  • 出生年月:1989年6月
  • 籍贯:陕西兴平
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:zqb912_new@163.com
访问次数 23630 次
更新日期 2023年5月16日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向

01/2021 – 至今:副教授、硕导,发射动力学研究所,南京理工大学;

03/2019 – 09/2020: 博士后,工程与计算力学研究所,德国斯图加特大学

















Special Contribution Award, the 1st International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics


Outstanding Reviewer Award, International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics




中德(CSC-DAAD)博士后奖学金项目(No.: 201800260081)

中国留学委员会 & 德意志学术交流中心











江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(省立校助项目,No. CXLX13203):多管火箭起始扰动控制机理和方法










(1)   Qinbo Zhou, Jörg Fehr, Dieter Bestle, Xiaoting Rui. (2022). Simulation of generally shaped 3D elastic body dynamics with large motion using transfer matrix method incorporating model order reduction. Multibody System Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11044-022-09869-2. (IF: 3.333)

(2)   Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui, Guoping Wang, Jianshu Zhang. (2021) An efficient and modular modeling for launch dynamics of tubed rockets on a moving launcher. Defence Technology, 12(17): 2011-2026. (WOS:000731355700002, IF: 4.035)

(3)   Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui, Fufeng Yang, Guoping Wang, Tianxiong Tu, Nan Wang. Measurement for projectile’s in-bore yaw based on optical lever principle. (2018). Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 232(12), 2378-2394. (WOS:000444428000013, IF: 1.285)

(4)   Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui, Yu Tao, Bo Li, Jianshu Zhang, Wei Zhu. (2016). Deduction method of the overall transfer equation of linear controlled multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics, 38(3), 263-295. (WOS:000386347700003, IF: 3.333)

(5)   Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui. A representation of the transfer matrix method for linear controlled multibody systems using matrix signal flow graph. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018. (WOS: 000461261900053)

(6)   Tong Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, Yanni Zhang. (2022). The first International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics grandly convened in Nanjing, China. International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, 2(3), 233-248.

(7)   Laith Abbas, Qinbo Zhou, Dieter Bestle, Xiaoting Rui. (2017). A unified approach for treating linear multibody systems involving flexible beams. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 107, 197-209. (WOS:000390971900014, IF: 4.930)

(8)   Laith Abbas, Qinbo Zhou, Hossam Hendy, Xiaoting Rui. (2015). Transfer matrix method for determination of the natural vibration characteristics of elastically coupled launch vehicle boosters. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31(4), 570-580. (WOS:000360540200014, IF: 2.910)

(9)   Laith Abbas, Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui. (2015). Frequency determination of beams coupled by a double spring-mass system using transfer matrix method of linear multibody systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling, 80, 21-24. (WOS:000365157400006)

(10)             Wei Zhu, Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui. (2016). Angle hybrid control for a two-axis piezo-positioning system and its application. Smart Materials and Structures, 25(9), 095002. (WOS:000385997500002, IF: 4.131)

(11)             Bowen Yao, Yanni Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, Bin He, Xiaoting Rui. (2023). Vibration isolation by a periodic beam with embedded acoustic black holes based on a hybrid dynamics method. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control. (Online first: DOI: 10.1177/14613484231163997, IF: 2.368)

(12)             Xiaoting Rui, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou. (2014). Automatic deduction theorem of overall transfer equation of multibody system. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6, 378047. (WOS:000333294200001, IF: 1.566)

(13)             Xiaoting Rui, Xun Wang, Qinbo Zhou, Jianshu Zhang. (2019). Transfer matrix method for multibody systems (Rui method) and its applications. Science China Technological Sciences, 62, 712–720. (WOS: 000467172800002, IF: 3.903)

(14)             Xiaoting Rui, Xun Wang, Qinbo Zhou, Jianshu Zhang. (2018). Developments in transfer matrix method for multibody systems (Rui method) and its applications. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018. (WOS: 000461261900065)

(15)             Hossam Hendy, Xiaoting Rui, Qinbo Zhou, Mostafa Khalil. (2014). Controller parameters tuning based on transfer matrix method for multibody systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6, 957684. (WOS:000330864500001, IF: 1.566)

(16)             Bo Li, Xiaoting Rui, Qinbo Zhou. (2018). Study on simulation and experiment of control for multiple launch rocket system by computed torque method. Nonlinear Dynamics, 91(3): 1639 – 1652. (WOS:000424037200016, IF: 5.741)

(17)             Bo Li, Xiaoting Rui, Qinbo Zhou, Jianshu Zhang, Lilin Gu. (2018). Modeling, simulation and experiment of multibody system launch dynamics for multiple launch rocket system. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018. (WOS:000461261900068)

