  • 出生年月:1984年9月
  • 籍贯:湖北荆州
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:shijunzhu@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 30467 次
更新日期 2021年9月24日
  • 主学科0803 光学工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向


  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向

2017.6-至今 南京理工大学 副教授

2014.6-至今 南京理工大学 讲师


2008-2014 苏州大学物理与光电•能源学部 博士
2004-2008 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院 学士


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 宽光谱部分相干径向偏振光束理论和实验研究,  主持 
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金, 部分相干径向偏振光束调控机理研究,  主持 
3. 南京理工大学科研启动项目, 部分相干光场的调控及应用研究,  主持 
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 具有涡旋位相的部分相干矢量光束的产生、传输及应用基础研究,  参与 


32. Shijun Zhu*, Peng Li, Zhenhua Li, Yangjian Cai, and Weiji He, “Generating non-uniformly correlated twisted sources”, Optics Letters 46, 5884-5887 (2021).

31. Peng Li, Yu Yin, Shijun Zhu*, Qinghua Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, “Constructing light with high precision using source coherence”, Applied Physics Letters 119(4), 041102 (2021).

30. Cong Tian, Shijun Zhu*, Hongkun Huang, Yangjian Cai, and Zhenhua Li, “Customizing twisted Schell-model beams”, Optics Letters 45, 5884-5887 (2020).

29. Rui Wang, Shijun Zhu*, Yikai Chen, Hongkun Huang, Zhenhua Li and Yangjian Cai, “Experimental synthesis of partially coherent sources”, Optics Letters 45, 1874-1877 (2020).

28. Bo Zhang, Hongkun Huang, Chenxia Xie, Shijun Zhu*, and Zhenhua Li, “Twisted rectangular Laguerre–Gaussian correlated sources in anisotropic turbulent atmosphere”, Optics Communications 459, 125004 (2019).

27. Jing Wang, Hongkun Huang, Yikai Chen, Haiyan Wang, Shijun Zhu*, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, “Twisted partially coherent array sources and their transmission in anisotropic turbulence”, Optics Express 26, 25974–25988 (2018).

26. Jing Wang, Haiyan Wang, Shijun Zhu*, and Zhenhua Li, “Second-order moments of a twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam in anisotropic turbulence”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35(7), (2018).

25. Jipeng Zhang, Jing Wang, Hongkun Huang, Haiyan Wang, Shijun Zhu*, Zhenhua Li, and Jian Lu, “Propagation Characteristics of a Twisted Cosine-Gaussian Correlated Radially Polarized Beam”, Applied Sciences 8, 1485 (2018).

24. Zitang Wang, Jing Wang, Lingling Huang, Shijun Zhu*, and Zhenhua Li, “Propagation of a vector cosine-Gaussian correlated beam through an active GRIN medium”, IEEE Photonics Journal 9(6), 7908312 (2017).

23. Shijun Zhu*, Jing Wang, Xianlong Liu, Yangjian Cai, and Zhenhua Li,* “Generation of arbitrary radially polarized array beams by manipulating correlation structure”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 161904 (2016). 

22. Jing Wang, Shijun Zhu*, Haiyan Wang, Yangjian Cai, and Zhenhua Li, “Second-order statistics of a radially polarized cosine-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beam in anisotropic turbulence,” Optics Express 24,11626–11639 (2016).

21. Jing Wang, Shijun Zhu,* and Zhenhua Li, "Vector properties of a tunable random electromagnetic beam in non-Kolmogrov turbulence", Chinese Optics Letters 14(18),  080101 (2016).   

20. Shijun Zhu, Yahong Chen, Jing Wang, Haiyan Wang, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, “Generation and propagation of a vector cosine-Gaussian correlated beam with radial polarization”, Optics Express 23, 33099–33115 (2015).

19. Shijun Zhu* and Zhenhua Li, “Theoretical and experimental studies of the spectral changes of a focused polychromatic partially coherent flat-topped beam”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 118 481-487 (2015).

18. Shijun Zhu, Fei Wang, Yahong Chen, Zhenhua Li, and Yangjian Cai, “Statistical properties in Young’s interference pattern formed with a radially polarized beam with controllable spatial coherence”, Optics Express 22, 28697-28710 (2014).

