Yong Fu, Bincheng Wang, Kan Wang, Xiangyu Tang, Baochang Li, Zhiming Yin, Jiaxin Han, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Controlling laser-dressed resonance line shape using attosecond extreme-ultraviolet pulse with a spectral minimum, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 121, e2307836121 (2024).

90. Yudong Chen, Zongyuan Fu, Baochang Li, Sainan Peng, Bingbing Zhu, Guangyu Fan, Yi Liu, Chengyuan Ding, Cheng Jin, and Zhensheng Tao*, Phase-Matched High-Harmonic Generation under Nonadiabatic Conditions: Model and Experiment, Ultrafast Science 3, 0045 (2023).

89. Jiaxin Han, Zhong Guan, Beiyu Wang, and Cheng Jin*, Calibration of quantitative rescattering model for simulating vortex high-order harmonic generation driven by Laguerre-Gaussian beam with nonzero orbital angular momentum, Chin. Phys. B 32, 124210 (2023).

88. Beiyu Wang, Jiaxin Han, and Cheng Jin*, Tailoring OAM spectrum of high-order harmonic generation driven by two mixed Laguerre-Gaussian beams with nonzero radial nodes, Chin. Phys. B 32, 124208 (2023).

87. Jiaxin Han, Xiangyu Tang, Yong Fu, Beiyu Wang, Zhiming Yin, and Cheng Jin*, Control of the annular spatial profile of high harmonics using a Bessel-Gaussian beam carrying the nonzero orbital angular momentum, Opt. Express 31, 43732- 43747 (2023).

86. Bincheng Wang, Tianyu Wen, Yong Fu, Baochang Li, Kan Wang, and Cheng Jin*, Spatially resolved macroscopic near-threshold harmonics generated from harmoniclike and resonant transitions using an artifical neural network, Phys. Rev. A 108, 053510 ( 2023).

85. Zhongjun Wan, Zhong Guan, Jiaqi Liu, Hang Yang, Kan Tian, Linzhen He, Maoxin Xiang, Bo Hu, Weizhe Wang, Xuemei Yang, Yang Li, Han Wu, Cheng Jin, Xuebin Bian, and Houkun Liang*, Wavelength scaling of high harmonic yields and cutoff energies in solids driven by mid-infrared pulses, Opt. Express 31, 30294-30304 (2023).

84. Zhong Guan, Zhiming Yin, Jiahao You, Bincheng Wang, Xiaoyong Li, Guo-Li Wang, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Cheng Jin*, Optimal generation and systematic analysis of tunable THz emissions from single-layer graphene using two-color laser pulses with different durations, Phys. Rev. A 108, 023515 (2023).

83. Kan Wang, Yong Fu, Baochang Li, Xiangyu Tang, Bincheng Wang, Zhong Guan, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Direct reconstruction of isolated XUV or soft X-ray attosecond pulses from high-harmonic generation streaking spectra, New J. Phys. 25, 083003 (2023).

82. Zhong Guan, Jiahao You, Bincheng Wang, Xiaoyong Li, Guo-Li Wang, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Cheng Jin*, Generation of polarization-controllable low-frequency THz radiations from single-layer graphene using incommensurate two-color laser pulses, Frontiers in Physics 11, 1217439 (2023).

81. Xiangyu Tang, Baochang Li, Kan Wang, Zhiming Yin, Chi Zhang, Zhong Guan, Bincheng Wang, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Role of the Porras factor in phase matching of high-order harmonic generation driven by focused few-cycle laser pulses, Opt. Lett. 48, 3673-3676 (2023).

80. Mingze Sun, Zixiang Jiang, Yong Fu, Yanrong Jiang, Hongtao Hu, Chunyuan Bai, Zhongyao Yue, Jiaming Jiang, Hongqiang Xie, Cheng Jin*, Ruxin Li, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, and Peng Peng*, Observation of refractive index line shape in ultrafast XUV transient absorption spectroscopy, Ultrafast Science 3, 0029 (2023).

