  • 出生年月:1975年10月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 哲学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:cxsheng@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 66691 次
更新日期 2021年2月26日
  • 主学科0809 电子科学与技术【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向




  • 跨学科0803 光学工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向




  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向

2006年1月–2006年7月     犹它大学物理与天文系,博士后

2006年7月–2009年3月     亚利桑那大学光学学院,博士后 

2009年3月-2015年4月      副教授,南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院

2009年5月-现在                 教授,   南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院







1.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,62074079,二维有机金属卤化物钙钛矿薄膜中的光激发态研究, 2021/01-2024/12, 61万,在研,主持

2.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,61874056,有机无机杂化钙钛矿半导体中光激发态自旋的光学响应研究, 2019/01-2019/12, 16万,结题,主持

3.  国家自然科学基金委员会,重大科研仪器研制项目,61627802, 宽带分子转动光谱的研制,2017/01-2021/12,693万,在研,参加

4.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,61574078, 有机金属卤化物钙钛矿薄膜中的光激发态研究,2016/01-2019/12,65万,结题,主持

5.  江苏省教育厅,江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人培养项目,聚合物半导体中光激发态的深入研究,2014/6-2017/6, 5万,结题,主持。




近5年(2016年)以来,承担并参与多项国家自然科学基金项目。发表SCI论文超过30篇,发表的期刊包括Phys. Rev. Lett. Science Advances,J. Physical Chemistry Letters, Advanced Functional Material,Photonic Research,Optics Letters等。


1. Xiaobo Zhu, Z Qian, X Chen, L Liu, ChuanXiang Sheng*, Wenhua Gu*, Electrohydrodynamics-printed Silver Nanoparticle Flexible Pressure Sensors with Improved Gauge factor, IEEE Sensors Journal,  21(5), 5836-5844 (2021)

2. Shu Hu,  Xiao Yang, Bo Yang, Yang Zhang, Heng Li and ChuanXiang Sheng*, Excitonic Solar Cells Using 2D Perovskite of (BA)2(FA)2Pb3I10 , J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 2212-2219 (2021)

3. Yuchen Wang*, #, Hongsheng Li#, Shu Hu, Heng Li, and ChuanXiang Sheng*, Unusual Polarization Relation between Single-Mode Lasing Emission and Excitation Laser from an Evanescent-Wave Pumped Micro-Cavity Laser, Photonics 8, 66 (2021)




1. C.X. Sheng, K.H. Kim, M. Tong, C. Yang, H. Kang, Y.W. Park, and Z.V. Vardeny*, Ultrafast Transient Spectroscopy of Trans-Polyacetylene in the Midinfrared Spectral Range”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 017401 (2020)

2. Saiyu Luo, Zhiping Cai, ChuanXiang Sheng, Li Li* and Qian Chen, “604-nm high-order vortex beams directly generated from a Pr:YLF laser with a cavity-loss-induced gain switching mechanism” Optics and Laser Technology, 127, 106185 (2020)

3. Zhigang Lou, Shuyan Liang, Jiabei Yuan, Kang Ji, Jianyu Yuan*, Hongchang Zhao, Hong Xia, Gang Ni, ChuanXiang Sheng, Wanli Ma*, Liangyao Chen, & Haibin Zhao*, Contrasting Electron and Hole Transfer Dynamics from CH(NH2)2PbI3 Perovskite Quantum Dots to Charge Transport Layers, Applied Sciences 10, 5553 (2020)

4. Shu Hu, Yang Liao, Yang Zhang, Xiaoliang Yan, Zhenlu Zhao, Weiqiang Chen, Xin Zhang, Hongxing Liu, Heng Li, Li Li, Ming Sun*, & ChuanXiang Sheng*, Effect of Thermal Annealing on Conformation of MEH-PPV Chains in Polymer Matrix: Coexistence of H- and J-Aggregates, Polymers, 12, 1771 (2020)

