  • 出生年月:1966年7月
  • 籍贯:重庆
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:chensw@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 43321 次
更新日期 2023年3月8日
  • 主学科0830 环境科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 二级学科083002|环境工程
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0857 资源与环境
  • 研究方向

1. 2014/5-至今,南京理工大学,环境与生物工程学院,教授

2. 2006/10-2009/10,日本国立山口大学,外国人研究员(3个月/年),合作导师:冈本健一

3. 2003/5-2014/4,南京理工大学,环境与生物工程学院,副研究员

4. 1995/5-2003/4,南京理工大学,化工学院,讲师

5. 1988/8-1992/8,天津市显像管厂,助理工程师环境与生物工程学院,副研究员







1.  江苏省自然科学基金项目,BK20141398、碱性直接甲醇燃料电池用阴离子交换膜的分子设计与稳定性研究,2014/7-2017/6,10万元,已结题,主持。

2.  国家自然科学基金项目,21276128,微生物燃料电池分离膜的膜间传质机理与分子结构设计研究,2013/1-2016/12,78万元,已结题,主持。

3.  江苏省自然科学基金项目,BK2007211,新型燃料电池用质子交换膜的稳定性研究,2007/7-2009/12,7.5万元,已结题,主持。

4.  江苏省自然基金项目,BK2011713,面向微生物燃料电池碳氢系全芳型分离膜的研究,2011/7-2014/12,8万元,已结题、第二负责人。



[1] Y. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Double-filler composite sulfonated poly(aryl ether ketone) membranes with graphite carbon nitride and graphene oxide as polyelectrolyte for fuel cells, Polymer, 238 (2022) 124426.

[2] Y. Lu, L. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Homologous flexible multi-cationic cross-linkers modified poly(aryl ether sulfone) anion exchange membranes for fuel cell applications, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 47 (2022) 17329-17340.

[3] L. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Novel bifunctional fillers (ATP/P–CNOs) for sulfonated poly(aryl ether sulfone) matrix for improved power output and durability of H2/O2 fuel cell at low humidity, Journal of Membrane Science, (2022) 120774.

[4] L. Liu, Y. Lu, C. Ning, N. Li, S. Chen, Z. Hu, Comb-shaped sulfonated poly(aryl ether sulfone) proton exchange membrane for fuel cell applications, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 47 (2022) 16249-16261.

[5] J. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Li, W. Han, X. Sun, N. Li, Z. Hu, L. Wang, Sulfonated carbon nano-onion incorporated polyethersulfone nanocomposite ultrafiltration membranes with improved permeability and antifouling property, Separation and Purification Technology, 256 (2021) 117825.

[6] H. Shi, P. Zhu, S. Wu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Catalytic degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane on Co_xTi_(1-x) composite oxides, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 40 (2021) 4253-4258.

[7] Y. Pu, C. Ning, Y. Lu, L. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Preparation and Characterizations of Cross-linked Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone)/Partially Fluorinated Sulfonated Poly(aryl ether sulfone)Blend Membranes, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 42 (2021) 2002-2007.

[8] Y. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Pu, Y. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Towards performance improved anion exchange membrane: Cross-linking with multi-cations oligomer modified graphene oxide, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 46 (2021) 23855-23867.

[9] L. Liu, Y. Pu, Y. Lu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Superacid sulfated SnO2 doped with CeO2: A novel inorganic filler to simultaneously enhance conductivity and stabilities of proton exchange membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 621 (2021).

[10] L. Liu, Y. Lu, Y. Pu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Highly sulfonated carbon nano-onions as an excellent nanofiller for the fabrication of composite proton exchange membranes with enhanced water retention and durability, Journal of Membrane Science, 640 (2021).

[11] A. Haragirimana, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, A facile, effective thermal crosslinking to balance stability and proton conduction for proton exchange membranes based on blend sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone), Int J Hydrogen Energ, 46 (2021) 15866-15877.

[12] M. Zhu, N. Li, Y. Lu, Z. Hu, S. Chen, R.J. Zeng, The performance and microbial communities of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for treating fluctuating 2-chlorophenol wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 317 (2020).

[13] Y. Lu, X. Pan, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Improved performance of quaternized poly(arylene ether ketone)s/graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets composite anion exchange membrane for fuel cell applications, Applied Surface Science, 503 (2020) 144071.

[14] Y. Lu, Y. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Sulfonated graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets as proton conductor for constructing long-range ionic channels proton exchange membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 601 (2020) 117908.

