  • 出生年月:1975年6月
  • 籍贯:山东
  • 民 族: 汉族
  • 最后学历: 研究生毕业
  • 最后学位: 工学博士
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 导师类别: 博士生导师
  • 邮箱:ccx5281@njust.edu.cn
访问次数 37438 次
更新日期 2023年6月26日
  • 主学科0811 控制科学与工程【博士生导师】
  • 研究方向

    1、奇异摄动系统,系统分频鲁棒分析与控制 ; 2、无人飞行器设计、控制与导航; 3、大数据信息平台设计与管理;

  • 跨学科
  • 二级学科
  • 研究方向
  • 专业学位0854 电子信息
  • 研究方向


·        2005.04-2009.05   南京理工大学自动化学院,讲师;

·        2009.05- 2015.04   南京理工大学自动化学院,副教授;

·        2015.05- 今       南京理工大学自动化学院,教授;

·        2015.05- 今       南京理工大学自动化学院,博士生导师;



·        2010.06-2010.08  香港城市大学,系统工程与工程管理系,Research Associate;

·        2011.09-2011.12  新加坡国立大学,电子与计算机工程系,Research Fellow;

·        2012.02-2013.01  英国布鲁奈尔大学,信息系统与计算系,Academic Visitor;

·        2013.06-2013.08  新加坡国立大学,电子与计算机工程系,Academic Visitor;

·        2015.07-2015.09  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;

·        2017.01-2017.03  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;

·        2018.07-2018.08  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;

·        2018.10-2019.10  香港大学,机械工程系,Academic Visitor;

·        2021.02-2021.05  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;

·        2022.02-2022.08  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;

·        2023.06-2023.11  香港大学,机械工程系,Research Associate;












Awards / Honours

1.       Second Prize of Natural Science Award of Chinese Association of Automation(1/4), Oct 2020

2.       First Prize of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education (3/5), Feb 2016

3.       Guan Zhao-Zhi Award (8/8), The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing, China, Jul 2014

4.       Best Symposium Paper Award (5/5), The 7th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, Denver, USA, Aug 2018

5.       Second Prize of Competitive Rotor Project (5/6),The 2nd AVIC Cup – International UAV Innovation Grand Prix, Beijing, China, Sep 2013




1.       Senior Member of IEEE(No. 92429051)                                                                         2021 – Now

2.       Member of IEEE(No. 92429051)                                                                                     2017 – 2021

3.       Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Robust Control                                                  2015 – Now

4.       Member of Chinese Association of Automation (No. E1408802099M)                               2016 – Now

5.       Member of the 11th Technical Committee on Control Theory, CAA                                     2018 – 2022

6.       Member of Jiangsu Association of Automation                                                                    2012 – Now

7.       Member of Jiangsu Systems Engineering Institute                                                              2006 – Now


Ø 主持纵向课题项目

·        2022.01-2023.12  国家教育部外专局项目《奇异摄动系统2-D控制策略研究》;

·        2020.01-2023.12  国家自然科学基金委面上项目《基于扰动频率触发机制的多频段-多性能指标分频组合控制61973164》;

·        2016.01-2019.12  国家自然科学基金委面上项目《多工作频段高频动态特性的柔性分频切换控制方法研究61573186》;

·        2015.01-2017.12  南京理工大学自主科研专项计划“重大/重点”专项《旋翼无人机参数-导航-控制系统一体化设计30915011105》;

·        2014.01-2015.12  南京理工大学自主科研专项计划“新方向”培育项目《旋翼/固定翼混合模式无人飞行器控制及应用技术研究30920140112005》;

·        2012.01-2014.12   国家自然科学基金委青年基金《面向高频动态控制的分频组合控制方法研究61104064》;

·        2011.01-2012.12  南京理工大学自主科研专项计划一般项目《无人驾驶旋翼飞行器系统内外环分频控制2011YBXM115》;

·        2010.01-2012.12  国家博士后基金《奇异摄动系统的分时、分频组合控制20090460085》;

·        2010.01-2011.12  南京理工大学自主科研专项计划一般项目(国家基金培育类)《一类分频组合控制方法:建模、分析与设计2010GJPY017》;

·        2008.01-2010.12  教育部博士点新教师基金《一类摄动系统的有限频段鲁棒控制20070288055》;


Ø 主持横向课题项目

·        2022.03-2022.12  中国寰球工程有限公司(中石油)《多种炉膛布置、布管方式自由分区程序化算法解析》;

·        2022.03-2022.12  南京航空航天大学《起发一体微型涡轴发动机油电组合动力控制系统研究》;

