  • 出生年月:1961年4月
  • 籍贯:陕西
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:wgao@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 35982 次
更新日期 2024年7月23日
  • 主学科0803 光学工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1.生物医学光学成像与光谱学; 2.光与生物组织相互作用; 3.高速信号采集与实时处理技术;4.细胞、生物组织与血管微循环光学三维重建。 生物医学光学是目前国际上得到广泛重视的交叉学科,该学科的发展将为生命科学和生物医学及医疗诊断等提供工具,因此其研究结果具有广阔的应用前景。现在,光学显微术已经从传统的观察细胞和生物组织样本的两维结构发展到活体在体实时非侵入光学断层成像。我们研究小组主要从理论和实验两个方面研究可在组织水平、细胞水平和分子水平上对人体显微结构和功能实现高分辨率实时在体光学断层成像的技术。

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向

108.Xiupin Wu, Chunyou Wang, Wanrong Gao, and Ran Li, “Light-scattering-induced retardation as a high-sensitivity image contrast revealing collagen fibers”, Optics Letters 49 (13), 3560-3563 (2024).

107. Miaomiao Chu, Wanrong Gao*, Yue Zhang, “Accurate estimation of depth of papillary layer beneath the human skin, lips and tongues with spatial domain Fourier transform method”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering 181, 108372 (2024).

106. Yanzhao Hu and Wanrong Gao*, “Detecting subsurface damage within glasses with polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Optics and Laser Technology 177, 111146 (2024).

105. 胡燕赵,高万荣*,“偏振敏感及强度双通道光学相干层析成像方法研究”,中国激光,已录用,待发表(2024)。

104.王安,滕子嫣,石嘉怡,高万荣*, “人体皮肤偏振特性随其结构参数的变化特性研究”,激光生物学报,已录用,待发表(2024)。

103. Yifeng Tang and Wanrong Gao*, “A high contrast handheld FFOCT system for tissue imaging”, Optics Letters 49 (4), 1081-1084 (2024).

102. Yifeng Tang and Wanrong Gao*, “Modeling multiply scattered light in full-field optical coherence tomographic imaging of biological tissues”, Optics and Laser Technology 169, 110083-1-13 (2024).

101. Ying Chang and Wanrong Gao,“Mueller matrix model of polarized light propagation in layered human skin in backscattering configuration”, Journal of Applied Physics 134 (22),  223101-1-10 (2023).

100. Xiupin Wu, Wanrong Gao, and HAiyi Bian, “A self-denoising method for OCT images with single spectrogram-based deep learning”, Optics Letters 48 (19), 4945-4948 (2023).

99. Siyu Liu and Wanrong Gao*,  “Polarization sensitive full-field optical coherence tomography with two incident polarization states”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 168, 107628-1-6 (2023).

98. Dongjin Wu, Wanrong Gao*, and Ying Chang, “Change of the polarization properties of the human dermis with directions of incident and observation ”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 166, 107590 (2023).

97. Chenxia Xie, Wanrong Gao*, Yue Zhang and Weisong Shi, “Quantitative parameter analysis of effects of particle density on the imaging signals in OCT”, Optics Communications 536,129368-1-8 (2023).

96. Qiyuan Yin, Wanrong Gao*, and Ying Chang, “Mueller matrix polarization imaging and quantitative parameters analysis method”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 40 (4), 714-721 (2023).

95. Wanrong Gao, “Independent differential depolarization parameters and their physical interpretations”, Optics and Laser Technology 161, 109156-1-6 (2023).

94. 李冉,高万荣,唐逸枫, “影响双干涉仪串联手持式FFOCT系统成像特性的主要因素分析研究”,激光与光电子学进展,第 60 卷 第 12 期,1217002- 1-7,2023 年 6 月1日。

93. 仇志远,高万荣,陈朝良,常颖, “基于单相机的微米分辨谱域偏振光学相干层析成像方法研究”,光子学报,第 51 卷第 12 期,1217002(2022)。

92. Yue Zhang, Wanrong Gao*, and Chenxia Xie, “Fourier spatial transform-based method of suppressing motion noises in OCTA,” Opt. Lett. 47, 4544-4547 (2022).

91. Yifeng Tang and Wanrong Gao*, “Optimization of the performance of hand-held FFOCT scanner”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering 156,107091(2022).

