  • 出生年月:1981年6月
  • 籍贯:山东
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 无党派人士
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:fengzhangqi1981@163.com
访问次数 56241 次
更新日期 2024年3月14日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向



2010年10月-2014年03月,中山大学, 讲师, 硕士生导师,博士生协助导师

2014年04月-至今,南京理工大学, 教授,博士生导师



美国密西根大学(安娜堡市)-- 工学院
东南大学   生物科学与医学工程学院 – 生物材料
暨南大学   理工学院 – 材料学
山东大学   材料科学与工程学院 – 材料加工与成型专业





Frontiers in Chemistry专刊主编,Materials Express 编委,中国微纳米协会会员,中国生物材料学会会员,美国神经学会会员,广东省生物医学工程学会委员, 广东省整形美容协会理事





研究方向: 生物电子材料与柔性电子器件的设计与制造,及其在神经电子调控、组织工程、生物传感等领域内的应用






至今,在Nature Methods, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Nano Energy, Small, Chemical Engineering Journal等国际顶级杂志上发表科技论文80余篇,总引用率近3700余次,获授权专利10 余项。主持国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金以及各类人才计划20余项,参与国家自然科学基金以及省市等各级项目10余项。



(81) Interfacial Polarization Locked Flexible β‐Phase Glycine/Nb2CTx Piezoelectric Nanofibers. Weiying Zheng, Tong Li, Fei Jin, Lili Qian, Juan Ma, Zhidong Wei, Xiying Ma, Fuyi Wang, Jiangtao Sun, Tao Yuan, Ting Wang, Zhang‐Qi Feng. Small 23087,15,2024

(80) In situ study of structural changes: Exploring the mechanism of protein corona transition from soft to hard. Yixin Zhang, Liqiang Zhang, Chenglong Cai, Jixiang Zhang, Pengyu Lu, Neng Shi, Weiran Zhu, Nongyue He, Xuchao Pan, Ting Wang, Zhangqi Feng. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 654, 935-944, 2024

(79) Soft ferroelectret ultrasound receiver for targeted peripheral neuromodulation. Tong Li, Zhidong Wei, Fei Jin, Yongjiu Yuan, Weiying Zheng, Lili Qian, Hongbo Wang, Lisha Hua, Juan Ma, Huanhuan Zhang, Huaduo Gu, Michael G Irwin, Ting Wang, Steven Wang, Zuankai Wang, Zhang-Qi Feng. Nature Communications 14 (1), 8386, 2023

(78) Accurate expression of neck motion signal by piezoelectric sensor data analysis. Neng Shi, Haonan Jia, Jixiang Zhang, Pengyu Lu, Chenglong Cai, Yixin Zhang, Liqiang Zhang, Nongyue He, Weiran Zhu, Yan Cai, Zhangqi Feng, Ting Wang. Chinese Chemical Letters 109302, 2023

(77) Combining Piezoelectric Stimulation and Extracellular Vesicles for Cartilage Regeneration. C Lai, F Jin, Z Feng, R Zhang, M Yuan, L Qian, L Zhang, Y Wang, J Zhao. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2023

(76) Surface Functional Modification by Ti3C2Tx MXene on Plla Nanofibers for Optimizing Neural Stem Cell Engineering. YD Zhu, XY Ma, LP Li, QJ Yang, F Jin, ZN Chen, CP Wu, HB Shi, ZQ Feng. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2300731, 2023

(75) Wearable, Self‐powered, Drug‐Loaded Electronic Microneedles for Accelerated Tissue Repair of Inflammatory Skin Disorders.L Qian, F Jin, Z Wei, T Li, Z Sun, C Lai, J Ma, R Xiong, X Ma, F Wang, ZQ Feng. Advanced Functional Materials 2209407,2023

(74) Physical Cue‐Based Strategies on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. Z Wei, F Jin, T Li, L Qian, W Zheng, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Advanced Functional Materials 33 (3), 2209658,2023

(73) Biofeedback electrostimulation for bionic and long-lasting neural modulation. F Jin, T Li, Z Wei, R Xiong, L Qian, J Ma, T Yuan, Q Wu, C Lai, X Ma, ZQ Feng. Nature Communications 13 (1), 5302,2022

(72) In situ wound sprayable double-network hydrogel: Preparation and characterization. C Cai, T Wang, X Han, S Yang, C Lai, T Yuan, Z Feng, N He. Chinese Chemical Letters, 33 (4), 1963-1969,2022

(71) Spontaneous Electro-Feedback Vaporesponsive Actuation Film Inspired by Mammal Hair.T Li, J Zhang, F Jin, F Yang, Z Wei, X Ma, L Qian, F Sun, M Fan, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Nano Energy, 106933,2022

(70) Physiologically Self‐Regulated, Fully Implantable, Battery‐Free System for Peripheral Nerve Restoration. F Jin, T Li, T Yuan, L Du, C Lai, Q Wu, Y Zhao, F Sun, L Gu, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Advanced Materials 33 (48), 2104175,1,2021.