·        2017.12-2020.06  中国寰球工程有限公司(中石油)《“区域法”热交换程序化算法解析》;

·        2015.01-2016.12  江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院《黑启动辅助决策系统》;

·        2014.09-2015.08  江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院《利用直流输电的电网黑启动优化路径研究》;

·        2014.09-2015.08  江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院《直流控保闭环测试平台》;


Ø 参与主要课题

·        2018.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《跟踪效益问题中伺服控制的新思路:一种“参考输入-伺服控制器一体化设计”方法61773214》;

·        2017.05-2018.10 国网江苏省电力公司电力科学研究院研发项目《沿海风电参与电网频率控制研究及风电机组建模》;

·        2012.01-2015.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《一体化设计新探索:系统的控制性设计-概念和方法 61174038》;

·        2009.01-2011.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《应急控制的一类关联协调控制模型的分析与镇定:Hadamard关联控制 60874007》;

·        2006.01-2008.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《多维非因果系统的鲁棒滤波与控制60574015》;

·        2004.01-2006.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《中立型随机时滞系统的鲁棒H2/H∞控制 60304001》;


Selected Journal Publications

1.       Yue Hu, Lei Ma, Chenxiao Cai. Networked-based H control for discrete-time slow sampling singularly perturbed system via an improved event-triggered approach. Asian Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.2772.

2.       Peng Cheng, Chenxiao Cai. Event-triggered f The effects of the distance to uncontrollability in redundant optimal controlault detection for discrete-time Markovian jump systems in finite frequency domain. International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(1): 141-163.

3.       Peng Cheng, Chenxiao Cai,Jinrong Liu, Xiaoqi Song. Integrated fault estimation and fault tolerant control for uncertain Lipschitz systems with time-delays in finite frequency domain. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2021, 358(15): 7714-7739.

4.       Chao Liang, Yun Zou, Chenxiao Cai. Robust predictive iterative learning control for linear time-varying systems, Asian Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.2477.

5.       Lei Ma, Zidong Wang, Chenxiao Cai, F.E. Alsaadi. A dynamic event-triggered approach to H control for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems with time-delays and sensor saturations, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems, 2021, 51(11):  6614-6625.

6.       Peng Cheng, Chenxiao Cai. Fault detection for a class of uncertain Lipschitz systems with time delays in finite-frequency domain, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020, 14(15): 2038–2048.

7.       Wei Xu, Hua Wan, Yucheng Qu, Chenxiao CaiFinite-time spatial circle formation control of quadrotor systems based on limit cycleDynamical Systems and Control, 2020, 9(3): 139–151. (In Chinese)

8.       Lei Ma, Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai. Weighted H control of singularly perturbed switched systems with mode-dependent average dwell time, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17(10): 2462–2473.

9.       Lei Ma, Zidong Wang, Chenxiao Cai, F.E. Alsaadi. Dynamic event-triggered state estimation for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems with distributed time-delays, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems, 2019, 50(9), 3258–3268.

10.    Jing Xu, Peng Shi, Cheng-Chew Lim, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Reliable tracking control for under actuated unmanned aerial vehicles with wind disturbances, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, 49(10): 2059–2070.

11.    Chao Liang, Chenxiao Cai, Jing Xu. Finite-time dynamic output feedback stabilization of linear time-varying systems by piecewise constant method, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(14), 4078–4088.

12.    Adnan S. Saeed, Ahmad Bani Younes, Chenxiao Cai, Guowei Cai. A survey of hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2018, 98 (4): 91–105.

13.    Yun Zou, Yaping Xia, Minghui Yin, Chenxiao Cai. What kind of plant is better for control? An analysis and conjecture using the degree of controllability, SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 2017, 47(1): 47–57.

14.    Lei Ma, Chenxiao Cai, Xiaoping Ma. Slow sampling control of singularly perturbed systems subject to actuator saturation and L2 disturbance, Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(4): 1316–1328.

15.    Guifang Tan, Chenxiao Cai. Position estimation algorithm for rotor craft based on laser range finder, Dynamical Systems and control, 2017, 6(4): 187–194.

16.    Jing Xu, Peng Shi, Cheng-Chew Lim, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Integrated structural parameter design and robust control for rotorcraft attitude tracking maneuvers, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2016, 21(5): 2490–2498.

17.    Jing Xu, Peng Shi, Cheng-Chew Lim, Chenxiao Cai. A descriptor-system approach for finite-frequency H control of singularly perturbed systems, Information Sciences, 2016, 370-371: 79–91.