17. Yangjian Cai and Shijun Zhu, “Orbital angular moment of a partially coherent beam propagating through an astigmatic ABCD optical system with loss or gain”, Optics Letters 39, 1968-1971 (2014). [Selected by the Editors for publication in Vol. 6 (Iss. 7) of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics]

16. Rong Chen, Lin Liu, Shijun Zhu, Gaofeng Wu, Fei Wang and Yangjian Cai, “Statistical properties of a Laguerre-Gaussian Schell-model beam in turbulent atmosphere”, Optics Express 22, 1871-1883 (2014).

15. Xianglong Zhu, Gaofeng Wu, Lin Liu, Shijun Zhu, Yangjian Cai, “Statistical properties of a partially coherent radially polarized beam propagating through an astigmatic optical system”, Optics Communications 316, 132-139 (2014).

14. Shijun Zhu, Xianglong Zhu, Lin Liu, Fei Wang Yangjian Cai, and Olga. Korotkova, “Theoretically and experimentally study of the spectral changes of a focused partially coherent radially polarized beam”, Optics Express 21, 27682-27696 (2013).

13. Shijun Zhu, Lin Liu, Yahong Chen and Yangjian Cai, “State of polarization and propagation factor of a stochastic electromagnetic beam in a gradient-index fiber”, Journal of Optical Society. America A 30, 2306-2313 (2013).

12. Shijun Zhu, Yahong Chen and Yangjian Cai, “Experimental determination of the radius of curvature of an isotropic Gaussian Schell-model beam”, Journal of Optical Society. America A 30, 887-891 (2013).

11. Shijun Zhu, Chengliang Zhao, Yahong Chen and Yangjian Cai, “Experimental generation of a polychromatic partially coherent dark hollow beam”, Optik 124, 5271–5273 (2013).

10. Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “M2-factor of a truncated electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 103, 971-984 (2011).

9. Shijun Zhu, Feng Zhou, Yangjian Cai and Lina Zhang, “Thermal lens effect induced changes of polarization, coherence and spectrum of a stochastic electromagnetic beam in a Gaussian cavity”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 102, 953-961 (2011).

8. Fei Wang, Shijun Zhu, Yangjian Cai, “Experimental study of the focusing properties of a Gaussian Schell-model vortex beam”, Optics Letters 36, 3281-3283 (2011).

7. Fei Wang, Gaofeng Wu, Xianlong Liu, Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “Experimental measurement of the beam parameters of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model source”, Optics Letters 36, 2722-2724 (2011).

6. Fei Wang, Shijun Zhu, Xian Hu, Yangjian Cai, “Coincidence fractional Fourier transform with a stochastic electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam”, Optics Communications 284, 5275-5280 (2011).

5. Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “M2-factor of a stochastic electromagnetic beam in a Gaussian cavity”, Optics Express 18, 27567-27581 (2010).

4. Shijun Zhu, Yangjian Cai and Olga. Korotkova, “Propagation factor of a stochastic electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam”, Optics Express 18, 12587-12598 (2010).

3. Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “Spectral shift of a twisted electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam focused by a thin lens”,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 99, 317-323 (2010).

2. Feng Zhou, Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “Spectral shift of a partially coherent electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam propagating through tissue”, Journal of Modern Optics 58, 38-44 (2010).

1. Shijun Zhu and Yangjian Cai, “Degree of polarization of a twisted electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam in a Gaussian cavity filled with gain media”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 21, 171-187, (2010).


Partially coherent vector beams: from theory to experiment  (合著)


1. 王静、朱时军、李振华,产生径向偏振余弦高斯谢尔模光束的方法及装置,2016,中国,ZL 201610142127.6
2. 王静、朱时军、李振华,产生径向偏振阵列光束的方法及装置,2016,中国, ZL 201610142131.2
3. 朱时军、刘琳、陈亚红、蔡阳健,一种测量部分相干高斯光束波前相位半径的方法,2013, 中国,ZL 20131001442.X
4. 朱时军、刘琳、陈亚红、蔡阳健,一种测量部分相干高斯光束波前相位半径的装置,2013, 中国,ZL 201320014531.7
5. 朱时军、王飞、蔡阳健、刘显龙,一种随机电磁高斯谢尔模涡旋光束的产生及测量装置,2012, 中国,ZL 201220702065.7



