  • 出生年月:1990年3月
  • 籍贯:广西壮族平乐县
  • 民 族: 瑶族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 管理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:jingyuanshen@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 30143 次
更新日期 2021年11月22日
  • 主学科1201 管理科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向

2018.03-至今 南京理工大学 经济管理学院

2018.10.31-2019.05.31 National University of Singapore (新加坡), 系统工程与管理系, Research Fellow


2012.09-2018.03 北京理工大学 管理与经济学院 管理科学与工程系 管理学博士(硕博连读)

2015.11-2016.11 Texas A&M University(美国), 工业与系统工程系,CSC联合培养博士

2008.09-2012.06 中央民族大学 理学院 信息与计算科学专业,理学学士


· 中国运筹学会可靠性分会 青年理事

· 第三届可靠性工程、生命科学和运筹管理随机建模国际会议(SMRLO’19) 2019.05.28-05.31,北京,执行主席、程序委员会成员

· 期刊《Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods》(SCI检索)SMRLO’19会议特刊特邀编辑

· 《IEEE Transactions on Reliability》, 《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》, 《IISE Transactions》, 《Applied Mathematical Modelling》, 《Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods》等期刊审稿人


2019.01-2021.12  动态情形下退化相依多部件可修系统建模与分析, 国家自然科学青年基金(主持)

2019.07-2020.06  可靠性系统性能退化过程建模与仿真,南京理工大学创新性开放实验教学项目(主持)

2019.01-2019.12  产品可靠性设计分析,横向课题(主持)

2020.01-2024.12  全生命周期质量工程理论与方法  国家自然科学基金重点项目(参与)

2019.01-2022.12  基于计算机试验的质量设计的理论和应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (参与)



(其中 Shen, J.Y. 为本人)

[1] Shen, J.Y., Cui, L.R. and Ma, Y.Z., 2019. Availability and optimal maintenance policy for systems degrading in dynamic environments. European Journal of Operational Research, 276(1), pp.133-143. (SCI检索)

[2] Shen, J.Y., Elwany, A. and Cui, L.R., 2018. Reliability analysis for multi-component systems with degradation interaction and categorized shocks. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 56, pp.487-500. (SCI检索)

[3] Shen, J.Y., Cui, L.R. and Yi, H., 2018. System performance of damage self-healing systems under random shocks by using discrete state method. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, pp.124-134. (SCI检索)

[4] Shen, J.Y., Elwany, A. and Cui, L.R., 2018. Reliability modeling for systems degrading in K cyclical regimes based on gamma processes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 232(6), pp.754-765. (SCI检索)

[5] Shen, J.Y. and Cui, L.R., 2017. Reliability performance for dynamic multi-state repairable systems with K regimes. IISE Transactions, 49(9), pp.911-926. (SCI检索)

[6] Shen, J.Y. and Cui, L.R., 2016. Reliability performance for dynamic systems with cycles of K regimes. IIE Transactions, 48(4), pp.389-402. (SCI检索)

[7] Shen, J.Y. and Cui, L.R., 2015. Reliability and Birnbaum importance for sparsely connected circular consecutive-k systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(4), pp.1140-1157. (SCI检索)

[8] Shen, J.Y., Cui, L.R. and Du, S.J., 2015. Birnbaum importance for linear consecutive-k-out-of-n systems with sparse d. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(1), pp.359-375. (SCI检索)

[9] Jia, X.J., Shen, J.Y., Xu, F.Q., Ma, R.H. and Song, X.Y., 2019. Modular decomposition signature for systems with sequential failure effect. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 189, pp.435-444. (SCI检索)

[10] Jia, X.J., Shen, J.Y., Wang, L.Y. and Li, Z.P., 2017. Vine copula constructions of higher-dimensional dependent reliability systems. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(18), pp.9126-9136. (SCI检索)

[11] Jia, X.J., Shen, J.Y. and Xing, R., 2016. Reliability analysis for repairable multistate two-unit series systems when repair time can be neglected. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 65(1), pp.208-216. (SCI检索)

[12] Yi, H., Cui, L.R. and Shen, J.Y., 2019. Modeling and analysis for time redundant systems with a given mission window. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127, pp.480-492. (SCI检索)

[13] Yi, H., Cui, L.R., Shen, J.Y. and Li, Y., 2018. Stochastic properties and reliability measures of discrete-time semi-Markovian systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 176, pp.162-173. (SCI检索)

[14] Yi, H., Cui, L.R. and Shen, J.Y., 2018. Multipoint and multi-interval covering availabilities. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(2), pp.666-677. (SCI检索)

[15] Qiu, Q.A., Cui, L.R. and Shen, J.Y., 2018. Availability and maintenance modeling for systems subject to dependent hard and soft failures. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 34(4), pp.513-527. (SCI检索)

[16] Qiu, Q.A., Cui, L.R. and Shen, J.Y., 2018. Availability analysis and maintenance modelling for inspected Markov systems with down time threshold. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, pp.1-18, Online. (SCI检索)

[17] Qiu, Q.A., Cui, L.R., Shen, J.Y. and Yang, L., 2017. Optimal maintenance policy considering maintenance errors for systems operating under performance-based contracts. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112, pp.147-155. (SCI检索)

[18] Cui, L.R., Li, Y., Shen, J.Y. and Lin, C., 2016. Reliability for discrete state systems with cyclic missions periods. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(23-24), pp.10783-10799. (SCI检索)

[19] Liu, B.L., Cui, L.R., Wen, Y.Q. and Shen, J.Y., 2015. A cold standby repairable system with working vacations and vacation interruption following Markovian arrival process. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 142, pp.1-8. (SCI检索)

[20] Liu, B.L., Cui, L.R., Wen, Y.Q. and Shen, J.Y., 2013. A performance measure for Markov system with stochastic supply patterns and stochastic demand patterns. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 119, pp.294-299. (SCI检索)

[21] Shen, J.Y. and Cui, L.R., 2017. Optimal scheduling of imperfect and perfect inspections for systems subject to continuous degradation. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (pp. 1940-1944). IEEE. (EI检索)

[22] Cui, L.R., Chen, J.H., Gao, H.D. and Shen, J.Y., 2016. New first passage times and their distributions. In Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO) (pp. 20-22). IEEE. (EI检索)