  • 出生年月:1987年11月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:cuijie@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 26764 次
更新日期 2024年9月5日
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  • 二级学科
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2016.07— 今      南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院            讲师、 副教授


2010—2016  中国科学院  上海微系统与信息技术研究所 & 上海高等研究院                  微电子与固体电子学   硕博

2014—2016  Purdue University                           Electrical Engineering  Research Scholar

2006—2010  华中科技大学                               光电信息工程         学士



  • 指导邹x,梁x,赵x获2023年全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛 全国三等奖 (https://eoe.njust.edu.cn/ec/74/c1919a322676/page.htm

  • 指导邹x,梁x,赵x获2023年全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛 华东赛区一等奖

  • 指导宁x获优秀硕士学位论文



2021.01-2023.12  基于应力合成误差消除的CMOS毫米波雷达相控阵功率放大器的品质因数优化研究(62001232) 国家自然基金青年项目

2017.09—2018.12 雷达收发芯片射频噪声性能改善技术研究(17-H863-04-ZD-006-013-01)  重点研发技术战略高技术重点专项子课题 

2018.09—2021.06 深亚微米硅基毫波单片雷达射频前端一体化设计理论与技术研究(BK20180457)    江苏省自然基金

2017.07—2019.12  XXX一体化研究   中国航天科工集团  

        2017.09—2019.12  芯片TR组件方案设计和仿真测试   中科院空天信息研究院



1. Jie Cui, Lei Chen*, Flexible painted-metasurface using conductive silver ink for scattering fields digital manipulation. Applied Physics A,127,666 (2021). (WOS:000685072200002)
2. Jie Cui, Haojie Chang, Renli Zhang*, High Selectivity Slot-Coupled Bandpass Filter Using Discriminating Coupling and Source-Load Coupling, applied sciences, Vol 10, 6807, 2020. (WOS:000586652600001)
3. Jie Cui, Qianfan Nie, Ying Ruan, Sisi Luo, Fuju Ye, Lei Chen*, Dual-polarization wave-front manipulation with high efficiency metasurface, AIP Advances, Vol 10 (9), 095003 (2020).(WOS:000567590700002)
4. Jie Cui*, Lei Chen, Haojie Chang, Weixing Sheng, Compact ultra-wideband bandpass filter with configurable stopband based on diamond-shape resonator,International journal of RF and Microwave computer-aided engineering, vol 30 (1), pp 1-6, 2020.(WOS:000492468000001)
5. Jie Cui, Sultan Helmi, Yingheng Tang, Jing-hwa Chen, and Saeed Mohammadi*, Stacking the Deck for Efficiency: RF- to Millimeter-Wave Stacked CMOS SOI Power Amplifiers, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol 17 (12), pp 55-69, 2016.(WOS:000388892900009)
6. Jie Cui, Lei Chen, Yi Liu*, Monolithic Single-pole Sixteen-Throw T/R Switch for Next-generation Front-end Module,IEEE microwave and wireless component letters, pp. 345-347, Vol 24 (5), 2014. (WOS:000336090100019)
7. Xi Ning, Jie Cui*, Haojie Chang. Filtering power divider with improved isolation bandwidth using frequency-varying network. International journal of RF and Microwave computer-aided engineering, accepted, 2022
8. Chenhao Wang, Jie Cui*, Shanhong Guo, Renli Zhang, A Novel Power Divider Based on Vertical Elliptical Directional Couplers with Increased Isolation and Bandwidth, The Journal of Engineering, Vol 2019 (19), pp 5877-5879, 2019.
9. Jie Cui, Lei Chen, Chunlei Kang, Jia Shi, Yi Liu, “A High-linearity InGaP/GaAs HBT Power Amplifier for IEEE 802.11a/n” Journal of semiconductors, pp. 065001-1-6, Vol 34, No.5,2013.
10. Yanfei Shen*, Jie Cui and Saeed Mohammadi, An accurate model for predicting high frequency noise of nanoscale NMOS SOI transistors, Solid-State Electronics, Vol 131, pp 45-52, 2017. (WOS:000399858300008)
11. Haojie Chang,Weixing Sheng*,Jie Cui,Jie Lu,Multilayer Dual-Band Bandpass Filter With Multiple Transmission Zeros Using Discriminating Coupling,IEEE microwave and wireless component letters, pp. 645 - 648, Vol 30 (7), 2020.(WOS:000546879600006)
12. Haojie Chang,Weixing Sheng*,Jie Cui,Design of Planar Baluns With Filtering Response Using Coupled Line Sections,IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1035-1038, 2021(WOS:000692232200006)
13. Zhou Weiwei, Sheng Weixing*, Cui Jie, Han Yubing, Ma Xiaofeng, Zhang Renli, SR-Crossbar topology for large-scale RF MEMS switch matrices, IET Microwaves, Antenna and Propagation, vol 13, pp 231-238, 2019.(WOS:000459691100015)
14. Lei Chen, Jie Cui, Peng Zhao, Xu Niu, Yi Liu, “A linear 180nm SOI CMOS antenna switch module using integrated passive device filters for cellular applications” Journal of semiconductors, pp. 065005-1-5, Vol 35(6), 2014.


