  • 出生年月:1989年10月
  • 籍贯:江苏如皋市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:zhuzhigao@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 38214 次
更新日期 2024年3月10日
  • 主学科0830 环境科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1. 高盐废水处理与资源化;

    2. 高性能分离膜的研发;

    3. 电容去离子(CDI)技术;

    4. 静电纺丝技术和超细纤维材料。


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0857 资源与环境
  • 研究方向

2019.07-至今 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院。


1. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)“膜蒸馏用焊接孔超疏水/滑移和高通透纤维蒸馏膜的构筑及抗结垢效能与机制研究”,项目号:52000105,结题,主持,2021.01-2023.12;

2. 江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金)“基于不对称超浸润界面耦合的高通透纤维蒸馏膜的制备及浓缩高盐废水效能与机制”,项目号:BK20200478,结题,主持,2020.07-2023.06;

3. 中国博士后科学基金(面上基金)“膜蒸馏浓缩有机高盐废水过程中膜的润湿、结垢与污染同步控制研究”,项目号:2020M671503,在研,结题,2020.07-2022.06。


1.   Dian Gong, Binghai Wen, Lu Wang, Hongxuan Zhang, Huiling Chen, Jingrui Fan, Zhi Li, Long Guo, Guosheng Shi, Zhigao Zhu*, Xing Liu*, Gaofeng Zeng*, Alkadiyne-pyrene conjugated frameworks with surface exclusion effect for ultrafast seawater desalination, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 3075–3085.

2.   Zhigao Zhu*, Minjie Song, Yujun Zhou, Yue Yang, Junwen Qi, Jiansheng Li*, Engineering multi-nanochannel polymer-intercalated graphene oxide membrane for strict volatile sieving in membrane distillation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2024, 58, 2, 1399–1409.

3.   Xiangke Cui, Zhigao Zhu*, Minjie Song, Min Li, Junwen Qi, Yujun Zhou, Yue Yang, Jiansheng Li*, ZnFe2O4-infused hierarchically porous carbon fiber electrode for enhanced capacitive deionization, Carbon, 2024. 218, 118961.

4.   Zhigao Zhu*, Xiangyang Xue, Minjie Song, Junwen Qi, Yujun Zhou, Yue Yang, Jiansheng Li*, Boosting membrane distillation lifespan: Superhydrophobic micro-nano surface construction and concentrate concentration management, Resour. Conserv. Recyl., 2024, 202, 107365.

5.    张惠中,田家宇,李健生,朱志高*多孔碳纤维电极材料的制备及电容去离子性能研究,南京理工大学学报,2024, 48, 1, 104–111.

6.    Zhigao Zhu*, Zhu Liu, Guangming Tan, Junwen Qi, Yujun Zhou, Jiansheng Li*, Interlayered interfacial of a thin film composite membrane for sieving volatile substances in membrane distillation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2023, 57, 7621-7623

7.   Min Li, Zhigao Zhu*, Linhan Ni, Lanyue Qi, Yue Yang, Yujun Zhou, Junwen Qi, Jiansheng Li*, Nanofiber-constructed aerogel solar evaporator for efficient salt resistance and volatile removal, ACS EST Engg., 2023, 3, 11, 2027-2037.

8.    Minjie Song, Zhigao Zhu*, Junwen Qi, Yujun Zhou, Jiansheng Li*, Multifunctional and asymmetrically superwettable Janus membrane for all-day freshwater harvesting, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2023, 10, 996- 1002. 

9.    Huizhong Zhang, Jiayu Tian*, Xiangke Cui, Jiansheng, Li, Zhigao Zhu*, Highly mesoporous carbon nanofiber electrodes with ultrahigh specific surface area for efficient capacitive deionization, Carbon, 2023, 201, 920-929.

10. Di Xu, Zhigao Zhu*, Jiansheng Li*, Recent progress of electrospun nanofibers for membrane distillation of hypersaline wastewaters, Adv. Fiber. Mater., 2022, 4, 1357-1374.

11.    Bing Zhang, Jing Shen, Heli Tang, Yu Shen, Jiansheng Li*, Zhigao Zhu*, Ion-nucleating competition cooperated with antiscalant for effectively mitigating gypsum scaling in membrane distillation. Desalination, 2022, 539, 115969.

12.    Guangming Tan, Di Xu, Zhigao Zhu*, Xuan Zhang, Jiansheng Li*, Tailoring pore size and interface of superhydrophobic nanofibrous membrane for robust scaling resistance and flux enhancement in membrane distillation, J. Membr. Sci., 2022, 658, 120751.