18.    Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Guowei Cai, Yun Zou. Robust H control for miniature unmanned aerial vehicles at hover by the finite frequency strategy, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2016, 10(2): 190–200.

19.    Yaping Xia, Minghui Yin, Chenxiao Cai, Baoyong Zhang, Yun Zou. A new measure of the degree of controllability for linear system with external disturbance and its application to wind turbines, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(4): 739–759.

20.    Yaping Xia, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. The effects of redundant control inputs in finite-time optimal control, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2016, 29(6):1553–1564.

21.    Lei Ma, Chenxiao Cai. Stability analysis and stabilization synthesis of singularly perturbed switched systems: An average dwell time approach, Cogent Engineering, 2016, 3(1), 1276875.

22.    Yan Zhang, D Subbaram Naidu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Composite control of a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed discrete-time systems via D-SDRE, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(11): 2632–2641.

23.    Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yongqi Li, Yun Zou. Dual-loop path tracking for quad-rotor miniature unmanned aerial vehicles, Control Theory and Application, 2015, 32(10): 1335–1342.

24.    Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. State feedback of the finite frequency H control for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2015, 17(6), 2188–2205.

25.    Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou, Cheng Chew Lim. Mixed output feedback of the finite frequency H control for singularly perturbed system, International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46(3): 2351–2366.

26.    Jing Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. A novel method for fault detection in singularly perturbed systems via the finite frequency strategy, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(11): 5061–5084.

27.    Yaping Xia, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. Two new upper bounds of the solution for the continuous algebraic Riccati equation and their application, Science China-Information Sciences, 2015, 58(5): 1–12.

28.    Fei Wang, Peidong Liu, Shiyu Zhao, Ben M. Chen, Swee King Phang, Shupeng Lai, Tao Pang, Biao Wang, Chenxiao Cai, Tong H. Lee. Development of an unmanned helicopter for vertical replenishment, Unmanned Systems, 2015, 3(1): 1–25.

29.    Chenxiao Cai, Zidong Wang, Jing Xu, Xiaohui Liu, F.E. Alsaadi. An integrated approach to global synchronization and state estimation for nonlinear singularly perturbed complex networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2015, 45(8): 1597–1609.

30.    Chenxiao Cai, Zidong Wang, Jing Xu, Ahmed Alsaedi. Decomposition approach to exponential synchronisation for a class of non-linear singularly perturbed complex networks, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014, 8(16): 1639–1647.

31.    Chenxiao Cai, Jing Xu, Yurong Liu, Yun Zou. Synchronization for linear singularly perturbed complex networks with coupling delays, International Journal of General Systems, 2014, 44(2): 240–253.

32.    Yan Zhang, D. Subbaram Naidu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Singular perturbations and time scales in control theories and applications: an overview 2002–2012, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2014, 9(1): 1–36.

33.    Yan Zhang, Hoa Nguyen, D. Subbaram Naidu, Yun Zou, Chenxiao Cai. Time scale analysis and synthesis for model predictive control, Transactions on Systems and Control, 2014, 9: 130–139.

34.    Wenkang Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou, Neural-network-based robot time-varying force control with uncertain manipulator-environment system, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2014, 36(8): 999–1009.

35.    Wenyong Duan, Chenxiao Cai. Delay-range-dependent stability criteria for delayed discrete-time Lur’e system with sector-bounded nonlinearities, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(1): 135–145. (WOS:000343164200010)

36.    Zhengfan Liu, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. Stabilization of delay feedback of switched system with switching delay, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2014, 38(2): 291–298. (In Chinese)

37.    Zhengfan Liu, Chenxiao Cai, Wenyong Duan. Stability analysis and H model reduction for switched discrete-time time-delay systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, Article ID 101473, 1–15.

38.    Zhengfan Liu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Switching signal design for exponential stability of uncertain discrete-time switched time-delay systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2013, Article ID 416292, 11 pages, 2013. DOI: 10.1155/2013/416292.

39.    Wenyong Duan, Chenxiao Cai, Jing You, Yun Zou. Synchronization criteria for singular complex dynamical networks with delayed coupling and non-delayed coupling, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 30(8): 947–955.

40.    Wenkang Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. PD-based trajectory tracking control in automatic cell injection system, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 11(2): 207–214.

41.    Yun Zou, Chenxiao Cai. Integrated design viewpoint exploration: concept and approach of system controlity design, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Nature Science), 2011, 35(4): 427–431. (In Chinese)

42.    Yanlong Huang, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Finite frequency positive real control for singularly perturbed systems, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2011, 9(2): 376–383.