1. Jie Cui, Lei Chen, Chunlei Kang, Yi Liu, Design of A Wideband High‐power High‐linearity InGaP/GaAs HBT Power Amplifier Applied Specifically for 802.11a/ac/16e, 6th Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves, Sandai Japan, 2013.
2. Jie Cui, Jie Jin, Yi Liu, Kelvn Song, A LS Estimation Algorithm on Quadrature Modulation Correction Scheme for LTE/WCDMA RF Transceiver, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, Kunming China, 2013.
3. Yu Wang, Jie Cui*, Renli Zhang. Fully differential Ultra-wideband LNA-Mixer for K to Ka Band receiver in 45nm CMOS SOI technology. 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference (APMC), Singapore.
4. Yu Wang, Jie Cui*, Renli Zhang. A K To Ka Band Single-ended To Balanced Ultra-wideband LNA In 45nm CMOS SOI, IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT), 2019
5. Yu Wang, Jie Cui*, Renli Zhang. A C To Ku Band Ultra-wideband LNA With RLC-Feedback And T-matching Network, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 2019
6. Tianjiao Pu, Xuxu Ge, Jie Cui*, Haojie Chang, Design of Miniaturized Luzzatto Power Divider with Second and Third Harmonic Suppression Using Open Stubs, 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS).
7. Tianjiao Pu, Jie Cui*, Haojie Chang, Jie Lu, An Ultra Compact Luzzatto Power Divider using Miniaturized Stubs and Folded Structure, 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS).
8. Liping Bao, Jie Cui*, Yubing Han, Renli Zhang, An Ultra-wideband Notch Frequency-Adjustable Filter With Improved Band Rejection Performance, International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), 2019
9. Chenhao Wang, Jie Cui*, Shanhong Guo, Renli Zhang, A Novel Power Divider Based on Vertical Elliptical Directional Couplers with Increased Isolation and Bandwidth, IET International Radar Conference 2018.
10. 王禹,崔杰*,一种X波段的单级低噪声放大器的设计,第十七届微波集成电路与移动通信学术会议, 2019.
11. Sultan Helmi, Jie Cui and Saeed Mohammadi, “A fully-integrated Ultra-Wideband Power Amplifier in CMOS Silicon on Sapphire Technology” IEEE SiRF 2016, Austin, TX, 2016
12. Chenyun Shi, Jie Cui, Weixing Sheng, Yubing Han, A 60GHz Wideband Antenna Array Based on Metasurface with Gap Waveguide (GWG) Divider, 2019 European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Paris, France.
13. Binyun Yan, Jie Cui, Weixing Sheng. Compact Wideband CPW-fed Tri-Band Antenna With Multi-shaped Strips for WLAN/WiMAX Applications. 2019 European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Paris, France.
14. Chenyun Shi, Jie Cui, Renli Zhang, Yubing Han, A Diamond Shaped Metasurface Low-profile Wideband Antenna, IET International Radar Conference 2018.
15. Wang Maoxu, Cui Jie, Han Yubing, A new diamond-shape planar ultra-wideband bandpass filter with super wide stopband, IEEE Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, 2017. 
16. Haojie Chang, Weixing Sheng, Jie Cui, Jie Lu. Wide Stopband Bandpass Filter with High Selectivity Using I/O Coupling. 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference (APMC), Singapore.
17. Haojie Chang, Weixing Sheng, Jie Cui, Design of Slot-Coupled Diamond-Shape Microstrip Wideband Bandpass Filter, IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2018.
18. Haojie Chang, Xuxu Ge, Weixing Sheng, Jie Cui, Design of Wideband Rat-Race Hybrid Using Combined Slot-Coupled Balun and Power Divider, IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2021
19. Jie Lu, Haojie Chang, Weixing Sheng, Jie Cui. Wideband Bandpass Power Divider Using Slotcoupled Diamond-shape Microstrip Lines. 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference (APMC), Singapore.
20. Xun Wu, Shurui Zhang, Renli Zhang, Jie Cui, Shanhong Guo, Adaptive Space-time Broadband Beamforming using Machine Learning approach, 6th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP), 2021
21. Xin Zhang, Renli Zhang, Weixing Sheng, Xiaofeng Ma, Yubing Han, Jie Cui, Intelligent CFAR detector for non-homogeneous weibull clutter environment based on skewness, IET International Radar Conference 2018.




崔杰,包丽平. 一种具有改善带阻特性的陷波频率可调超宽带滤波器. 授权号ZL201910569737.8

1. 超大规模集成电路设计
2. Communication system(英文)



2020级 李xx 爱立信

2020级 赵xx 中电科55所

2020级 姜xx 云箭

2019级 宁xx VIVO

2019级 濮xx 中电科55所

2018级 包xx 中科院微小卫星创新研究院

2017级 王xx 中船重工707

2017级 王xx VIVO

2015级 王xx 中电科44所