79. Zhiming Yin, Xiangyu Tang, Xuhong Li, Beiyu Wang, Jiaxin Han, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Generation of multiple attosecond sub-bursts in femtosecond pulse trains by long-wavelength driving lasers, Phys. Rev. A 107, 013114 (2023).

78. Lianrong Zhou, Xiaoqing Hu, Yigeng Peng, Junjie Qiang, Peifen Lu, Kang Lin, Shengzhe Pan, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Zhejun Jiang, Chenxu Lu, Hongcheng Ni, Cheng Jin, Ruifeng Lu, Yong Wu, Jianguo Wang, and Jian Wu*, Enhancing Strong-Field Dissociation of H2+ in Helium Nanodroplets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 033201(2023).

77. Xuhong Li, Guanglu Yuan, Xiangyu Tang, Yong Fu, Kan Wang, Bincheng Wang*, and Cheng Jin*, Modifification of laser-induced state in atomic attosecond transient absorption by the XUV pulse pair, Commun. Theor. Phys. 75, 015503 (2023).

76. Yanbo Chen, Baochang Li, Xuhong Li, Xiangyu Tang, Chi Zhang, and Cheng Jin*, Effect of laser focus in two-color synthesized waveform on generation of soft X-ray high harmonics, Chin. Phys. B 32, 014203 (2023).

75. Zongyuan Fu, Yudong Chen, Sainan Peng, Bingbing Zhu, Baochang Li, Rodrigo Martín-Hernández, Guangyu Fan, Yihua Wang, Carlos Hernández-García, Cheng Jin*, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, and Zhensheng Tao*, Extension of the bright high-harmonic photon energy range via nonadiabatic critical phase matching, Science Advances 8, eadd7482 (2022).

74. Jiaxin Han, Xiangyu Tang, Zhiming Yin, Kan Wang, Yong Fu, Beiyu Wang, Yanbo Chen, Chi Zhang, and Cheng Jin*, Role of fractional high harmonics with non-integer OAM on the generation of a helical attosecond pulse train, Opt. Express 30, 47942-47956 (2022).

73. Baochang Li, Xiangyu Tang, Kan Wang, Chi Zhang, Zhong Guan, Bincheng Wang, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Generation of Intense Low-Divergence Isolated Soft-X-Ray Attosecond Pulses in a Gas-Filled Waveguide Using Three-Color Synthesized Laser Pulses, Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 034048 (2022).

72. Zhong Guan, Bincheng Wang, Guo-Li Wang, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Cheng Jin*, Analysis of low-frequency THz emission from monolayer graphene irradiated by a long two-color laser pulse, Opt. Express 30, 26912-26930 (2022).

71. Beiyu Wang, Jiaxin Han, and Cheng Jin*, Features of vortex high harmonics generated by the Laguerre-Gaussian beam with nonzero radial node, Infrared and Laser Engineering 51, 20210895 (2022) (in Chinese).

70. Changzhi Jiang, Haoran Jiang, Yanbo Chen, Baochang Li, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Genetic-algorithm retrieval of the molecular alignment distribution with high-order harmonics generated from transiently aligned CO2 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023111 (2022).

69. Zhong Guan, Zhiming Yin, and Cheng Jin*, Macroscopic phase-matching mechanism for orbital angular momentum spectra of high-order harmonics by mixing two Laguerre-Gaussian vortex modes, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023107 (2022).

68. Bingbing Zhu, Zongyuan Fu, Yudong Chen, Sainan Peng, Cheng Jin, Guangyu Fan, Sheng Zhang, Shunjia Wang, Hao Ru, Chuanshan Tian, Yihua Wang, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, and Zhengsheng Tao, Spatially homogeneous few-cycle compression of Yb lasers via all-solid-state free-space soliton management, Opt. Express 30, 2918-2932 (2022).

67. Jan Troß, Shashank Pathak, Adam Summers, Dimitrios Rompotis, Benjamin Erk, Christopher Passow, Bastian Manschwetus, Rebecca Boll, Patrik Grychtol, Sadia Bari, Vinod Kumarappan, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, Carlos Trallero, and Daniel Rolles, High harmonic generation in mixed XUV and NIR fields at a free-electron laser, J. Opt.  24, 025502 (2022). 

