  • 出生年月:1983年5月
  • 籍贯:江苏苏州市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 博、硕导
  • 邮箱:hzhou511@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 49085 次
更新日期 2023年2月3日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向

2017年6月-至今: 南京理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,纳米异构材料中心,副教授







1. 江苏省“双创计划”,世界名校类,双创博士。

2. 山西省科学技术奖,“大塑性变形制备高性能镁合金应用基础研究”,自然科学类,二等奖。



1)  B. Gao#, Q.Q. Lai#, Y. Cao, R. Hu, L.R. Xiao, Z.Y. Pan, N.N. Liang, Y.S. Li, G. Sha, M.P. Liu, H. Zhou*,  X.L. Wu*, Y.T. Zhu*,  Ultrastrong low-carbon nanosteel produced by heterostructure and interstitial mediated warm rolling, Science Advances, 2020, 6, 39: 8169.

2)  K. Wei#, R. Hu#, D.D. Yin, L.R. Xiao, S. Pang, Y. Cao, H. Zhou*, Y.H. Zhao*, Y.T. Zhu*, Grain size effect on tensile properties and slip systems of pure magnesium, Acta Materialia, 2021, 206: 116604. 

3)  L.R. Xiao, Y. Cao, S. Li, H. Zhou*, X.L. Ma, L. Mao, X.C. Sha, Q.D. Wang, Y.T. Zhu, X.D. Han*, The formation mechanism of a novel interfacial phase with high thermal stability in a Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr alloy, Acta Materialia, 2019, 162:214-225.

4)  H. Zhou, G.M. Cheng, X.L. Ma, W.Z.Xu, S.N. Mathaudhu, Q.D. Wang*, Y.T. Zhu*, Effect of Ag on interfacial segregation in Mg-Gd-Y-(Ag)-Zr alloy, Acta Materialia, 2015, 95: 20-29.

5)  H. Zhou, C.X. Huang, X.C. Sha, L.R. Xiao, X.L. Ma, H.W. Hoppel, M. Goken, X.L. Wu, K. Ameyama, X.D. Han*, Y.T. Zhu*, In-situ observation of dislocation dynamics near heterostructured interfaces, Materials Research Letters., 2019, 376-382.

6) X.F. Chen, F.P. Yuan, H. Zhou*, X.L. Wu*, Structure  motif of chemical short-range order in a medium-entropy alloy, Materials Research Letters, 2022, 10(3): 149-155.

7)  D.D. Yin*, C.J. Boehlert, L.J. Long, G.H. Huang, H. Zhou*, J. Zheng, Q.D. Wang, Tension-compression asymmetry and the underlying slip/twinning activity in extruded Mg-Y sheets, International Journal of Plasticity, 2021, 136: 102878.

8)  L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, Y. Liu, D.D. Yin, Z.H. Hu, H. Zhou*, Y.T. Zhu*, Effect of dislocation configuration on Ag segregation in subgrain boundary of a Mg-Ag alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2021, 191: 219-224. 

9)  L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, H. Zhou*, X.L. Ma, D.D. Yin, B. Ye, X.D. Han*, Y.T. Zhu, Solute segregation assisted nanocrystallization of a cold-rolled Mg-Ag alloy during annealing, Scripta Materialia, 2020, 177:69-73.

10)  Y. Liu, M.P. Liu*, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, H.J. Roven, M. Murashkin, R.Z. Valiev, H. Zhou*. Effect of Mg on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg alloys produced by high pressure torsion, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 159:137-141.

11)  H. Zhou, H.Y. Ning, X.L. Ma, D.D. Yin, L.R. Xiao, X.C. Sha, Y.D. Yu, Q.D. Wang*, Y.S. Li*, Microstructural evoluction and mechanical properties of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr alloy produced by repetitive upsetting. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 1067-1075.

12)  B. Gao#, R. Hu#, Z.Y. Pan, X.F. Chen, Y. Liu, L.R. Xiao, Y. Cao, Y.S. Li, Q.Q. Lai*, H. Zhou*. Strengthening and ductilization of laminate dual-phase steels with high martensite content. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 65: 29-37.

13)  K. Wei, L.R. Xiao, B. Gao, L. Li, Y. Liu, Z.G. Ding, W. Liu, H. Zhou*, Y.H. Zhao*. Enhancing the strain hardening and ductility of Mg alloy by introducing stacking faults. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020, 8:1221-1227.