13.    Di Xu, Zhigao Zhu*, Guangming Tan, Xiangyang Xue, Jiansheng Li*, Mechanism insight into gypsum scaling of differently wettable membrane surfaces with antiscalants in membrane distillation, J. Membr. Sci., 2022, 652, 120499.

14.    Xiangyang Xue, Guangming Tan, Zhigao Zhu*, All-polymer and self-roughened superhydrophobic PVDF fibrous membrane with high concentration ratio for stably concentrating seawater by membrane distillation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2021, 13, 38, 45977-45986.

15.    Guangming Tan, Xiangyang Xue, Zhigao Zhu*, Jiansheng Li, Ultrahigh and stable water recovery of reverse osmosis-concentrated seawater with membrane distillation by synchronously optimizing membrane interfaces and seawater ingredients, ACS EST Water, 2021, 1, 7, 1577-1586.

16.   Zhigao Zhu*, Guangming Tan, Di Lei, Qiyu Yang, Xiao Tan, Ningning Liang*, Dehua Ma*, Omniphobic membrane with process optimization for advancing flux and durability toward concentrating reverse-osmosis concentrated seawater with membrane distillation, J. Membr. Sci., 2021, 639 119763.

17.   Zhigao Zhu, Ying Xu, Yifei Luo, Wei Wang*, Xiaodong Chen*, Special wettable evaporators for porous interface distillation towards low-grade heat driven water desalination. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 702-726. 

18.   Zhigao Zhu*, Wei Wang, Qianyun Zhang, Xuemei Chen*, Insight into the feed/permeate flow velocity on the trade-off of water flux and scaling resistance of superhydrophobic and welding-pore fibrous membrane in membrane distillation. J. Membr. Sci., 2021, 620, 118768.

19.   Zhigao Zhu, Lingling Zhong, Thomas Horseman, Xuemei Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Gaofeng Zeng, Shihong Lin,Wei Wang*,  Superhydrophobic-omniphobic membrane with anti-deformable pores for membrane distillation with universal wetting resistance. J. Membr. Sci., 2021, 620, 118883.

20.   Zhigao Zhu, Lingling Zhong, Yu Wang, Gaofeng Zeng, Wei Wang*, Mechanically durable biomimetic fibrous membrane with superhydrophobicity and superoleophilicity for aqueous oil separation, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2020, 31, 2619-2622.

21.   Nan Sun, Zhigao Zhu*, Gaofeng Zeng, Bioinspired superwetting fibrous skin with hierarchical roughness for efficient oily water separation. Sci. Total. Environ., 2020, 744, 140822.

22.   Zhigao Zhu, Lingling Zhong, Xuemei Chen, Wei Zhang, Jinlong Zuo, Gaofeng Zeng, Wei Wang*, Monolithic and self-roughened Janus fibrous membrane with superhydrophilic/ominiphobic surface for robust antifouling and antiwetting membrane distillation. J. Membr. Sci., 2020, 615, 118499.

23.   Zhigao Zhu, Zheyu Li, Lingling Zhong, Ruijun Zhang, Fuyi Cui, Wei Wang*, Dual-biomimetic superwetting silica nanofibrous membrane for oily water purification, J. Membr. Sci., 2019, 572, 73-81.

24.   Zhigao Zhu, Wei Wang*, Dianpeng Qi, Yifei Luo, Yuanren Liu, Ying Xu, Fuyi Cui, Ce Wang, Xiaodong Chen*, Calcinable polymer membrane with revivability for oily-water remediation, Adv. Mater., 2018, 1801870.

25.   Zhigao Zhu, Yuanren Liu, Haoqing Hou, Wenxin Shi, Fangshu Qu, Fuyi Cui, Wei Wang*, Dual-bioinspired design for constructing membranes with superhydrophobicity for direct contact membrane distillation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018, 52, 3027-3036.

26.   Na Wang, Yunyun Zhai, Yuyan Yang, Xue Yang, Zhigao Zhu*, Electrostatic assembly of superwetting hierarchical porous nanofibrous membrane toward oil-in-water emulsion separation, Chem. Eng. J., 2018, 354, 463-472.

27.   Zhigao Zhu, Zhiquan Liu, Lingling Zhong, Chengjie Song, Wenxin Shi, Fuyi Cui, Wei Wang*, Breathable and asymmetrically-superwettable Janus membrane with robust oil-fouling resistance for durable membrane distillation, J. Membr. Sci., 2018, 563, 602-609.