5. Shuyan Liang, Zhigang Lou, Qilin Zhang, Yalong Xu, Feng Jin, Jianyu Yuan*, Chuanxiang Sheng, Wanli Ma*, and Haibin Zhao*, Improved Hole Transfer and Charge Generation in All-Polymer Photovoltaic Blends with a P–i–N Structure, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 46, 25262–25269 (2020)



1) Xiaoliang Yan, Shu Hu, Yang Zhang, Heng Li, Chuanxiang Sheng*, “Methylammonium acetate as an additive to improve performance and eliminate JV hysteresis in 2D homologous organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 191, 283-289 (2019)

2)Yang Zhang, Ruizhi Wang, Yezhou Li, Zeyang Wang, Shu Hu, Xiaoliang Yan, Yaxin Zhai, Chuang Zhang, ChuanXiang Sheng*, “Optical Properties of Two Dimensional Perovskite Films of (C6H5C2H4NH3) 2 [PbI4] and (C6H5C2H4NH3) 2 (CH3NH3) 2 [Pb3I10]”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 13-19 (2019)

3) R Wang, X Yang, S Hu, Y Zhang, X Yan, Y Wang, C Zhang, CX Sheng*, Effect of Thermal Annealing on Aggregations in MEH-PPV Films The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (17), 11055-11062 (2019)



1) Yuchen Wang, Shu Hu, Xiao Yang, Ruizhi Wang, Heng Li, and Chaunxiang Sheng*, Evanescent-wave pumped single-mode microcavity laser from fiber of 125 μm diameter”, Photonics Research, 6, 332-338 (2018)

2) Ruizhi Wang, Shu Hu, Xiao Yang, Xiaoliang Yan, Heng Li, and ChuanXiang Sheng*, Circularly polarized photoluminescence and Hanle effect measurements of spin relaxation in organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite film” J. Mater. Chem. C 6, 2989 (2018)

3) C Zhang, D Sun, ZG Yu, CX Sheng, S McGill, D Semenov, ZV Vardeny*, Field-induced spin splitting and anomalous photoluminescence circular polarization in C H 3 N H 3 Pb I 3 films at high magnetic field Physical Review B 97 (13), 134412 (2018)

4) S Hu, R Wang, X Yang, Y Wang, X Yan, Y Zhang, H Li, CX Sheng*, Magnetic field-assisted formation of charge transfer complex in π-conjugated polymer and fullerene-blended films Journal of Photonics for Energy 8 (3), 032206 (2018)

5) M Wang, CX Sheng, C Zhang*, J Yao, Emissive edge state in CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 films probed by fluorescence lifetime imaging technique Journal of Photonics for Energy 8 (3), 032205 (2018)

6) Feng Jin, Jianyu Yuan, Wenping Guo, Yalong Xu, Yannan Zhang, Chuanxiang Sheng*, Wanli Ma*, Haibin Zhao*, “Improved Charge Generation via Ultrafast Effective Hole‐Transfer in All‐Polymer Photovoltaic Blends with Large Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) Energy Offset and Proper Crystal Orientation”, Adv. Func. Mater. 28 (31), 1801611 (2018)



1)       RZ Wang, X Yang, W Hong, YC Wang, H Li*, L Li*, C.-X. Sheng*, “Excited-states spectroscopies and its magnetic field effect of π-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends with below-gap excitation” Synthetic Metals 223, 132-136  (2017)

2)       Xiaoliang Yan, Xiao Yang, Ruizhi Wang, Heng Li*, Chuanxiang Sheng*Effect on the morphology and optical properties of CH3NH3PbI3 with additive of NH4Cl, Optical Materials 64, 461-467 (2017)

3)       Xiao Yang, Xiaoliang Yan, Yuchen Wang, Wei Chen, Ruizhi Wang, Weiwei Wang, Heng Li, Wanli Ma, and ChuanXiang Sheng*,Photoluminescence in Organometal Halide Perovskites: Free Carrier Versus Exciton”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 7, 513(2017)

4)       Chuang Zhang, Dali Sun, Xiaojie Liu, Chuan-Xiang Sheng, and Z.V. Vardeny*, “Temperature-Dependent Electric Field Poling E?ects in CH3NH3PbI3 Optoelectronic Devices” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 1429 (2017)

