  • 出生年月:1982年10月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博、硕导
  • 邮箱:yijin.zhang@gmail.com
访问次数 36029 次
更新日期 2024年6月25日
  • 主学科0810 信息与通信工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向





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  • 二级学科
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  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
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SIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsDesigns, Codes and CryptographyDiscrete Applied Mathematics、IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryIEEE Transactions on CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyIEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Systems Journal等应用数学和信息工程类SCI期刊发表论文近60篇,其中第一作者SCI期刊论文20篇(一作累计影响因子120+);在ISITICCGLOBECOM等知名国际会议发表论文近30篇;在中国科学、物联网学报、通信学报、电子与信息学报、计算机科学、计算机工程、高技术通讯等中文核心期刊发表论文近20篇。


[11] 吴志娟, 林艳, 张一晋, 束锋, 李骏, 基于多智能体协同的无人机簇群多域节能抗干扰通信, 中国科学-信息科学, 53(12): 2511-2526页, 2023年12月.
[10] 张凯, 沈世林, 房婷, 张葳, 林艳, 张一晋*, 射频能量收集认知无线电网络的最优时严频谱接入, 南京理工大学学报, 2022年11月.
[9] 朱奕雯, 张葳, 林艳, 罗元勋, 张一晋*, 大规模能量收集物联网基于信息年龄的自适应接入, 中国科学-信息科学, 53(6), 1181-1196页, 2023年6月.
[8] 俞汉清, 林艳, 贾林琼, 李强, 张一晋*, 面向多目标救援的通信受限无人机集群分布式策略, 物联网学报, 6(3), 103-112页, 2022年9月.
[7] 杨澳钦, 宫傲宇, 房婷, 邓磊, 李强,  张一晋*, 传输时限约束下的能量收集无线传感网多址接入优化, 物联网学报, 6(3), 58-70页, 2022年9月.
[6] 康雅洁,林艳, 张一晋,基于贝叶斯Q学习的无人机集群抗干扰智能快跳频算法,航天控制, 40(02):73-78, 2022年.
[5] 张帆, 宫傲宇, 邓磊, 刘芳, 林艳, 张一晋*, 面向实际信道观测环境的时限约束无线下行调度策略, 计算机科学, 48(9), 264-270 页, 2021年9月.
[4] 房婷, 宫傲宇, 张帆, 林艳, 贾林琼, 张一晋*, 一种传输时限下认知无线电网络的动态广播策略, 计算机科学, 48(7), 340-346 页, 2021年7月.
[3] 黄煜梵,  彭诺蘅, 林艳, 范建存, 张一晋, 基于SAC强化学习的多智能体车联网频谱资源动态分配, 计算机工程, 47(9), 34--43页, 2021年9月.
[2] 林艳, 闫帅, 张一晋, 李春国, 束锋, 基于交通流量预测的车联网双边拍卖边缘计算迁移, 通信学报, 41(12), 205-214页, 2020年12月.
[1] 梁彦, 束锋, 张一晋, Berber Stevan, 稀疏多径信道环境中MIMO-OFDM系统的IQ不平衡和信道联合估计, 电子与信息学报, 35(2), 280-284页, 2013.



