  • 出生年月:1974年4月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:yongliwang@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 106259 次
更新日期 2023年6月3日
  • 主学科0812 计算机科学与技术【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科081203|计算机应用技术
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科0839 网络空间安全【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向
2006.09-                 南京理工大学,讲师、副教授、教授

2016.10-2016.11    德国Fraunhofer研究院,访问教授

2015.07-2015.09    英国Brunel大学计算机学院,访问教授

2011.10-2012.10    美国Drexel大学信息学院,访问学者

2007.09-2010.01    南京理工大学计算机学院,博士后







ACM会员、 IEEE-CS会员、 中国计算机学会高级会员、 中国中文信息学会语言与知识计算专业委员会委员、中国中医药信息研究会云健康分会副会长、中国中医药信息研究会人工智能分会理事、江苏省计算机学会计算机应用专委会常务副主任、 江苏省电子学会物联网专业委员会委员、江苏省大数据专家委员会委员、CCF南京监督委员会委员




[1] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Gang Xiao, Mahdi Rabbani, Ruxin Zhao, Seyedvalyallah Ayobi, Peng Hu, Isma Masood, Recommendation System based on Semantic Scholar Mining and Topic modeling: A behavioral analysis of researchers from six conferences. Soft Computing, 2021, 25, 3675–3696, (SCI IF=3.643, CCF C)

[2] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Mahdi Rabbani, Sajjad Bagheri Baba Ahmadi, Lynda Boukela, Ruxin Zhao, Raja Sohail Ahmed Larik, A NLP framework based on meaningful latent-topic detection and sentiment analysis via fuzzy lattice reasoning on youtube comments, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021, 80(3):4155-4181 (SCI IF=2.757, CCF C)

[3] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Rita Orji, Shucheng Huang, Deep Sentiment Classification and Topic Discovery on Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 Online Discussions: NLP Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Approach, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2020, 24(10): 2733-2742, (SCI IF=4.217, CCF C)

[4] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Mahdi Rabbani, Gang Xiao, Ruxin Zhao. A Collaborative Framework Based for Semantic Patients-Behavior Analysis and Highlight Topics Discovery of Alcoholic Beverages in Online Healthcare Forums, Journal of Medical Systems, 2020, 44: 101 (SCI IF= 3.058)

[5] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Ahamdreza Vajdi, Mahdi Rabbani, Ruxin Zhao, Lynda Boukela and Hao Li, A Hybrid Fuzzy System via Topic Model for Recommending Highlight Topics of CQA in Developer Communities, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2020, Vol. 29, No. 15, 2050248 (SCI IF=1.333).

[6] Hamed Jelodar, Yongli Wang, Chi Yuan, Xia Feng, Xiahui Jiang, Yanchao Li, Liang Zhao. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Topic modeling: models, applications, a survey. Multimedia tools and applications. 2019, 78(11):15169–15211. (SCI IF=2.757, CCF C) citations:362

[7] Yuan Chi, Yongli Wang, Ning Shang, Ziran Li, Ruxin Zhao, Chunhua Weng. A graph-based method for reconstructing entities from coordination ellipsis in medical text[J]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2020, 27(9): 1364-1373.(SCI IF=4.292, CCF B)

[8] Peng Hu, Yongli Wang, Quanbing Li, Yongjian Wang, Yanchao Li, Ruxin Zhao, Hao Li. Efficient Location Privacy-Preserving Range Query Scheme for Vehicle Sensing Systems, Journal of Systems Architecture, 2020, 106: 101714. (SCI IF=2.552, CCF B)

[9] Peng Hu, Yongli Wang, Gang Xiao, Junlong Zhou, Bei Gong, Yongjian Wang. An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Data Query and Dissemination Scheme in Vehicular Cloud, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2020, 65: 101152. (SCI IF= 2.725, CCF C)

[10] Peng Hu, Yongli Wang, Bei Gong, Yongjian Wang, Yanchao Li, Ruxin Zhao, Hao Li, Bo Li, A Secure and Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Internet of Vehicles, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2020, 13(3):1002-1013 (SCI IF=2.793, CCF C)