14)  Z. Peng, Y. Liu, L.R. Xiao, Y. Yang, B. Gao, M.N. Xu, Z.H. Hu, Y.D. Yu, X.F. Chen*, H. Zhou*. Formation mechanism of co-axial grain boundaries in a Mg alloy. Journal of Magnesium and Alloy, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2022.06.009.

15)  Z.R. Fu, B. Gao, X.F. Li, C. Li, H.J. Pan, H.D. Niu, Y.T. Zhu, H. Zhou*, X.K. Zhu*, H.J. Wu, C. Liu. Improved strength-ductility combination of pure Zr by multi-scale heterostructured effects via rotary swaging and annealing. Materials Science & Engineering A 2023, 864: 144584.

16)  L. Li, L.R. Xiao, D.K. Zhang*, Z.G. Sun, B. Gao, Kang Wei, Y.D. Yu, X.F. Chen*, H. Zhou*. Ductilization of a diffusion-bonded heterostructured AZ31/GW103K/AZ31 alloy by interfacial reinforcement. Materials Science & Engineering A 2022, 852: 143691.

17)  M.N. Xu, N. Li, X.C. Sha, Y. Liu, B. Gao, L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen*, H. Zhou*. In-situ TEM observations on interaction of basal <a> dislocations and β' phases in a Mg-Gd binary alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 2022, 841: 143017.

18)  J.X. Huang, Y. Liu, T. Xu, X.F. Chen, Q.Q. Lai, L.R. Xiao, Z.Y. Pan, B. Gao*, H. Zhou*, Y.T. Zhu. Dual-phase hetero-structured strategy to improve ductility of a low carbon martensitic steel. Materials Science & Engineering A 2022, 834: 142584.

19)  H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, W. Guo. Hot deformation and processing maps of as-extruded Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr Mg alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A 2013, 576: 101-107.

20)  H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang*, W. Guo, B. Ye, W.W. Jian, W.Z. Xu, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, Finite element simulation and experimental investigation on homogeneity of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr magnesium alloy processed by repeated-upsetting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 225: 310-317.

21)  H. Liu, B. Gao, Y. Yang, M.N. Xu, X.F. Li, C. Li, H.J. Pan, J.R. Yang, H. Zhou*, X.K. Zhu*, Y.T. Zhu. Strain hardening behavior and microstructure evolution of gradient-structured Cu-Al alloys with low stack fault energy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 19: 220-229.

22)  K. Wei, L.R. Xiao, B. Gao, Q.Z. Mao, Y. Liu, L. Li, W.W. Sun, Y.D. Yu, H. Zhou*, Y.H. Zhao*, Effect of aging temperature on the hardening behavior and precipitation evolution of Mg-10Gd alloy, Materials Characterization, 2023, 196: 112580.

23)  Y. Liu, B. Gao*, M. Yang, L.R. Xiao, J.X. Wang, J.X. Ma, X.J. Chen, H. Zhou*, Y.T. Zhu, Significant hetero-deformation induced strain hardening in a dual-phase low-carbon steel. JOM, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-022-05529-0.

24)  Y.T. Xia, J. Zheng*, J. Chen, Y.F. Zhang, R. Shi, H. Zhou*, Z. Zhou, D.D. Yin, The ductility variation of high-pressure die-cast AE44 alloy: The role of inhomogeneous microstructure, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021, 52A: 2274-2286.

25)  X.C. Sha, L.R. Xiao*, X.F. Chen, G.M. Cheng, Y.D. Yu, D.D. Yin, H. Zhou*, Atomic structure of γ〞phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Ag alloy induced by Ag addition, Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99:1957-1969.

26)  H. Zhou, W.Z. Xu, W.W. Jian, G.M. Cheng, X.L. Ma, W. Guo, S.N. Mathadhu, Q.D. Wang*, Y.T. Zhu*, A new metastable precipitate phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy, Philosophical Magazine, 2014, 94: 2403-2409.

27)  L. Li, S.Z. Wang, L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, H.Y. Ning, Y.D. Yu, D.D. Yin*, H. Zhou*. Atomic-scale three-dimensional structural characterisation of twin interface in Mg alloys, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2020, 100: 392-401. 