5)        F Jin, G Ding, Y Wang, J Yuan, W Guo, H Yuan, C.-X. Sheng*, W Ma*, H Zhao*, Thermal Annealing Effect on Ultrafast Charge Transfer in All-Polymer Solar Cells with a Non-Fullerene Acceptor N2200,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (16), 8804-8811 (2017)

6)       R Wang, X Yan, X Yang, Y Wang, H Li*, C.-X. Sheng*,, Long Lived Photoexcitation Dynamics in π-Conjugated Polymer/PbS Quantum Dot Blended Films for Photovoltaic Application, Polymers 9 (8), 352 (2017)

7)       Y Zhai, S Baniya, C Zhang, J Li, P Haney, C.-X. Sheng*, E Ehrenfreund, Z.V. Vardeny*, Giant Rashba splitting in 2D organic-inorganic halide perovskites measured by transient spectroscopies, Science Advances 3 (7), e1700704 (2017)

8)       Yuchen Wang, Xiushan Zhu, Chuanxiang Sheng, Li Li, Qian Chen, Jie Zong, Kort Wiersma, Arturo Chavez-Pirson, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian, SESAM $ Q $-Switched Ho3+-Doped ZBLAN Fiber Laser at 1190 nm, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 (9), 743-746 (2017)

9)F Jin, J Yuan, W Guo, L Han, Y Xu, Chuanxiang Sheng*, W Ma*, H Zhao*, Ultrafast Spectroscopic Identification of Hole Transfer in All-Polymer Blend Films of Poly (1-{4, 8-bis [5-(2-ethylhexyl) thiophen-2-yl]-benzo [1, 2-b: 4, 5-b′] dithiophen-2-yl}-3-methyl-5-(4-octylphenyl)-4 H-thieno [3, 4-c] pyrrole-4, 6 (5 H)-dione) and Poly [1, 8-bis (dicarboximide)-2, 6-diyl]-alt-5, 5′-(2, 2′-bithiophene), The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (37), 20126-20133 (2017)



1)  Yuchen Wang, Xiao Yang, Heng Li, and Chuanxiang Sheng*, “Bright single mode random laser from a concentrated solution of p-conjugated polymers”, Optics Letters, 41(2), 269-272 (2016)

2)W. Guo, J. Yuan, H. Yuan, F. Jin, L. Han, ChuanXiang Sheng*, Wanli Ma* and Haibin Zhao* (2015), Ultrafast Electron Transfer in Low-Band Gap Polymer/PbS Nanocrystalline Blend Films. Advanced Functional Materials 26, 713 (2016) (doi:10.1002/adfm.201503556)

3)Yaxin ZhaiChuanXiang Sheng, Chuang Zhang, and Z. V. Vardeny, “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Photoexcitations in Organometal Trihalide Perovskites” Advanced Functional Materials 26 (10), 1617-1627 (2016) (contributed equally)

4)  Xiaoliang Yan, Wei Wang, Xiao Yang, Wuming Yi, Yuning Wang, Heng Li, Wenhua Gu* and ChuanXiang Sheng*,  Origin ofthermalinstabilityofCH3NH3PbI3-xClx films for photovoltaic devices Materials Letters 176, 114-117(2016)

5) Xiao Yang, Xiaoliang Yan, Wei Wang, Xiangxiang Zhu, Heng Li, Wanli Ma*, and ChuanXiang Sheng*, Light induced metastable modification of optical properties in CH3NH3PbI3-xBrx perovskite films: Two-step mechanism, Organic Electronics, 34, 79-83(2016),  

6) A.M. Lomonosov, X. Yan, ChuanXiang Sheng*, V.E. Gusev*, C. Ni. And Z. Shen*, “Exceptional elastic anisotropy of hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite CH3NH3PbBr3 measured by laser ultrasonic technique”, Physica Status Solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters 10 (8), 606-612 (2016)