90. 邹双潞,高万荣*,刘思雨,“PS-FFOCT 系统中1/4波片相位相对延迟误差对双折射参数测量精度的影响研究”,激光与光电子学进展,第 59 卷, 第 16 期, 1617003- 1-11, 2022 年 8 月.

89. 刘晓渊,高万荣*, 牟善祥, “基于半导体光放大器的激光信号产生的研究”, 激光与光电子学进展,第59卷,第007期,0714002-1-11(2022年4月).

88. 吴东瑾,高万荣*,常颖,“基于偏振敏感光学相干层析术的人体组织退偏特性实时在体测量方法研究” ,光子学报,第 50 卷第 12 期,1217002?1 -8,2021 年 12 月。

87.Wanrong Gao, “Mueller matrix decomposition methods for tissue polarization tomography ”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 147, 106735 (2021).

86. Yifeng Tang and Wanrong Gao*, “Effects of orientation deviation of the beam splitter and reference mirror on stability of two interferometer-based hand-held FFOCT imaging probe”, Appl. Opt. 60 (20), 5942-5952 (2021).

85. Ying Chang and Wanrong Gao*, “Understanding depolarizing behaviors of a medium in four specific scattering configurations”, Physics Letters A 407, 127450 (2021).

84. Wanrong GaoAnisotropic dielectric susceptibility matrix of anisotropic medium”,Scientific Reports 11, 11912 (2021).

83. Siyu Liu and Wanrong Gao*, “ Fractal correlation of fluctuations of primary differential polarization properties”, Optics Communications 496, 127128 (2021).

82. Ying Chang and Wanrong Gao*, “Mueller matrix polarization parameter tomographic imaging method in the backscattering configuration”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 146, 106692 (2021).

81. Ying Chang and Wanrong Gao*, “Directly obtaining the polarization properties from measured Mueller matrices”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering139, 106472 (2021).

80. Wanrong Gao, “Coupling effects among elementary polarization properties”, Scientific Reports 11, 1328 (2021).

79. Wanrong Gao* and S. Liu, “A method of removing retardance induced by scattering of collagenous ?ber bundles”, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 14 (1), 2140003 (2021).

78. 王昌明,高万荣*,“基于微米SDOCT系统的玻璃亚表面缺陷散射系数测量研究”,光学学报,第41卷第7期,2021年。

77.Siyu Liu and Wanrong Gao*, “Depth-resolved imaging of intercellular structures of large intestine with polarization-sensitive FFOCT”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 137, 106395 (2021).

76. 谢晨霞,高万荣*,张越, “基于 OCT 成像信号振幅差分概率密度分布的图像 散斑噪声抑制方法研究”,中国激光,第47卷第12期,1207004-1—9, 2020年12月10日。

75.席晨璐,高万荣*,张  越, “人手部皮下微循环特性随深度变化的研究”, 《激光生物学 报》, 第 29 卷 第 4 期, 296-304, 2020年8月。

74. Wanrong Gao, “Coupling effects between dichroism and birefringence of anisotropic media”, Physics Letters A 384 (27),126699-1-4 (2020).

73. Yue Zhang, Wanrong Gao*, Weisong Shi, and Lanlan Zhang, “Depth compensation based fractal analysis of human microvasculature”, Optics Communications 475, 126191 (2020).

72. Hao Liu, Wanrong Gao,* and Ying Chang,“Measurement of optic axis orientation with single-mode fiber-based polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Optical Engineering , Vol. 59 (5), 050501-1-7 (2020).

71.张玉荣,常颖,高万荣, “偏振敏感光学相干层析成像系统中样品光偏振对样品双折射位相延迟测量的影响研究”, 光学学报,第39卷 第12期,1212007-1---10,2019年12月1日。

70.曹文娟,高万荣*,伍秀玭,“超宽带光源频谱域相干层析术的光谱标定方法”,激光与光电子学进展,第56卷 第10期,101103-1--6,2019年5月。

69.孙亦晴 蒋昕怡 浦晔雯 张兰兰 张越 高万荣*, “基于多帧B扫描的对数强度的微分标准偏差算法研究”, 激光与光电子学进展,第56卷第23期,231101-1--7(2019)。

68. Ning Mu, Wanrong Gao*,and Yawen Zhou, "Non-invasive observation of human tissue samples with full field optical coherence tomography", Chinese Journal of Electronics 28 (5), 987-992 (2019) .

