  • 出生年月:1988年6月
  • 籍贯:湖南株洲
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 讲师
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:tangkun@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 26239 次
更新日期 2022年9月5日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
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(1)Tang Kun*, Chen Shuyan and Liu Zhiyuan, 2018. “Citywide spatial-temporal travel time estimation using big and sparse trajectories”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(12), pp.4023-4034. (SCI)

(2)Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan*, Liu Zhiyuan and Khattak J. Aemal, 2018. “A tensor-based Bayesian probabilistic model for citywide personalized travel time estimation”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 90(2018), pp.260-280. (SCI)

(3)Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan* and Khattak J. Aemal, 2018. “Personalized travel time estimation for urban road networks: A tensor-based context-aware approach”. Expert Systems with Applications, 103, pp.118-132. (SCI)

(4)Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan* and Khattak J. Aemal, 2018. “A spatial-temporal multi-task collaborative learning model for multi-Step traffic flow prediction”. Transportation Research Record, 2672(45), pp.1-13. (SCI)

(5)Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan* and Khattak J. Aemal, 2019. “Deep architecture for citywide travel time estimation incorporating contextual information”. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019: 1-17.. (SCI)

(6)Pan Yingjiu, Chen Shuyan, Qiao Fengxiang, Ukkusuri V. Satish and Tang Kun*, 2019. “Estimation of real-driving emissions for buses fueled with liquefied natural gas based on gradient boosted regression trees”. Science of The Total Environment, 660, pp.741-750. (SCI)

(7)Ma Yongfeng, Zhang Ziyu, Chen Shuyan, Yu Yanan and Tang Kun*, 2019. “A Comparative Study of Aggressive Driving Behavior Recognition Algorithms Based on Vehicle Motion Data”. IEEE Access, 7, pp.8028-8038. (SCI)

(8)Ma Yongfeng*, Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan, Aemal J. Khattak and Pan Yingjiu, 2020. “On-line aggressive driving identification based on in-vehicle kinematic parameters under naturalistic driving conditions”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114(2020), pp.554-571. (SCI)

(9)Zhang Bin, Chen Shuyan*, Tang Kun and Khattak J. Aemal, 2019. “Analysis on spatiotemporal urban mobility based on online car-hailing data”. Journal of Transport Geography, 2020, 82: 102568. (SSCI)

(10)Pan Yingjiu, Qiao Fengxian, Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan and Ukkusuri Satish V., 2019. “Understanding and estimating the carbon dioxide emissions for urban buses at different road locations: A comparison between new-energy buses and conventional diesel buses”. Science of The Total Environment, 703 (2020): 135533. (SCI)

(11)Pan Yingjiu, Niu Shifeng, Chen Shuyan*, Li Tiezhu and Tang Kun, 2019. “Exploring spatial variation of the bus stop influence zone with multi-source data:a case study in Zhenjiang, China”. Journal of Transport Geography, 76, pp.166-77. (SSCI)

(12)Pan Yingjiu, Chen Shuyan, Niu Shifeng, Ma Yongfeng and Tang Kun, 2020. “Investigating the impacts of built environment on traffic states incorporating spatial heterogeneity”. Journal of Transport Geography, 83 (2020): 102663. (SSCI)

(13)Guo Tangyi, Yang Jie., He Liu and Tang Kun, 2020. “Layout Optimization of Campus Bike-Sharing Parking Spots”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020 (2020). (SCI)

(14)He Liu, Xi Haoning, Guo Tangyi and Tang Kun, 2020. “A Generalized Dynamic Potential Energy Model for Multiagent Path Planning”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020 (2020). (SCI)

(15)He Liu, Guo Tangyi, and Tang Kun. 2020. “Dynamic Scheduling Model of Bike-Sharing considering Invalid Demand”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020 (2020). (SCI)

(16)Ma Yongfeng, Gu Xin, Yu Yanan, Khattakc Aemal J., Chen Shuyan and Tang Kun, 2021. “Identification of Contributing Factors for Driver’s Perceptual Bias of Aggressive Driving in China”. Sustainability, 13(2), 766. (SCI)

(17)Ma Yongfeng, Li Wenlu, Tang Kun, Zhang Ziyu and Chen Shuyan. 2021. “Driving style recognition and comparisons among driving tasks based on driver behavior in the online car-hailing industry”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Accepted. (SSCI)

(18)Muhammad Sajjad Ansar, Ma Yongfeng, Chen Shuyan, Tang Kun and Zhang Ziyu, 2020. “Investigating the trip configured causal effect of distracted driving on aggressive driving behavior for e-hailing taxi drivers”. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 2020 (2020). (EI)


(1)Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan* and Khattak J. Aemal, 2018. “A spatial-temporal multi-task collaborative learning model for multi-Step traffic flow prediction”. Proceedings of the The 97th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 18-02554.

(2)Tang Kun, Ma Yongfeng*, Chen Shuyan, Khattak J. Aeaml and Pan Yingjiu, 2019. “On-Line aggressive driving identification based on in-vehicle kinematic parameters under naturalistic driving conditions”. Proceedings of The 98th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 19-05279.

(3)Ma Yongfeng*, Zhang Wenqian, Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan and Tao Nan, 2019. “Effectiveness evaluation of barrier-free traffic facilities for visually impaired people: a case study in Nanjing, China”. Proceedings of The 98th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 19-04418.

(4)Ma Yongfeng*, Yu Yanan, Tang Kun and Chen Shuyan, 2019. “Factors affecting driver’s perceptual bias of aggressive driving behavior in China”. Proceedings of The 98th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 19-04654.

(5)Ma Yongfeng, Zhang Ziyu, Chen Shuyan, Yu Yanan and Tang Kun*, 2019. “A comparative study of aggressive driving behavior recognition algorithms based on vehicle motion data”. Proceedings of The 98th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 19-04416

(6)Tang Kun*, Ma Yongfeng, Chen Shuyan, Pan Yingjiu and Aemal J. Khattak, 2019. “Spatial-temporal traffic state collaborative forecast in urban road network based on dynamic factor model”. Proceedings of The 99th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 20-01679

(7)Pan Yingjiu, Qiao Fengxian, Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan and Satish V Ukkusuri, 2019. “Understanding and estimating the carbon dioxide emissions for urban buses at different road locations: A comparison between new-energy buses and conventional diesel buses”. Proceedings of The 99th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 20-00370

(8)Ma Yongfeng*, Li Wenlu, Tang Kun, Zhang Ziyu and Chen Shuyan, 2019. “Analysis of driving style in different task stages for full-duty online car-hailing drivers”. Proceedings of The 99th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 20-05244

(9)Ma Yongfeng*, Li Zeyan, Tang Kun, Chen Shuyan and Zhang Ziyu, 2019. “An unsupervised learning method for abnormal driving behavior recognition based on LSTM”. Proceedings of The 99th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 20-05176,

(10)Deng Hong, He Liu, Guo Tangyi and Tang Kun, 2021.” Pedestrian epidemic coupling modeling and simulation based on social force model”. Proceedings of The 100th Transportation Research Board, Washington, United State. No. 21-01318