(69) In situ wound sprayable double-network hydrogel: Preparation and characterization. C Cai, T Wang, X Han, S Yang, C Lai, T Yuan, Z Feng, N He. Chinese Chemical Letters,1,2021.

(68) Cell activity modulation and its specific function maintenance by bioinspired electromechanical nanogenerator. T Li, C Shi, F Jin, F Yang, L Gu, T Wang, W Dong, ZQ Feng. Science Advances 7 (39), eabh2350,2021.

(67) Power Generation from Moisture Fluctuations Using Polyvinyl Alcohol‐Wrapped Dopamine/Polyvinylidene Difluoride Nanofibers. T Li, F Jin, M Qu, F Yang, J Zhang, T Yuan, W Dong, J Zheng, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Small 17 (36), 2102550,2,2021.

(66) Real-time studies of plasma membrane damage trigger cell apoptosis from sulfhydryl nanoparticles to support safety assessment of nanoscale materials. T Wang, G Qu, C Cai, Y Wang, B You, Z Shuai, Y Zhang, Z Feng, J Shang, Research square, 2021.

(65) High thermal conductivity of graphene and structure defects: Prospects for thermal applications in graphene sheets. C Cai, T Wang, G Qu, Z Feng. Chinese Chemical Letters 32 (4), 1293-1298,3,2021.

(64) Dopamine/zinc oxide doped poly (N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide)/agar dual network hydrogel with super self-healing, antibacterial and tissue adhesion functions designed for transdermal patch. F Sun, R Li, F Jin, H Zhang, J Zhang, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 9 (27), 5492-5502,3,2021.

(63) High‐performance poly (vinylidene difluoride)/dopamine core/shell piezoelectric nanofiber and its application for biomedical sensors. T Li, M Qu, C Carlos, L Gu, F Jin, T Yuan, X Wu, J Xiao, T Wang, W Dong, ZQ Feng. Advanced Materials 33 (3), 2006093,33,2021.

(62) 10Surface Enriched Sulfonic Acid Ionic Clusters of Nafion Nanofibers as Long‐Range Interconnected Ionic Nanochannels for Anisotropic Proton Transportation: Phenomenon and Molecular Mechanism. F Jin, K Yan, Y Zhao, L Du, R Li, J Zheng, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (18), 2000342,3,2020.

(61) Porous polyacrylonitrile/graphene oxide nanofibers designed for high efficient adsorption of chromium ions (VI) in aqueous solution. ZQ Feng, X Yuan, T Wang. Chemical Engineering Journal 392, 123730,37,2020.

(60) Insight into the Mechanism of Internalization of the Cell-Penetrating Carrier Peptide Pep-1 by Conformational Analysis. T Wang, C Wang, S Zheng, G Qu, Z Feng, J Shang, Y Cheng, N He. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 16 (7), 1135-1143,2020.

(59) Design of high conductive and piezoelectric poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/chitosan nanofibers for enhancing cellular electrical stimulation. LJ Du, T Li, F Jin, Y Wang, R Li, J Zheng, T Wang, ZQ Feng. Journal of colloid and interface science 559, 65-75. 2019

(58) Multiple Physical Bonds to Realize Highly Tough and Self-Adhesive Double-Network Hydrogels D Zhang, F Yang, J He, L Xu, T Wang, ZQ Feng, Y Chang, X Gong. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 2019

(57) Disordered Metabolism and Repair Mechanism: Mitochondria Influenced by Cationic and Neutral Nanoparticles T Wang, Y Deng, Y Chen, G Qu, Z Feng, J Shang, J Zheng, N He. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 15 (12), 2428-2438. 2019

(56) Post-self-repair process of neuron cells under the influence of neutral and cationic nanoparticles. T Wang, G Qu, Y Deng, J Shang, Z Feng, F Yang, N He, J Zheng. Chinese Chemical Letters 2019

(55) Magnetic Janus particles as a multifunctional drug delivery system for paclitaxel in efficient cancer treatment. ZQ Feng, K Yan, J Li, X Xu, T Yuan, T Wang, J Zheng. Materials Science and Engineering: C 104, 110001. 2019