66. Xiaoli Guo, Cheng Jin*, ZiQiang He, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Ya Cheng*, Retrieval of complex angle-dependent transition dipoles by using macroscopic high harmonics generated from aligned N2 molecules, Opt. Commun. 508, 127813 (2022). 

65. Xiaoli Guo, Cheng Jin*, Ziqiang He, Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Ya Cheng*, Retrieval of Angle-Dependent Strong-Field Ionization by Using High Harmonics Generated from Aligned N2 Molecules, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 123301 (2021). 

64. Xiangyu Tang, Kan Wang, Baochang Li, Yanbo Chen, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Optimal generation and isolation of attosecond pulses in an overdriven ionized medium, Opt. Lett. 46, 5137-5140 (2021).

63. Kan Wang, Baochang Li, Xiangyu Tang, Chenhui Xu, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Extended quantitative rescattering model for simulating high-order harmonic streaking spectra by synchronization of an intense IR laser and a time-delayed attosecond XUV pulse, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033102 (2021).

62. Baochang Li, Kan Wang, Xiangyu Tang, Yanbo Chen, C. D. Lin, and Cheng Jin*, Generation of isolated soft x-ray attosecond pulses with mid-infrared driving lasers via transient phase-matching gating, New Journal of Physics 23, 073051 (2021).

61. Sheng Zhang, Zongyuan Fu, Bingbing Zhu, Guangyu Fan, Yudong Chen, Shunjia Wang, Yaxin Liu, Andrius Baltuska, Cheng Jin, Chuanshan Tian, and Zhensheng Tao, Solitary beam propagation in periodic layered Kerr media enables high-efficiency pulse compression and mode self-cleaning, Light: Science & Applications 10, 53 (2021).

60. Xiaoli Guo, Cheng Jin*, Ziqiang He, Jinping Yao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Ya Cheng*, Retrieval of molecular alignment and identification of multiple-orbital contribution by using polarized high harmonics from aligned N2 molecules, Opt. Express 29, 1613-1633 (2021).

59. Chao Yu, Shicheng Jiang, Tong Wu, Guanglu Yuan, Yigeng Peng, Cheng Jin, and Ruifeng Lu, Higher harmonic generation from bilayer nanostructures assisted by electron backscattering, Phys. Rev. B 102, 241407(R) (2020).

58. Chen-hui Xu, Yan-bo Chen, Li-wei He, and Cheng Jin*, Optimization of Two-color Chirped Laser Waveform for Extending High-order Harmonic Cut-off Energy and Generating Isolated Attosecond Pulse (Invited), Acta Photonica Sinica 49, 1149007 (2020) (in Chinese).

57. Cheng Jin*, Baochang Li, Kan Wan, Chenhui Xu, Xiangyu Tang, Chao Yu, and C. D. Lin, Phase-matching analysis in high-order harmonic generation with nonzero orbital angular momentum Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033113 (2020).

56. Cheng Jin*, Xiangyu Tang, Baochang Li, Kan Wan,and C. D. Lin, Optimal Spatial Separation of High-Order Harmonics from Infrared Driving Lasers with an Annular Beam in the Overdriven Regime, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014057 (2020).

55. Cheng Jin*, Su-Ju Wang, Song-Feng Zhao, Anh-Thu Le,and C. D. Lin, Robust control of the minima of high-order harmonics by fine tuning the alignment of CO2 molecules for shaping attosecond pulses and probing molecular alignment, Phys. Rev. A 102, 013108 (2020).

54. Ziwen Wang, Shicheng Jiang, Guanglu Yuan, Tong Wu, Cheng Li, Chen Qian, Cheng Jin, Chao Yu, Weijie Hua, and Ruifeng Lu, Strain effect on orientation-dependent harmonic spectrum of monolayer aluminum nitride, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 63, 257311 (2020).

53. Cheng Jin*, Su-Ju Wang, Xi Zhao, Song-Feng Zhao, and C. D. Lin, Shaping attosecond pulses by controlling the minima in high-order harmonic generation through alignment of CO2 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013429 (2020).