28)  H. Zhou, B. Ye, Q.D. Wang*, W. Guo. Uniform fine microstructure and random texture of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr magnesium alloy processed by repeated-upsetting deformation. Materials letters. 2012, 83: 175-178.

29)  S.Z. Wang, Z.H. Hu*, W. Zeng, J.X. Huang, L.R. Xiao, H. Zhou*, Improving ductility of Ti-6Al-4V alloy via rotational hot rolling. Vacuum. 2021, 191:110404.

30)  X.F. Chen, L.R. Xiao*, Y. Liu, M.N. Xu, T. Xu, B. Gao, Z.H. Hu, H. Zhou*. High strength-ductillity of heterogeneous sandwich Mg-Y alloys produced by high pressure torsion. Vacuum, 2020, 179: 109568.

31)  Q.L. Huo, Y.X. Chen, B. Gao, Y. Liu, M.P. Liu, X.F. Chen*, H. Zhou*. High strength and ductility of a MgAg/MgGdAg/MgAg sandwiched plate produced by high pressure torsion. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2023.

32)  H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang*, J. Chen, B. Ye, W. Guo. Microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-8.5Gd-2.3Y-1.8Ag-0.4Zr alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2012, 22: 1891-1895.

33)  Z.Y. Pan, B. Gao, Q.Q. Lai*, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, M.P. Liu, H. Zhou*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a cold-rolled ultrafine-grained dual-phase steel. Materials, 2018, 11: 1399.

34)  Y. Liu, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, L.R. Xiao*, B. Chen, H.B. Long, Y.D. Yu, Z.H. Hu, H. Zhou*. Effect of micro-steps on twinning and interfacial segregation in Mg-Ag alloy, Materials, 2019, 12: 1307.

35)  Y. Liu, Y. Song, N. Li, X.C. Sha, M.N. Xu, B. Chen, B. Gao, L.R. Xiao*, H. Zhou*. Mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of Mg-Gd alloy during aging treatment. Metals, 2022, 12: 39.



1) X.F. Chen, Q. Wang, Z.Y. Cheng, M.L. Zhu, H. Zhou, P. Jiang, L.L. Zhou, Q.Q. Xue, F.P. Yuan, J. Zhu*, X.L. Wu*, E. Ma*, Direct observation of chemical short-range order in a medium-entropy alloy, Nature, 2021, 592: 712-716.

2) S. Qin, M.X. Yang, P. Jiang, J. Wang, X.L. Wu, H. Zhou, F.P. Yuan*. Designing structures with combined gradients of grain size and precipitation in high entropy alloys for simultaneous improvement of strength and ductility. Acta Materialia, 2022, 230: 117847.

3) L.L. Zhou, Q. Wang, J. Wang, X.F. Chen, P. Jiang, H. Zhou, F.P. Yuan, X.L. Wu*, Z.Y. Chen*, E. Ma*, Atomic-scale evidence of chemical short-range order in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy, Acta Materialia, 2022, 224: 117490.

4) Y.F. Liu, Y. Cao*, Q.Z. Mao, H. Zhou, Y.H. Zhao, W. Jiang, Y. Liu, J.T. Wang, Z.S. You, Y.T. Zhu*, Critical microstructures and defects in heterostructured materials and their effects on mechanical properties, Acta Materialia, 2020, 189: 129-144.

5)  K. Wang, H.Y. Jiang*, Y.W. Jia, H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, B. Ye*, W.J. Ding, Nanoparticle-inhibited growth of primary aluminum in Al-10Si alloys, Acta Materialia, 2016, 103:252-263.

6)  Z.W. Huang, S.B. Jin, H. Zhou, Y.S. Li*, Y. Cao*, Y.T. Zhu, Evolution of twinning systems and variants during sequential twinning in cryo-rolled titanium, International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 112: 52-67.

7)  G.M. Zhu, L.Y. Wang*, H. Zhou, J.H. Wang, Y. Shen, P. Tu, H. Zhu, W. Liu, P.P. Jin, X.Q. Zeng*. Improving ductility of a Mg alloy via non-basal <a> slip induced by Ca addition. International Journal of Plasticity 2019, 120: 164-179.

8) Q.Q. Lai*, H.Q. Yang, Y.T. Wei, H. Zhou, L.R. Xiao, H.Q. Ying, S. Lan, Z.S. You, Z.D. Kou, T. Feng, Q. Liu, P. Jacques, T. Pardoen*, Transformation plasticity in high strength, ductile ultrafine-grained FeMn alloy processed by heavey ausforming. International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 148: 103151.