67. Ning Mu, Wanrong Gao* and Yawen Zhou,“Image contrast correction method in full-field optical coherence tomography”, Optical Engineering 58 (7), 074102 (2019).

66.Ning Mu and Wanrong Gao*,“Determination of Fourier components of spatial correlation function of dielectric susceptibility of random medium”, Journal of Modern Physics 10,443-451(2019).

65.Ning Mu, Hongxia Guo, and Wangrong Gao, “A study on tunable spectral frequency shift method with low phase noise. Optoelectronics Letters 15(3), 1673-1905 (2019).

64.Weisong Shi, Chaoliang Chen, Jamil Jivraj, Yuta Dobashi, Wanrong Gao, and Victor X. D. Yang, "2D MEMS-based high-speed beam-shifting technique for speckle noise reduction and flow rate measurement in optical coherence tomography," Opt. Express 27 (9), 12551-12564 (2019).

63. Weisong Shi, Chaoliang Chen, Christopher R. Pasarikovski, Wanrong Gao, and Victor X. D. Yang, “Differential phase standard-deviation-based optical coherence tomographic angiography for human retinal imaging in vivo," Appl. Opt. 58 (13), 3401-3409 (2019).

62. Ying Chang and Wanrong Gao*, “Method of interpreting Mueller matrix of anisotropic medium”, Optics Express 27 (3), 3305-3323 (2019).

61.Hao Liu, Wanrong Gao*, Xiupin Wu, Chang Ying and Yuntao Wang, “All single-mode fiber-based polarization-sensitive spectral domain optical coherence tomography system”, Journal of Physics Communications 3, 015014 (2019).

60. H. Y. Bian, Y. L. Zhang, W. R. Gao, and J. Gao, “Fourier based partial least squares algorithm: new insight into influence of spectral shift in “frequency domain””, Optics Express 27 (3), 2926-2936 (2019).

59. Yue Zhu and Wanrong Gao, “Single-shot wavelength-independent phase-shifting method for full-field optical coherence tomography”, Applied Optics 58 (4), 806-813 (2019).

58. 张兰兰,高万荣*,史伟松,“基于对数强度差分标准差的光学相干层析成像性能分析”, 中国激光,第45卷第4期,0407002-1-7, 2018年4月.

57.朱珊珊,高万荣*,史伟松, “基于GPU数据处理的人体皮肤组织实时成像SD-OCT系统”,激光与光电子学进展,第55卷第4期, 041701-1-8,  2018年4月。

56. 陈思琦,高万荣,周亚文,朱越,陈庭旭,李亚丹, “子宫肌瘤光学断层图像分形分析”, 光电子·激光, 第29卷第5期,560-566,  2018年5月.

55. 王运涛,高万荣*,“基于全场光学相干层析术的手术间快速诊断方法研究”,光电子。激光, 第29卷第6期,685-690, 2018年6月.

54.周亚文,高万荣*,徐新宇,“人体结肠与肾脏组织全场光学断层成像研究”,中国激光,第45卷,第6期,0607002-1- 7,2018年6月.

53. 姚文涛, 高万荣, “内窥光学层析成像的发展和应用”,激光与光电子学进展,第55卷第7期, 070002-1-14,  2018年7月.

52. 张越,高万荣* ,张兰兰,史伟松, “基于强度差分和动态阈值的手持式人体皮肤微血管快速成像技术研究”,中国激光,第45卷第11期,1107002-1-7, 2018年11月.

51.Wanrong Gao, “Quantitative depth-resolved microcirculation imaging with optical coherence tomography angiography (Part Ι): Blood flow velocity imaging”, Microcirculation 25( 6),e12375 (2018).

50.Wanrong Gao, “Quantitative depth-resolved microcirculation imaging with optical coherence tomography angiography (Part ΙΙ): Microvascular network imaging”, Microcirculation 25( 6),e12376 (2018).

49.Wanrong Gao* & Xiupin Wu, “Differences between time domain and Fourier domain optical coherence tomography in imaging tissues”, Journal of Microscopy 268(2), 119-128 (2017).