(54) Importance of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Diverse Chains and Cross-Linking Density for Cell Proliferation, Aging, and Death. T Wang, G Qu, C Wang, Y Cheng, J Shang, J Zheng, Z Feng, Q Chen. Langmuir 35 (43), 13999-14006. 2019

(53) Core/Shell Piezoelectric Nanofibers with Spatial Self-Orientated β-Phase Nanocrystals for Real-Time Micropressure Monitoring of Cardiovascular Walls. T Li, ZQ Feng, M Qu, K Yan, T Yuan, B Gao, T Wang, W Dong, J Zheng. ACS Nano 13 (9), 10062-10073. 2019

(52) Cell microarray chip system for accurate, rapid diagnosis and target treatment of breast cancer cells SK-BR-3. T Wang, Y Deng, G Qu, Y Chen, J Shang, Z Feng, J Zheng, F Yang, N He. Chinese Chemical Letters 30 (5), 1043-1050. 2019

(51) Multiple Physical Cross-Linker Strategy To Achieve Mechanically Tough and Reversible Properties of Double-Network Hydrogels in Bulk and on Surfaces. Y Zhang, B Ren, S Xie, Y Cai, T Wang, Z Feng, J Tang, Q Chen, J Xu. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1 (4), 701-713. 2019

(50) Graphene Nanofibrous Foam Designed as an Efficient Oil Absorbent. ZQ Feng, F Wu, L Jin, T Wang, W Dong, J Zheng. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (8), 3000-3008. 2019

(49) Fundamentals of cross-seeding of amyloid proteins: an introduction B Ren, Y Zhang, M Zhang, Y Liu, D Zhang, X Gong, Z Feng, J Tang, ... Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019

(48) Gecko‐Inspired Paper Artificial Skin for Intimate Skin Contact and Multisensing. B Gao, X Wang, T Li, Z Feng, C Wang, Z Gu. Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (1), 1800392. 2019

(47) Piezoelectric-Driven Self-Powered Patterned Electrochromic Supercapacitor for Human Motion Energy Harvesting. Z He, B Gao, T Li, J Liao, B Liu, X Liu, C Wang, Z Feng, Z Gu. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (1), 1745-1752. 2018

(46) Mechanically tough and recoverable hydrogels via dual physical crosslinkings. F Yang, B Ren, Y Cai, J Tang, D Li, T Wang, Z Feng, Y Chang, L Xu, ... Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 56 (19), 1294-1305. 2018

(45) Neurogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells on graphene-based mat. ZQ Feng, K Yan, C Shi, X Xu, T Wang, R Li, W Dong, J Zheng. Materials Science and Engineering: C 90, 685-692. 2018

(44) Pure OPM nanofibers with high piezoelectricity designed for energy harvesting in vitro and in vivo. T Li, ZQ Feng, K Yan, T Yuan, W Wei, X Yuan, C Wang, T Wang, W Dong, ... Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6 (33), 5343-5352. 2018

(43) Real-time investigation of interactions between nanoparticles and cell membrane model. T Wang, Z Feng, C Wang, N He. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 164, 70-77. 2018

(42) Controlled hydrothermal temperature provides tunable permittivity and an improved electromagnetic absorption performance of reduced graphene oxide. Y Xia, J Wang, C Chen, D Huo, Y Wen, W Wang, M Sun, C Xu, A Xie, ... RSC advances 8 (58), 33065-33071. 2018

(41) Micellar-incorporated hydrogels with highly tough, mechanoresponsive, and self-recovery properties for strain-induced color sensors. Y Zhang, B Ren, F Yang, Y Cai, H Chen, T Wang, Z Feng, J Tang, J Xu, ... Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (43), 11536-11551. 2018

(40) Fabrication and evaluation of SDF-1 loaded galactosylated chitosan nanoparticles for liver Targeting. XH Chu, ZQ Feng, Q Xu, JQ Xiao, XW Yuan, XT Sun. Materials Research Express, 2017, 4(3):035028. 2017

(39) Magnetic electrospun short nanofibers wrapped graphene oxide as a promising biomaterials for guiding cellular behavior. ZQ Feng, C Shi, B Zhao, T Wang. Materials Science and Engineering: C 81, 314-320. 2017

(38) Recent progress in 2D or 3D N-doped graphene synthesis and the characterizations, properties, and modulations of N species. M Fan, ZQ Feng, C Zhu, X Chen, C Chen, J Yang, D Sun. Journal of Materials Science 51 (23), 10323-10349. 2016

(37) Effects of a protein-corona on the cellular uptake of ferroferric oxide nanoparticles. L Guo, Z Feng, L Cai, Z Xi, X Mou, T Wang, N He. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (7), 7125-7128. 2016