9) B.Q. Xu, J.P. Sun*, J. Han, Z.Q. Yang, H. Zhou, L.R. Xiao, S.S. Xu, Y. Han, A.B. Ma*, G.S. Wu*, Effect of hierarchical precipitates on corrosion behavior of fine-grain magnesium-gadolinium-silver alloy. Corrosion Science, 2022, 194:109924.

10)  L. Wang, T. Xin, D. Kong, X. Shu, Y. Chen, H. Zhou, J. Teng, Z. Zhang, J. Zou. In-situ observation of stress induced grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline gold. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 134:95-99.

11)  X.L. Ma, H. Zhou, J. Narayan, Y.T. Zhu*, Stacking-fault energy effect on zero-strain deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu-Zn alloys, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 109: 89-93.

12)  X.L. Ma, C.X. Huang, W.Z. Xu, H. Zhou, X.L. Wu, Y.T. Zhu*, Strain hardening and ductility in a coarse-grain/nanostructure laminate material, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 103: 57-60.

13)  Y.F. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Cao*, J.F. Nie*, H. Zhou, H.B. Yang, X.F. Liu, X.H. An, X.Z. Liao, Y.H. Zhao, Y.T. Zhu, Unique defect evolution during the plastic deformation of a metal matrix composite, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 162: 316-320.

14)  Y.T. Tang, C. Zhang, L.B. Ren, W. Yang, D.D. Yin*, G.H. Huang, H. Zhou, Y.B. Zhang*, Effect of Y content and temperature on the damping capacity of extruded Mg-Y sheets, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 2019, 7:522-528.

15)  D.H. Li, X.Y. Shu, D.L. Kong, H. Zhou, Y.H. Chen*. Revealing the atomistic deformation mechanisms of face-centered cubic nanocrystalline metals with atomic-scale mechanical microscopy: A review. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 2027-2034. 

16) Z.B. An, S.C. Mao*, Y.N. Liu*, H. Zhou, Y.D. Zhai, Z.Y. Tian, C.X. Liu, Z. Zhang, X.D. Han*. Hierarchical grain size and nanotwin gradient microstructure for improved mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 92: 195-207.

17) Z.B. An, S.C. Mao*, Y.N. Liu*, L. Wang, H. Zhou, B. Gan, Z. Zhang, X.D. Han. A novel HfNbTaTiV high-entropy alloy of superior mechanical properties designed on the principle of maximum lattice distortion. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 79: 109-117.

18) M. Naeem*, H. Zhou, H.Y. He, S. Harjo, T. Kawasaki, Z.D. Wu, Y.T. Zhu, X.L. Wang*. Martensitic transformation in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy at cryogenic temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2021, 119:131901.

19)  G.H. Huang, D.D. Yin*, J.W. Lu, H. Zhou, Y. Zeng, G.F. Quan, Q.D. Wang. Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties evolution of extruded fine-grained Mg-Y sheets during annealing. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018, 720:24-35.

20)  Z.W. Huang, P.L. Yong, H. Zhou, Y.S. Li*, Grain size effect on deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of titanium, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 773:138721.

21)  B.Q. Xu, J.P. Sun*, Z.Q. Yang, L.R. Xiao, H. Zhou, J. Han, H. Liu, Y.N. Wu, Y.C. Yuan, X.R. Zhuo, D. Song, J.H. Jiang, A.B. Ma*, Microstructure and anisotropic mechanical behavior of the high-strength and ductility AZ91 Mg alloy processed by hot extrusion and multi-pass RD-ECAP, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 780: 139191.

22)  W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, X.C. Li, X.T. Liu, H. Zhou, Microstructural refinement and homogenization of Mg-SiC nanocomposites by cyclic extrusion compression, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 556: 267-270.

23)  J.W. Liu, D.D. Yin, G.H. Huang, G.F. Quan, Y. Zeng, H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, Plastic anisotropy and deformation behavior of extruded Mg-Y sheets at elevated temperatures. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 700: 598-608.

24)  L. Zhang, B. Ye*, W.J. Liao, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, H.Y. Jiang, W.J. Ding, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AZ91D magnesium alloy processed by repetitive upsetting, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 641: 62-70.

