  • 出生年月:1979年11月
  • 籍贯:永康
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:phywangxx@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 30774 次
更新日期 2021年3月2日
  • 主学科0702 物理学【硕士生导师】
  • 二级学科070205|凝聚态物理
  • 研究方向量子功能材料的设计和制备(目前主要研究拓扑绝缘体薄膜),同步辐射实验技术应用
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向

2007年8月-至今 南京理工大学 理学院 教师

2011-2012,2016-2017 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校访问学者


2002年9月-2007年6月 浙江大学 凝聚态物理研究所 博士研究生


中国物理学会会员 美国物理学会会员




国家自然科学青年基金 江苏省自然科学青年基金 南京理工大学紫金之星

1.      Märkl, Tobias, et al. "Antimony oxide nanostructures in the monolayer limit: self-assembly of van der Waals-bonded molecular building blocks." Nanotechnology 32.12 (2020): 125701.

2.      Ma, Chunlin, et al. Compositional dependent electric-field-induced photoluminescence modulation in Eu3+-doped(1-x)Na0.5Bi0·5TiO3-xCaTiO3(x=0.07,0.1) piezoelectric ceramics. Journal of Luminescence, 2020, 228: 117636.

3.      Shi Z , Wang X , Xu C , et al. First-principles study of the topological surface states of α-Sn(111). Physics Letters A, 2020, 384(30):126782.

4.      Xu, Linhua, Xiaoxiong Wang, Liming Qian, Yunguang Zhu, Xiaoman Luo, Wen Wang, Xinwei Xu, and Jiayuan Xu. "The dependence of the optical properties of ZnO nanorod arrays on their growth time." Optik, 2020, 202: 163634.

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7.      Hu H., et al. Transformation of the Topological Phase and the Edge Modes of Double-Bilayer Bismuthene with Inter-Bilayer Spacing. Crystals, 2019, 9(5): 266.

8.      Chang T.-R., et al. Band Topology of Bismuth Quantum Films. Crystals, 2019, 9(10): 510.

9.      Xu C.-Z., et al. Experimental and theoretical electronic structure and symmetry effects in ultrathin NbSe 2 films. Physical Review Materials, 2018, 2(6): 064002.

10.    Xu C.-Z., et al. Gapped electronic structure of epitaxial stanene on InSb (111). Physical Review B, 2018, 97(3): 035122.

11.    Gui X., et al. Pt–Bi Antibonding Interaction: The Key Factor for Superconductivity in Monoclinic BaPt2Bi2. Inorganic chemistry, 2018, 57(4): 1698-1701.

12.    Flo?Totto D., et al. In Situ Strain Tuning of the Dirac Surface States in Bi2Se3 Films. Nano letters, 2018, 18(9): 5628-5632.

13.    Xu C.-Z., et al. Elemental Topological Dirac Semimetal:  α-Sn on InSb(111). Physical Review Letters, 2017, 118(14): 146402.

14.    Wang X., et al. Topological phase stability and transformation of bismuthene. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2017, 119(2): 27002.

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16.    Märkl T., et al. Engineering multiple topological phases in nanoscale Van der Waals heterostructures: realisation of α-antimonene. 2D Materials, 2017, 5(1): 011002.

17.    Kowalczyk P., et al. Single atomic layer allotrope of bismuth with rectangular symmetry. Physical Review B, 2017, 96(20): 205434.

18.    Bian G., et al. Survey of electronic structure of Bi and Sb thin films by first-principles calculations and photoemission measurements. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2017,

19.    Xiaoxiong W., et al. Topological phase transitions in stanene and stanene-like systems by scaling the spin-orbit coupling. Europhysics Letters, 2016, 115(3): 37010.

20.    Bian G., et al. Engineering Electronic Structure of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator Bi(111) Bilayer on Sb Nanofilms by Quantum Confinement Effect. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(3): 3859-3864.

21.    Wang X., et al. Dirac semimetal films as spin conductors on topological substrates. Physical Review B, 2015, 91(12): 125103.

22.    Wang H., et al. Characterization on surface and interface structure of epitaxial Pr 0.7Sr0.3MnO3/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3/Pr0.7Sr0.3MnO3 trilayer. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2015, 79(108-115.

23.    Bian G., et al. Direct transition resonance in atomically uniform topological Sb(111) thin films. Physical Review B, 2015, 92(24): 241401.

24.    Xiaoxiong W., Tai-Chang C. Internal chiral spin structure of topological-insulator/metal superlattices. Europhysics Letters, 2014, 106(3): 37008.