7)X. Yang, Y. Wang, H. Li, and C.X. Sheng*, “Optical Properties of Heterojunction between Hybrid Halide Perovskite and Charge Transport Materials: Exciplex Emission and Large Polaron”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (40), 23299-23303 (2016)

8) CX Sheng, Y Zhai, U Huynh, C Zhang, ZV Vardeny*, Ultrafast photomodulation spectroscopy of π-conjugated polymers, nanotubes and organometal trihalide perovskites: A comparison, Synthetic Metals 216, 31-39(2016)



1)       Yaxin Zhai, Chuanxiang Sheng, Z.V. Vardeny, "Singlet Fission of Hot-Excitons in π-Conjugated Polymers" Philosophical Transactions A  373: 20140327 (2015)

2)       Haiyong Gan, Nan Xu, Jianwei Li, Tao Xu, Yanping Wang, Zhixu Sun, Chong Ma, Jinjin Wang, Feng Song, Ming Su, Li Li, and Chuanxiang Sheng"Hidden image recovery using biased  photorefractive crystal in frequency domain",  Optics Express 23, 2070 (2015) 

3)       ChuanXiang Sheng, Chuang Zhang, Yaxin Zhai, Kamil Mielczarek, Weiwei Wang, Wanli Ma, Anvar Zakhidov, and Z. Valy Vardeny*, Ecitons versus Free Carriers Photogeneration in Organometal Trihalide Perovskites Probed by Broadband Ultrafast Polarization Memory Dynamics”  Physical Review Letters, 114, 116601(2015)

4)       C. Zhang, D. Sun,†, C-X. Sheng, Y. X. Zhai, K. Mielczarek, A. Zakhidov, and Z. V. Vardeny*, "Magneto-Photocurrent Studies of Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells" Nature Physics 11, 427 (2015) (contributed equally)

5)       C.-X. Sheng, Y. Zhai, E. Olejnik, C. Zhang, D. Sun, and Z.V. Vardeny, "Lasing action and photoexcitation dynamics in PbI2 films" Optical Materials Express 5, 530 (2015)


2014年以前 (部分)

1)       C. X. Sheng, R.C. Polson, Z.V. Vardeny and D.A. Chinn, Studies of p-conjugated polymer coupled microlasers. Synthetic Metals, 135-136 147 (2003)

2)       O.J. Korovyanko, C. -X. Sheng, Z.V. Vardeny, Z.V., A.B. Dalton, and R.H. Baughman, Ultrafast spectroscopy of excitons in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 017403 (2004) (Highlighted by Nature Materials 3 76 (2004))

3)       C. -X. Sheng, Z. V. Vardeny, A.B. Dalton, and R.H. Baughman, Exciton dynamics in single-walled nanotubes; transient photoinduced dichroism and polarized emission. Phys. Rev. B 71, 125427 (2005)

4)       C. X. Sheng, Z.V. Vardeny, A.B. Dalton, and R.H. Baughman, Ultrafast exciton dynamics in isolated single-walled nanotubes. Synthetic Metals, 155 254 (2005)

5)       H. Zhao, S. Mazumdar, C. X. Sheng, M. Tong and Z. V. Vardeny, Universal properties of quasi-one-dimensional excitons in p-conjugated polymers and semicondcucting single-walled carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 73, 075403 (2006)

6)       C. -X. Sheng and Z. V. Vardeny, Comment on “large Optical Nonlinearity of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Resonant Excitations”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 019705 (2006)

7)  C. -X. Sheng, M. Tong, S. Singh and Z. V. Vardeny, Experimental Determination of Charge/Neutral Branching Ratio in p-Conjugated Polymers by Broad-band Ultrafast Spectroscopy  Phys. Rev. B 75, 085206 (2007)

8)    T. Drori, C. -X. Sheng, A. Ndobe, S. Singh, and Z. V. VardenyBelow-gap excitation of p-conjugated polymer/fullerene blends; implications for bulk heterojunctions organic solar cells Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 037401 (2008)

