  • 出生年月:1985年10月
  • 籍贯:江苏泗阳县
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 中国共产党党员
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:lxbian@163.com
访问次数 68433 次
更新日期 2023年5月17日
  • 主学科0804 仪器科学与技术【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    可招收0804|仪器科学与技术一级学科下,所有二级学科不同类型的研究生,包含:080401 精密仪器及机械,080402 测试计量技术及仪器,085407仪器仪表工程等。



    电磁场传感器,电磁测量技术、地下水下空间/目标电磁探测方法及仪器 ,大地电磁正反演方法,目标电磁成像与识别;



  • 跨学科0826 兵器科学与技术【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1. 综合防护与先进探测

    2. 浅层地下目标无人化探测与识别、水下目标无人化磁探测与定位、特种高电压传感器开发及应用系统。

  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向













Sens. Actua. A: Phys,IEEE Sens, Meas. Scie. Tech., IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Composite structure,Scientific Reports等SCI期刊审稿人。




[1] Ge Chuang, Bian Leixiang(通讯), Li Jiayang, Zhong Mingyou, Han Songtong, Jia Yunfei. Differential configuration of 180° anti-phase-modulated nonlinear magnetoelectric effect of parallel-placed dual FeNiMoSiB/Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 composites for magnetic field sensing, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 1 May 2020, 306:111953.
[2] Bian Leixiang ; Wen Yumei ; Wu Yifan; Li Ping; Wu Zhiyi; Jia Yunfei; Zhu Zhiwei, A Resonant Magnetic Field Sensor With High Quality Factor Based on Quartz Crystal Resonator and Magnetostrictive Stress Coupling , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2018.06, 65(6): 2585~2591  (期刊论文)
[3] Bian Leixiang ; Li Dawei; Tian Sirui; Ge Chuang; Zhu Zhiwei; Jia Yunfei, Resonant magnetoelectronic effect with isolated magnetomechanical damping in meta-composite of quartz crystal resonator and magnetosrticive alloy, Smart Materials and Structures, 2019.2.5, 28:035022~10 (期刊论文)
[4] Zhu Wei ; Bian Leixiang(通讯); Cheng Lei; Rui Xiaoting, Non-linear compensation and displacement control of the bias-rate-dependent hysteresis of a magnetostrictive actuator , Precision Engineering, 2017.10, 50: 107~113 (期刊论文)
[5] Bian Leixiang ; Wen Yumei; Li Ping, Dynamic Magnetomechanical Behavior of TbxDy1-xFey Alloy Under Small-Signal AC Drive Fields Superposed With Various Bias Fields , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016.08, 52(8):2501505 (期刊论文)
[6] Bian Leixiang ; Wen Yumei; Li Ping, Field-dependent characteristics of equivalent circuit parameters and the magneto-impedance effect in Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 laminate vibrator , Sensors and Actuators A:Physical, 2015.12.1, 236: 338~342 (期刊论文)
[7] Bian Leixiang ; Zhu Wei, Adaptive positive position feedback control with a feedforward compensator of a magnetostrictive beam for vibration suppression, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018.07, 27(7): 0~075037 (期刊论文)
[8] Huang Zijun and Bian Leixiang(通讯), A Differential Resonant Voltage Sensor Consisting of Piezo Bimorph and Quartz Crystal Double-ended Tuning Fork Resonators, Sensors, 2019, 19:5031(期刊论文)
[9] Bian Leixiang; Wen Yumei; Li Ping; Wu Yifan; Zhang Xibei; Li Ming, Magnetostrictive stress induced frequency shift in resonator for magnetic field sensor, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2016.08.15, 247: 453~458 (期刊论文)