48. Chaoliang Chen, Kyle Cheng, Raphael Jakubovic, Jamil Jivraj, Joel Ramjist, Ryan Deorajh, Wanrong Gao, Victor X. D. Yang,“High speed, wide velocity dynamic range Doppler optical coherence tomography (Part V): Optimal utilization of multi-beam scanning for Doppler and speckle variance microvascular imaging”. Optics Express 25( 7), 7761-7777 (2017).

47.Weisong Shi, Wanrong Gao*, Chaoliang Chen and Victor X. D. Yang,“Differential standard deviation of log-scale intensity based optical coherence tomography angiography”, Journal of Biophotonics 10 , 1597–1606 (2017).

46.郭英呈,高万荣*,朱越, “基于补偿干涉仪的串联式全场光学相干层析术”, 激光与光电子学进展,54, 011101 (2017).

45.张运旭,高万荣*,伍秀玭,“基于非均匀傅里叶变换的干涉合成孔径显微算法”,光学学报,第34卷第7期, 0418001-1-9(2017)。

44.Wanrong Gao*, Yue Zhu, “Fractal analysis of en face tomographic images obtained with full field optical coherence tomography”, Annalen der Physik 529(3), 1600216(2017) .

43.Xiupin Wu, Wanrong Gao*, “Dispersion analysis in micron resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34(1), 169-177 (2017)。

42.杨凡凡,高万荣*,朱越,“全场光学相干断层成像Hilbert变换方法研究”,激光与光电子学进展,53 卷第 11 期, 111102-1-6(2016)。

41.高万荣*,陈一丹,刘畅,张秋庭,朱越,“快速全场光学相干层析系统多步移相干涉测量方法”,光子学报,第45卷,第6期,0611001-1-6 (2016).

40.Wanrong Gao, “Image contrast reduction mechanism in full-field optical coherence tomography ”, Journal of Microscopy 261 (3), 199–216 (2016).

39.刘浩,高万荣* ,陈朝良,“手持式牙齿在体谱域光学相干层析成像系统研究”, 中国激光,第43 卷第2 期,0204003-1-7(2016)。

38.Xiupin Wu, Wanrong Gao*, Yong He,“Estimation of parameters for evaluating subsurface microcracks in glass with in-line digital holographic microscopy”, Applied Optics 55(55), A32-A42 (2016).

37.Wanrong Gao,“Fourier spectrum analysis of full-field optical coherence tomography for tissue imaging”, Proc. R. Soc. A 471 (2179), 20150099 (2015).

36.Xiupin Wu, Wanrong Gao*, “A general model for resolution of digital holographic microscopy”, Journal of Microscopy 260(2), 152–162 (2015).

35.Chaoliang Chen, Weisong Shi, Wanrong Gao, “Imaginary part-based correlation mapping optical coherence tomography for imaging of blood vessels in vivo”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(11), 116009-1-8 (2015).

34.Yue Zhu, Wanrong Gao*, Yuan Zhou, Yingcheng Guo, Feng Guo, Yong He,“Rapid and high-resolution imaging of human liver specimens by full-field optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(11), 116010-1—7 (2015)。

33. Chaoliang Chen, Weisong Shi, Wanrong Gao*, “Removing noise caused by motion artifacts in microcirculation maps of human skin in vivo”, Journal of Microscopy 260 (3), 389–399 (2015).

32.Chaoliang Chen, Jiuling Liao, Wanrong Gao*, “Cube data correlation-based imaging of small blood vessels”, Opt. Eng. 54(4), 043104 (2015).

31.Haiyi Bian, Wanrong Gao*, “Stage-based frequency-modulated full-range complex Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography”, Optical Review 22(5), 700-705 (2015).

30.Wanrong Gao,“Effects of temporal and spatial coherence on resolution in full-field optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Modern Optics 62 (21), 1764-1774 (2015).

29.Chaoliang Chen, Jiuling Liao, Wanrong Gao*,“The cross-correlation in spectral domain based Doppler optical coherence tomography”,Optics Communications 338,433– 437 (2015).

