  • 出生年月:1991年2月
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:yingyaoyao@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 25126 次
更新日期 2022年9月5日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
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国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy Research,Review Editor

国际SCI期刊Processes:Guest Editor




8. Deng, Q.G.1, Ying, Y. Y.1*, Liu, D.* (2022)Detailed chemical effects of ammonia as fuel additive in ethylene counterflow diffusion flamesInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in press.

7. Ying, Y. Y.*, Duan, J.Q., Liu, D.(2022): Effects of the upward-increasing gradient magnetic field on soot properties in ethylene inverse diffusion flames with different oxygen concentrationsFrontiers in Energy Research 10, 892391.

6. Qi, D.D., Yang, K.X., Zhao, X., Mei, D.H., Ying, Y.Y., Xu, L., Tu, X., Liu, D.* (2022): Comprehensive optical diagnostics for flame behavior and soot emission response to a non-equilibrium plasma, Energy 255, 124555.

5. Su, Z.W.1, Ying, Y. Y.1*, Chen, C., Zhao, R., Zhao, X., Liu, D.* (2022): Effects of diluent gases on sooting transition process in ethylene counterflow diffusion flames, RSC Advances 12, 18181.

4. Li, T.L., Abuelgasima, S., Wang, W.J.*, Xiao, Y.P., Liu, C.L., Ying, Y.Y.Liu, D.* (2022):  Enhanced soot oxidation by oxygen vacancies via K+ doped CuFe2O4 spinel catalysts, International Journal of Energy Research, 1-11.

3. Zou, Z.Y., Sun, H.W., Chen, C., Zhao, X., Huang, Q., Ying, Y.Y., Li, T.J., Xu, L., Liu, D.* (2022): Quantitative optical diagnostics on macroscopic soot onset for ethylene diffusion flames with ethyl ester additionOptics Express 30, 21410-21422.

2. Li, T.L., Abuelgasima, S., Xiao, Y.P., Liu, C.L., Wang, W.J.*,  Liu, D.*Ying, Y.Y.(2022) Investigation of alkali metals addition on the catalytic activity of CuFe2O4 for soot oxidation, Separation and Purification Technology 283, 120224.

1. Ma, M.M., Liu, G.N, Qin, Z.*, Zhang, R., Ying, Y.Y.,  Xu, L., Liu, D.* (2022)Effects of aluminum addition on flash ignition and combustion of boron nanoparticlesCombustion and Flame 236, 111762.


4. Zhao, X., Xu, L., Chen, C., Chen, M.F., Ying, Y.Y.Liu, D.* (2021): Experimental and numerical study on sooting transition process in iso-octane counterflow diffusion flames: Diagnostics and combustion chemistry, Journal of the Energy Institute 98, 282-293.

3. Li, J., Liu, G.N., Ying, Y.Y.*Liu, D.* (2021): On the treatment of lens optical center uncertainty in simultaneous reconstruction of flame temperature and soot volume fraction distributions by a CCD camera. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 241, 167238.

2. Ying, Y. Y.*Liu, D.* (2021): Soot properties in ethylene inverse diffusion flames blended with different carbon chain length alcohols, Fuel 287, 119520.

1. 吴烨, 冯鸣谦, 方婧, 刘冬, 张睿, 应遥瑶, 徐磊 (2021): 化学链合成氨技术研究进展及展望, 洁净煤技术 27, 92-106.


5. Chen, C., Zhao, R., Ying, Y. Y.*Liu, D.* (2020): Kinetic analysis on pyrolysis characteristics of butene isomer fuels with CO2 additions, Journal of Thermal Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1665-y.

4. Abdalla, A., Liu, D.*, Zhang, L. J., Zhao, X., Ying, Y. Y., Jiang, B., He, X. M.* (2020): Soot formation and evolution in RP-3 kerosene inverse diffusion flames: Effects of flow rates and dimethyl carbonate additions, Fuel 273, 117732.

3. Zhang, L. J., Yang, K. X., Zhao, R., Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2020): Formation and nanoscale-characteristics of soot from pyrolysis of ethylene blended with ethanol/dimethyl ether, Journal of the Energy Institute 93, 1288-1304. 

2. Zhang, L. J., Yang, K. X.,  Zhao, R., Chen, M. F., Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2020): Nanostructure and reactivity of soot from biofuel 2,5-dimethylfuran pyrolysis with CO2 additions, Frontiers in Energy, in press.

1. Abdalla, A., Ying, Y. Y., Jiang, B., He, X. M.*, Liu, D.* (2020): Comparative study on characteristics of soot from n-decane and RP-3 kerosene normal/inverse diffusion flames, Journal of the Energy Institute 93, 62-75. 


7. Qi, D. D., Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.*(2019): Micro- and Nano-structure Evolution of Soot from Isooctane and 2,5-dimethylfuran Flames in Photocatalytic Degradation, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 27, 978-993.

6. Duan, J. Q., Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.*(2019): Novel nanoscale control on soot formation by local CO2 micro-injection in ethylene inverse diffusion flames, Energy 179, 697-708.

5. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2019): Effects of water addition on soot properties in ethylene inverse diffusion flames, Fuel 247, 187-197.

4. Chen, M. F., Liu, D.*, Ying, Y. Y., Lei, K., Luo, M. Y., Liu, G. N., Zhang, R., Jiang, B. (2019): Experimental study on soot formation, evolution and characteristics of diffusion ethylene/air flames in ψ-shaped mesoscale combustors, Fuel 241, 138-154.

3. Jia, P. H., Liu, D.*Ying, Y. Y., Luo, M. Y., Jiang, B., Zhang, R.* (2019): Nanostructure and reactivity of nascent carbon particles from 2,5-dimethylfuran/n-heptane swirling inverse diffusion flames, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 27, 109-119.

2. 应遥瑶*,刘冬*:臭氧气氛下乙烯反扩散火焰碳烟的生成与演化研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,天津,2019.10.24-2019.10.27. (口头报告)

1. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2019): Impacts of alcohols carbon chain length on nascent soot characteristics:Nanoscale diagnostics, The 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment, Sep. 19-22, Nanjing, China.


20. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2018): Nanostructure evolution and reactivity of nascent soot from inverse diffusion flames in CO2, N2, and He atmospheres, Carbon 139, 172-180.

19. Jia, P. H., Ying, Y. Y., Luo, M. Y., Jiang, B., Liu, D.* (2018): Effects of swirling combustion on soot characteristics in 2,5-dimethylfuran/n-heptane diffusion flames, Applied Thermal Engineering 139, 11-24.

18. Liu, D.*, Wang, W., Ying, Y. Y., Luo, M. Y. (2018): Nanostructure and reactivity of carbon particles from co-pyrolysis of biodiesel surrogate methyl octanoate blended with n-butanol, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 26(5), 278-290.

17. Paladpokkrong, C., Liu, D.*, Ying, Y. Y., Wang, W., Zhang, R.* (2018): Soot reduction by addition of dimethyl carbonate in normal and inverse ethylene diffusion flames: nanostructural evidence, Journal of Environmental Sciences 72, 107-117.

16. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2018): Effects of flame configuration and soot aging on soot nanostructure and reactivity in n-butanol-doped ethylene diffusion flames, Energy & Fuels 32, 607-624.

15. Luo, M. Y., Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.(2018): Soot in flame-wall interactions: views from nanostructure and reactivity, Fuel 212, 117-131.

14. 应遥瑶刘冬*:Scale of Pollution(科普作品),中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,哈尔滨,2018.9.13-2018.9.16.

13. 罗旻烨,应遥瑶刘冬* (2018): 滞止平板对乙烯射流扩散火焰碳烟特性影响, 工程热物理学报 39, 2804-2808.

12. Wang W., Liu, D.*Ying, Y. Y., Liu, G. N., Wu, Y.* (2017): On the response of nascent soot nanostructure and oxidative reactivity to photoflash exposure, Energies 10, 961.

11. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2017): Effects of butanol isomers additions on soot nanostructure and reactivity in normal and inverse ethylene diffusion flames, Fuel 205, 109-209.

10. Ying, Y. Y.1, Xu, C. X.1 (本科生), Liu, D.*, Jiang, B., Wang, P. F., Wang, W. (2017): Nanostructure and oxidation reactivity of nascent soot particles in ethylene/pentanol flames, Energies 10(1), 122.

9. Ying, Y. Y.Liu, D.* (2015): Detailed influences of chemical effects of hydrogen as fuel additive on methane flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40, 3777–3788.

8. 应遥瑶,蒋波,王智化,刘冬*:臭氧作用下乙烯反扩散火焰碳烟特性研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,南京,2017.10.13-2017.10.15.

7. 罗旻烨, 应遥瑶刘冬*: 滞止平板对乙烯射流火焰碳烟微观结构和氧化特性影响,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,南京,2017.10.13-2017.10.15.

6. 应遥瑶, 王伟, 王鹏飞, 刘冬*: 正丁醇对乙烯扩散火焰烟黑微观结构和氧化特性影响, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,马鞍山,2016.10.21-2016.10.23.

5. 刘冬*应遥瑶,添加二甲醚对乙烯预混火焰的化学作用辨识和影响研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,北京,2015.10.23-2015.10.25.

4. 应遥瑶,潘伟,罗旻烨,张睿,刘冬*,掺氢对甲醇燃烧的化学作用机理及醛类污染物生成影响,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,北京,2015.10.23-2015.10.25.

3. 潘伟,罗旻烨,应遥瑶,张睿,刘冬*,掺杂H2和CO2对二甲醚燃烧的耦合化学作用研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,北京,2015.10.23-2015.10.25.

2. 罗旻烨,应遥瑶,潘伟,张睿,刘冬*,添加氢气对异辛烷燃烧的化学作用机理研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会议,北京,2015.10.23-2015.10.25.

1. 应遥瑶刘冬*, 氢气的化学作用对甲烷火焰的影响, 中国化学会第一届全国燃烧化学学术会议, 成都, 2015.5.22-2015.5.25. 