25)  W.J. Liao, B. Ye*, L. Zhang, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, W.Z. Li, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of SiC nanoparticles reinforced magnesium matrix composite processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 642: 49-56.

26)  X.C. Yang, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, H. Zhou, W. Wang, Y.L. Gong, J.M. Tao, Y.T. Zhu*, X.K. Zhu*, Influence of gradient structure volume fraction on the mechanical properties of pure copper, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 645: 280-285.

27)  B.Z. Cai, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, H. Zhou, X.C. Yang, X.K. Zhu*, Enhanced mechanical properties in Cu-Zn alloys with a gradient structure by surface mechanical attrition treatment at cryogenic temperature, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 626: 144-149.

28)  W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, M.P. Liu, T. Peng, X.T. Liu, H. Zhou, Enhanced microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy by repetitive upsetting, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 540: 115-122.

29)  J.F. Nie*, F.H. Lu, Z.W. Huang, X. Ma, H. Zhou, C. Chen, X. Chen, H.B. Yang, Y. Cao, X.F. Liu*, Y.H. Zhao*, Y.T. Zhu, Improving the high-temperature ductility of Al composites by tailoring the nanoparticle network, Materialia, 2020, 9: 100523

30)  Q.Q. Lai*, P.F. Song, H. Zhou, L.R. Xiao, T. Feng, C.J. Li, Deformation-induced martensitic transformation and strain hardening in a nanocrystalline FeMn alloy processed by severe austenite pre-deformation, Materialia, 2020, 13: 100832.

31)  H. Sun, Z.G. Ding*, D.L. Zhang, H. Zhou, S. Li, E.J. Lavernia, Y.T. Zhu, W. Liu*. Predicting the formation of <c+a> dislocations in magnesium alloys from multiple stacking fault energies. Materialia, 2019, 7: 100352.

32)  J.F. Liu, Q.D. Wang*, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of NZ30K magnesium alloy processed by repetitive upsetting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589: 372-377.

33)  J.P. Sun, B.Q. Xu, Z.Q. Yang, H. Zhou, J. Han, Y.N. Wu, D. Song, Y.C. Yuan, X.R. Zhuo, H. Liu*, A.B. Ma*, Achieving excellent ductility in high-strength Mg-10.6Gd-2Ag alloy via equal channel angular pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 817:152688.

34)   L. Mao, H. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Niu, L. Zhang, G. Yuan. C. Song. Enhanced biocompatibility and long-term durability in vivo of Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy for vascular stent application. Journal of alloys and compounds, 2017, 720: 245-253.

35)  W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31magnesium alloy processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 558: 164-171.

36)  W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, Enhanced microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties of AZ31-Si composite by cyclic closed-die forging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 552: 409-417.

37)  W. Jiang, H. Zhou, Y. Cao*, J.F. Nie*, Y.S. Li, Y.H. Zhao, M. Kawasaki, T.G. Langdon, Y.T. Zhu, On the heterogeneity of local shear strain induced by high-pressure torsion, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22: 1900477.

38)  Y.F. Liu, Y. Cao, H. Zhou, X.F. Chen, Y. Liu*, L.R. Xiao*, X.W. Huan, Y.H. Zhao, Y.T. Zhu, Mechanical properties and microstructures of commercial-purity aluminum processed by rotational accelerated shot peening plus cold rolling, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22: 1900478.

39)  J. Wei, Q.D. Wang*, D.D. Yin, L. Zhang, H. Zhou, B. Ye, H.Y. Jiang, W.J. Ding, Extra strain hardening in high pressure die casting Mg-Al-RE alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51:1487-1492.

40)  L.J. Long, G.H. Huang, D.D. Yin*, B. Ji, H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, Effects of Y on the deformation mechanisms of extruded Mg-Y sheets during room temperature compression, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51: 2738-2751.

41)  H. Chen, J. Yang, H. Zhou, J. Moering, Z. Yin, Y. Gong, K.Y. Zhao. Mechanical properties of gradient structure Mg alloy. Metallurgical and materials transactions A 2017, 9: 3961-3970.

42)  X. Hu, S. Jin, H. Zhou, Z. Yin, J. Yang, Y. Gong, Y. Zhu, G. Sha, X. Zhu, Bauschinger effect and back stress in gradient Cu-Ge alloy. Metallurgical and materials transactions A 2017, 9: 3943-3950.