[49] Y. Lin, Y. Zhang*, F. Shu, and J. Li, Defending against jamming and interference for Internet of UAVs using cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning with mutual information, to appear in China Communications, Feb. 2024.
[48] A. Gong, Y.-H. Lo, Y. Lin, and Y. Zhang*, Dynamic random access without observation under deadline-constrained periodic traffic, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 1503-1508, 2024.
[47] Y. Zhang, A. Gong, L. Deng, Y.-H. Lo, Y. Lin, J. Li, Achieving maximum urgency-dependent throughput in random access, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 6435-6450, 2023.
[46] F. Liu, W. S. Wong, Yuan-Hsun Lo, Y. Zhang, C. Chen, G. Xing, Age of information for periodic status updates under sequence based scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 5963-5978, 2023.
[45] A. Gong, Y. Zhang*, L. Deng, F. Liu, J. Li and F. Shu, Dynamic optimization of random access in deadline-constrained broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 2059-2073, 2023.
[44] Y. Lin, J. Bao, Y. Zhang, J. Li, F. Shu, and L. Hanzo, Privacy-preserving joint edge association and power optimization for the Internet of vehicles via federated multi-agent reinforcement learning, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 8256-8261, 2023.
[43] Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, Corrections to “Multichannel conflict-avoiding codes of weights three and four”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, October 2022.
[42] S. Chu, J. Li, J. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Ding, Y. Zhang and W. Chen, Federated learning over wireless channels: Dynamic resource allocation and task scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1910-1924, December 2022.
[41] L. Chen, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, M. Zheng, J. Yu and W. Liang, Deterministic collision-resilient channel rendezvous: Theory and algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 8967-8978, Nov. 2022.
[40] N. Peng, Y. Lin*, Y. Zhang*, and J. Li, AoI-aware joint spectrum and power allocation for Internet of vehicles: A trust region policy optimization based approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 19916-19927, October 2022.
[39] J. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Zhang, Q. Wu, X. Wu, F. Shu, S. Jin, and W. Chen, Collaborative intelligent reflecting surface networks with multi-agent layered reinforcement learning, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 532-545, 2022.
[38] Z. Yin, Y. Lin, Y. Zhang, Y. Qian, F. Shu, and J. Li, Collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning aided resource allocation for UAV anti-jamming communication, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 23, pp. 23995-24008, December 2022.
[37] B. Shi, N. Chen, X. Zhu, Y. Qian, Y. Zhang, F. Shu and J. Wang, Impact of low-resolution ADC on DOA estimation performance for massive MIMO receive array, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 2635-2638, June 2022.
[36] Y. Lin, Y. Zhang*, J. Li, F. Shu*, and C. Li, Popularity-aware online task offloading for heterogeneous vehicular edge computing using contextual clustering of bandits, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 5422-5433, April 2022.
[35] Y. Yu, L. Deng, Y. Zhang and Y.S. Han, Comparing delay-constrained ALOHA and CSMA: A learning-based low-complexity approximate approach, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 2, pp. 1721-1735, 2021
[34] F. Liu, K. Shum, Y. Zhang and W. S. Wong, Schedule sequence design for broadcast in multi-channel ad hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,  vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 4767–4783, May 2021.
[33] T. Liang, Y. Lin, L. Shi, J. Li, Y. Zhang, Distributed vehicle tracking in WSN: a fully decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning approach, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-4, Jan. 2021.
[32] L. Deng, F. Liu, Y. Zhang and W. S. Wong, Delay-constrained topology-transparent distributed scheduling for MANETs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 1083-1088, Jan. 2021.
[31] F. Liu, K. Shum, Y. Zhang, and W. S. Wong, Sequence-based schemes for broadcast and unicast under frequency division duplex, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E104-A, no.2, pp.376-383, Feb. 2021.
[30] H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, The undirected optical indices of complete m-ary trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 285, pp. 173-181, 2020.
[29] Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, Multichannel conflict-avoiding codes of weights three and four, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3557–3568, June 2021.
[28] Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Achieving zero-packet-loss throughput 1 for a collision channel without feedback and with arbitrary time offsets, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 2269-2279, Apr. 2020.
[27] Y. Zhang, A. Gong, Y.-H. Lo, J. Li, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Generalized p-persistent CSMA for asynchronous multiple-packet reception, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 6966-6979, Oct. 2019. 
[26] W. Zhang, X. Feng, Y. Qi, F. Shu, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Towards a model of regional vessel near miss collision risk assessment for open waters based on AIS data. Journal of Navigation, April 2019. 
[25] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu, and J. Li, Achieving maximum reliability in deadline-constrained random access with multiple-packet reception, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol 68, no. 6, pp. 5997-6008, June 2019. 
[24] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, L. Lu, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for asynchronous multiple access with physical-layer network coding, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no.4, pp. 980-983, Aug. 2019.
[23] G. Xia, F. Shu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Brink and J. Speidel, Antenna selection method of maximizing secrecy rate for green secure spatial modulation, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 288-301, June 2019.
[22] L. Gui, F. Xiao, Y. Zhang, F. Shu, J. Wei, and T. Val, DV-hop localization with protocol sequence based access, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 9972-9982, Oct. 2018.
[21] Y. Zhang, F. Guan and Y.-H. Lo, Coding-based slotted ALOHA for broadcasting multi-slot messages with delivery deadline, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 7882-7886, Aug. 2018.
[20] Y. Zhang, F. Guan, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and J. Li, Optimal multichannel slotted ALOHA for deadline-constrained unicast systems, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1308–1311, June 2019.
[19] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, On channel hopping sequences with full rendezvous diversity for cognitive radio networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 574-577, Aug. 2018.
[18] F. Shu, Y. Qin, T. Liu, L. Gui, Y. Zhang, J. Li and Z. Han, Low-complexity and high-resolution DOA estimation for hybrid analog and digital massive MIMO receive array, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2487-2501, June 2018.
[17] Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences with carrier sensing for wireless sensor networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 905-916, Apr. 2018.
[16] X. Zhou, W. Cai, R. Chen, L. Gui, F. Shu, J. Lin, S. Zhang and Y. Zhang, Secrecy energy efficiency optimization for MISO SWIPT systems, Physical Communication, vol. 28, pp.19-27, Mar. 2018.
[15] Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum, W. S.Wong, and Y. Zhang, CRT sequences with applications to collision channels allowing successive interference cancellation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 2910-2923, Apr. 2018.
[14] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, New CRT protocol sequence set for a collision channel without feedback, Wireless Networks, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1697-1709, May 2019.
[13] J. Li, M. Liu, J. Lu, F. Shu, Y. Zhang, S. Bayat and D. K. Jayakody, On social-aware content caching for D2D-enabled cellular networks with matching theory, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 297-310, Feb. 2019.
[12] Y. Qian, J. Li, Y. Zhang and D. K. Jayakody, Performance analysis of an opportunistic relaying protocol in power line communication systems, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 3865-3868, Dec. 2018.
[11] Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou, L. Gao, Y. Qian, J. Li and F. Shu, A blind adaptive tuning algorithm for reliable communication in IEEE 802.15.4 networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 8605-8609, Sep. 2017.
[10] Y.-H. Lo, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, W. S. Wong and H.-L. Fu, The global packing number for a fat-tree network, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 5327-5335, Aug. 2017.
[9] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Completely irrepressible sequences for multiple-packet reception, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6803-6809, Aug. 2016.
[8] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, Protocol sequences for the multiple-packet reception channel without feedback, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1687-1698, Apr. 2016.
[7] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Optimal strongly conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight three, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 367-382, May 2016.
[6] Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, Binary sequences for multiple access collision channel: identication and synchronization, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 667-675, Feb. 2014.
[5] Y. Liang, F. Shu, Y. Zhang and J. Zhao, High-performance compensation scheme for frequency-dependent IQ imbalances in OFDM transmitter and receiver, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 204-208, Apr. 2013.
[4] Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, and W. S. Wong, Strongly conflict-avoiding codes, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, vol. 25, issue 3, pp. 1035-1053, Jul. 2011.
[3] Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, and W. S. Wong, Completely irrepressible sequences for the asynchronous collision channel without feedback, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1859-1866, May 2011.
[2] Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, and W. S. Wong, On pairwise shift-invariant protocol sequences, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 453-455, Jun. 2009.
[1] Y. Zhang, P. Xu, Z. Zhang and G. Bi, Comments on throughput analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA considering timeout period, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 19, pp. 1127-1128, Sep. 2006.


