  • 出生年月:1978年11月
  • 籍贯:江苏盐城
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 硕士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:wanggx1028@163.com
访问次数 36506 次
更新日期 2023年3月9日
  • 主学科0703 化学【硕士生导师】
  • 二级学科070304|物理化学
  • 研究方向1.高能量密度材料的分子设计; 2.量子化学在含能材料中的应用; 3.碳纳米管在含能材料中的应用。
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向





2012-082013-08,英属哥伦比亚大学,化学系, 访问学者

2003-09至2008-07,南京理工大学, 化工学院,博士



        近年来从事含能材料的结构与性能、理论与计算化学的研究。在 J. Comput. Chem.、J. Phys. Chem. A 和J. Hazard. Mater.等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文80多篇,合作出版学术专著1部,参编一部。发表的部分论文如下:

  1. Shuyang Bian, Kun Zhang, Yuxiang Wang, Ziya Liu, Guixiang Wang*, Xinzhu Jiang, Yaoyao Pan, Bingqing Xu*, Guoji Huang, and Gen Zhang*,Charge Separation by Imidazole and Sulfonic Acid-Functionalized Covalent Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Proton Conductivity, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022, 5, 1, 1298–1304.
  2. Yimin Xu, Guixiang Wang*, Yan Liu, Xuedong Gong*. Theoretical investigations on the density, detonation performance and stability of fluorinated hexanitroadamantanes. Struct Chem, 2021, 32: 1651–1657.
  3. Guixiang Wang*, Wenjing Zhang, Yan Liu,Pin Gao,  Xuedong Gong*. A Method Suitable for Predicting the Crystal Densities of Cyclic Organic Fluorides, ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5: 1837–1845.
  4. Zhiyuan Ding, Pin Gao, Ming Lu, Guixiang Wang*, Xuedong Gong*. Solvent effects on the geometry, electronic structure, and bonding style of Zn(N5)2: A theoretical study, J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2020,67:235–241.
  5. Guixiang Wang, Yimin Xu, Wenjing Zhang, Chuang Xue, Xuedong Gong. Theoretical Study on Polyglycerine Polynitrates for Potential High Energy Plasticizers of Propellants,2019, Can. J. Chem., 97: 287-295.
  6. Guixiang Wang*, Yimin Xu, Wenjing Zhang, Xuedong Gong*. A Theoretical Study of Polyethylene Glycol Polynitrates as Potential Highly Energetic Plasticizers for Propellants, Cent. Eur. J. Energ. Mater., 2019, 16(2): 194-215.
  7. Guixiang Wang*, Yimin Xu, Chuang Xue, Zhiyuan Ding, Yan Liu, Hui Liu, Xuedong Gong*. Prediction of the Crystalline Densities of Aliphatic Nitrates by Quantum Chemistry Methods, Cent. Eur. J. Energ. Mater., 2019, 16(3): 412-432.
  8. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, Density Functional theory and molecular dynamic investigations on the energetic and mechanical properties of nitrocellose/nitroglycerin/pentaerythritol diazido dinitrate composites, Polymer Comp, 2017, 38, 192-198.
  9. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, Exploring aliphatic nitro azides for plasticizers: A combined DFT and MD investigation, RSC adv, 2015, 5, 12843-12848.
  10. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, 1H/2H and azide/tetrazole isomerizations and their effects on the aromaticity and stability of azido triazoles, RSC adv, 2015, 5, 9503-9509.
  11. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, Structure, energetic performance, and decomposition mechanism of four azidoazoles, Struct Chem, 2015, 26, 1077.
  12. Junqing Yang, Hua Yan, Xuedong Gong*, Guixiang Wang*. Design of new aliphatic azido nitro compounds as plasticizer: an initial exploration on AFCTEE (1-azido-formic acid 1, 1, 1-trinitro-ethyl ester). Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 93(7), 690-695.
  13. Junqing Yang, Xueli Zhang, Pin Gao, Xuedong Gong* and Guixiang Wang*, Molecular dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics simulations of miscibility and mechanical properties of GAP/DIANP blending systems, RSC adv, 2014, 4, 41934. 
  14. Junqing Yang, Xueli Zhang, Pin Gao, Xuedong Gong* and Guixiang Wang*, Exploring highly energetic aliphatic azido nitramines for plasticizers, RSC adv, 2014, 4, 53172-53179.
