  • 出生年月:1983年2月
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 最后学位: 理学博士
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:jichuan.xiong@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 72084 次
更新日期 2024年6月24日
  • 主学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位
  • 研究方向



2021.9至今: 南京理工大学电光学院,副教授

2015.1-2021.8: 南京理工大学电光学院,讲师

2013.3-2020.6: 南京探瑞机电科技有限公司,总经理


2008.9-2013.2: 博士,物理学, 比利时鲁汶大学物理系(KULeuven)

2005.9-2008.7: 硕士,光学工程,中国兵器科学研究院西南技术物理研究所

2001.9-2005.5: 学士,光电信息工程,浙江大学光电系


2020.9: 南京理工大学年度“优秀教师”,南京理工大学

2016.11: 江苏省“双创博士计划”,江苏省人社厅

2012.7: 南京市“领军型科技创业人才引进计划”,南京市人民政府

2011.12:  第六届“春晖杯”留学人员创新创业大赛优胜奖,教育部,外交部


1.  江苏省高新技术企业评审专家 

2.  激光超声与先进传感国际会议(LU2020)组织委员会委员

3.  医学图像与计算机辅助诊断国际会议(MICAD2021,MICAD2022)程序委员会委员

4.  第二届光电信息与计算机工程国际会议(OICE2023) 程序委员会委员

5.  第15届国际光声光热大会 (ICPPP15) 组织委员会成员

6.  国家自然基金评审人, ACS Photonics, Optics Letters, Photoacoustics, Nanophotonics, Journal of Biophotonics, IEEE Photonics Journal, Journal of Optics, Applied Optics, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Modern Optics等期刊审稿人

7.  中国光学学会,中国光学工程学会,美国光学学会 (OPTICA)会员



  1. K. Gu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, B. Xu, B. Ni, M. Sun, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Manipulation of plasmonic vortex fields using positive elliptically polarized beams," Optics & Laser Technology 169, 110132 (2024).
  2. Z. Xia, Y. Zhang, R. Hou, B. Xu, B. Ni, J. J. Hou, L. Hou, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Spatial signature of the photoelastic effect in the acoustic–plasmonic coupling revealed by space responsivity induced by polarized optical excitation," Nanophotonics 13(4), 519–528 (2024).
  3. H. Zhao, C. Sun, D. Shi, J. J. Hou, L. Hou, B. Ni, B. Xu, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Phase reconstruction and singularity recovery of submicron particles in far-field phase space data using deep learning networks," Optics & Laser Technology 175, 110863 (2024).
  4. P. Zhou, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Skin lesion image segmentation based on lightweight multi-scale U-shaped network," Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 9(5), 055021 (2023).
  5. Y. Zhang, C. Glorieux, S. Yang, K. Gu, Z. Xia, R. Hou, L. Hou, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Adaptive polarization photoacoustic computed tomography for biological anisotropic tissue imaging," Photoacoustics 32, 100543 (2023).
  6. X. Sun, S. Liang, W. Cheng, S. Ye, Y. Sun, Y. Huang, R. Zhang, J. Xiong, X. Liu, J. H. Marsh, and L. Hou, "Regrowth-free AlGaInAs MQW polarization controller integrated with a sidewall grating DFB laser," Photon. Res., PRJ 11(4), 622–630 (2023).
  7. X. Jin, L. Xue, S. Ye, W. Cheng, J. J. Hou, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, M. Sun, X. Liu, J. Xiong*, and B. Ni*, "Asymmetric parameter enhancement in the split-ring cavity array for virus-like particle sensing," Biomed. Opt. Express, BOE 14(3), 1216–1227 (2023).
  8. X. Jin, S. Ye, W. Cheng, J. J. Hou, W. Jin, T. Sheng, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, Y. Yu, M. Sun, B. Ni, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Sub-wavelength visualization of near-field scattering mode of plasmonic nano-cavity in the far-field," Nanophotonics 12(2), 297–305 (2023).
  9. Y. Zhang, S. Yang, Z. Xia, R. Hou, B. Xu, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, J. J. Hou, S. M. R. Sani, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Co-optimization method to improve lateral resolution in photoacoustic computed tomography," Biomed. Opt. Express, BOE 13(9), 4621–4636 (2022).
  10. H. Zhao#, B. Ni#, X. Jin, H. Zhang, J. J. Hou, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, L. Dong, S. Li, X. W. Gao, D. Shi, X. Liu*, and J. Xiong*, "Gold-viral particle identification by deep learning in wide-field photon scattering parametric images," Appl. Opt. 61(2), 546 (2022).
  11. H. Zhao#, B. Ni#, W. Liu, X. Jin, H. Zhang, X. W. Gao, X. Wen, D. Shi, L. Dong, J. Xiong*, and X. Liu*, "Signal denoising of viral particle in wide-field photon scattering parametric images using deep learning," Optics Communications 503, 127463 (2022).
  12. X. Jin#, H. Zhang#, B. Ni, W. Liu, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, S. Ye, X. Sun, X. Li, S. Li, L. Dong, J. J. Hou, M. Sun, B. Xu, J. Xiong*, and X. Liu*, "Label-free sensing of virus-like particles below the sub-diffraction limit by wide-field photon state parametric imaging of a gold nanodot array," Nanoscale Adv. 3(24), 6882–6887 (2021).
  13. B. Guo#, B. Ni#, X. Jin, H. Zhang, H. Zhao, J. Marsh, L. Hou, L. Dong, S. Li, J. Xiong*, and X. Liu*, "Detection of virus particles by scattering field using three-dimensional polarization modulation imaging method," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38(12), 3592 (2021).
  14. H. Zhang#, X. Jin#, H. Zhao, Y. Lin, X. Li, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, L. Dong, D. Shi, W. Liu, B. Xu, B. Ni, J. Liu*, J. Xiong*, and X. Liu*, "Photo Scattering Signal Amplification in Gold-Viral Particle Ligation Towards Fast Infection Screening," IEEE Photonics Journal 1–1 (2021).
  15. W. Liu, # J. Xiong#, L. Zhu, S. Ye, H. Zhao, J. Liu, H. Zhang, L. Hou, J. H. Marsh, L. Dong, X. W. Gao, D. Shi, and X. Liu*, "Characterization of deep sub-wavelength nanowells by imaging the photon state scattering spectra," Opt. Express 29(2), 1221 (2021).