43.    Chenxiao Cai, Ping Mei, Yun Zou. H2/H control for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Nature Science), 2011, 35(2): 236–239. (In Chinese)

44.    Chenxiao Cai, Hanmei Wu, Yun Zou. Blue-green alga treatment modeling and fuzzy PID control, Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 32(6): 112–115. (In Chinese)

45.    Ping Mei, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. A generalized KYP lemma based approach for H control of singularly perturbed systems, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2009, 28(6): 945–957.

46.    Ping Mei, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Robust fuzzy control of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems with parametric uncertainties, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2008, 4(8), 2079–2086.

47.    Ping Mei, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Robust control of singularly perturbed systems with time-delay, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2008, 25(5): 973–975, 980. (In Chinese)

48.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Real positive control of singularly perturbed systems, Journal of Changzhou Information Vocational and Technical College, 2007, 6(6): 6–8. (In Chinese)

49.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Stability analysis of discrete singularly perturbed systems, Acta Automatica Sinica, 2007, 33(5): 511–517. (In Chinese)

50.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou, Shengyuan Xu. Quadratic stability and quadratic stabilizability for singularly perturbed system, Information and Control, 2005, 34(3): 344–349. (In Chinese)

51.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. H control for singularly perturbed systems using matrix inequality approach, Acta Armamentarii, 2005, 26(3): 367–371. (In Chinese)

52.    Chenxiao Cai, Duanjin Zhang, Yun Zou. State feedback design for singularly perturbed system using unified approach, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2004, 2(3): 276–280.

53.    Chenxiao Cai, Weiqun Wang, Yun Zou. A note on the internal stability of 2-D acceptable linear singular discrete systems, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 2004, 15(3):197–204.

54.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Quadratic stability of a singular perturbation system, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2004, 28(4): 337-340. (In Chinese)

55.    Chenxiao Cai, Duanjin Zhang, Yun Zou. State feedback design for singularly perturbed systems using unified approach, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2004, 28(3): 225–229. (In Chinese)

56.    Ping Mei, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Stability analysis for singularly perturbed systems with time-varying delay, Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2004, 28(4): 297–301. (In Chinese)


Selected Conference Publications

57.    Yun Zou, Hongzheng Quan, Chenxiao Cai. Finite-frequency H2 control for continuous linear time-invariant systems, 2020: 8171-8174. The 39th Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2020, Shenyang, China.

58.    Aqeel-Ur-Rehman, Chenxiao Cai. Autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance using fuzzy-PID controller in robot’s varying dynamics, 2020: 2182-2186. The 39th Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2020, Shenyang, China.

59.    Liansong Guo, Minghui Yin, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Optimization of reference input of maximum power point tracking control for wind turbine, 2020: 3610-3614. The 39th Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2020, Shenyang, China.

60.    Yan Zhou, Chenxiao Cai, Juan Yao, Yun Zou, Yi Yang. Design of autonomous navigation system for quadrotor in subway tunnel, 2020: 187-192. The IEEE 16th International Conference on Control & Automation, Oct. 2020, Singapore, Singapore.

61.    Biao Zheng, Chenxiao Cai, Lei Ma. CT images segmentation method of rectal tumor based on modified U-net, 2020: 672-677. The 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec. 2020, Shenzhen, China.

62.    Peng Cheng, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Finite time fault tolerant control design for UAV attitude control systems with actuator fault and actuator saturation, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 2019, 52(24): 53–58. The 5th IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications, Sept. 2019, Chengdu, China. (Young Author Award)

63.    Lei Ma, Chenxiao Cai. Event-triggered fault detection for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems in finite-frequency domain, 2019: 5468-5473. The 38th Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2019, Guangzhou, China.

64.    Xiangzhong Guan, Chenxiao Cai. A new integrated navigation system for the indoor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the neural network predictive compensation, 2018: 575-580. The 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, Oct. 2018, Nanjing, China.

65.    Chao Liang, Chenxiao Cai. Modeling of a rotor/fixed-wing hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle, 2017: 11431-11436. The 36th Chinese Control Conference, Sept. 2017, Dalian, China.

66.    Qiu Tang, Chenxiao Cai, Lei Ma. An improved formation control algorithm in Vicon 3D motion capture system, 2016: 268–273. The 2016 International Conference on Energy, Power and Electrical Engineering, Oct. 2016, Shenzhen, China.

67.    Wenyong Duan, Chenxiao Cai, Zhengfan Liu. Improved robust criteria for uncertain discrete-time Lur’e systems with interval time-delay, 2014: 3178–3183. The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, May 2014, Changsha, China.