[15] Y. Liu, Y. Lu, A. Haragirimana, I.P. Buregeya, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Immobilized phosphotungstic acid for the construction of proton exchange nanocomposite membranes with excellent stability and fuel cell performance, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 45 (2020) 17782-17794.

[16] P.B. Ingabire, X. Pan, A. Haragirimana, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Improved hydroxide conductivity and performance of nanocomposite membrane derived on quaternized polymers incorporated by titanium dioxide modified graphitic carbon nitride for fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 152 (2020) 590-600.

[17] P.B. Ingabire, A. Haragirimana, Y. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Titanium oxide/graphitic carbon nitride nanocomposites as fillers for enhancing the performance of SPAES membranes for fuel cells, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 91 (2020) 213-222.

[18] A. Haragirimana, N. Li, P.B. Ingabire, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Multi-component organic/inorganic blend proton exchange membranes based on sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)s for fuel cells, Polymer, 210 (2020) 123015.

[19] A. Haragirimana, P.B. Ingabire, Y. Liu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, An effective strategy to enhance the performance of the proton exchange membranes based on sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)s, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 45 (2020) 10017-10029.

[20] 朱雨昕, H. Alphonse, 陆瑶, B.I. Providence, 宁聪李娜胡朝霞陈守文填充型具有微孔结构的磺化聚芳醚砜/聚醚砜复合质子交换膜的制备及性能 高等学校化学学报, 40 (2019) 1051-1057.

[21] X. Zhou, Y. Xu, X. Mei, N. Du, R. Jv, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Polyaniline/β-MnO2 nanocomposites as cathode electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells, Chemosphere, 296 (2019) 214-223.

[22] Y. Lu, Z. Hu, Y. Liu, I. Buregeya, X. Pan, N. Li, S. Chen, Composite Anion Exchange Membranes from Quaternized Poly(arylene ether ketone) and Quaternized Titanate Nanotubes with Enhanced Ion Conductivity, Fuel Cells, 19 (2019) 663-674.

[23] P.B. Ingabire, X. Pan, A. Haragirimana, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Enhanced conduction capability of nanocomposite membrane of quaternized poly (arylene ether sulfone)s covalently bonded with graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for fuel cells, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 144 (2019).

[24] P.B. Ingabire, X. Pan, A. Haragirimana, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Enhanced conduction capability of nanocomposite membrane of quaternized poly (arylene ether sulfone)s covalently bonded with graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for fuel cells, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 144 (2019) 104260.

[25] Z. Hu, X. Zhou, Y. Lu, R. Jv, Y. Liu, N. Li, S. Chen, CoMn2O4 doped reduced graphene oxide as an effective cathodic electrocatalyst for ORR in microbial fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 296 (2019) 214-223.

[26] A. Haragirimana, P.B. Ingabire, Y. Zhu, Y. Lu, N. Li, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Four-polymer blend proton exchange membranes derived from sulfonated poly(aryl ether sulfone)s with various sulfonation degrees for application in fuel cells, Journal of Membrane Science, 583 (2019) 209-219.

[27] J. Zhang, Y.n. Xu, S. Chen, J. Li, W. Han, X. Sun, D. Wu, Z. Hu, L. Wang, Enhanced antifouling and antibacterial properties of poly (ether sulfone) membrane modified through blending with sulfonated poly (aryl ether sulfone) and copper nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science, 434 (2018) 806-815.

[28] P. Mao, J. Jiang, Y. Pan, C. Duanmu, S. Chen, Y. Yang, S. Zhang, Y. Chen, Enhanced Uptake of Iodide from Solutions by Hollow Cu-Based Adsorbents, Materials, 11 (2018).

[29] Y. Lu, X. Zhang, X. Yan, Z. Hu, S. Chen, The Structure–property–performance relationship of disulfonated naphthyl pendants bearing poly(aryl ether)s for polymer electrolyte membrane applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 555 (2018) 45–55.

[30] Q. Gao, X. Pan, P.I. Buregeya, Y. Lu, X. Zhang, X. Yan, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Stable anion exchange membranes derived from fluorinated poly (aryl ether)s with quaternized fluorene units for fuel cell applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135 (2018) 46301-46310.


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(2)Zhang Xuan, Chen Shouwen, Electrochemical Polymer Electrolyte Membranes,(Sulfonated Polyphenylenes and the Related Copolymer Membranes),CRC Press. 100千字,2015.



2. 陈守文,胡朝霞,凌瑛,等,磺化亲水低聚物及嵌段型磺化聚合物及嵌段交联型磺化聚芳醚砜质子交换膜的制备方法,2014.08,中国,CN102838743B。胡朝霞,

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3.Water treatment chemicals and their applications, 研究生