  • 出生年月:1988年2月
  • 籍贯:江苏如皋市
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 政治面貌: 群众
  • 最后学历: 博士研究生
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 导师类别: 硕士生导师
  • 邮箱:yug@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 37884 次
更新日期 2019年12月31日
  • 主学科0805 材料科学与工程【硕士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1. 外场辅助下的纳米晶组装,调控;

    2. 等离子体光学及其在光电子器件中的应用;

    3. 辐射制冷的原理及应用研究。

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0856 材料与化工
  • 研究方向

2018 至今       南京理工大学   材料科学与工程学院  副教授

2014 至 2017  南京理工大学   材料科学与工程学院   讲师


2009-2014  美国克莱姆森大学  材料科学与工程  博士

2005-2009  南京大学   物理学   学士


1. 2013年  研究生论文竞赛第一名,The Fiber Society Conference, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.

2. 2016年 青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖 南京理工大学教务处

3. 2016年 全英文讲课竞赛二等奖     南京理工大学教务处


Optics Letter, Optics Express, ACS Photonics, Advanced Optical Materials, Small等期刊审稿人


[1] Dong Y H, Hu H, Xu X B, et al. Photon-Induced Reshaping in Perovskite Material Yields of Nanocrystals with Accurate Control of Size and Morphology[J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10(15): 4149-4156.

[2] Gao Z F, Sun J M, Han M M, et al. Recent advances in Sb-based III-V nanowires[J]. Nanotechnology, 2019, 30(21).

[3] Cao F, Yu D J, Gu Y, et al. Novel optoelectronic rotors based on orthorhombic CsPb(Br/I)(3) nanorods[J]. Nanoscale, 2019, 11(7): 3117-3122.

[4] Sun J M, Han M M, Gu Y, et al. Recent Advances in Group III-V Nanowire Infrared Detectors[J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, 6(18).

[5] Chen Z X, Townsend J, Aprelev P, et al. Magnetic Submicron Mullite Coatings with Oriented SiC Whiskers[J]. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(14): 11907-11919.

[6] Zhu Z F, Gu Y, Wang S L, et al. Improving Wearable Photodetector Textiles via Precise Energy Level Alignment and Plasmonic Effect[J]. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2017, 3(10).

[7] Dou K, Zhu W W, Zou Y S, et al. Metallic oxide nanocrystals with near-infrared plasmon resonance for efficient, stable and biocompatible photothermal cancer therapy[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5(35): 7393-7402.

[8] Cai B, Li X M, Gu Y, et al. Quantum confinement effect of two-dimensional all-inorganic halide perovskites[J]. Science China-Materials, 2017, 60(9): 811-818.

[9] Gu Y, Zeng H B. Optically tunable Quincke rotation of a nanometer-thin oblate spheroid[J]. Physical Review Fluids, 2017, 2(8).

[10] Gu Y, Zhu Z F, Song J Z, et al. Triangle-, tripod-, and tetrapod-branched ITO nanocrystals for anisotropic infrared plasmonics[J]. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(48): 19374-19383.

[11] Xue J, Gu Y, Shan Q S, et al. Constructing Mie-Scattering Porous Interface-Fused Perovskite Films to Synergistically Boost Light Harvesting and Carrier Transport[J]. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2017, 56(19): 5232-5236.

[12] Nave M I, Gu Y, Chen-Wiegart Y C K, et al. Is an electric field always a promoter of wetting? Electro-dewetting of metals by electrolytes probed by in situ X-ray nanotomography[J]. Faraday Discussions, 2017, 199: 101-114.

[13] Dong Y H, Gu Y, Zou Y S, et al. Improving All-Inorganic Perovskite Photodetectors by Preferred Orientation and Plasmonic Effect[J]. Small, 2016, 12(40): 5622-5632.

[14] Zhu Z F, Zou Y S, Hu W D, et al. Near-Infrared Plasmonic 2D Semimetals for Applications in Communication and Biology[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26(11): 1793-1802.

[15] Gu Y, Li X M, Chen J, et al. Anomalous plasmon resonance from confined diffusive charges: high quality and tunability from mid to far infrared wavebands[J]. Optics Express, 2016, 24(26): 29908-29921.

[16] Gu Y, Kornev K G. Ferromagnetic Nanorods in Applications to Control of the In-Plane Anisotropy of Composite Films and for In Situ Characterization of the Film Rheology[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26(22): 3796-3808.

[17] Chen Z X, Gu Y, Aprelev P, et al. Mullite-Nickel Magnetic Nanocomposite Fibers Obtained from Electrospinning Followed by Thermal Reduction[J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(5): 1504-1511.

[18] Gu Y, Kornev K G. Magnonics: Selective heat production in nanocomposites with different magnetic nanoparticles[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 119(9).

[19] Li Z G, Gu Y, Li Y P, et al. Hemi-Shell Arrays Harvesting Ultra-Broadband Light[J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2015, 3(7): 931-936.

[20] Aprelev P, Gu Y, Burtovyy R, et al. Synthesis and characterization of nanorods for magnetic rotational spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118(7).

[21] Chen Z X, Gu Y, Zhang Z, et al. Measuring flexural rigidity of mullite microfibers using magnetic droplets[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117(21).

[22] Gu Y, Chen Z X, Borodinov N, et al. Kinetics of Evaporation and Gel Formation in Thin Films of Ceramic Precursors[J]. Langmuir, 2014, 30(48): 14638-14647.

[23] Tsai C C, Gu Y, Kornev K G. Wetting of nanofiber yarns[J]. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 459: 22-30.

[24] Gu Y, Burtovyy R, Custer J, et al. A gradient field defeats the inherent repulsion between magnetic nanorods[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2014, 1(2).

[25] Tokarev A, Gu Y, Zakharchenko A, et al. Reconfigurable Anisotropic Coatings via Magnetic Field-Directed Assembly and Translocation of Locking Magnetic Chains[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24(30): 4738-4745.

[26] Mattix B, Olsen T R, Gu Y, et al. Biological magnetic cellular spheroids as building blocks for tissue engineering[J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2014, 10(2): 623-629.

[27] Gu Y, Kornev K G. Attachment/detachment hysteresis of fiber-based magnetic grabbers[J]. Soft Matter, 2014, 10(16): 2816-2824.

[28] Gu Y, Kornev K G. Alignment of Magnetic Nanorods in Solidifying Films[J]. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2013, 30(11): 958-963.

[29] Tokarev A, Kaufman B, Gu Y, et al. Probing viscosity of nanoliter droplets of butterfly saliva by magnetic rotational spectroscopy[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102(3).

[30] Gu Y, Burtovyy R, Townsend J, et al. Collective alignment of nanorods in thin Newtonian films[J]. Soft Matter, 2013, 9(35): 8532-8539.

[31] Gu Y, Kornev K G. Plasmon enhanced direct and inverse Faraday effects in non-magnetic nanocomposites[J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2010, 27(11): 2165-2173.



1. 材料物理性能

2. 光电子材料与器件

3. 固体光学



1. 低维半导体基础与光电器件



1.2014年11月-2016年4月,硕士研究生(协助指导),姓名:朱正峰,课题名称:热注入发制备二硫化钛纳米片及其局域表面等离子体共振 (LSPR) 特性研究。

