  • 出生年月:1976年9月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:ysli@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 38610 次
更新日期 2022年9月20日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科080502|材料学
  • 研究方向


    2、高温合金;钛铝合金; 不锈钢


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向

金属材料微结构及组织性能的多尺度研究,集成机器学习/相场模拟 的材料信息与设计。


2013.8-2014.8, 美国西北大学材料系,访问学者





2002.9-2007.3 西北工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,硕博连读



2015 陕西省科学技术二等奖







2014 年江苏省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师


2016 年江苏省优秀本科毕业论文指导教师




Journal of Materials Research, Computational Materials Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,材料导报等国内外期刊审稿人。中国材料学会会员,美国TMS学会会员








1、发表学术论文100余篇,SCI收录90篇。授权国家发明专利4项。  2、获得2013年度江苏省科学技术一等奖,第三完成人。 3、2015年陕西省科学技术二等奖,第五完成人。 4、2007年度中国航空学会科学技术三等奖。



  1. 1. Yinfei Ju, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Peng Sang, Huiyu Wang and Hongli Long,Phase-field simulation of γ′-Co3(Al, W) evolution kinetics with antiphase boundaries in Co-based monocrystal superalloy, Frontiers in Materials,2022,9:872148
  2. 2. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Huiyu Wang, Zihao Cheng, Phase-field simulation of D019-Co3W precipitation in Co-Al-W superalloys, Metallurigical and Materials Transactions A, 2022  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-022-06647-9
  3. 3. Zihao Cheng, Yongsheng Li, Shiyan Pan, Zhengwei Yan, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Huiyu Wang, Phase- field simulation of elemental distribution and kinetics evolution of Cr/Cu core-shell nanoparticles in Fe-Cr-Al-Cu alloy, Applied Physics A, (2022) 128:42
  4. 4. YongshengLi,WeijinZhao, X iChen, PengSang, YinfeiJu, Phase-field simulation of evolution kinetics of second γ′ phase in Ni–Al alloy under tensile stress, Journal of Materials Research and Technology?, 2022,17:1450-1458 
  5. 5. Xinwen TongYongsheng LiZhengwei YanDong Wang & Shujing Shi, Phase-field simulation of multilayer microstructure of Cr-enriched phase induced by alternating strain, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 18(2022)185–197
  6. 6. Haoyu Men, Dong Wang, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Siqi Chen, Zexuan Liu, Crystal plasticity phase-field simulation of rafting and creep properties with a continuous change of the mismatch strain in a Co-Al-W superalloy, Materials Letters 306 (2022) 130868
  7. 7. Shahid Maqbool, Yongsheng Li, Suleman Muhammad and Zhengwei Yan, Phase-field simulation of Cu enriched nanoparticles with variation of defects migration energy under neutron irradiation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 29(8) 2021, 085011. 
  8. 8. Huiyu Wang, Yongsheng Li, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Zihao Cheng, Kaiyue Li, Composition distribution and kinetics evolution of γ' phase in Ni-(17−x) Al-x Mo (at.%) alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 5 6 1 -5 7 1
  9. 9. Shujing Shi, Chengwei Liu, Yongsheng Li*, Shahid Maqbool, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Ming Huang, Coarsening kinetics of γ′ phase in isothermal aged high Al content Ni–17 at.% Al alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 271, 2021, 124902
  10. 10. Dong Wang, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Zhengwei Yan, Crystal plasticity phase-field simulation of creep property of Co-base single crystal superalloy with pre-rafting, Computational Materials Science 199 (2021) 110763
  11. 11. S. Maqbool, Y. Li, S. Muhammad, S. Shi and Z. Yan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Phase-field simulation of dose rate effect on the Cu precipitation with neutron irradiation,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 4217
  12. 12. Kun-Wu Lai, Shu-Jing Shi, Zheng-Wei Yan, Yong-Sheng Li, Sheng-Shun Jin, Dong Wang, Shahid Maqbool,Phase-field simulation of re-dissolution of c0 phase in Ni–Al alloy by continuous and second-order aging treatment. Rare Met. 2021,40:1155–1163
  13. 13. Shujing Shi, Zhengwei Yan, Yongsheng Li, Dong Wang, Zhiheng An, Gang Sha, Yang Wang, and Yan Zhao,Precipitation kinetics and morphology evolution of the Co3(Al, W) phase in a medium supersaturation Co–Al–W alloy,Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56:2597–2611 
  14. 14. Xi Chen, Yongsheng Li, Zhengwei Yan, Shujing Shi, Dong Wang, Kunwu Lai and Jing Chen,A bimodal γ' phase precipitation in Ni–Al alloys with preaging and continuous cooling: Phase-field simulation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,  2021,29, 035002 
  15. 15. Jing Chen, Yongsheng Li, Shengshun Jin, Zhengwei Yan, Shujing Shi, Morphology and kinetics evolution of γ′ and γ phases in Ni-xAl-(20?x)Cr at % alloys, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 31,(1), 2021, 86-94 
  16. 16. Dong Wang, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Xinwen Tong, Zhengwei Yan,Phase-field simulation of γ' precipitates rafting and creep property of Co-base superalloys,Materials and Design,196 (2020) 109077   
  17. 17. Suleman Muhammad, Yongsheng Li, Zhengwei Yan, Shahid Maqbool, Shujing Shi and Iltaf Muhammad,Phase-field crystal modeling of crystal growth patterns with competition of undercooling and atomic density,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2020, 22, 21858 
  18. 18. Shengshun Jin,Yongsheng Li,Shujing Shi, Zhengwei Yan, Shi Chen, Effects of Cr content on compositional evolution and precipitation kinetics of γ′ phase in Ni–Al–Cr alloy: 2D phase-field simulation,Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020,9:7499–7507    
  19. 19. Shujing Shi, Zhengwei Yan, Yongsheng Li, Suleman Muhammad, Dong Wang, Shi Chen, Shengshun Jin, Phase-field simulation of early-stage kinetics evolution of γ' phase in medium supersaturation Co-Al-W alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 53 (2020) 1–12
  20. 20. Dong Wang, Yongsheng Li, Shujing Shi, Xinwen Tong, Element migration during stress rafting of γ′-Co3(Al, W) Precipitates, Philos. Mag. Lett. 100(2020)202–212.
  21. 21. Zhengwei Yan, Shujing Shi, Yongsheng Li, Jing Chen,Shahid Maqbool, Vacancy and interstitial atom evolution with the separation of the nanoscale phase in Fe–Cr alloys phase-field simulations,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 3611-3619 
  22. 22. XinwenTong,YongshengLi,ZhengweiYan,DongWang,Phase-field simulation of effects of normal strain on the morphology and kinetics evolution of nanoscale phase,Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9, 2063-2071 

1. 《新材料概论》在线精品课,第二章 主讲

2. 《热处理原理与工艺》,中国大学MOOC 课程,主讲