52. Liwei He, Guanglu Yuan, Kan Wang, Weijie Hua, Chao Yu, and Cheng Jin*, Optimization of temporal gate by the two-color chirped lasers for the generation of isolated attosecond pulse in soft X rays,  Photonics Research 7, 1407-1415 (2019).

51. Guanglu Yuan, Shicheng Jiang, Ziwen Wang, Weijie Hua, Chao Yu, Cheng Jin*, and Ruifeng Lu*, The role of transition dipole phase in atomic attosecond transient absorption from the multi-level model, Structural Dynamics 6, 054102 (2019).

50. Yun Pan, Fuming Guo, Cheng Jin*, Yujun Yang*, and Dajun Ding*, Selection of electron quantum trajectories in the macroscopic high-order harmonics generated by near-infrared lasers, Phys. Rev. A 99, 033411 (2019).

49. Xiaoyong Li, Juan Fan, Jinyu Ma, Guoli Wang, and Cheng Jin*, Application of optimal waveforms for enhancing high-harmonic yields in a three-color laser-field synthesizer, Opt. Express 27, 841-854 (2019).

48. Cheng Jin*, Ming-Chang Chen*, Hung-Wei Sun, and C. D. Lin, Extension of water-window harmonic cutoff by laser defocusing-assisted phase matching, Opt. Lett. 43, 4433-4436 (2018).

47. Chao Yu, Shicheng Jiang, Tong Wu ,Guanglu Yuan, Ziwen Wang, Cheng Jin*, and Ruifeng Lu*, Two-dimensional imaging of energy bands from crystal orientation dependent higher-order harmonic spectra in h-BN, Phys. Rev. B  98, 085439 (2018).

46. Nazia Abro, Kan Wang, Xinhao Zhu, Baochang Li, and Cheng Jin*, Improvement of ionization factor in the quantitative rescattering theory for simulating macroscopic high harmonic generation, Phys. Rev. A 98, 023411 (2018).

45. Tobias Kroh, Cheng Jin*, Peter Krogen, Philip D. Keathley, Anne-Laure Calendron, Jonathas P. Siqueira, Houkun Liang, Edilson L. Falcao-Filho, C. D. Lin, Franz X. Kartner, and Kyung-Han Hong*, Enhanced high-harmonic generation up to the soft X-ray region driven by mid-infrared pulses mixed with their third harmonic, Opt. Express 26, 16955-16969 (2018).

44. Cheng Jin* and C. D. Lin, Control of soft X-ray high harmonic spectrum by using two-color laser pulses, Photonics Research 6, 434-442 (2018).

43. C. D. Lin, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, and Hui Wei, Elements of the quantitative rescattering theory, J. Phys. B 51, 104001 (2018).

42. Hung-Wei Sun, Pei-Chi Huang, Yi-Hsuan Tzeng, Jen-Ting Huang, C. D. Lin, Cheng Jin*, and Ming-Chang Chen*, Extended phase matching of high harmonic generation by plasma-induced defocusing, Optica 4, 976-981 (2017).

41. Cheng Jin*, Kyung-Han Hong, and C. D. Lin, Macroscopic scaling of high-order harmonics generated by two-color optimized waveforms in a hollow waveguide, Phys. Rev. A 96, 013422 (2017).

40. Cheng Jin*, Kyung-Han Hong, and C. D. Lin, Optimal generation of spatially coherent soft X-ray isolated attosecond pulses in a gas-filled waveguide using two-color synthesized laser pulses, Sci. Rep.  6, 38165 (2016).

39. Cheng Jinand C. D. Lin, Spatially coherent high harmonics generated at optimal high gas pressure with high intensity one- or two-color laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 94, 043804 (2016). 

38. Cheng Jinand C. D. Lin, Optimization of multi-color laser waveform for high-order harmonic generation, Chin. Phys. B (Review) 25, 094213 (2016).  