[14] Y. Zhang, T.-L. Wong, K. Xu, and Y.-H. Lo, Mixed-weight conflict-avoiding codes, ISIT 2024, Athens, July 2024.
[13] Y. Zheng, F. Liu, Y. Lo, T.-L.Wong, K. Xu, and Y. Zhang*, Protocol sequences for age of information under multiple-packet reception, ISIT 2024, Athens, July 2024.
[12] L. Xiao, Y. Lin, Y. Zhang, J. Li, and F. Shu, AoI-aware energy-ecient vehicular edge computing using multi-agent reinforcement learning with actor-attention-critic, VTC 2024 spring, pp. 1-5, Singapore, 2024.
[11] Z. Xue, A. Gong, Y.-H. Lo, S. Tian, and Y. Zhang*, Deadline-constrained opportunistic spectrum access with spectrum handoff, GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, December 2023.
[10] Y.-H. Lo, T.-L. Wong, Y. Zhang, Y.-C. Wang, K. Xu, Deterministic grant-free access based on the Chinese remainder theorem, ICC 2023, Rome, May 2023.
[9] Y. Tao, Y. Lin, Y. Zhang, J. Li and S. Fu, Multi-agent reinforcement learning for energy-efficiency edge association in Internet of Vehicles, GLOBECOM 2022, Rio de Janeiro, December 2022.
[8] D. Wu, L. Deng, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang and Y. S. Han, Reinforcement learning random access for delay-constrained heterogeneous wireless networks: A two-user case, GLOBECOM 2021, Dec. 2021.
[7] H. Zhang, Q. Li, Y. Zhang, Game theory based power allocation method for inter-satellite links in LEO/MEO two-layered satellite networks, ICCC 2021, Xiamen, July 2021.
[6] Y.-H. Lo, W.-W. Gu and Y. Zhang, New results on optimal multichannel conflict-avoiding codes of weight three, ISIT 2021, Melbourne, July 2021
[5] A. Gong, T. Zhang, H. Chen, and Y. Zhang, AoI based scheduling in multiuser wireless uplinks with stochastic arrivals: A POMDP approach, GLOBECOM2020, Taibei, Dec. 2020.
[4] Y. Yu, L. Deng, Y. Zhang, and Y. S. Han, Comparing delay-constrained ALOHA and CSMA: A learning-based low-complexity approximate approach, ICCA 2020, pp. 1-8, Japan, Sept. 2020.
[3] Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, The zero-error capacity of a collision channel with successive interference cancellation, ISIT 2017, pp. 1653-1657, Aachen, 2017.
[2] Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, An energy-aware reliable deterministic broadcast protocol for wireless sensor networks, GLOBECOM 2014, pp. 1427-1432, Austin, 2014.
[1] Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for multiple-packet reception: throughput invariance and user irrepressibility, ISIT 2014, pp. 1568-1572, Honolulu, 2014.