28.廖九零,高万荣*,方俏然,“频谱编码内窥成像技术”,光学学报,第34卷,第06期, 0611004-1-0611004-6 (2014年)。

27.朱越 高万荣*, “全场高分辨生物组织光学层析成像”, 中国激光, 第41, 第8期, 0804002-1----0804002-8 (2014)。

26.卞海溢,高万荣*,张仙玲,陈朝良, “基于观察矩阵的频域光学相干层析成像图像重构算法”, 光学学报,第34卷,第02期, 101-107(2014)。

25.陈朝良,高万荣*,卞海溢, “频域光学相干层析术系统中高准确度高灵敏度补偿色散法”, 光子学报,第43卷第2期,0203001-1-6(2014)。

24.张仙玲,高万荣*,陈朝良,卞海溢,朱越,频域光学相干层析成像中深度分辨相位误差提取及补偿”, 中国激光41卷,第02期, 0204002-1-6 (2014)。

23.朱晓萌,高万荣*,朱越,“使用改进型科勒照明系统的全场光学相干层析成像系统”,光学学报,第34卷,第05期, 0511002-1-5,(2014)。

22.Wanrong Gao, “Effect of tissue structure on resolution of imaging systems”, Journal of Modern Optics 60(15), 1290-1296 (2013)。

21.Wanrong Gao, “Change of coherence of light produced by tissue turbulence”, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 131, 52-58 (2013).

20.Xianling Zhang,Wanrong Gao*, Haiyi Bian, Chaoliang Chen, Jiuling Liao,“Self-spectral calibration for spectral domain optical coherence tomography”,Opt. Eng. 52 (6), 063603 ( 2013).

19.陈朝良,高万荣*,“基于光谱光纤低相干的透射样品色散和折射率测量方法”,中国激光,第40卷,第10期,1008005-1-7 ( 2013).

18.Wanrong Gao, “Determination of spatial correlation functions of refractive index of living tissue”, Journal of Microscopy 245, 43–48 (2012).

17.Wanrong Gao*, Peng Lee, and Xianling Zhang, “Characterization of vitiligo by in vivo scattering coefficient of human skin”, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 4(1), 67-72 (2011).

16.Peng Lee, Wanrong Gao*, and Xianling Zhang, “Speckle properties of the logarithmically transformed signal in optical coherence tomography”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 28(4), 517-522 (2011).

15.Wanrong Gao*, Peng Lee, and Xianling Zhang, “Characterization of vitiligo by in vivo scattering coefficient of human skin”, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 4(1), 67-72 (2011).

14. Wanrong Gao, “Spectral changes of the light produced by scattering from tissue”, Optics Letters 35( 6),862-864 (2010).

13.Wanrong Gao, “Square law between Fourier spatial frequency of correlation function of scattering potential of tissue and spectrum of scattered light in the far zone”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 15(3), 030502 (2010).

12.Wanrong Gao, “Effects of different correlations of partially coherent electromagnetic beam on three-dimensional spectral intensity distribution in the focal region”, Optics Communications 283,4572-4581(2010).

11.Wanrong Gao, “Quantitatively characterizing fluctuations of dielectric susceptibility of tissue with Fourier domain optical coherence tomography”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 27( 12),2588-2592 (2010)

10.Peng Lee, Wanrong Gao*, and Xianling Zhang, “Performance of single-scattering vs.multiple-scattering model in the determination of optical properties of biological tissue with optical coherence tomography”, Applied Optics 49 (18), 3538-3544 (2010).



7.Wanrong Gao, “Effects of the coherence and the vector properties of the light on the resolution limit in the stimulated emission depletion fluorescent microscopy”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A 25 (6), 1378-1382 (2008).


5.Wanrong Gao*, Olga Korotkova, “Changes in the state of polarization of a random electromagnetic beam propagating through tissue,” Optics Communications 270/2 ,474-478 (2007).

4.Wanrong Gao , “Dispersion properties of the grating-based rapid scanning optical delay lines,” Applied Optics 46 (6),986-992 (2007).

3.Wanrong Gao, “Changes of polarization of light beams on propagation through tissue,” Optics Communications 260/2,749-754 (2006).

2.Wanrong Gao*, Maohai Hu, Effects of Flowing scatters on measured backscattering signal, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.5630, Optics in health care and biomedical optics: diagnostics and treatment I I, 259-264 (2005).

1.Wanrong Gao*, Karsten Bahlmann , Peter T. C. So, Michael Previte, Maximizing signal-to-noise ratio of fiber two-photon fluorescence endoscope, 2002 Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine and Biology, July 14-19,2002, Poster.