37. Anh-Thu Le, Hui Wei, Cheng Jin, and C. D. Lin, Strong-field approximation and its extension for high-order harmonic generation with mid-infrared lasers, J. Phys. B (Tutorial) 49, 053001 (2016). 

36. Song-Feng Zhao, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, Xu Wang, and C. D. Lin, Analytical model for calibrating laser intensity in strong-field-ionization experiments, Phys. Rev. A 93, 023413 (2016).

35. Cheng Jin
*, Kyung-Han Hong, and C. D. Lin, Optimal generation of high harmonics in the water-window region by synthesizing an 800-nm and a mid-infrared laser, Opt. Lett. 40, 3754-3757 (2015).

34. Cheng Jin, Gregory J. Stein, Kyung-Han Hong, and C. D. Lin, Generation of bright, spatially coherent soft X-ray high harmonics in a hollow waveguide using two-color synthesized laser pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 043901 (2015).

33. Cheng Jin*, Guoli Wang, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin*, Route to optimal generation of soft X-ray high harmonics with synthesized two-color laser fields, Sci. Rep. 4, 7067 (2014).

32. Qianguang Li, Xiao-Min Tong, Toru Morishita, Cheng Jin, Hui Wei, and C. D. Lin, Rydberg states in strong field ionization of hydrogen by 800, 1200 and 1600 nm lasers, J. Phys. B 47, 204019 (2014).

31. Xu Wang, Cheng Jin, and C. D. Lin, Coherent control of high harmonic generation using waveform-synthesized chirped laser fields, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023416 (2014).

30. Anh-Thu Le, Hui Wei, Cheng Jin, Vu Ngoc Tuoc, T. Morishita, and C. D. Lin, Universality of returning electron wave packet in high-order harmonic generation with mid-infrared laser pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 033001 (2014).

29. Cheng Jin, Guoli Wang, Hui Wei, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Waveforms for optimal sub-keV high-order harmonics with synthesized two- or three-colour laser fields, Nature Commun. 5, 4003 (2014).

28. Xiaoming Ren, Varun Makhija, Anh-Thu Le, Jan Troß, Sudipta Mondal, Cheng Jin, Vinod Kumarappan, and Carlos Trallero-Herrero, Measuring the angle-dependent photoionization cross section of nitrogen using high-harmonic generation, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043421 (2013).

27. C. D. Lin, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and R. R. Lucchese, Probing molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions via high-order harmonic generation from aligned molecules, J. Phys. B 45, 194010 (2012).  

26. Guoli Wang, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Conditions of extracting photoionization cross sections from laser-induced high-order harmonic spectra, Phys. Rev. A 86, 015401 (2012).

25. Cheng Jin and C. D. Lin, Comparison of high-order harmonic generation of Ar using truncated Bessel and Gaussian beams, Phys. Rev. A 85, 033423 (2012).

24. W. Cao, G. Laurent, Cheng Jin, H. Li, Z. Wang, C. D. Lin, I. Ben-Itzhak, and C. L. Cocke, Spectral splitting and quantum path study of high-harmonic generation from a semi-infinite gas cell, J. Phys. B 45, 074013 (2012).   

23. Cheng Jin, Julien B. Bertrand, R. R. Lucchese, H. J. Wörner, Paul B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Intensity dependence of multiple-orbital contributions and shape resonance in high-order harmonic generation of aligned N2 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013405 (2012).

22. C. Trallero-Herrero, Cheng Jin, B. E. Schmidt, A. D. Shiner, J-C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, C. D. Lin, F. Légaré, and A. T. Le, Generation of broad XUV continuous high harmonic spectra and isolated attosecond pulses with intense mid-infrared lasers, J. Phys. B (Fast Track Communication) 45, 011001 (2012).

21. Guoli Wang, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Influence of gas pressure on high-order harmonic generation of Ar and Ne, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053404 (2011).

20. Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, Carlos A. Trallero-Herrero, and C. D. Lin, Generation of isolated attosecond pulses in the far field by spatial filtering with an intense few-cycle mid-infrared laser, Phys. Rev. A 84, 043411 (2011).