  15. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, A theoretical study of 3,5-diazido-1,2,4-triazole: the role of the hydrogen bonding interaction in stabilizing the molecular system. Can J Chem, 2014, 92, 896-903. 
  16. Junqing Yang, Xuedong Gong*, and Guixiang Wang*, Theoretical studies on the plasticizing effect of DIANP on NC with various esterification degrees, Comp Mater Sci, 2014, 95, 129-135.
  17. Xueli Zhang, Junqing Yang, Tianyi Wang, Xuedong Gong, Guixiang Wang*. A theoretical study on the stability and detonation performance of 2, 2, 3, 3-tetranitroaziridine (TNAD). Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2014, 27(6), 532-539.
  18. G. X. Wang, X. D. Gong, Y. Liu, H.C. Du, X. J. Xu, H. M. Xiao. Looking for High Energy Density Compounds Applicable for Propellant among the Derivatives of DPO with -N3, -ONO2, and -NNO2 Groups. J. Comput. Chem., 2011,32,943-952. (IF=4.297, SCI,二区)
  19. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, Y. Liu, H.C. Du,H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Prediction of Properties of Aliphatic Polynitrates. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2011,,115,795-804. (IF=3.047, SCI,三区)
  20. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, Y. Liu, H.C. Du, X.J. Xu, H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Studies on the Structures, Density, Detonation Properties, Pyrolysis Mechanisms and Impact Sensitivity of Nitro Derivatives of Toluenes. J. Hazard. Mater. 2010,177,703-710. (IF=14.224, SCI,一区)
  21. G.X. Wang, C.H. Shi, X.D. Gong, H.M. Xiao.Molecular Packing Prediction and Periodic band Calculations on DPO (2,5-Dipicryl-1,3,4-oxadiazole). J. Hazard. Mater. 2009, 169, 813-818.(IF=14.224, SCI,一区)
  22. G.X. Wang, C.H. Shi, X.D. Gong, H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Investigation on Structures, Density, Detonation Properties and Pyrolysis Mechanism of the Derivatives of HNS. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2009, 113, 1318–1326. (IF=3.047, SCI)
  23. Qiu, L.M., Gong X.D., Wang G.X., Zheng J., Xiao H.M., Looking for High Energy Density Compounds among 1,3-Bishomopentaprismane Derivatives with –CN, –NC, and –ONO2 groups. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2009, 113, 2607-2614. (IF=3.047, SCI,三区)
  24. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Study on the Vibrational Spectra and Thermodynamic Properties of Nitro Derivatives of Phenols. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2009,74,569-574.(IF=1.510, SCI)
  25. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, Y. Liu, H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Studies on the Structures, Density, Detonation Properties, Pyrolysis Mechanisms and Impact Sensitivity of Nitro Derivatives of Phenols. Inter. J. Quantum. Chem. 2010,110, 1691–1701. (IF=1.368, SCI)
  26. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, Y. Liu, H.C. Du, H.M. Xiao. Prediction of Crystalline Densities of Polynitro Arenes for Estimation of their Detonation Performance Based on Quantum Chemistry, J.Mol. Struct.: THEOCHEM, 2010, 953,163-169. (IF=1.216, SCI)
  27. G.X. Wang, X.D. Gong, H.M. Xiao. Theoretical Investigation on Density, Detonation Properties and Pyrolysis Mechanism of Nitro Derivatives of Benzene and Aminobenzenes. Inter. J. Quantum. Chem. 2009, 109, 1522-1530. (IF=1.368, SCI)
  28. G.X. Wang, C.H. Shi, X.D. Gong, H.M. Xiao. A Theoretical Study on the Structure and Properties of DPO (2,5-Dipicryl-1,3,4-oxadiazole). J.Mol. Struct.: THEOCHEM, 2008, 869, 98-104.(IF=1.216, SCI)





2. Guixiang Wang*, Yuzhe Stan Chen, Ya-Kun Chen, Yan Alexander Wang*. Effective bond-strength indicators. in "Concepts, Methods and Applications of Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics," Volume 31 of "Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics," edited by Y. A. Wang, M. Thachuk, R. Krems, and J. Maruani, chapter 3, pages 43-54 (Springer, 2018).