25.    Wang X., Chiang T. C. Topological states in Bi2Se3 surfaces created by cleavage within a quintuple layer: Analysis in terms of the Shockley criterion. Physical Review B, 2014, 89(12): 125109.

26.    Li W.-J., et al. Fullerene film on metal surface: Diffusion of metal atoms and interface model. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104(19): 191606.

27.    Bian G., et al. First-principles and spectroscopic studies of Bi(110) films: Thickness-dependent Dirac modes and property oscillations. Physical Review B, 2014, 90(19): 195409.

28.    Xian F., et al. Color tunable electroluminescence from Co-doped ZnO nanorods/p-Si heterojunction. Journal of Luminescence, 2013, 144(154-157.

29.    Xian F., et al. Controllable growth of ZnO nanorods by seed layers annealing using hydrothermal method. Materials Letters, 2013, 108(46-49.

30.    Wang X., et al. Topological spin-polarized electron layer above the surface of Ca-terminated Bi2Se3. Physical Review B, 2013, 87(3): 035109.

31.    Wang X., et al. Topological quantum well resonances in metal overlayers. Physical Review B, 2013, 87(23): 235113.

32.    Kowalczyk P. J., et al. Electronic Size Effects in Three-Dimensional Nanostructures. Nano Letters, 2013, 13(1): 43-47.

33.    Guang B., et al. Topological phase transition and Dirac fermion transfer in Bi 2 Se 3 films. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2013, 101(2): 27004.

34.    Bian G., et al. Origin of giant Rashba spin splitting in Bi/Ag surface alloys. Physical Review B, 2013, 88(8): 085427.

35.    Xian F. L., et al. Crystallographic, optical and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO thin films synthesized by sol gel route. Crystal Research and Technology, 2012, 47(4): 423-428.

36.    Wang X., et al. Effects of surface modification on the properties of topological surface states in Bi2Se3. Physics Letters A, 2012, 376(5): 768-772.

37.    Wang X., et al. Fragility of Surface States and Robustness of Topological Order in ${\mathrm{Bi}}_{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ against Oxidation. Physical Review Letters, 2012, 108(9): 096404.

38.    Bian G., et al. Interfacial Protection of Topological Surface States in Ultrathin Sb Films. Physical Review Letters, 2012, 108(17): 176401.

39.    Xu L., et al. The evolution behavior of structures and photoluminescence of K-doped ZnO thin films under different annealing temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(6): 2942-2947.

40.    Bian G., et al. Symmetry-constrained reorganization of Dirac cones in topological insulators by surface modification. Physical Review B, 2011, 84(23): 235414.

41.    Wang X.-X., Li H.-N., Yao C.-H. Aggregation Behavior of Metal-Ethylene Complexes and Its Effect on Hydrogen Storage Capacity. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(2): 026803.

42.    Wang X. Deformation guided unzipping of nanotubes: A first-principles study. Physics Letters A, 2010, 374(48): 4894-4898.

43.    Wang X.-X., et al. Electronic Structure of Eu6C60. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(1): 017104.

44.    Wang X.-X., et al. Charge transfer of 1 ML C60/Ag(100). Chinese Physics C, 2009, 33(11): 996.

45.    Wang X., et al. Interaction between nanobuds and hydrogen molecules: A first-principles study. Physics Letters A, 2009, 374(1): 87-90.

46.    Hong-Nian L., et al. Electronic structure of C 84 film studied by photoemission measurement and first-principles calculation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009, 21(26): 265502.

47.    Wang X.-X., et al. Photoemission intensity oscillations in the HOMO-2 band of C60 film. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2008, 165(1–3): 20-23.

48.    Wang X.-X., Li X.-Y., Li H.-N. First principles study of Eu doped carbon nanotubes. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(44): 6677-6680.

49.    Wang X.-X., Li H.-N., Xu Y.-B. Valence state of Eu ions in C60 fullerides. Solid State Communications, 2008, 147(11–12): 436-438.

50.    Xiao-Xiong W., et al. Valence band of metal europium studied with synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2007, 19(9): 096001.

51.    Hong-Nian L., et al. Fine structure of C 60 photoionization cross-section oscillations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2007, 19(43): 436223.

52.    Wang Xiao-Xiong L. H.-N. Core-level photoemission of Sm fullerides. Acta Physica Sinica, 2006, 55(8): 4259-4264.

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54.    Li H.-N., Wang X.-X., Ding W.-F. Electron attenuation lengths in fullerene and fullerides. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2006, 153(3): 96-101.

55.    Li H.-N., et al. Electronic state of C60 monolayer on Ag(1 1 1) before and after Yb intercalation. Surface Science, 2005, 586(1–3): 65-73.

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