  • 出生年月:1960年9月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:lwliu@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 71830 次
更新日期 2019年12月20日
  • 主学科0701 数学【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科070103|概率论与数理统计
  • 研究方向

    (1)排队论及其应用 (2)应用统计 (3) 系统效能分析 ; (1)排队论又称随机服务系统,它是通过对各种服务系统在排队等待现象中概率特性的研究,来解决服务系统最优设计与最优控制的一门学科.主要应用于计算机系统,通信网络系统等.(2)研究概率统计与随机过程在工程技术中的应用.(3) 系统效能分析研究系统的各种性能指标,并提出优化方法。

  • 跨学科0714 统计学【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向

1.江苏省应用统计学会理事长 2.美国Mathematical Reviews数学评论员 3.European Journal of Operational Research审稿人 4.Computers and Mathematics with Applications审稿人 5.Mathematical and Computer Modelling审稿人 6.Applied Mathematics Letters审稿人 7.Expert Systems With Applications审稿人  8.中国运筹学会会员 9.中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会常务理事 10.中国兵工学会高级会员 11.中国数学会概率统计学会会员 12.国家科技奖励评审专家 13.全国研究生数模竞赛专家委员会委员 14.2005-2007年度南京理工大学董事会基金奖特等奖教金 15.第四届“我最喜爱的(十佳)南理工老师”16.南京理工大学“三最”、“三星”:大学生最喜爱的教师 17.指导我校本科生获得“全国大学生数模竞赛”全国一等奖4次、二等奖4次 18.指导我校本科生获得“美国(国际)大学生数模竞赛”一等奖4次、二等奖9次.


1.江苏省应用统计学会理事长 2.国家科技奖励评审专家 3.全国研究生数模竞赛专家委员会委员 4.中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会常务理事 5.中国兵工学会高级会员 6.中国数学会概率统计学会会员 




1. Xudong Chai, Liwei Liu, Baoxian Chang, Tao Jiang, Zhen Wang. On a batch matching system with impatient servers and boundedly rational customers. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2019.8.1. Vol.354: 308-328. (SCI一区),

2. Qihui Bu, Liwei Liu. An M/G/1 Clearing Queueing system with Setup Time and Multiple Vacations for an Unreliable Server. Communications in Statistics-Theory. 2019.6. Vol.48(11): 2810-2826. (SCI),

3. Jianjun Li, Liwei Liu. ON AN M/G/1 QUEUE IN RANDOM ENVIRONMENT WITH Min(N; V ) POLICY. RAIRO Operations Research. 2018.4. Vol.52(1): 61-77. (SCI)

4. Qihui Bu, Liwei Liu & Tao Jiang. A limited clearing queueing model with an orbitand non-persistent customers. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management. 2019.5. Vol.16(3): 262-277. (SCI)

5. Jiang, Tao, Liu, Li-Wei. Analysis of a batch service multi-server polling system with dynamic service control. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2018.4. Vol.14(2):743-757. (SCI)

6. Jiang, Tao, Liu, Li-Wei, Zhu, Yuan-Yuan. Analysis of a batch service polling system in a multi-phase random environment. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2018.6. Vol.20(2), 699-718,  2018.6. (SCI),

7. Jianjun Li, Liwei Liu, Tao Jiang. Analysis of an MG1 queue with vacations and multiple phases of operation. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Vol.87(1). 2018.2: 51-72.. (SCI).

?8.Qingqing Ye, Liwei Liu. Analysis of MAP/M/1 queue with working breakdowns. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2018.5.18, Vol. 47(13): 3073-3084. (SCI).

?9. Jianjun Li, Liwei Liu. On the GI/M/1 Queue with Vacations and Multiple Service Phases. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol. 2017, 2017: 14 pages. 2017.8.9.  (SCI)

?10. Jianjun Li, Liwei Liu. Performance analysis of a complex queueing system with vacations in random environment. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol.9(8). 2017.8.3:1-9. (SCI),

?11. Jianjun Li, Liwei Liu. On the Discrete-Time Geo/G/1 Queue with Vacations in Random Environment. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2016.05. Vol.2016: 1-9, (SCI),

?12. Tao Jiang, Li-Wei Liu. Tail asymptotics of two parallel queues with transfers of customers. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China. Vol.4(3). 2016: 335-346. (EI),

?13. Tao Jiang, Liwei Liu. Analysis of a GI/M/1 queue in a multi-phase service environment with disasters. RAIRO-Operations Research. Vol.51(1). 2017.1.1: 79-100. (SCI ),

?14. Tao Jiang, Liwei Liu. The GI/M/1 queue in a multi-phase service environment with disasters and working breakdowns. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol.94(4), 2017.2.16: 707-726. (SCI), 

?15. Qingqing Ye, Liwei Liu. Performance Analysis of Queue with Two Stage Vacations Policy. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol.46(17). 2017.5.17:8647-8665, (SCI),

?16. Qingqing Ye, Liwei Liu. Performance Analysis of the GI/M/1 Queue with Single Working Vacation and Vacations. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Vol.19(3). 2017.9: 685-714.  (SCI),

?17. Qingqing Ye, Liwei Liu. The analysis of the M/M/1 queue with two vacation policies (M/M/1/SWV+MV). International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol.94(1), 2017.1: 115-134.  (SCI ),

?18. Shizhong Zhou, Liwei Liu, Jianjun Li. An Explicit Solution for A Series and Parallel Queue with Retrial, Losses and Bernoulli Schedule. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China. Vol.4(1), 2016.3: 121-129, ( EI),

?19. Shizhong Zhou, Liwei Liu, Jianjun Li. A Discrete-Time Queue with Preferred Customers and Partial Buffer Sharing. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2015, 12 pages. 2015.10. (SCI ),

?20. Tao Jiang, Liwei Liu, Jianjun Li. Analysis of the M/G/1 queue in multi-phase random environment with disasters. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol.430(2). 2015.5: 857-873. (SCI ) ,

?21. LIU Liwei, LI Jianjun, QIAN Linfang. The Probability Analysis for the Many-Versus-One Guerrilla War. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. Vol.28(3). 2015.6.1: 645-660. (SCI),

?22. Liwei Liu, Jun Yu, Zhi Guo. A Kind of Stochastic Duel Model for Guerrilla War. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol.171(6). 2006: 430-438. (SCI二区, Top期刊).









1. 刘力维. 武器系统射击效力分析理论(专著). 金琅学术出版社. 德国,2016.10, ISBN: 978-3-639-82835-1;

?2. 刘力维, 李建军, 陆中胜, 谢建春编著. 概率论与数理统计第二版. 高等教育出版社. 2019.8. ISBN ISBN 978-7-04—052272-3.





1. 博士毕业4人(均为高校教师);2. 在研博士生6人;3. 硕士研究生毕业约22人;4. 在研硕士研究生4人。