43)  B. Gao, X.F. Chen, Z.Y. Pan, J.S. Li, Y. Ma, Y. Cao, M.P. Liu, Q.Q. Lai*, L.R. Xiao*, H. Zhou. A high-strength heterogeneous structural dual-phase steel. Journal of Materials Science 2019, 54:12898-12910.

44)  J.S. Li, B. Gao, Z.W. Huang, H. Zhou, Q.Z. Mao, Y.S. Li*. Design for strenth-ductility synergy of 316L stainless steel with heterogeneous lamella structure through medium cold rolling and annealing. Vacuum, 2018, 157:128-135

45)  X. Shu, Y. Liu, T. Xin, Z. Li, Y. Chen, H. Zhou, S. Mao, X. Liao. In-situ investigation of dislocation tangle-untangle processes in small-sized body-centered cubic Nb single crystals. Materials Letters 2017, 198: 16-18.

46)  X.L. Ma, W.Z. Xu, H. Zhou, J.A. Moering, J. Narayan, Y.T. Zhu*, Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95: 301-310.

47)  W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, J.F. Liu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31-Mg2Si in situ composite fabricated by repetitive upsetting, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24: 3755-3761.

48)  J. Metayer, B. Ye, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, H. Zhou, F. Mollet, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloys processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 66-75. 

49)  W. Jiang, H. Zhou, Y. Cao*, J.F. Nie, Y.S. Li, Y.H. Zhao, M. Kawasaki, T.G. Langdon, Y.T. Zhu*, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 1900477.

50)  X.C. Sha, X.F. Chen*, H.Y. Ning, L.R. Xiao, D.D. Yin, L. Mao, J. Zheng*, H. Zhou. Modification of Eutectic Si in Al-Si-(Ba) Alloy by Inducing a Novel 9R Structure in Twins. Materials, 2018, 11, 1151.

51)  J. Wei, G. Huang, D. Yin, K. Li, Q. Wang, H. Zhou. Effect of ECAP and  annealing treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-1Y (wt. %) binary alloy. Metals.  2017, 4: 119.

52)  Y. Ma, Y. Lu, D. Kong, X. Shu, Q. Deng, H. Zhou, Y. Chen, J. Zou, L. Wang. Ultra-large elongation and dislocation behavior of nano-sized tantalum single crystals. Aip Advances 2017, 4, 045218.



1)     周浩廖阳,许梦凝,陈雪飞,刘亿,徐涛,肖礼容,李玉胜,曹阳。一种制备多尺度析出得纳米异构镁合金板材得方法及系统。中国发明专利:ZL 202010179715.3

2)     周浩廖阳,许梦凝,陈雪飞,刘亿,徐涛,肖礼容,李玉胜, 曹阳。一种层绕旋锻制备镁合金棒材的方法及系统。中国发明专利:ZL 202010258856.4

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5)     周浩高波,赖庆全,潘志驿,杨明,陈雪飞,肖礼容。一种超高强度纳米异构低碳钢的制备方法。中国发明专利:ZL201910074939.5

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7)     周浩陈雪飞。一种多尺度析出强化镁合金材料的制备方法。中国发明专利:ZL201711246681.X

8)  周浩,魏康,赵永好,高波,陈雪飞,曹阳,李玉胜。一种异构高熵合金材料及其制备方法。中国发明专利:ZL 201810657004.5

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12)     周浩,王渠东. 扭转式往复挤压装置及其加工方法. 中国发明专利: ZL 201010289359.7.

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15)    陈雪飞,周浩,高波,李玉胜,曹阳,聂金凤。一种多晶粒尺度强化镁合金材料的制备方法。中国发明专利:ZL201711471450.9

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20)  赵永好,魏康,周浩,刘亿,陈雪飞,肖礼容,曹阳,李玉胜,聂金凤。金属高周循环深冷处理工艺及自动化深冷处理系统。中国发明专利:ZL 20181153647.X

21)  肖礼容,杨明,周浩,高波,潘志驿,李玉胜,曹阳,聂金凤。一种刃口马氏体强化医用手术剪刀及制作方法。中国发明专利: ZL 201811488040.X

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24) 王渠东,胡茂良,周浩. 采用曲柄连杆机构实现转动及往复运动的摩擦磨损实验机。实用新型专利:ZL 201120447616.6