19. Cheng Jin*, Hans Jakob Wörner, V. Tosa, Anh-Thu Le, Julien B. Bertrand, R. R. Lucchese, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, and C. D. Lin, Separation of target structure and medium propagation effects in high-harmonic generation, J. Phys. B 44, 095601 (2011).  

18. Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Analysis of effects of macroscopic propagation and multiple molecular orbitals on the minimum in high-order harmonic generation of aligned CO2, Phys. Rev. A 83, 053409 (2011).

17. Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, R. R. Lucchese, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, High-order harmonic generation using gas-phase H2O molecules, Phys. Rev. A 83, 033409 (2011).

16. Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Medium propagation effects in high-order harmonic generation of Ar and N2, Phys. Rev. A 83, 023411 (2011).

15. Song-Feng Zhao, Junliang Xu, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Effect of orbital symmetry on the orientation dependence of strong field tunneling ionization of nonlinear polyatomic molecules, J. Phys. B 44, 035601 (2011).

14. Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Effect of an improved molecular potential on strong field tunneling ionization of molecules, Phys. Rev. A 82, 035402 (2010).

13. Cheng Jin, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Song-Feng Zhao, Retrieval of electron return time from high-order harmonics generated in a mixture of He and Ne gases, Commun. Theor. Phys. 53, 735 (2010).

12. Cheng Jin, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Song-Feng Zhao, Destructive and constructive interference of high-order harmonic generation in mixture of He and Ne gases, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 033301 (2010).

11. Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Determination of structure parameters in strong-field tunneling ionization theory of molecules, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033423 (2010).

10. Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, Song-Feng Zhao, R. R. Lucchese, and C. D. Lin, Theoretical study of photoelectron angular distributions in single-photon ionization of aligned N2 and CO2, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033421 (2010).

9. Song-Feng Zhao, Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, T. F. Jiang, and C. D. Lin, Analysis of angular dependence of strong field tunneling ionization for CO2, Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communications) 80, 051402 (2009).

8. Cheng Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Retrieval of target photorecombination cross sections from high-order harmonics generated in a macroscopic medium, Phys. Rev. A 79, 053413 (2009).

7. Van-Hoang Le, Ngoc-Ty Nguyen, C. Jin, Anh-Thu Le, and C. D. Lin, Retrieval of interatomic separations of molecules from laser-induced high-order harmonic spectra, J. Phys. B 41, 085603 (2008).

6. Xiao-Yong Li, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Cheng Jin, The calculation for positions and widths of anticrossing for Rubidium Rydberg states in static electric field, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 24, 79 (2007) (in Chinese).

5. Cheng Jin, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Song-Feng Zhao, Effects of static electric field on high-order harmonic generation of hydrogen atom in intense laser field, Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 24, 194 (2007) (in Chinese).

4. Cheng Jin, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Song-Feng Zhao, Positions and widths of anticrossings for potassium Rydberg stark states, Commun. Theor. Phys. 47, 119 (2007).

3. Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, Guo-Li Wang, and Cheng Jin, Studies of stabilization of one-dimensional atom in the intense laser field with pseudospectral method, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 23, 831 (2006) (in Chinese).

2. Song-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Cheng Jin, Investigation of high order harmonic generation and ionization of model hydrogen atoms and real hydrogen atom in intense laser field, Acta Physica Sinica 55, 4078 (2006) (in Chinese).

1. Cheng Jin, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Song-Feng Zhao, Study of microwave multiphoton transition of Rydberg potassium atom by using B-spline, Commun. Theor. Phys. 44, 1065 (2005).


1. Chii-Dong Lin, Anh-Thu Le, Cheng Jin, and Hui Wei, Attosecond and Strong-Field Physics: Principles and Applications, Cambridge University Press (2018). 

2. Cheng Jin, Theory of Nonlinear Propagation of High Harmonics Generated in a Gaseous Medium, Springer Theses, Springer (2013).


1. 主讲,阿秒和强场物理,S113C093,48学时,3学分

2. 主讲,激光物理,B104B003,48学时,3学分




















1、Abro, Nazia, 硕士,物理学,2015级,毕业