68.    Fei Wang, Peidong Liu, Shiyu Zhao, Benmei Chen, Swee King Phang, Shupeng Lai, Tong Heng Lee, Chenxiao Cai. Guidance, navigation and control of an unmanned helicopter for automatic cargo transportation, 2014: 1013-1020. The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2014, Nanjing, China. (Guan Zhao-Zhi Award)

69.    Zhengfan Liu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Exponential stability for switched neural networks with time-varying delays, 2014: 4970-4976. The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2014, Nanjing, China.

70.    Zhaozhen Ding, Chenxiao Cai, Wenkang Xu. A minimal encirclement algorithm for blockade problem with its application, 2014: 8661–8665. The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2014, Nanjing, China.

71.    Yaping Xia, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. The effects of the distance to uncontrollability in redundant optimal control, 2014: 9016–9021. The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 2014, Nanjing, China.

72.    Yan Zhang, D. Subbaram Naidu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Nonlinear model predictive control for regulation of a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed discrete-time systems, 2014: 1–6. The 7th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, Aug. 2014, Denver, USA. (Best Paper Award)

73.    Wenkang Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. Time-varying force tracking in impedance control a case study for automatic cell manipulation, 2013: 1024–1029. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Jun. 2013, Hangzhou, China.

74.    Wenkang Xu, Chenxiao Cai, Minghui Yin, Yun Zou. Time-varying force tracking in impedance control, 2012: 344–349. The IEEE 51st Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2012, Maui, USA.

75.    Wenyong Duan, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Synchronization for Lur’e type complex dynamical networks with time-varing delay based on linear feedback controller, 2012: 1389-1394. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jul. 2012, Beijing, China.

76.    Swee King Phang, Chenxiao Cai, Ben M. Chen, Tong H. Lee. Design and mathematical modeling of a 4-standard-propeller (4SP) quadrotor, 2012: 3270-3275. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jul. 2012, Beijing, China.

77.    Hanmei Wu, Wenkang Xu, Chenxiao Cai. Adaptive impedance control in robotic cell injection system, 2012: 268–275. The 17th International Conference on Methods & Models in Automation & Robotics, Aug. 2012, Miedzyzdroje, Poland.

78.    Chenxiao Cai, Zidong Wang, Jun Hu. Synchronization of a linear singularly perturbed complex network with potential application in electric power systems, 2012: 1-6. The 18th International Conference on Automation & Computing, Sept. 2012, Loughborough, UK.

79.    Jun Hu, Zidong Wang, Bo Shen, Chenxiao Cai, James Lam. Recursive filtering for a class of nonlinear systems with missing measurements, 2012: 929-934. The 2012 UKACC International Conference on Control, Sept. 2012, Cardiff, UK.

80.    Yanlong Huang, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Output feedback finite frequency H control for SISO singularly perturbed systems, 2009: 1188-1192. The 7th Asian Control Conference, Aug. 2009, Hong Kong, China.

81.    Ping Mei, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Finite frequency positive real control of singularly perturbed systems, 2008: 1-5. The 2nd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dec. 2008, Shenzhen, China. (Best Paper Award).

82.    Hanmei Wu, Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Positive real control of singular perturbation system, 2008: 1101-1105. The 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, Oct. 2008, Changsha, China.

83.    Chenxiao Cai, Hanmei Wu, Yun Zou. The guaranteed cost control for discrete-time singularly perturbed systems, 2008: 1-5. The 2nd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dec. 2008, Shenzhen, China.

84.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. H2/H control for fast sample singularly perturbed systems, 2008: 2295-2298. The 10th International Conference on Control and Automation, Dec. 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam.

85.    Chenxiao Cai, Yun Zou. Sub-optimal linear quadratic control for non-standard discrete-time singularly perturbed systems, 2004: 1649-1653. The 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec. 2004, Kunming, China.

86.    Chenxiao Cai, Weiqun Wang, Yun Zou, A note in the internal stability for 2-D acceptable linear singular discrete time systems, 2002: 2252–2256. The 2002 International Conference on Control and Automation, Jun. 2002, Xiamen, China.



Chenxiao Cai, Zidong Wang, Jing Xu, Yun Zou. Finite Frequency Analysis and Synthesis for Singularly Perturbed Systems, Springer, 2016.



Selected Authorized:

       1.       蔡晨晓, 朱茂旗, 王丽娜, 赵博一种基于模型预测的SCR脱硝装置喷氨流量调节方法, 2020.11, 中国, 202010777984.X.

