  • 出生年月:1978年1月
  • 籍贯:湖南澧县
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:msun@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 56398 次
更新日期 2017年9月1日
  • 主学科0803 光学工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
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  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
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* 主持国家和部级科研项目








1. YANG De-Liang, ZENG Fan-Xi, SUN Ming*, GU Wen-Hua, LI Li*, Investigation on Properties of Collagen Nanowires Quasiepitaxially Grown on Mica Lattice Plane, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 45(4), 465−470.

2. LI Li, ZHNAG Lei, YANG De-Liang, SUN Ming*, ZENG Fan-Xi, GU Wen-Hua*, Creating Collagen Nanowire Arrays by ‘Bottom-Up’ and ‘Top-Down’ Approaches on Mica Lattice Planes, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 33(5), 745-752

3. SUN Ming*, HONG Wei, SHU Jing, LI Li*, Producing Collagen Nano-fibril Arrays by the Molecular Broom Mechanism of Atomic Force Microscopic Tip, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 44(10), 1471−1476.

4. Stephen G. Kukolich*, Ming Sun, Adam M. Daly, Wei Luo, Lev N. Zakharov, and Shih-Yuan Liu, Identification and characterization of 1,2-BN cyclohexene using microwave spectroscopy, Chemical Physics Letters, 2015, 639, 88–92.

5. Ming Sun, Bryan A. Sargus, Spencer J. Carey, and Stephen G. Kukolich*, Measurements of deuterium quadrupole coupling in propiolic acid and fluorobenzenes using pulsed-beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometers, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142, 154306.

6. Mahdi Kamaee, Ming Sun, Horace Luong, and Jennifer van Wijngaarden*, Investigation of Structural Trends in Mono?, Di?, and Pentafluorobenzonitriles Using Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2015, 119, 10279−10292.

7.  Haiyong Gan*, Nan Xu, Jianwei Li, Tao Xu, Yanping Wang, Zhixu Sun, Chong, Ma, Jinjin Wang, Feng Song, Ming Sun, Li Li and Chuanxiang Sheng,Hidden image recovery using a biased photorefractive crystal in the Fourier plane of an optical imaging system, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, 23(3), 2070-20755.

8. Li Li, Ming Sun*, Xiao-Hua Li, Zhen-Wen Zhao, Hui-Min Ma, Hai-Yong Gan, Zhen-Hui Lin, Sheng-Cai Shi and Lucy M. Ziurys. Recent Advances on Rotational Spectroscopy and Microwave Spectroscopic Techniques, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 42(9), 1369−1378.

9. Aaron M. Pejlovas, Ming Sun, Stephen G. Kukolich*, Microwave measurements of the spectra and molecular structure for phthalic anhydride, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 299, 43–47.

10. Ming Sun, Mahdi Kamaee and Jennifer van Wijngaarden*, Microwave spectroscopic investigation and structural determination of the Ar-difluoropyridine van der Waals complexes, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 118, 8730-8736.

11. Haiyong Gan*, Chong Ma, Zhixu Sun, Tao Xu, Jianwei Li and Nan Xu, Jinjin Wang and Feng Song, Chuanxiang Sheng, Ming Sun and Li Li,, Image blurring and deblurring using two biased photorefractive crystals in the frequency domain,Proceedings of SPIE: QUANTUM AND NONLINEAR OPTICS III, 2014, 9269, 926910.

12. Ming Sun,Yimin Wang, Spencer J. Carey, Erik G. Mitchell, Joel Bowman, and Stephen G. Kukolich*, Calculations and measurements of the deuterium tunneling frequency in the propiolic acid-formic acid dimer and description of a newly constructed Fourier transform microwave spectrometer, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139, 084316.

13.  Ming Sun, Mahdi Kamaee and Jennifer van Wijngaarden*, Rotational Spectra and Structures of the van der Waals Dimers of Argon with 2-Fluoropyridine and 3-Fluoropyridine, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 117, 13429−13434.

14. Ming Sun, DeWayne T. Halfen, Dennis J. Clouthier, and Lucy M. Ziurys*, Gas-phase rotational spectroscopy of AlCCH : A model system for organo-aluminum compounds, Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, 553, 11−16.

15. Cody van Dijk,Ming Sun, and Jennifer van Wijingaarden*, Investigation of structural trends in difluoropyridine rings using chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2012,  280, 34−41. 