9)    ChuanXiang Sheng *, Robert A. Norwood, Jiafu Wang, Jayan Thomas, Yinglan Wu, Zhiping Zheng, N. Tabirian, Diane M. Steeves, Brian R. Kimball, and N. Peyghambarian.., Time resolved studies of photoinducded birefrigence in azobenzene dyes. Applied Optics 47 5074 (2008)

10)    ChuanXiang Sheng *, Robert A. Norwood, Jiafu Wang, Jayan Thomas, and Nasser Peyghambarian, Nonlinear optical transmission of lead phthalocyanine and nematic liquid crystal compounds for multi-time-scale lasers from nanosecond to CW. Applied Optics 48 2731 (2009)

11)    C.X. Sheng, M. Tong, and Z.V.Vardeny, “Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of excited states in disubstituted polyacetylene”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 205103 (2010)

12)    K. Aryanpour, C.-X. Sheng, E. Olejnik, B. Pandit, D. Psiachos, S. Mazumdar, and Z. V. Vardeny, Evidence for excimer photoexcitations in an ordered π-conjugated polymer film Phys. Rev. B 83, 155124 (2011)

13)    ChuanXiang Sheng*, Qian Chen, Robert A. Norwood, Jiafu Wang, Jayan Thomas, and N. Peyghambarian, “simple way for achieving passive all-optical switching of continuous waves lasers using pure nematic liquid crystal”, Applied Optics 50, 5788 (2011)

14)    C.-X. Sheng T. Basel, B. Pandit and Z.V. Vardeny,  “Photoexcitation dynamics in polythiophene/fullerene blends for photovoltaic applications”, Org. Electron. 13, 1031-1037 (2012),  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2012.02.023

15)    C.X. Sheng*, Q. Chen, H. Gan, B. Chen, and H. Li,  “Photon counting ghost imaging using non-Poisson light source “, Optik 124, 1852 (2013)

16)    X. Yang, R.Z. Wang, Y.C. Wang, C.-X. Sheng*, H. Li, W. Hong, W.H.Tang, C.S. Tian, and Q. Chen, “Long lived photoexcitation dynamics in p-conjugated polymer and fullerene blended films“, Organic Electronics 14, 2058 (2013)

17) C.-X. Sheng, S. Singh, A. Gambetta, T. Drori, M. Tong, S. Tretiak, and Z.V. Vardeny* , Ultrafast intersystem-crossing in platinum containing p-conjugated polymers with tunable spin-orbit coupling, Scientific Reports 3, 2653 (2013),  





1.          Ultrafast Photoexcitation Dynamics in p-Conjugated Polymers

C. -X. Sheng  and Z. Valy Vardeny, Ultrafast Dynamics and Laser Action of Organic Semiconductors Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press 2009

2.          Ultrafast Intrachain Exciton Dynamics in p-Conjugated Polymers

Z. Valy Vardeny, Chuanxiang Sheng,
“Handbook of organic materials for optical and optoelectronic devices: properties and applications”,edited by Prof. Oksana Ostroverkhova
Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2013

3.          Optical Studies of Photoexcitations in Polymer/Fullerene Blends for Organic Photovoltaic Applications,

C. -X. Sheng  and Z. Valy Vardeny
“Progress in High Efficiency Solution Processable Organic Photovoltaic Devices – Fundamentals, Materials, Devices and Manufacturing”, edited by Prof. Yang Yang. 
Springer (2015)  Print ISBN 978-3-662-45508-1 Online ISBN 978-3-662-45509-8 ISSN 0303-4216

4.          Photoexcitations in p-conjugated polymers/fullerene blends for photovoltaic applications
C. -X. Sheng, U. Huynh and Z. Valy Vardeny
“Ultrafast dynamcis in molecules, nanostructures and interfaces”  (Series in Optics and Photonics-Vol.8)  Edited by G.G. Gurzadyan, G.  Lanzani and C Soci, and T.C. Sum, World Scientific (2014)" ISBN: 9814556912

5.          Polymers with Large Spin-Orbit Coupling,

C.X. Sheng and Z. Valy Vardeny,
 in "Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials", Editors: Shiro Kobayashi, Klaus Müllen,
Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, (ISBN: 978-3-642-36199-9 (Online))