2.      周燕, 蔡晨晓, 郑标, 梁立东, 欧凯, 唐元军,李仕游. 一种地铁隧道内四旋翼飞行器自主导航方法, 2020.11, 中国, 202010764270.5.

3.      俞军燕, 郑标, 高劲, 蔡晨晓, 周燕, 杨毅, 梁立东. 基于Retinex和YOLOv3模型的隧道异物检测方法, 2020.12, 中国, 202010764265.4.

4.       蔡晨晓, 杨哲, 林鸿, 梁是, 张勇, 郭子恒, 姚娟, 邹云. 四旋翼无人机空中充电子母机精准对接控制方法及系统, 2022.1, 中国, 202111514007.1.

5.       蔡晨晓, 严兵, 张勇, 孟高举, 杨轶, 杨哲, 徐奔, 姚娟, 邹云. 一种便携式微小型共轴双桨无人机及其控制方法, 2021.8, 中国, 202110754731.5.  

6.       蔡晨晓, 陈昶旭, 许璟, 钱涛, 张立明, 姚娟, 邹云. 基于自适应傅里叶分解的频域辨识方法. 2017.09, 中国, 201710780066.0.

7.       蔡晨晓, 毕涛, 徐杨, 卜京, 姚娟, 殷明慧. 基于Spark的多特征结合中文文本高效聚类方法, 2020.11, 中国, ZL201710777064.6.

8.       黄琳雁, 吕友杰, 谢云云, 陈晞, 李凯嵘, 宋雯雯, 蔡胜, 陈佳欣, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于有限质点法的覆冰输电线路找形方法, 2020.9, 中国, ZL201710471418.4.

9.       黄琳雁, 宋雯雯, 谢云云, 陈晞, 吕友杰, 蔡胜, 李凯嵘, 陈佳欣, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于有限质点法的覆冰输电线路不均匀脱冰模拟分析方法, 2020.7, 中国, ZL201710469974.8.

10.       吕友杰, 陈佳欣, 谢云云, 黄琳雁, 陈晞, 宋雯雯, 李凯嵘, 蔡胜, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于朴素贝叶斯分类器的风偏闪络预警方法, 2020.6, 中国, ZL201710524131.3. 

11.       蔡胜, 吕友杰, 谢云云, 李凯嵘, 陈佳欣, 陈晞, 黄琳雁, 宋雯雯, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 换流站在黑启动过程中考虑无功的有功投入量优化方法, 2019.10, 中国, ZL201710505848.3.

12.       陈晞, 黄琳雁, 谢云云, 吕友杰, 蔡胜, 宋雯雯, 李凯嵘, 陈佳欣, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种考虑恢复量不确定的停电电网负荷恢复二阶锥规划方法, 2019.9, 中国, ZL201710334426.4.

13.       陈晞, 吕友杰, 谢云云, 黄琳雁, 李凯嵘, 宋雯雯, 蔡胜, 陈佳欣, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于信息间隙决策理论的电网负荷恢复鲁棒优化方法, 2019.9, 中国, ZL201710335119.8.

14.       李凯嵘, 陈晞, 谢云云, 吕友杰, 黄琳雁, 宋雯雯, 陈佳欣, 蔡胜, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 基于风电场限功率控制能力的系统恢复过程中风电场出力优化方法, 2019.8, 中国, ZL201710334418.X.

15.       陈晞, 黄琳雁, 谢云云, 吕友杰, 宋雯雯, 李凯嵘, 陈佳欣, 蔡胜, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种考虑机组冷热启动间隙的负荷恢复方法, 2019.8, 中国, ZL201710334427.9.

16.       殷明慧, 何立君, 周连俊, 陈载宇, 范颖, 李志翔, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种考虑变化湍流风况的风力机自适应转矩控制方法, 2019.2, 中国, ZL201610986867.8.

17.       殷明慧, 秦汉, 徐洋超, 李赟, 李志翔, 李群, 刘建坤, 周前, 陈兵, 汪成根, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 陈哲, 张宁宇, 卫鹏. 风力机模拟器的模拟性能的评价方法, 2019.2, 中国, ZL201710140022.1.

18.       殷明慧, 徐洋超, 李赟, 李冬运, 李志翔, 李群, 刘建坤, 周前, 陈兵, 汪成根, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 陈哲, 张宁宇, 卫鹏. 风力机模拟器的摩擦阻尼补偿修正方法, 2019.1, 中国, ZL201610404726.0.

19.       殷明慧, 夏方涛, 侯洋, 李伟杰, 郑冉, 张刘冬, 姚娟, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓. 一种分类处理负荷和风速相关性的直流概率潮流方法, 2018.12, 中国, ZL201510583486.0.