[10] Zhu Wei; Bian Leixiang(通讯); Chen Gangli; Liu Shuxin; Zhou Qinbo; Rui Xiaoting, Hysteresis modelling and experimental verification of a Fe-Ga alloy magnetostrictive actuator, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017.03, 26(3):035039 (期刊论文)
[11] Wu Zhiyi ; Bian Leixiang; Chen Sheng, Packaged angle-sensing device with magnetoelectric laminate composite and magnetic circuit , Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018.04.15, 273: 232~239 (期刊论文)
[12] Wu Zhiyi ; Bian Leixiang ; Wang Shuxian; Zhang Xuyun, An angle sensor based on magnetoelectric effect , Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 262: 108~113 (期刊论文)
[13] Wu Zhiyi; Bian Leixiang; Zhang Jitao; Wang Xianquan, Magnetoelectric Effect for Rotational Parameters Detection , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016.07, 52(7): 4001904 (期刊论文)
[14] Zhu Wei ; Bian Leixiang; An Yi; Chen Gangli; Rui Xiaoting, Modeling and control of a two-axis fast steering mirror with piezoelectric stack actuators for laser beam tracking , Smart Materials and Structures, 2015.07, 24(7): 075014 (期刊论文)
[15] Zhu Wei ; Chen Gangli; Bian Leixiang ; Rui Xiaoting, Transfer matrix method for multibody systems for piezoelectric stack actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014.09, 23(9): 095043 (期刊论文)
[16] Zhu Wei ; Bian Leixiang ; Rui Xiaoting, Online parameter identification of the asymmetrical Bouc-Wen model for piezoelectric actuators, Precision Engineering, 2014.10, 38(4): 921~927 (期刊论文)
[17] Tao Yu ; Rui Xiaoting ; Yang Fufeng; Chen Gangli; Bian Leixiang ; Zhu Wei; Wei Min, Design and experimental research of a magnetorheological elastomer isolator working in squeeze/elongation-shear mode , Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2018.04, 29(7): 1418~1429 (期刊论文)
[18] Wen Yumei; Song Fapeng; Li Ping; Yu Shumin; Bian Leixiang ; Wang Yao; Han Tao; Ji Xiaojun, Analysis on Variable Inductances of Planar Coils Sandwiched by Soft Magnetic Layers , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018.11,54(11): 4001906 (期刊论文)
[19] Zhu Zhiwei ; To Suet ; Li Yangmin; Zhu Wu Le ; Bian Leixiang, External force estimation of a piezo-actuated compliant mechanism based on a fractional order hysteresis model , Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018.09.15, 110: 296~306 (期刊论文)
[20] Zhong Mingyou, Zhang Bo, Bian Leixiang (通讯), et al. Research on inversion method with multi-transceiver distance in underground space based on apparent conductivity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2020, 565(1): 012026.(EI 会议论文)
[21] 代显智; 张章; 刘小亚; 卞雷祥, 非线性宽频振动能量采集技术的研究进展, 中国科学:技术科学, 2016, (08): 79-807 (期刊论文)
[22] 彭伟民;卞雷祥(通讯);黄子军;李辉;张闯;裴文鹏.自带偏置磁路的磁致伸缩合金/石英谐振器复合谐振式磁传感器.自动化与仪器仪表,2020,(10):1-5+11. (期刊论文)
[23] 李佳阳;卞雷祥(通讯);钟名尤;裴文鹏;崔陈莉. 频率域电磁法探测系统收发线圈设计, 自动化与仪器仪表, 2020(10):12-16,(期刊论文)
[24] 李辉;卞雷祥(通讯);彭伟民等. 低功耗差分谐振式mA级DC电流传感器[J]. 自动化与仪器仪表,2020(10).
[25] 孙倩;卞雷祥(通讯);彭伟民;李佳阳;裴文鹏.采用FeGa /PZT 复合磁电材料的差分电流传感器U 型标签, 自动化与仪器仪表, 2020, 10 .
[26] 黄子军,卞雷祥(通讯),李辉,彭伟民,张闯,文玉梅,李平. 高Q值超低功耗谐振式磁传感器的设计与实现,电子测量与仪器学报(已录用未刊发)



承担《微机原理及应用》,《Modern Sensor Technique and Application》课程教学。