[11] Peng Hu, Yongli Wang, Ahmadreza Vajdi, Bei Gong, and Yongjian Wang. Secure Multi-Subinterval Data Aggregation Scheme with Interval Privacy Preservation for Vehicle Sensing Systems[J]. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers. In press, SCI IF=1.363

[12] Ruxin Zhao, Yongli Wang, Gang Xiao, Chang Liu, Peng Hu, Hao Li. A selfish herd optimization algorithm based on the simplex method for clustering analysis, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2021,77:8840–8910,. (SCI IF=2.4690, CCF C)

[13] Ruxin Zhao, Yongli Wang, Selfish herd optimization algorithm based on chaotic strategy for adaptive IIR system identification problem, Soft Computing,  2020, 24:7637-7684. (SCI IF=2.784, CCF C)

[14] Ruxin Zhao, Yongli Wang, Chang Liu, Peng Hu, Hamed Jelodar, Mahdi Rabbani, Hao Li, Discrete selfish herd optimizer for solving graph coloring problem, Applied Intelligence, 2020, 50:1633–1656. (SCI IF= 3.3325, CCF C)

[15] Ruxin Zhao, Yongli Wang, Selfish herd optimizer with levy-flight distribution strategy for global optimization problem, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 538:122687. SCI IF=2.5

[16] Ruxin Zhao, Yongli Wang, Peng Hu, Hamed jelodar, Chi Yuan, Yanchao Li, Isma Masood, Mahdi Rabbani. Selfish herds optimization algorithm with orthogonal design and information update for training multi-layer perceptron neural network, Applied Intelligence, 2019, 49:2339–2381 (SCI IF= 3.3325, CCF C)

[17] Hao Li, Yongli Wang, Yanchao Li, Peng Hu, Ruxing Zhao, Joint Local Structure Preservation and Redundancy Minimization for Unsupervised Feature Selection, Applied Intelligence, 2020, 50(12):4394-4411. (SCI IF=2.882, CCF C)

[18] Hao Li, Yongli Wang, Yanchao Li, Gang Xiao, Peng Hu, Ruxin Zhao, Batch Mode Active Learning with Adaptive Criteria Weights, Applied Intelligence, 2021, 51(6):3475-3489. (SCI IF=2.882, CCF C)

[19] Hao Li, Yongli Wang, Yanchao Li, Gang Xiao, Peng Hu, Ruxin Zhao, Bo Li, Learning Adaptive Criteria Weights for Active Semi-Supervised Learning, Information Sciences, 2021, 561, 286-303, (SCI IF= 5.91, CCF B)

[20] Mahdi Rabbani, YongLi Wang, Reza Khoshkangini, Hamed Jelodar, Ruxin Zhao, Sajjad Bagheri Baba Ahmadi, Seyedvalyallah Ayobi. A Review on Machine Learning Approaches for Network Malicious Behavior Detection in Emerging Technologies [J]. Entropy, 2021, 23(529): 1-41 (SCI IF=2.494).

[21] Mandi Rabbani, Yongliwang, A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Malicious Behaviour Detection and Recognition in Cloud Computing, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020, 151(1):1-13, 102507 (SCI IF=5.273, CCF C)

[22] Zhou Shao, Jie Tang, Yutao Zhang, Bo Gao and Yongli Wang. Scholar Trajectory: Visualizing the Migration of Talents. Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (SIGKDD’18). 19-23, AUGUST, 2018, London, United Kingdom. CCF A

[23] Zhou Shao, Sha Yuan, Yongli Wang. Adaptive Online Learning for IoT Botnet Detection,  Information Sciences, 2021, 574, 84-95, SCI IF=5.91, CCF B

[24] Zhou Shao, Zhenting Shen , Sha Yuan, Jie Tang, Yongli Wang , Lili Wu, Wenjiang Zheng. 2020. AI 2000: A Decade of Artificial Intelligence. In 12th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci ’20), July 6–10, 2020, Southampton, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.