(36) Mechanical tension applied to substrate films specifies location of neuritogenesis and promotes major neurite growth at the expense of minor neurite development. ZQ Feng, EW Franz, MK Leach, F Winterroth, CM White, A Rastogi, ZZ Gu, ... Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 104 (4), 966-974. 2016

(35) Three-dimensional BC/PEDOT composite nanofibers with high performance for electrode–cell interface. C Chen, T Zhang, Q Zhang, Z Feng, C Zhu, Y Yu, K Li, M Zhao, J Yang, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (51), 28244-28253. 2015

(34) Soft graphene nanofibers designed for the acceleration of nerve growth and development. ZQ Feng, T Wang, B Zhao, J Li, L Jin. Advanced Materials 27 (41), 6462-6468. 2015

(33) One-step synthesis of hydrophilic up-conversion nanoparticles. T Wang, L Wang, Z Feng, N He, Z Chen. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 250. 2015

(32) Comparison of two methods for NaYF4: Yb, Er/Tm hydrophilic upconversion nanoparticles synthesis. T Wang, L Wang, Z Feng, L Cai, L Zhang, N He. Journal of Bionanoscience 9 (3), 222-225. 2015

(31) In vitro biocompatibility of polypyrrole/PLGA conductive nanofiber scaffold with cultured rat hepatocytes. XH Chu, Q Xu, ZQ Feng, JQ Xiao, Q Li, XT Sun, Y Cao, YT Ding. Materials Research Express 1 (3), 035402. 2014

(30) A novel fluffy hydroxylapatite fiber scaffold with deep interconnected pores designed for three-dimensional cell culture. L Jin, ZQ Feng, T Wang, Z Ren, S Ma, J Wu, D Sun. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2 (1), 129-136. 2014

(29) Biosynthesis approach to nitrogen doped graphene by denitrifying bacteria CFMI-1. C Zhu, Z Feng, M Fan, C Chen, B Ma, J Yang, D Sun. RSC Advances 4 (76), 40292-40295. 2014

(28) Preparation of N-doped graphene by reduction of graphene oxide with mixed microbial system and its haemocompatibility. M Fan, C Zhu, ZQ Feng, J Yang, L Liu, D Sun. Nanoscale 6 (9), 4882-4888. 2014

(27) Fabrication and Characterization of Heparin-Grafted Poly-L-lactic acid–Chitosan Core–Shell Nanofibers Scaffold for Vascular Gasket. T Wang, X Ji, L Jin, Z Feng, J Wu, J Zheng, H Wang, ZW Xu, L Guo, N He. ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (9), 3757-3763. 2013

(26) Highly aligned poly (3, 4-ethylene dioxythiophene)(PEDOT) nano-and microscale fibers and tubes. ZQ Feng, J Wu, W Cho, MK Leach, EW Franz, YI Naim, ZZ Gu, JM Corey, ... Polymer 54 (2), 702-708. 2013

(25) Nanoporous fibers of type-I collagen coated poly (L-lactic acid) for enhancing primary hepatocyte growth and function. T Wang, ZQ Feng, MK Leach, J Wu, Q Jiang. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 (3), 339-346. 2013

(24) A facile approach for the fabrication of core–shell PEDOT nanofiber mats with superior mechanical properties and biocompatibility. L Jin, T Wang, ZQ Feng, MK Leach, J Wu, S Mo, Q Jiang. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 (13), 1818-1825. 2013

(23) Critical variables in the alignment of electrospun PLLA nanofibers. SJ Tuck, MK Leach, ZQ Feng, JM Corey. Materials Science and Engineering: C 32 (7), 1779-1784. 2012

(22) A novel fluffy conductive polypyrrole nano-layer coated PLLA fibrous scaffold for nerve tissue engineering. L Jin, ZQ Feng, ML Zhu, T Wang, MK Leach, Q Jiang. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 8 (5), 779-785. 2012

(21) A culture system to study oligodendrocyte myelination processes using engineered nanofibers. S Lee, MK Leach, SA Redmond, SYC Chong, SH Mellon, SJ Tuck, ZQ Feng, JM Corey. Nature Methods 9 (9), 917. 2012

(20) Electrospun fibers and tissue engineering. L Jin, T Wang, ML Zhu, MK Leach, YI Naim, JM Corey, ZQ Feng, Q Jiang. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 8 (1), 1-9. 2012

(19) Erythropoietin-loaded oligochitosan nanoparticles for treatment of periventricular leukomalacia. T Wang, Y Hu, MK Leach, L Zhang, W Yang, L Jiang, ZQ Feng, N He. International journal of pharmaceutics 422 (1-2), 462-471. 2012