(18)             Hossam Hendy, Xiaoting Rui, Qinbo Zhou, Fufeng Yang, Mostafa Khalil. (2014). Transfer matrix method for multibody systems of TITO system control applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 530: 1043-1048 (EI, 20141217498362)

(19)             Xiaoting Rui, Dieter Bestle, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou. (2016). A new version of transfer matrix method for multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics, 38(2), 137-156. (WOS:000382909500002, IF: 3.333)

(20)             Tianxiong Tu, Guoping Wang, Xiaoting Rui, Qinbo Zhou, Yunfei Miao. (2018). Direct differentiation method for sensitivity analysis based on transfer matrix method for multibody systems, 115(13): 1601-1622. (WOS:000442848600004, IF: 3.021)

(21)             Xun Wang, Xiaoting Rui, Fufeng Yang, Qinbo Zhou. (2017). Launch dynamics modeling and simulation of vehicular missile system. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 41(6): 1370-1379. (WOS:000432256500010, IF: 2.486)

(22)             Xiaoting Rui, Junjie Gu, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, HaigenYan. (2017). Visualized simulation and design method of mechanical system dynamics based on transfer matrix method for multibody systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(8): 1687814017714729 (WOS:000407748200001, IF: 1.566)

(23)             Junjie G, Xiaoting Rui, Gangli Chen, Qinbo Zhou, Haigen Yang. (2016). Distributed parallel computing of the recursive eigenvalue search in the context of transfer matrix method for multibody systems. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(11): 1687814016680735. (WOS:000389440400054, IF: 1.566)

(24)             Jianshu Zhang, Xiaoting Rui, Feifei Liu, Qinbo Zhou, Lilin Gu. (2017). Substructuring technique for dynamics analysis of flexible beams with large deformation. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 22(5): 562-569. (EI, 20174004222015)

(25)             查启程,芮筱亭,于海龙,周秦渤. (2017). 影响自行火炮发射因素的落点灵敏度研究. 振动工程学报, 30(6): 938-946. (EI, 20181304939846)

(26)             查启程,芮筱亭,于海龙,周秦渤. (2018). 基于平均弹着点的榴弹炮射击修正方法. 南京理工大学学报, 42(2): 155-161.

(27)             Ahmed Bashir, Xiaoting Rui, Laith Abbas, Qinbo Zhou. (2018). MR-damped vehicle suspension ride comfort enhancement based on advanced proportional-integral-differential sliding mode control. Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 20(4): 11-21. (WOS: 000456636800002, IF: 1.299)

(28)             Hossam Hendy, Xiaoting Rui, Mostafa Khalil, Zhou Qinbo. (2015). Vibration isolation control of inertial navigation sensors using transfer matrix method for multibody systems. 16th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, ASAT, May 26 - 28, 2015.

(29)             Qicheng Zha, Xiaoting Rui, Hailong Yu, Qinbo Zhou. (2018). An algorithm for determination of projectile attitude angles in projectile trajectory prediction. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 35(2): 361-370. (EI, 20183705791714 )

(30)             Wei Zhu, Leixiang Bian, Gangli Chen, Shuxin Liu, Qinbo Zhou, Xiaoting Rui. (2017). Hysteresis modelling and experimental verification of a Fe–Ga alloy magnetostrictive actuator. Smart Materials and Structures, 26(3): 035039 (WOS:000405086800001, IF: 4.131)

(31)             Junjie Gu, Xiaoting Rui, Jianshu Zhang, Gangli Chen, Qinbo Zhou. (2017). Riccati transfer matrix method for linear tree multibody systems. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 84(1): 011008 (WOS:000396028000008, IF: 2.794)

(32)             Bo Li, Xiaoting Rui, Guoping Wang, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou. (2021). On modeling and dynamics of a multiple launch rocket system. Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 235(12), 1664-1686. (WOS:000329674200001, IF: 1.566)

(33)             Gangli Chen, Xiaoting Rui, Fufeng Yang, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou. (2013). Study on the dynamics of laser gyro strapdown inertial measurement unit system based on transfer matrix method for multibody system. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 5: 854583 (WOS:000329674200001, IF: 1.566)

(34)             Jinghong Wang, Xiaoting Rui, Xun Wang, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, Junjie Gu. (2022). Eigenvalue analysis of planar linear multibody system under conservative force based on the transfer matrix method. International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, 3(1), 12-24.

(35)             Feifei Liu, Xiaoting Rui, Hailong Yu, Jianshu Zhang, Qinbo Zhou, Zhu W. (2016). Study on launch dynamics of the tank marching fire. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 21(4): 443-449 (EI, 20163202688100)

(36)             李波,芮筱亭,王国平,张建书,周秦渤. (2020). 多管火箭发射动力学建模与PID主动控制. 振动工程学报 33(6): 1103-1111. (EI, 20210309788395)