16. Cody W. van Dijk, Ming Sun, and Jennifer van Wijngaarden*, Microwave Rotational Spectra and Structures of 2-Fluoropyridine and 3-Fluoropyridine, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116, 4082−4088. 

17.  DeWayne Halfen, Ming Sun, Dennis Clouthier, and Lucy Ziurys*, The Microwave and Millimeter Rotational Spectra of the PCN Radical, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 136, 144312.

18. Lindsay N. Zack, Ming Sun, Matthew P. Bucchino, M.P.; Brent J. Harris, Dennis J. Clouthier, Lucy M. Ziurys*, Gas-Phase Structure and Synthesis Of Monomeric ZnOH:Implications for Metalloenzymes and Surface Science, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116, 1542−1550.

19. Philip M. Sheridan, M.K.L. Binns, Ming Sun, Matthew P. Bucchino, DeWayne T. Halfen, Lucy M. Ziurys*, Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of LiCCH, NaCCH, and KCCH:Quadrupole hyperfine interactions in alkali monoacetylides, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2011, 269, 231−235.

20. Ming Sun, DeWayne T. Halfen, Dennis J. Clouthier, and Lucy M. Ziurys*, The Rotational Spectrum of CuCCH: A Fourier transform microwave discharge assisted laser ablation spectroscopy and millimeter/submillimeter study, Journal of Chemical Physics 2010, 133, 174301.

21.  Ming Sun, Dennis J. Clouthier, Jie Min, Brent Harris, and Lucy M. Ziurys*, Fourier Transform Microwave spectrum of the CCAs  radical and its 13C isotopologues, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009, 131, 224317.

22.  DeWayne T. Halfen, Ming Sun, Dennis J. Clouthier, and Lucy M. Ziurys*, The rotational spectrum of the CCP  radical and its 13C isotopologues at microwave, mm/sub-mm wavelengths, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009, 130, 014305.

23.  Robin L. Pulliam, Ming Sun, Michael A. Flory, Lucy M. Ziurys*, The sub-mm and Fourier Transform Microwave spectrum of HZnCl, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 2009, 257, 128.

24. Ming Sun, Aldo J. Apponi, and Lucy M. Ziurys*, Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy of HZnCN and ZnCN, Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 130, 034309.

25. Aldo J. Apponi, Ming Sun, DeWayne T. Halfen and L. M. Ziurys*, The Rotational Spectrum of Anti-Ethylamine (CH3CH2NH2) from 10 TO 270 GHz: A Laboratory Study and Astronomical Search In SGR B2(N), Astrophysical Journal 673(2, Pt. 1), 2008, 1240 .

26. Ming Sun, Alina Stetco, and Erika F. Merschrod*, Surface-Templated Formation of Protein Microfibril Arrays, Langmuir 2008, 24, 5418.

27. Michael Hayley, Ming Sun, Erika F. Merschrod*, Philip J. Davis and John J. Robinson, Biochemical analysis of the interaction of calcium with toposome: A major protein component of the sea urchin egg and embryo, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2008, 103, 1464.

28. Xinqi Chen, Ming Sun and Huimin Ma*, Progress in Spectroscopic Probes with Cleavable Active Bonds, Current Organic Chemistry, 2006, 10, 477.

29. Suying Dong, Huimin Ma*, Xiaohua Li, Ming Sun, Xuejun Duan, Synthesis of a New Water-Soluble Polymeric Probe and its Fluorescent Properties for Ratiometric Measurement of Near-Neutral pH, Analytical Letters, 2004, 37, 2937.

30.Xiaohua Li, Huimin Ma*, Lihua Nie, Ming Sun, Shaoxiang Xiong, A novel fluorescent probe for selective labeling of histidine, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2004, 515, 255.

31. Ming Sun, Dihua Shangguan, Huimin Ma*, Lihua Nie, Xiaohua Li, Shaoxiang Xiong, Guoquan Liu, Wolfram Thiemann, Simple PbII Fluorescent Probe Based on PbII-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Phosphodiester, Biopolymers (Biospectroscopy) 2003, 72, 413.

32. Lihua Nie, Huimin Ma*, Ming Sun, Xiaohua Li, Meihong Su, Shu-chuan Liang*, Direct chemiluminescence determination of cysteine in human serum using quinine-Ce(IV) system, Talanta 2003, 59, 959.