(18) Vanadium Extraction from Vanadium-containing Carbonaceous Shale by Acid Leaching-Extraction-Ammonia Precipitation. S PU, L JIN, C XIAO, Z FENG. Rare Metals and Cemented Carbides, 6. 2012

(17) Polypyrrole hollow fiber for solid phase extraction. T Tian, J Deng, Z Xie, Y Zhao, Z Feng, X Kang, Z Gu. Analyst 137 (8), 1846-1852. 2012

(16) Fabrication and characterization of a novel fluffy polypyrrole fibrous scaffold designed for 3D cell culture. L Jin, T Wang, ZQ Feng, M Zhu, MK Leach, YI Naim, Q Jiang. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (35), 18321-18326. 2012


(14) Stages of neuronal morphological development in vitro—An automated assay. MK Leach, YI Naim, ZQ Feng, CC Gertz, JM Corey. Journal of neuroscience methods 199 (2), 192-198. 2011

(13) The culture of primary motor and sensory neurons in defined media on electrospun poly-L-lactide nanofiber scaffolds. MK Leach, ZQ Feng, CC Gertz, SJ Tuck, TM Regan, Y Naim, AM Vincent, ... JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e2389. 2011

(12) Electrospinning fundamentals: optimizing solution and apparatus parameters. MK Leach, ZQ Feng, SJ Tuck, JM Corey. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e2494. 2011

(11) Electrospun chitosan nanofibers for hepatocyte culture. ZQ Feng, MK Leach, XH Chu, YC Wang, T Tian, XL Shi, YT Ding, ZZ Gu. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 6 (6), 658-666. 2010

(10) The influence of type-I collagen-coated PLLA aligned nanofibers on growth of blood outgrowth endothelial cells. ZQ Feng, HJ Lu, MK Leach, NP Huang, YC Wang, CJ Liu, ZZ Gu. Biomedical Materials 5 (6), 065011. 2010

(9) Cellular compatibility of RGD-modified chitosan nanofibers with aligned or random orientation. YY Wang, LX Lü, ZQ Feng, ZD Xiao, NP Huang. Biomedical Materials 5 (5), 054112. 2010

(8) Stretched inverse opal colloid crystal substrates-induced orientation of fibroblast. YC Wang, ZM Tang, ZQ Feng, ZY Xie, ZZ Gu. Biomedical Materials 5 (3), 035011. 2010

(7) Rat hepatocyte aggregate formation on discrete aligned nanofibers of type-I collagen-coated poly (L-lactic acid). ZQ Feng, XH Chu, NP Huang, MK Leach, G Wang, YC Wang, YT Ding, ... Biomaterials 31 (13), 3604-3612. 2010

(6) Growth of outgrowth endothelial cells on aligned PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds. H Lu, Z Feng, Z Gu, C Liu. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 20 (9), 1937-1944. 2009

(5) In vitro evaluation of a multi-layer radial-flow bioreactor based on galactosylated chitosan nanofiber scaffolds. XH Chu, XL Shi, ZQ Feng, JY Gu, HY Xu, Y Zhang, ZZ Gu, YT Ding. Biomaterials 30 (27), 4533-4538. 2009

(4) The effect of nanofibrous galactosylated chitosan scaffolds on the formation of rat primary hepatocyte aggregates and the maintenance of liver function. ZQ Feng, X Chu, NP Huang, T Wang, Y Wang, X Shi, Y Ding, ZZ Gu. Biomaterials 30 (14), 2753-2763. 2009

(3) Chitosan nanofiber scaffold enhances hepatocyte adhesion and function. XH Chu, XL Shi, ZQ Feng, ZZ Gu, YT Ding. Biotechnology letters 31 (3), 347-352. 2009

(2) Effects of nanoporous PLLA scaffold on late endothelial progenitor cells behavior. Huijun Lu, Zhangqi Feng, Tong Qiao, Chen Liu, Zhongze Gu. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery. 23(2), 166.2009

(1) A novel preparation of nanocapsules from alginate-oligochitosan (vol 7, pg 4571, 2007). T Wang, Z Feng, N He, Z Wang, S Li, Y Guo, L Xu. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7 (12):4571. 2007






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我们是一只朝气蓬勃、团结进取的科研团队,主要从事多功能微纳米材料和器件的开发与应用研究。近年来,团队硕果累累,在Nature Methods,Nature Communications,Science Advances,Advanced Materials,ACS Nano, Small, Nano Energy,Chemical Engineering Journal等国际顶级杂志上发表数十篇具有广泛影响力的科学论文。同时与东南大学、南京军区总院、中大医院、江苏省人民医院等科研单位保持有常年合作关系,可互派学生进行交流与学习。

