  • 出生年月:1979年6月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:kw@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 38146 次
更新日期 2024年9月18日
  • 主学科0810 信息与通信工程【硕士生导师】
  • 二级学科081001|通信与信息系统
  • 研究方向

    移动通信电路、 雷达系统、射频电路和芯片设计

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向
起止时间 学校或工作单位


2009年7月-2014年5月 南京理工大学 讲师/硕士生导师




















            2001年9月-2004年6月 东南大学 硕士研究生






1.      Wei Kang, Wang Hui, Yang Guo, “Dual-Band Coupler Links With CRLH Lines”, Microwave & RF, 2012, 51(8), pp. 855-864

2.      Wei Kang, Wang Hui, Miao Chen, “A high performance balun bandpass filter with very simple structure”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2012, 31, pp. 169-176

3.      Wei Kang, Miao Chen, Yang Guo, “Filter's Multiple TZs Afford Flexible Tuning”, Microwave & RF, 2012, 51(2), pp. 86-90

4.      Wei Kang, Yang Guo, Wang Hui, “Miniaturized dual-mode composite-right/left-handed line resonator filter with wide harmonic suppression”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2012, 28, pp. 73-81

5.      Wei Kang, Wei Hong, JianYi Zhou, “Performance improvement and size reduction of microstrip dual-mode bandpass filter”, IET Electronics Letters, 2008, 44(6), pp. 421-422

6.      Wei Kang, Wei Hong, Jianyi Zhou, “Improvement of the Amplitude Flatness of A Broadband RF Transmitter by Using The Complementary Characteristic Of a Bandpass Filter”, Microwave & RF, 2008, 64(12), pp.145-150

7.      Wei Kang, Wei Hong, Jianing Zhao, “Optimized Transceiver Aids Broadband Wireless Access”, Microwave & RF, 2007, 46(6), pp. 57-61

8.      Wei Kang, Wei Hong, Jianyi Zhou, “Dual-mode bandpass filter using defected ground structures for coupling enhancement and harmonic suppression”, International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave technology, 2008, 1(4), pp.372-374

9.      Hao Zhang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “ Differential substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter with improved common-mode suppression utilising complementary split-ring resonators”, IET Electronics Letters, 2017, 53(7), pp.508-510.

10.  Hao Zhang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “ Dual-band substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter utilizing complementary split ring resonators”, accepted by IET Electronics Letters

11.  Kai Zhou, Wei Kang, Wen Wu,“  Compact dual-band balanced bandpass filter based on double-layer SIW structure”, IET Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(18), pp.1537-1539

12.  Hui Wang, Wei Kang, Guo Yang, and Wen Wu, “A wideband differential bandpass filter based on T-shaped stubs and single ring resonator”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2013, 40, pp. 39-48

13.  Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Chen Miao, Wen Wu, “ Sharp rejection UWB bandpass filter with notched band”, IET Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(16), p.1005-1006.

14.  Hui Wang, Wei Kang, Chen Tan, and Wen Wu, “A balun-bandpass filter with good in-band performance and wide stopband”, Journal of Electronics (China), 2012, 29(5), pp. 456-460

15.  Hui Wang, Wei Kang, Chen Miao, and Wen Wu, “Cross-shaped UWB bandpass filter with sharp skirt and notched band”, IET Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(2), pp. 96-97

16.  Hao Zhang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “A novel compact dual-band branch-line coupler with cross-shaped stubs”, in IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2016, pp. 1-4

17.  Hao Zhang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “A novel compact dual-band branch-line coupler with cross-shaped stubs”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), 2016, pp. 976-978.

18.  Zhou Kai, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “A compact SIW balanced bandpass filter with high selectivity and good common-mode suppression”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), 2016, pp. 76-78.

19.  Hui Wang, Wei Kang, Qiang Wang, Chen Tan, Song Tao Liang, and Wen Wu, “A co-planar waveguide structure used for UWB communication systems with multiple notched bands”, in 4th International High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum, Nan Jing, China, 2012, pp. 1-4

20.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, “Design of Balun-Integrated Switchable Low-Pass Bandpass Triplexer”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2017, 27(4), pp. 353–355

21.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Zhenxin Hu, Wen Wu, “Design of miniaturised balun filter with tunable power division ratio and centre frequency”, IET Electronics Letters, 2017, 53(12), pp.787-789.

22.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “Four-Way Microstrip Lumped-Element Reconfigurable Dual-Mode Filtering Power Divider”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

23.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Wen Wu,“ Microstrip switchable filtering power divider with three operating modes”, IET Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(25), pp.2046-2048

24.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “Compact QB-BPF based on single PMR”, IET Electronics Letters, 2016, 52(17), pp.1463-1465

25.  Yijin Shen, Hui Wang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, “Dual-Band SIW Differential Bandpass Filter With Improved Common-Mode Suppression”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2015, 25(2), pp. 100-102

26.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Wen Wu,“ High-selectivity tri-band bandpass filter with ultra-wide stopband”, IET Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(20), p.2046-2048

27.  Chuanming Zhu, Jin Xu, Wei Kang, Wen Wu,“ Cross-shaped UWB bandpass filter with sharp skirt and notched band”, IET Electronics Letters, 2012, 51(20), p.2046-2048

28.  Jin Xu, Wen Wu, Wei Kang, Chen Miao, “ Compact UWB Bandpass Filter With a Notched Band Using Radial Stub Loaded Resonator”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2012, 22(7), pp.351-353

29.  Hui Wang, Guo Yang, Wei Kang, Chen Miu, and Wen Wu, “Application of cross-shaped resonator to the ultra-wideband bandpass filter design”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2011, 21(12), pp. 667-669

30.  Hui Wang, Yi Yuan Zheng, Wei Kang, Chen Miao, and Wen Wu, “UWB bandpass filter with novel structure and super compact size”, IET Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(17), pp. 1068-1069

31.  Hui Wang, Yu Qian Yang, Wei Kang, Wen Wu, Kam Weng Tam, and Sut Kam Ho, “Compact ultra-wideband diferential bandpass filter using self-coupled ring resonator”, IET Electronics Letters, 2013, 49(18), pp. 1156-1157

32.  Hui Wang, Xuan Li, Wei Kang, Chen Tan, Wen Wu, and Guo Yang, “Compact differential bandpass filter with improved in-band common-mode suppression with loaded T-shaped resonators”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2013, 43, pp. 79-91

33.  Hui Wang, Bi Huan Yin, Wei Kang, Guo Yang, and Wen Wu, “Investigation of dual-band balun bandpass filters based on coupled ring resonators”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2013, 41, pp. 21-28

34.  Hui Wang, Kam Weng Yam, Sut Kam Ho, Wei Kang, “Design of ultra-wideband bandpass filters with fixed and reconfigurable notch bands using terminated cross-shaped rsonators”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2013, 62(2), pp. 252-265

35.  Hui Wang, Kam Weng Yam, Sut Kam Ho, Wei Kang, “Short-ended self-coupled ring resonator and its application for balanced filter design”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2014, 24(5), pp.312-314