2,截至2024.4,指导硕士研究生49人(留学生2人),已毕业 36人




14、23级硕士生朱雨晴一作发表论文于A类EI国际会议ICC 2024。

13、22级硕士生郑一廿一作发表论文于A类EI国际会议ISIT 2024。

12、22级硕士生朱奕雯一作发表论文于T1期刊 中国科学-信息科学,一作发表论文于A类EI国际会议ICC 2023。

11、21级硕士生薛照泷一作发表论文于A类EI国际会议Globecom 2024。

10、21级硕士生杨澳钦一作发表论文于T1期刊 物联网学报,并第一发明人获得授权专利1项。

9、21级硕士生吴志娟(与林艳副教授联合指导)一作发表论文于T1期刊 中国科学-信息科学,二作发表论文于SCI期刊 China Communications。

8、20级硕士生陶奕宇(与林艳副教授联合指导)一作发表论文于A类国际会议Globecom 2023。

7、20级硕士生房婷一作发表论文于T2期刊 计算机科学,并第一发明人获得授权专利1项。

6、20级硕士生张葳一作发表论文于T2期刊 计算机科学。

5、19级硕士生彭诺衡(与林艳副教授联合指导)一作发表论文于SCI期刊  Internet of Things Journal。

4、19级硕士生张凯一作发表论文于 南理工学报。

3、18级硕士生张帆一作发表论文于T2期刊  计算机科学,及EI国际会议 ICCT 2020。

2、18级硕士生傅桂娥 一作发表论文于电子技术应用 。

1,18级硕士生徐圣楠 一作发表论文于电子技术应用 。





21,2023年,国家级科研训练,王宇豪,丁祉涵,谢文倩:基于图强化学习的移动自组网多智能体跨层路由 (与林艳副教授联合指导)




17,2022年,国际会议ICCT2022优秀报告奖李成冉,沈源,郭艺东Deadline-Constrained Random Access in Cognitive Radio Networks with Multiple-Packet Reception







10,2020年,国际会议ICCT2020优秀报告奖(获奖率4.5%)俞汉清,康雅洁,石泽,Design of Deterministic Grant-Free Access with Deep Reinforcement Learning






4,2019年,本科毕设校级优秀、省级优秀,宫傲宇:基于markov决策过程的异步CSMA优化研究,毕设成果发表论文于IEEE Trans. Comm.,授权专利2项(获得斯坦福大学录取