28.   Zhigao Zhu, Jiaxiang Ma, Chenghan Ji, Yan Liu*, Wei Wang, Fuyi Cui*, Nitrogen doped hierarchically structured porous carbon nanofibers with ultrahigh specific surface area for removal of organic dyes, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 19116-19124.

29.   Zhigao Zhu, Chenghan Ji, Lingling Zhong, Shuang Liu, Fuyi Cui, Hongliang Sun*, Wei Wang*, Magnetic Fe-Co crystal doped hierarchical porous carbon fibers for removal of organic pollutants, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 18071-18080.

30.   Zhigao Zhu, Lingling Zhong, Zhiqiang Zhang, Huarui Li, Wenxin Shi, Fuyi Cui*, Wei Wang*, Gravity driven ultrafast removal of organic contaminants across catalytic superwetting membrane, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 25266-25275.

31.   Zhigao Zhu, Ying Xu, Benyu Qi, Gaofeng Zeng*, Ping Wu, Guojuan Liu, Wei Wang*, Fuyi Cui, Yuhan Sun, Adsorption-intensified degradation of organic pollutants over bifunctional α-Fe@ carbon nanofibres, Environ. Sci., Nano, 2017, 4, 302-306. 

32.   Zhigao Zhu, Ping Wu, Guojuan Liu, Xiaofan He, Benyu Qi, Gaofeng Zeng*, Wei Wang*, Yuhan Sun, FuyiCui, Ultrahigh adsorption capacity of anionic dyes with sharp selectivity through the cationic charged hybrid nanofibrous membranes, Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 313, 957-966.

33.   Zhigao Zhu, Deng Hu, Yuanren Liu, Ying Xu, Gaofeng Zeng, Wei Wang*, Yanfeng Zhang*, Fuyi Cui, Three-component mixed matrix organic/inorganic hybrid membranes for pervaporation separation of ethanol-water mixture, J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 2017, 134.

34.   Zhigao Zhu, Guihua Li, Gaofeng Zeng*, Xinqing Chen, Deng Hu, Yanfeng Zhang*, Yuhan Sun, Fast capture of methyl-dyes over hierarchical amino-Co0.3Ni0.7FeO4@SiO2 nanofibrous membranes, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 22000-22004.

35.   Guihua Li#, Zhigao Zhu# (Co-first author), Benyu Qi, Guojuan Liu, Ping Wu, Gaofeng Zeng*, Yanfeng Zhang, Wei Wang, Yuhan Sun*, Rapid capture of Ponceau S Via a hierarchical organic-inorganic hybrid nanaofibrous membrane, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 5423-5427.

36.    Na Wang#Zhigao Zhu# (Co-first author), Junlu Sheng, Salem S. Al-Dey, Jianyong Yu, Bin Ding*, Superamphiphobic nanofibrous membranes for effective filtration of fine particles, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2014, 428, 41-48.


1. Wei Wang*, Zhigao Zhu, Qiao Wang and Ruisha Shi, Functionalization of Electrospun Nanofibrous Materials (in Book: Advanced Nanofibrous Materials Manufacture Technology Based on Electrospinning; Chapter 8)



1. 朱志高,谭广明,齐俊文,周雨珺,李健生,一种具有挥发性物质截留特性的膜蒸馏用复合膜及其制备方法:中国,CN202211081207.7.

2. 朱志高,杨骐宇,谈笑,雷迪,谭广明,一种抗褶皱膜蒸馏用纤维蒸馏的制备方法:中国,CN 202111154664.X.

3.  谈笑,朱志高,雷迪,杨骐宇,薛向阳,一种零排放海水淡化集成装置:中国,CN 202122381414.1.1.(已授权)

4. 王威, 朱志高,时文歆,崔福义. 一种高通透、耐润湿、抗污染膜蒸馏用蒸馏膜的制备方法:中国,CN 201810334461.0. (已授权)

5.  王威,朱志高,钟玲玲,计成汉,时文歆,崔福义. 一种双重仿生构筑膜蒸馏用超疏水膜的方法:中国,CN 201710824118.X.

6. 王威, 朱志高,计成汉,钟玲玲,时文歆,崔福义. 一种耐磨、耐高温多孔纤维膜的制备方法:中国,CN 201710823611.

7.  张秀芳,朱志高. 超疏水或超亲水且具备抗菌性能的纳米纤维膜的制备方法:中国,CN201510934499.8.(已授权)

8.  张秀芳,赵炯心,朱志高,柴明飞,抗菌纳米纤维膜的制备方法:中国,CN201510737628.4. (已授权)