20.       卜京, 殷明慧, 侯洋, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 姚娟, 邹云. 一种3/2接线方式开关站开关电阻随机规划评估方法, 2018.11, 中国, ZL 201510557306.1.

21.       殷明慧, 刘尚孟, 李伟杰, 路英伟, 何立君, 沈春, 卜京, 谢云云, 姚娟, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种适用于风力机模拟器的考虑时滞的转动惯量补偿方法, 2018.10, 中国, ZL201610230753.0.

22.       殷明慧, 沈春, 陈载宇, 徐洋超, 路英伟, 范颖,卜京, 谢云云, 姚娟, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种减小变桨动作的变速恒频风电机组的限功率控制方法, 2018.9, 中国, ZL201610279084.6.

23.       谢云云, 黄琳雁, 陈晞, 吕友杰, 蔡胜, 宋雯雯, 李凯嵘, 陈佳欣, 卜京,  殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 基于差分进化算法的输电线路机械除冰次序优化方法, 2018.9, 中国, ZL201710473468.6.

24.       殷明慧, 路英伟, 陈载宇, 徐洋超, 周连俊, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 姚娟, 邹云. 实现风力机MPPT控制的变参数非线性反馈控制方法, 2018.9, 中国, ZL201610059126.5.

25.       殷明慧, 周睿, 江明河, 李伟杰, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 徐洋超, 路英伟, 刘尚孟. 一种基于LabVIEW开放性微电网实验平台, 2018.7, 中国, ZL201510300609.5.

26.       殷明慧, 徐洋超, 高云龙, 李伟杰, 周连俊, 谢云云, 卜京, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种考虑湍流强度的风力发电机出力评估方法, 2018.7, 中国, ZL201510416670.6.

27.       殷明慧, 李伟杰, 何立君, 陈载宇, 徐洋超, 路英伟, 刘尚孟, 卜京, 谢云云, 姚娟, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种基于偏差抑制的风力机模拟器转动惯量补偿改进方法, 2018.6, 中国, ZL201510975532.1.

28.       殷明慧, 张利东, 宋坤隆, 刘春晖, 蔡晨晓, 姚娟, 卜京, 谢云云, 邹云. 考虑风电功率溢出的含风电场电力系统旋转备用优化方法, 2018.3, 中国, ZL201510126227.5.

29.       谢云云, 黄琳雁, 唐锐, 宋雯雯, 宋坤隆, 石屹岭, 张成, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于粒子群算法的输电线路机械除冰次序优化方法, 2017.12, 中国, ZL201610922967.4.

30.       谢云云, 唐锐, 黄琳雁, 宋雯雯, 宋坤隆, 石屹岭, 张成, 卜京, 殷明慧, 姚娟, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳. 一种基于隐枚举法的输电线路机械除冰次序优化方法, 2017.12, 中国, ZL201610922966. X.

31.       卜京, 刘建坤, 侯洋, 汪成根, 殷明慧, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 姚娟. 一种3/2接线方式变电站开关电阻在线评估方法, 2017.10, 中国, ZL201510553335.0.

32.       汤雪松, 李黎, 黄鑫, 谢兰春, 姚宏兵, 朱兴江, 李定康, 艾继红, 薄煜明, 殷明慧, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张捷, 徐金阳, 季雪梅, 何成林, 汤远刚, 蔡兴红. 电网安全稳定运行的小水电安全监控系统及其监控方法, 2016.5, 中国, ZL201310148309.0.

33.       殷明慧, 周连俊, 杨曼, 张刘冬, 杨志强, 蔡晨晓, 杜宝珠, 邹云. 一种基于风机有效跟踪区间的改进最大功率跟踪控制方法, 2016.4, 中国, ZL201410016068.9.

34.       殷明慧, 周连俊, 何立君, 卜京, 谢云云, 姚娟, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 一种考虑湍流频率因素的风力机最大功率点跟踪控制方法, 2015.12, 中国, ZL201510524113.6.

35.       殷明慧, 江明河, 刘尚孟, 周睿, 李伟杰, 谢云云, 卜京, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 路英伟, 徐洋超. 一种基于VACON工业变频器的微电网系统, 2015.10, 中国, ZL201510300861.6.

36.       殷明慧, 张小莲, 邹云, 叶星, 蔡晨晓. 一种基于起始转速调整的改进最大功率点跟踪控制方法, 2013.7, 中国, ZL201110444412.0.