[25] Sha Yuan, Zhou Shao, Xingxing Wei, Jie Tang, Wendy Hall, Yongli Wang, Ying Wang, Ye Wang, Science behind AI: the evolution of trend, mobility, and collaboration. Scientometrics, 2020, 124(2): 993-1013, SCI IF=2.867

[26] Shawgi M. A. Mohamed1, Yongli Wang. A survey on novel classification of deduplication storage systems, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2020, 39(1):201-230 (SCI IF=0.757)

[27] Jianghui Sang, Yongli Wang, Long Yuan, Multi-label Transfer Learning Via Latent Graph Alignment, World Wide Web, accepted, (SCI IF=2.716, CCF B)

[28] Yanchao Li, Yongli Wang, Dong-Jun Yu, Ning Ye, Peng Hu and Ruxin Zhao. ASCENT: Active Supervision for Semi-supervised Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020,32(5): 868-882, (SCI IF= 3.857, CCF A)

[29] Yanchao Li, Yongli Wang, Qi Liu, Cheng Bi, Xiaohui Jiang, Shurong Sun. Incremental Semi-Supervised Learning on Streaming Data, Pattern Recognition. (CCF B, SCI IF=4.582) , 2019(88): 383-396

[30] Yanchao Li, Yongli Wang, Junlong Zhou, Xiaohui Jiang. Robust Transductive Support Vector Machine for Multi-View Classification. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2018,27(12):1-12. (SCI IF=0.481)

[31] Yanchao Li, Yongli Wang, Cheng Bi, Xiaohui Jiang, Revisiting Transductive Support Vector Machines with Margin Distribution Embedding, Knowledge-Based System, 2018(152):200-214 (SCI IF=4.627, CCF C)

[32] Isma Masood, Yongli Wang, Ali Daud, Naif Radi Aljohanib. Privacy Management of Patient Physiological Parameters, Telematics and Informatics, 2018, 35(4):677-701 (JCR SSCI Rank 1, IF=3.798)

[33] Isma Masood, Yongli Wang, Ali Daud, Naif Radi Aljohani and Hassan Dawood.  Towards Smart Healthcare: Patient Data Privacy and Security in Sensor-Cloud Infrastructure. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2018(2):1-23 (SCI IF=1.899, CCF C)

[34] Xiaohui Jiang, Peng Hu, Yanchao Li, Chi Yuan, Isma Masood, Hamed Jelodar, Mahdi Rabbani, Yongli Wang. A Survey of Real-time Approximate Nearest Neighbor Query over Streaming Data for Fog Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018,116,50-62. (CCF B, SCI IF=1.976)

[35] 曹娜, 王永利, 孙建红, 赵宁, 宫小泽. 基于字典学习和联合动态稀疏表示的SAR图像目标识别. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(12): 2638-2646

[36] 赵亮, 王永利, 杜仲舒, 陈广生. HL-DAQ:一种Hash学习的动态自适应量化编码[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2018, 55(6): 1294-1307.


[1] 王永利, 时真旺, 徐佳, 彭甫镕: 传感器数据流复杂查询结果的数据起源跟踪方法,授权发明专利(200910264155.5),授权日:2013.12.03

[2] 王永利, 孙淑荣, 富春岩, 刘冬梅, 陶翔, 罗庆平: 电力安全感知平台及其事件发生起源路径追溯算法. 授权发明专利(201110314090.8), 授权日:2014.09.03

[3] 王永利, 孙淑荣, 张功萱, 刘冬梅, 等: 一种闭环的智能麻醉控制系统,授权发明专利(201210591264.X),授权日:2015.10.27(已转让)

[4] 王永利等,基于互联网信息的重要船只目标动态监测方法,授权发明专利(201710507675.9),授权日:2021.02.12

[5] 袁欢欢,王永利等,基于维数约简的GNSS/SINS深组合导航系统, 授权发明专利(201710409932.5),授权日:2020.11.06

[6] 王永利等,智能网络控制系统及方法, 授权发明专利(201811494176.1),授权日:2021.01.15

[7] 曹娜,王永利等,智能道岔辅助设计系统, 授权发明专利(201710601677.4),授权日:2021.01.26