37.       张小莲, 殷明慧, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 叶星. 基于风力发电的最大功率点跟踪控制的方法, 2013.1, 中国, ZL201110173155.1.

38.       殷明慧, 邹云, 蔡晨晓, 张小莲, 吴盛军. 适用于直驱型风电机组测试的风力机模拟器选型方法, 2012.10, 中国, ZL201110053804.4.

To Accept:

1.       蔡晨晓, 张勇, 孟高举, 杨轶, 杨哲, 徐奔, 周燕. 一种便携式微小型单旋翼无人机. 2020.12, 中国, 202011641641.7.    

2.       张勇, 蔡晨晓, 杨轶, 孟高举, 徐奔, 杨哲, 周燕. 一种便携涵道式微小型单旋翼无人机. 2020.12, 中国,  202011639259.2. 

3.       朱茂旗, 李晋, 蔡晨晓, 龙静, 郑标, 黄亚唯, 王志惠. 基于级联式神经网络的受电弓在线检测装置与方法, 2020.08, 中国, 202010891404.X.

 4.       殷明慧, 周连俊, 魏超, 陈载宇, 徐胜元, 邹云, 卜京, 瞿佳刘, 彭云, 杨炯明, 蔡晨晓, 谢云云. 综合收缩跟踪区间和减小转矩增益的风机转矩曲线法, 2020.8, 中国, 202010898624.5.

5.       周连俊, 殷明慧, 魏超, 蔡晨晓, 陈载宇, 卜京, 瞿佳刘, 彭云, 杨炯明, 邹云. 基于起始转速自适应搜索的收缩跟踪区间控制方法, 2020.8, 中国, 202010898736.0.

6.       徐伟, 蔡晨晓, 万铧, 瞿余成. 基于极限环的四旋翼空间圆形编队解耦控制方法, 2020.06, 中国, 202010501096.5.

7.       郑标, 蔡晨晓, 刘静波, 许璟, 马磊, 黄杰, 周燕. 基于改进U-net的直肠CT图像肿瘤分割方法. 2020.04, 中国, 202010350024.5.

8.       王丽娜, 赵博, 蔡晨晓. 促进气流均匀混合的整流模块, 2020.3, 中国, 202010136819.6.

9.       蔡晨晓, 王冶, 黄小丽, 郑标, 朱茂旗. 基于融合PSO和N-R算法的神经网络多步预测控制方法. 2019.12, 中国, 201911361748.3.

10.       蔡晨晓, 程大亮, 刘静波, 黄小丽,周燕. 基于ICamshift算法的轮式移动机器人目标跟踪控制. 2019.12, 中国, 201911321093.7.

11.       蔡晨晓, 陈昶旭, 许璟, 钱涛, 张立明, 姚娟, 邹云. 基于自适应傅里叶分解的频域辨识方法. 2017.09, 中国, 201710780066.0.

12.       蔡晨晓, 徐杨, 卜京, 殷明慧, 毕涛, 李旭. 基于Spark平台的快速高精度语义相关度计算方法. 2017.03, 中国, 201710152586.7 

13.        殷明慧, 钟文冬, 徐洋超, 范颖, 李志翔, 李冬运, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 风力机模拟器的考虑阻尼补偿的兆瓦级风机模拟方法, 2017.3, 中国, 201710137474.4.

14.       殷明慧, 李赟, 徐洋超, 李冬运, 李志翔, 李群, 刘建坤, 周前, 陈兵, 汪成根, 卜京, 谢云云, 蔡晨晓, 邹云, 陈哲, 张宁宇, 卫鹏. 基于加速度观测的兆瓦级风机模拟方法, 2017.3, 中国, 201710136786.3.

15.       曾平良, 殷明慧, 张彦涛, 代倩, 徐洋超, 韩家辉, 高云龙, 蔡晨晓, 邹云. 面向电力系统分析的软件平台及其运行和分布式开发方法, 2015.7, 中国, 201510462816.0.

16.       谢云云, 张成, 唐锐, 石屹岭, 孙正洋, 宋坤隆, 黄琳雁, 陈晞, 殷明慧, 邹云, 姚娟, 卜京, 蔡晨晓, 张俊芳.一种基于最小二乘法的光伏模拟器虚增电量的检测方法, 2016.4, 中国, 201610278742.X.


Teaching Experience (2015 – Now)

Ø  Undergraduate Course

1.       Engineering Mathematics

2.       Modern Control Theory

3.       Fundamentals of Control Engineering

4.       Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Control Technology

Ø  Graduate Course

1.       Fundamentals of Stability and Robustness

2.       Robust Control–––Linear Matrix Inequality Method